Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2043: 2043

Chapter 2043: 2043

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, you don"t have to worry about the rest of the Z-shaped zombies . I"ve wrapped them all by myself . The Z3 zombie just now is too stupid . It"s all the Z2 zombies . There are all the Z-shaped zombies outside . Once it"s solved, I can control all the zombies in Shanghai . . . At least some of them . . . "

All the staff members were cheering, and the biggest boulder was finally removed from their hearts . They believed that they had won the final victory . From the beginning, they suffered from the despair of cutting off the back road, the siege of zombies, and the landing of mutant animals . Today, they have experienced countless dangers and dangers, but they have won the victory, at least in their eyes, With the satellite signal, the news of victory also spread to all the sites under Zhang Xiaoqiang, no matter Sichuan, Hubei, Jiangxi, or Yinmeng, even Vladivostok can know that Zhang Xiaoqiang has lost the danger of tens of millions of zombies in the sea, which is a great relief to the suffocating officers and soldiers who are still suppressed by the number of zombies .

Not to mention the boiling in the camp, Xuefeng volunteered to Zhang Xiaoqiang to kill all the Z-shaped zombies in Shanghai . Zhang Xiaoqiang thought for a moment, and asked with some doubts:

"Z zombies should be hostile, right? Why didn"t those ownerless zombies we destroyed before have a fight? "

Xuefeng knew it very well and said, "that"s because they can feel the existence of high-level z-zombies nearby . Without these high-level zombies, z-zombies would have been fighting for a long time . Similarly, those Z3 zombies can also feel my existence . If they didn"t have my existence, they would have been fighting, When the time comes, the winner will eat the loser and become a more powerful zombie of Z type . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang eyebrows pick, thoughtfully looking at the big screen has disappeared in the source of erosion in the first tall building .

"That is to say, even if you don"t kill them, they will fight by themselves?"

After watching so many TV dramas, Xuefeng could not only wipe tears, but also improve her IQ . She immediately nodded and said:

"Yes, yes, we can leave these zombies alone for the time being . As long as there are Z2 zombies, I will know for the first time that killing them will lead to a new round of fighting . We can sit and watch the play, When the zombies are almost dead, and the zombies in Shanghai are also destroyed, brother c.o.c.kroach"s attention is wonderful . Isn"t it called "fighting without fighting?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded perfunctorily and formally ordered:

"The transport ship left the city and headed for Zhoushan Island . Xuefeng"s troops crossed into the wharf area along the river and controlled all the material warehouses for me . No mutant animals or zombies were allowed to enter . Lou fanjun"s airborne team was ready . . . Inform Huang Tingwei, Mobilize evolutionists to push me to the seaside to build a dry cleaning base . Wen Qian leads the zombie troops to cooperate with me . "

It was noon the next day . Zhang Xiaoqiang and the pilots of the transport ship hadn"t closed their eyes for more than 30 hours in a row . Everyone else"s faces were gray and sleepy . Only Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes were bright, but Xuefeng couldn"t see anything different . They were the same as before . When they heard Zhang Xiaoqiang"s order, the staff officers burst out with enthusiasm again, They know that Zhang Xiaoqiang"s next target is Zhoushan Island, which is the main base of the East China Sea fleet . There are satellite command center, ammunition warehouse, weapon warehouse, shipyard and a large number of military materials in Zhoushan .

"Hurry up, hurry up . Brother c.o.c.kroach is going to change the equipment for the Navy this time . I hope there are still some things left there . . . "

"What"s left? As far as I know, there are many military ships under construction on Zhoushan Island . Have you heard of dock landing ships? It"s the kind of landing ship that can be equipped with hovercraft in its belly . It can drop one battalion at a time . There are . . . "

"Don"t talk about it . Work fast . Even if there is no ship, as long as you find the ammunition depot and weapons depot, you will get rich . Isn"t our transport ship without means of attack? When it comes time to install some surface missiles, isn"t short-range defense like playing? At that time, the firepower will be fully opened, and the world will be invincible . "

The whispers of the staff came to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s ears intermittently . Zhang Xiaoqiang was silent, but Paul was very happy . He also understood that Zhang Xiaoqiang was tired of the single attack means of transport ships . According to their current warehouse and s.p.a.ce, it might not be possible to install naval guns, but there was no problem in installing automatic heavy weapons with less recoil, At that time, even if only two navy 730s are installed, they will be able to kill all sides .

Zhoushan Island is located in the sea area around Ningbo . It has no natural connection with the land . It is connected by a magnificent sea crossing bridge . Before the end of the world, there was a population of more than 1 million . The surrounding islands were dense and there were many ships . If the end of the world broke out, Zhoushan Island was the easiest place to survive . As long as you leave the city, you can find ships, Or you can swim to the surrounding islands with a wooden board to isolate yourself from the world . If you can get the weapons depot of the East China Sea fleet and recover an island as big as a small town, there are marine resources, which are enough to make any force in the mainland envious . But now it"s not . The first thing to suffer when the marine mutant beast lands is these coastal islands, All the millions of zombies on the island are used as food for the mutant animals, and the whole island is occupied by countless mutant animals . If it were not for the war in Shanghai that many mutant animals were mobilized in the past, I"m afraid Zhang Xiaoqiang would not dare to land . It can be seen from the satellite reconnaissance images that there are mutant animals landing in the coastal areas of China, but it"s just a matter of scale . The more rivers go to the sea, the more these mutant animals gather . In Shanghai, more than 3 million mutant animals have been killed and injured, and all kinds of mutant animals have dragged several times the lives of zombies, Otherwise, Zhang Xiaoqiang would not wait until the mutant beast could not resist before carrying out the decapitation tactics with Xuefeng .

"The situation in Ningbo is even more cruel than that in Shanghai . The zombies in the original urban area have retreated to the western region, and there are signs of human activities in the urban area . Later, the mutant beast landed, and the zombies were attracted back by the mutant beast . The whole city has become a land of flesh and blood, with at least five million zombies dead in the city, The war between zombies and mutants has reached the final stage . Unlike Shanghai, mutants have the upper hand in Ningbo . If there is no accident, all the zombies will be strangled in a week at most, and the surviving mutants will have different degrees of evolutionary tendency . "

Now that she is going to Zhoushan, the information of Ningbo is indisputable . The intelligence office is much more bullish than before . In order to support Zhang Xiaoqiang to finish the finishing work of Shanghai as soon as possible, Nu Wa sent the information of Shanghai and its surrounding areas to the computer of the intelligence center as far as possible . After the statistics of dozens of staff officers day and night, she finally got a clear picture of the information around Shanghai, Zhejiang"s second largest city on the edge of the Shanghai delta also took off its veil in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang .

Listening to the staff officer"s report, Zhang Xiaoqiang has built a fierce battlefield in his mind . Ningbo is different from Shanghai . The zombies in Shanghai are all gathered together, at least tens of millions . The zombies in Ningbo are only 6 . 7 million . Even if there are Z3 zombies in it, they will be irresistible under the Siege of the first mutant beast with good quant.i.ty and quality, The living mutant animals eat the zombies and get enough food and nutrition . In addition, they have the crystal nucleus of the dead mutant animals as a supplement, which makes it a natural evolutionary field for the mutant animals . The stronger the mutant animals fight in Vietnam, the less the zombies die . Compared with each other, the result is clear at a glance .

"There are not many mutants in Zhoushan City . It"s estimated that there are about tens of thousands of mutants, but we can"t defeat them . The only good thing is that these mutants are concentrated in the middle of the city . Our goal is almost in the suburbs . It should not be too dangerous . It depends on the time we need and the scale of materials we carry . If there are too many . . . "

At this point, Zhang Xiaoqiang hardly listened carefully . The UAVs gliding around the transport ship are like the boats guarding the aircraft carrier, shuttling constantly, feeding back all kinds of information from the surrounding sea area to the transport ship . Ningbo is like a magnet, attracting all the variation beasts around, on the contrary, reducing the incidence of variation beasts on the surrounding islands, In this regard, Zhang Xiaoqiang is confident that he will win . As long as they can find the weapons depot of the naval base, it will be worth it anyway . If they can find the warships in good condition in the shipyard, they will make a lot of money .

When the magnificent sea crossing bridge with a long sponge came into view, the battle alarm immediately rang inside the transport ship . On the surveillance screen inside the ship, you can see teams of fully armed soldiers ready to go, teams of evolutionists quietly checking their own equipment, and Lou fanjun jumping up and down in front of his own soldiers doing pre war mobilization, Even the crew shuttling through the channels are ready to fight< br>