Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2039: 2039

Chapter 2039: 2039

Zhang Xiaoqiang watched Franklin walk out of the door with heavy steps, knowing that this guy would definitely do what he said . He didn"t really want to reach an agreement with the speaker . Yang Ke"er and erlangshen had to take revenge . The blood feud of thousands of people killed in the battle in Hubei would also be remembered . The colonel of the missile base detonated the base at the last minute, These are the thorns that Zhang Xiaoqiang buried in his heart .

The air frigate is not Zhang Xiaoqiang"s delusion . When the whole world is attracted by the newborn red algae in the sea of j.a.pan, Zhang Xiaoqiang has a chance . Under the pressure of Franklin, the crew of the new era try their best to hand over the technology they have mastered to the new crew of electronic and mechanical origin selected from nearly 100000 people . Each of them can skillfully communicate with each other in foreign languages, absorbing all kinds of professional knowledge like hunger and thirst, and even mastering the knowledge of other posts as much as possible, They are the basis for Zhang Xiaoqiang to capture the air frigate .

When Franklin went out, Huang Tingwei came in with the folder, nodded to Zhang Xiaoqiang, opened the folder and began to report:

"The other side refused our request and asked us to release the Holy Blood soldiers and messengers unconditionally . They also asked us to account for the death of the messengers and to make compensation for it . . . ", Their claim is for the transport ship . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang browed lightly, shook his head and said: "I know . It seems that they are just the cannon fodder for testing . The real main force is still behind, but I don"t know which G.o.d they are coming from?"

Huang Tingwei scratched the back of his head in distress and said: "at present, there are about 12 divinities we know . Four of them are fighting with the United States in America, and two of them are stationed in Australia . Unless there is a life and death event, they will not go out . There are also four in Europe, and two of them have just withdrawn from Greenland to Europe, We should have reached an agreement with the speaker of the Grand Council, so the speaker of the Grand Council has an advantage in the number of theocracies, otherwise the genesis of Australia will not go underground . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang has heard a lot about the zodiac in the new era . On that day, a Gus had already chased him to heaven and earth . If he had not been controlled by Maribo in the dungeon and killed by Zhuo Mingyue, he would have grown up a lot, let alone mastered the drugs that can stimulate the evolutioners, directly turning them into high-level zombies, It"s just a pity that the constellation of G.o.d is also a secret for the new era . Most people don"t understand it, unless the intercontinental head of the European headquarters knows it .

"Well, unless they swim from the sea and want to fly from the sky, we will naturally find out that the second batch of Yinmeng UAVs have been a.s.sembled . This time, the number has reached 60, and at least 30 can be allocated to us . Unfortunately, it is difficult for operators to train, otherwise . . . "

When it comes to UAVs, Zhang Xiaoqiang almost quickly dispels the idea of using UAVs to kill opponents . UAVs need a large number of operators and must be operated one-to-one . Moreover, a set of UAVs must be equipped with a set of operation platform . The remote control platform of UAVs is larger than UAVs and requires more technology, which has become a headache for Zhang Xiaoqiang, It can be solved within one hundred, but after one hundred, even the equipment maintenance personnel can"t get together .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, don"t worry too much about this . Don"t we still have combat shuttle? The operation of that thing is simple . If it can break through the problem of energy conversion, maybe its combat effectiveness is not much worse than that of fighter planes . At that time, we only need to make combat shuttles . "

Huang Tingwei is not Zhang Xiaoqiang . UAV is Zhang Xiaoqiang"s trump card in his next development . He was baffled by various problems in the past, and finally solved the problem, but new problems appeared, which made Zhang Xiaoqiang persistent . Huang Tingwei"s method is simpler . UAV is easier to manufacture than combat shuttle, and even if it crashes, it will not cause casualties, However, the demand for logistics is relatively troublesome, and the biggest problem of UAV is the defect of distance . Once the distance is too far, no one may lose control, unless they can build an air command platform like AWACS .

Huang Tingwei reminds Zhang Xiaoqiang that he has made a decision in his heart .

"Hubei is not convergence of a lot of escape capsule debris? It"s said that they have been converted into transport boats and sent them all to Yinmeng . Yinmeng will develop combat shuttle at the same time . The manufacture of UAV can"t stop . In the future, UAV will be used for defense, combat shuttle will be used for attack, and shuttle pilots will be trained as much as possible . "

After deciding on the main air force in the future, the two discussed the details of the sea of j.a.pan for a long time . After Huang Tingwei left, Zhang Xiaoqiang was quiet for a while, suddenly made a decision, stood up and walked out .

Xuefeng still looks at the picture of the finale on the screen . The fingernail between her teeth is broken . When the song is finished, Xuefeng rushes to the side of the disc player and quickly searches for all kinds of discs . She is still chanting:

"Go to see the meteor shower together . . . ," Gong Xinji " . . . ," the legend of Zhen Huan " . . . ", What"s all this mess . . . Well, this "love of Hawthorn Tree" seems to be pretty good, and this "bitter daughter-in-law" is also pretty good, "love between human and ghost"? It"s special . It"s a film of the lower nationalities . "Looking for the disc, Xuefeng doesn"t realize that Zhang Xiaoqiang is behind him . Looking at Xuefeng, who has half of his body in the middle of the disc, Zhang Xiaoqiang frowns and slowly releases it after a while . Although Xuefeng looks very different, if human beings contact more things, it"s impossible to say that he will destroy the last bit of zombie nature .

"Don"t look for it . These things can"t run . You"ll have plenty of time to see them later . I have something to do . Follow me . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn"t argue with Xuefeng . He pulled Xuefeng from his head . Xuefeng was in a trance and was pulled out of the door by Zhang Xiaoqiang in the blink of an eye . Then he walked to the transport ship in the center of the open s.p.a.ce . On the way, a second lieutenant officer with a small suitcase ran to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s experience and said:

"c.o.c.kroach, the helicopter is ready, I"m going to leave for Yinmeng in a minute . What"s the instruction . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang took a look at the officer and remembered that he had ordered to send a helicopter to Yinmeng to send tianshengjing to Xiao Lang, so he nodded and said:

"The things you are responsible for are not allowed to be touched by anyone except Xiao lang . besides, you must watch him drink the things, and the helicopter can return directly . You will stay in Yinmeng to a.s.sist Xiao Lang, In addition, cooperate with Minister Shi to search for evolutors with similar abilities to Xiao Lang

After dismissing the junior officers, Zhang Xiaoqiang felt a strong sense of pride . The foundation he had painstakingly laid before began to blossom and bear fruit . Xiao Lang is a relatively important part of Yinmeng industry . After his transformation, even the sc.r.a.pped engine can be reborn and even better than the new engine, not to mention other mechanical equipment, If he hadn"t cooperated with the research inst.i.tute to optimize the UAV equipment, the UAV would not have formed so quickly . Zhang Xiaoqiang had the greatest hope for him, hoping to improve his ability to the top evolutor . If he wasn"t afraid that glia might affect Xiao Lang"s ability, Zhang Xiaoqiang would not be stingy .

Xuefeng followed Zhang Xiaoqiang to the transport ship for the first time . Franklin stood pale at the door to meet Zhang Xiaoqiang . At the first moment of meeting, he lowered his head and said:

"I have already talked with the speaker of Parliament . He asks you to return the transport ship and compensate 100 tons of red algae, otherwise he will send . . . "

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly burst out laughing . Franklin knew that Zhang Xiaoqiang had been annoyed by this remark . It was not good to be a man in the middle, but he secretly prayed that Zhang Xiaoqiang would not aim his anger at him .

"Xuefeng, what if someone wants to rob your TV and TV series?"

When Zhang Xiaoqiang drank, Xuefeng"s hair stood up in anger . The steel wire like hair seemed to explode like a porcupine"s sharp spines . The b.l.o.o.d.y waves were rolling around him . His blood red eyes were burning with anger and roared:

"I"m going to skin him, I"m going to bone him, Take out his intestines and strangle him around the neck . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded haughtily, glanced at Frank Ling, who was frightened by Xuefeng, and said:

"This is my reply to him . You should be regarded as a traitor by the speaker of the Grand Council . From now on, you should put yourself in a correct position . Don"t look left and right again . Be careful that there is no place to live on either side . . . "

Franklin"s head dropped lower and said with a heavy voice, "from now on, I have only one object of allegiance, that is, you . . . "< br>