Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2041: 2041

Chapter 2041: 2041

Xuefeng was a zombie, but she didn"t kill zombies at all . With the black crystal cross as a means of increasing the number of zombies, no zombies of type Z were safe around them . The zombies of type 2 they relied on became the king of death . For a moment, all the zombies of type Z below the zombies of type Z2 were lost by Xuefeng"s instigation, and the zombies of type Z in the middle were killed at the beginning, Later, a large-scale corpse sea controlled by Z3 zombies was eliminated . More and more gra.s.s-roots z-zombies were killed, leaving Z3 zombies in the corpse sea in confusion . Many of them became wild D3 zombies, restored their nature, killed the zombies around them, and cleared out a blank territory .

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s strategy is to start from the gra.s.s-roots level . No zombie of type Z will control too many zombies . Countless zombies of type Z at the gra.s.s-roots level are controlled by zombies of type Z2, forming a sea of millions of zombies . In turn, zombies of type Z2 are controlled by zombies of type Z3, forming a sea of tens of millions of zombies, Determine the most powerful zombie Z rule all zombies, and now, it is Zhang Xiaoqiang"s opportunity .

Paul and Franklin are more and more familiar with swimming on the top of the corpse sea . At an alt.i.tude of 1000 meters, a large screen expands some details of the corpse sea . Together with Zhang Xiaoqiang, the staff of the transport ship input all kinds of data into the computer . With the help of the main control computer of the transport ship, they demonstrate the differentiation and aggregation of the corpse sea, The most intuitive description of the following chaotic scene is clear . Xuefeng is honest to Zhang Xiaoqiang, concentrating on looking for Z-shaped zombies scattered in the sea of corpses . At this time, Xuefeng hesitates to say to Zhang Xiaoqiang:

"This is no good . I don"t know what kind of method this zombie used to gather together, I can"t suppress so many Z-shaped zombies . There are Z3 in them . I"m afraid they are the leaders of all zombies in this area . Even if they use black crystal, they may not be able to do anything about it . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang listened to the words, not only did not get upset, but he was happy and said aloud, "are they far away?"

"Not far, almost together . If you use the bomb just now, I"m afraid you can"t catch all of them . Once you can"t blow them up, how far will these zombies go? I"m afraid it"s difficult to kill them again . . . "

Xuefeng scratched his short hair in distress and was getting better . Suddenly, there was a power failure, which made him feel very tangled . Seeing the situation is very good, how can he show Xuefeng"s ability if he can"t complete his work? How could Zhang Xiaoqiang turn around and yell at Paul

"Smart bombs can be used . This time, I"ll give them a pot of cake . "

Helicopters that haven"t been seen for a long time are roaring . In the place where the zombies are most concentrated, high-frequency sounds rush up into the sky . Countless zombies fall under the same sound wave . The helicopter ignores the high-frequency sound like a chorus, flies directly to the head of the zombies, and drops a dark bomb like a giant snow eggplant . In the eyes of the people who are looking forward to it thousands of meters away, The bomb flew into the zombie group crosswise, and more than ten zombies were smashed into meat mud on the spot . Then the bomb went into the ground like a drill . At the moment when the zombies scattered, the ground swelled up like a hill, and all the zombies fell on the big soil bag, imitating the Buddha"s frightened ants, and then the whole hill burst into pieces with a loud bang, Large groups of smoke wrapped in flames from the cracks of the soil burst out, covering all the flying zombies and mud .

Within 300 meters, no zombie can leave a corpse . All the soil and Zombies seem to evaporate out of thin air . The huge pit is unfathomable even when you look down from the sky . Everyone is marveling at the pit . Xuefeng feels Momi"s chin with a beard . Her eyes twinkle, but she exclaims to herself: "fortunately, there was no such thing last time, Otherwise, I can"t escape with nine lives . It seems that human beings are indeed a great race . Even if I resurrect a thousand times, I can"t stop this kind of bomb . Is this the legendary nuclear bomb? "

"That"s great . The zombie sea here has completely collapsed . Oh, where do you see two D4 zombies still alive . . . "

One of the staff officers first found something wrong in the cheering . Xuefeng turned to look at the two half mutilated D4 zombies that fell on the edge . One of them had his upper body torn open, and a large number of black internal organs flowed out from the huge wound under the rib . It seemed that there was no need to mend the knife . This zombie could not live long . The other zombie was even worse, and his waist was blown in two, Is lying on the ground, dragging the long intestines to the depth of the corpse sea crawling, even if this zombie can live, can not stand up .

"Don"t worry about them . Let"s go downtown . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t care about the two half disabled D4 zombies and asked to go to the next battlefield . He didn"t know that Xuefeng suddenly turned pale and yelled: "wait a minute, one of them is Z3 . I can feel . . . "

With the plug-in of Xuefeng, the cross as a cheating device, and a group of armed helicopters as helpers, they seem to be Z-type zombies slaughterers . They stay high in the air without danger and bully the Z-type zombies, which are no faster than airships . Originally, the zombies were divided into three parts, near the front of the city, and were destroyed by Zhuo Mingyue in the middle above all Z2 zombies, There is also the rear part, which is hundreds of kilometers deep from the front to the rear, to wipe out the Z-shaped zombies in the middle and rear parts . The transport ships have flown at least thousands of kilometers, but this is nothing to the transport ships . The transport ships have arrived in China from Europe to form more than ten thousand miles . Even in the dark, the transport ships are still unaffected . In any case, the zombie sea is the same during the day and night, Zhang Xiaoqiang is determined to eliminate the hidden danger of the five thousand zombies sea . Even if there may be Z-shaped zombies in the future, I believe it will be a long time later . Before that, the zombies here were their fertilizer storage warehouse . Xuefeng is now ready to meet Zhang Xiaoqiang"s demands . As a second-cla.s.s boy who is ready to watch all dog blood TV dramas, he has become a fan of soap opera . As long as a TV play can pa.s.s the time, he doesn"t care that his hands are covered with zombie blood . If it wasn"t for his perception, Zhang Xiaoqiang almost let go of the Z3 zombie hidden in the wound of D4, which can be solved in the end, It was Xuefeng who manipulated the D4 zombie with only half of its body to s.n.a.t.c.h the monkey sized Z3 from his companion"s rib and chew it .

Z The more zombies die, the more comfortable Zhang Xiaoqiang is . He praises Xuefeng and promises that he will do his best to meet Xuefeng"s demands . At the same time, he will build a high-end game room and 3D cinema for Xuefeng in Hubei, which will be open to him only . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s promises make Xuefeng excited and he has begun to dream of being 20 meters wide, The 18 meter high giant HD display shows the scene of "meteor garden" on the frequency .

The transport ship is directing the killing of zombies, but Xuefeng is not idle . The million zombies he controls have reached the peak . With the Black Crystal Cross bonus, he can only control 1 . 5 million zombies . These 1 . 5 million zombies carry out the organized killing of scattered corpse sea, and thousands of zombies fall every minute, At the beginning, the intelligence center connected to the reconnaissance satellite sent out bursts of cheers . At the end, it was numb to Chen Heng"s corpses . In satellite photos and UAV dynamic video, 1 . 5 million corpses formed a 100 kilometer long death line, like a combine harvester, harvesting the lives of countless corpses, After the death line pa.s.sed, large black waves became the silent black land .

Xuefeng"s killing action depends on Shang Xiaoqiang"s instructions . Zhang Xiaoqiang hopes that Xuefeng can build a million type 2 zombies sea . As long as Xuefeng is controlled, it is equivalent to controlling the million type 2 zombies . There are too many zombies in China . Even if they have the source of corrosion, they may not be able to understand the zombies . They had great hope for the source of corrosion, Unfortunately, in more and more battlefields, the lack of erosion source is exposed . First of all, the erosion source is easy to be cleaned by water source, and the zombies need to form a certain density one by one . Even in places where there is no water source and cities with dense zombies, once the erosion source is dropped, Z-type zombies will disconnect the surrounding zombies, even if some zombies can be annihilated, We can"t achieve much in the war, so it"s estimated that the source of erosion is best used in the defensive campaign . Once zombies attack, the density will become mountains and seas . Only at this time can we get miraculous effect . At any other time, Z zombies are not fools .

Just like in Shanghai now, Xuefeng has cleaned up most of the zombies of type Z, but with the collapse of zombies in the sea, the density of zombies is further reduced . Even without the active control of zombies of type Z, the results will not be very great . Therefore, Xuefeng"s zombies will be the main force to eliminate Chinese zombies, and more than one billion zombies need to be removed step by step, Otherwise, depleted ammunition and guns and casualties will be everyone"s nightmare< br>