Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2021: 2021

Chapter 2021: 2021

"The airship is not perfect, most of its functions are not available, there is no search radar, no communication system, no pa.s.sive identification system and oxygen Qigong system, the lifeboat was not used as a fighter, so ordinary people can"t drive it, a few g acceleration will make ordinary people visceral bleeding, only the evolutionist can drive it . . . ", We had a hard time finding miss xiangmi"er . She is an evolutor of wind control . Even if the airship disintegrates, she can safely get down to the ground . . . "

Venus still doesn"t know Zhang Xiaoqiang"s att.i.tude towards him . She is respectful and dare not neglect him . She is afraid that her explanation is not detailed . Zhang Xiaoqiang is more and more happy . Her face is still calm . She nods her head coolly, glances at the sweating Venus, and solemnly says:

"From now on, you are in charge of the meteor shower program, The resources of Hubei and Yinmeng are up to you to choose . Both the civil administration and the army will take the meteor plan as the first . I hope you can come up with a complete plan to build our most powerful air force . "

Venus got a surprise . Instead of pursuing any responsibility, Zhang Xiaoqiang made him the person in charge of the meteor project . As long as the project is not completed, all the materials and manpower of Huaxia rejuvenation will cooperate with him . This can be regarded as a step to the sky . It also shows that Zhang Xiaoqiang attaches great importance to the star shower project, which is in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s mind, At least 100000 UAVs and tens of thousands of airships are enough to complete his future tasks . The manufacturing of 100000 UAVs can"t be done in one go . Maybe even if he combines Hubei and Yinmeng together, there will be thousands of UAVs every year . But that"s not the case . As Zhang Xiaoqiang recovers more territory, he can concentrate more population and resources, In the end, there will be a qualitative change, and there will be Nuwa support technology . Maybe within ten years, China"s sky will be covered by UAVs, and even if the whole ocean"s mutant beasts go ash.o.r.e, they may not be able to break China"s coastline .

"How dare I? I"m a man who made mistakes in Yinmeng and a Mongolian . How can I bear the responsibility? "

Venus" incoherent refusal made Zhang Xiaoqiang slap Venus heavily on the shoulder, stare into his eyes and say:

"The past is over . I know what you have done . Ishiharano and Zhao Jun also recommended you to me . You are not suitable to develop in Yinmeng, but there is no problem in Hubei, I just want to put an end to mountaineering and nationalism . I don"t want to stifle meritorious officials . You deserve all this . I"m sorry for you . . . "

Deep and dignified words make Venus"s eyelids suddenly sour, whimpering and saying:

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, don"t mention it . According to the rules, you are magnanimous enough for me to survive . From ancient times to the present, it"s rare for me to come to a good end . Although there are grievances, we still sincerely belong to brother c.o.c.kroach"s subordinates, Mongolian and Han, The population of other ethnic groups are treated equally, which is enough . What we want is just the justice of the people . Besides, brother c.o.c.kroach has given them good living treatment . Compared with the past, they live a better life day by day . To put it mildly, they live a better life now than before . How can they not be grateful? "

Zhang Xiaoqiang kept in mind all Venus" words of grat.i.tude . He wanted to encourage her a few more words, but he felt that no matter how many words there were, they were empty . He nodded heavily and whispered to Venus in a low voice

"I"m glad you said that . In addition to the promise just made, I"ll make you, lakshen and other Mongolian officials become evolutors, with a 100% chance of success, This is a reward for you . . . "

No matter how many good words there are, there will be no real benefits . For the survivors of the last world, it"s their dream to become an evolutionist . Venus has long had a plan to become an evolutionist . I don"t know where I heard that the combination of an evolutionist and an evolutionist will give birth to children who will also become evolutionists . The benefits of becoming an evolutionist are obvious, So Venus is trying to acc.u.mulate wealth, and wants to get an evolutionary matrix for herself . Last time she repaired the airship, she took out all her belongings, and embezzled the salaries of officers and soldiers . She wanted to get a reward for one-time meritorious service in exchange for the evolutionary matrix . She didn"t expect to be beaten by chickens and eggs, let alone lost . She got a chance in the hands of Zhang Xiaoqiang .

"Well, I dare say that . I know something about the business negotiation between Yinmeng and vilichco last time . 90% of the price is already very . . . 100%, c.o.c.kroach . You are so kind to us . . . "

Grat.i.tude is not enough to describe the mood of Venus at this time . The 100% evolution matrix means that there is no possibility of failure . I"m afraid only Zhang Xiaoqiang can take it out . This is the treatment of a scholar, not to mention the use of Mongolian officials . It means that Zhang Xiaoqiang has completely accepted them, which is equivalent to eliminating all the previous negative effects, At the same time, they also got a gold medal for not dying . With the beckoning of brother c.o.c.kroach, they don"t have to be human with their tails between their legs .

Naturally, Zhang Xiaoqiang would not say that this thing is not as valuable as Venus imagined . He just said casually:

"After I"ve been away for a long time, you"ve all worked very hard there . When Vladivostok still needs support, you"ve sent us the most urgently needed UAVs . For this, I decided to let all the front-line and regimental officers in Yinmeng become evolutors, Given them, you will not be less . In the big family of Huaxia rejuvenation, there is no difference between race and skin color, only ability and loyalty . You have proved your loyalty, so I will not be stingy to reward you . "In his words, Zhang Xiaoqiang combines the rejuvenation of China with himself, and Venus will not have any objection . On the contrary, his head is quite smart, and he was born in the golden family . He is more proficient in tactics than the ordinary Mongols, and he whispers to Zhang Xiaoqiang that:

"The Mongolians pay most attention to grat.i.tude . We will remember the care of brother c.o.c.kroach . No matter how the world changes in the future, We are all loyal to c.o.c.kroach and your descendants . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang was not happy when he heard that . He shook his head and said:

"My descendants will not follow my path . I also hope that you will not be loyal to anyone . It"s foolish to place the safety of the race on someone . I hope you will only be loyal to Huaxia Renaissance, which also includes you . I don"t want to hear these words any more, And you don"t want to talk about . . . "

With that, Zhang Xiaoqiang left here with xiangmi"er, and asked Mo Shaoyun to mobilize all kinds of materials to cooperate with Venus to complete the further transformation and improvement of the airship .

For the first time in her life, Xuefeng was still frightened even under the siege of hundreds of type 4 zombies . The boundless river was surging down, and the floating boat was up and down at the foot of the swing, which made him feel a kind of empty heart suspension . In the end, it was no better than the feeling of being down-to-earth on the sh.o.r.e, and none of the zombies beside him knew how to swim .

Just when he was in a state of turmoil, the floating boat finally had a tendency to dock . Compared with Xuefeng"s rise and fall, more than a dozen evolutionists who operated the floating boat were big in Yali mountain, and hundreds of type 4 zombies gathered together . The scene was shocking, especially the hairy giant ape"s death . Each of them was full of strength, Just look at the strong and heavy steel plate in the zombie lotus step light move, let them fear that the zombie will accidentally break up the whole floating boat, so they are more anxious to land than Xuefeng .

After the zombies came ash.o.r.e, all the evolutioners left the river as if they were on the run and went downstream . Xuefeng was still wondering why these guys were so worried? In order to thank him, he also prepared to give some tips . Before he could give them, Xuefeng threw a handful of colloid on the ground . He turned to look at the dense sea of zombies in the distance, with a gloomy and strange smile floating on Xuefeng"s mouth . His ability to control zombies was about one million . The fighting in the city cost 95% of the zombies he controlled . Now is a great opportunity to supplement his strength, Just start with the zombies in front of you .

Hundreds of four zombies roared and rushed to the sea of zombies in various postures . Xuefeng didn"t worry about anything . As long as the back road was still there, he was not afraid of being surrounded, so he didn"t have to use any tricks to fight directly . The killing between the zombies was extremely b.l.o.o.d.y and cruel . The UAV surrounded by the sky transmitted the tragic picture of the ground to the information center of the camp, Huang Tingwei"s eyes are deep in the intelligence center, his hands are crossed on his chin, and he silently looks at the b.l.o.o.d.y picture, while the officers behind him are all trying to vomit< br>