Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2045: 2045

Chapter 2045: 2045

On the top of the administration building, there are security personnel . They occupy four corners and set up electronic telescopes to observe the surrounding movement . More soldiers come and go in and out of various buildings . Some closed iron doors are violently opened by soldiers, revealing the cold armored vehicles inside . These vehicles seem to be in good condition, but in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s dynamic vision, they show the rust marks on the seams, However, compared with the vehicles that are corroded outside, inside and outside, the vehicles here can still be used, which is a great surprise .

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t care about the soldiers who tried to get these armored vehicles out . Looking up at the transport ships floating in the sky, he walked into the messy hall . There was a strong military flavor here . There were no luxury decorations, no irrelevant utensils, and even no sofa . There were only rows of large and small warship models, and some cabinets were broken, Parts and gla.s.s are scattered all over the place, and some are intact . There are many kinds of ship models, including medical and supply ships .

All the way up to the top floor and into the largest office, I saw several officers searching through a pile of paper materials . Even Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t care to come in . The room was dark, and the light in the window was not enough to take away all the shadows, Just then, the light bulb on the top of his head suddenly flashed a few times, giving out bright shadows and driving them away . People probably already know that Lou fanjun led people to start the generator in the engine room . It"s no different . Zhang Xiaoqiang also saw the old photos hanging on the wall, all of which were pictures of naval officers and soldiers and warships of various ages . The earliest one was in 1950, and the warships behind him were very old, The latest one is a group photo of thousands of people on the deck of wagliang aircraft carrier in 2012 .

These photos are the history of the East China Sea fleet . There are small gunboats, torpedo boats, destroyers, transport and supply ships, training ships, submarines, frigates and other ships in the photos . When you look at these photos, there are hundreds of square meters of rooms full of these photos . When Zhang Xiaoqiang appreciates these photos, An officer suddenly cheered

"Found the storage of training ammunition . . . "

Then the officers continued to report the good things they had found .

"I found the destroyer"s missile depot . . . "

"There"s a storage area for the gun barrels . "

"This is . . . This is the underground hangar drawing of su-30mk2 naval aviation base?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang rushed to the middle of the drawing, found that these things should be confidential information, and immediately asked curiously:

"Where did you find these drawings?"

"Report, we have an evolutor who is good at using sound waves . He can use sound waves to detect hidden places . These are all found in hidden safes . We have a beak knife, which can easily cut any armor . . . "

At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly felt lucky . If he had not brought these evolutionists, he would not have been able to find these treasures by himself . Just when he joined in the search for information, a wild cheer resounded in his ears

"Ha ha, I found the ammunition depot of deep-water bomb . There are at least thousands of bombs there, With these things, transport ships can also blow up those dog days in the sea . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang turned a deaf ear to the cheering, holding a dark yellow doc.u.ment in his hand: "the storage management method and maintenance scheme for old ships of 062 Shanghai frigate . . . " Clinging to this doc.u.ment, Zhang Xiaoqiang found another old doc.u.ment: "unsealing procedures and Ammunition Management Regulations for retired ships in emergency state . . . "

Seeing these things, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart suddenly surged . On the Yangtze River that day, the silent armed ships, the sailors fighting to the last moment .

The transport ships fell down again . The naval base at this moment is very different from before . At every intersection or commanding point, all kinds of armored vehicles and heavy machine guns continue to stand . Some hidden and underground fortifications have also been dug out and become warning points . Some transport vehicles transport hidden and underground materials to the football field for acc.u.mulation, Most of the materials are individual materials and ship maintenance and replacement parts . These things pile up like mountains here, but when they are transported to the rear, they will become an indispensable part of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s military industry . After all, the civilian ones can"t catch up with the military ones, especially the radar and identification system, which can"t be found in the market .

The only thing that makes Zhang Xiaoqiang depressed is that there is no naval gun he wants . Even if the ammunition is mostly training ammunition, although it has the same lethality, its power is not comparable . However, there is a military material loading and unloading dock next to the fleet mooring base . In the warehouse, they found more materials and traces of human activities after the end of the world, Many of the canned food in the warehouse had been emptied, and they didn"t find any guns here, which made Zhang Xiaoqiang wonder why they moved away the food and guns, but left the powerful armored car behind?

There are only more than 100 people on the ground, and the crew of the transport ship is only more than 200 people . All kinds of materials are continuously sent to the storage room of the transport ship, waiting to be sent back to Shanghai . Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t stay . Just as he goes out to look at the surrounding situation, the display frequency in his helmet changes to Nu Wa"s figure"The aircraft sent by Europe has arrived in Hokkaido, j.a.pan . The specific situation is not clear . It should have contacted the new era corps of Hokkaido . The aircraft from Britain and the United States arrived at Shikoku Island, where they formally United . The aircraft from Russia arrived at the island . The aircraft of Genesis did not appear . It is suspected that they were mixed with the V22 formation of the United States, Now it"s all about you . . . "

There is no doubt that Nu Wa is urging Zhang Xiaoqiang, but Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t eat Nu Wa . After Nu Wa finishes, he takes off his helmet and throws it to the ground . He turns to look at Xue Feng and shouts:

"Don"t stay at home, let"s go hunting . . . "

Xuefeng turns a deaf ear and points her b.u.t.t at Zhang Xiaoqiang . She squats on the ground and looks at the PSP with indecent smile . She doesn"t know whether she"s watching a comedy or not . According to his function, the latter is the majority . For this tired and lazy guy, Zhang Xiaoqiang wants to rush up and kick his a.s.s, but he has no reason to ask Xuefeng to accompany him . He can"t help but give up and ask more than ten evolutioners to follow him on the military vehicle and head for the mountains, ready to see the progress of searching radar stations and air defense missile bases in the mountains .

At the same time, Lou fanjun and more than 30 people were crawling along the mountain road . Although it was an economically developed area, the mountain road was not wide . Many places were ravaged and collapsed by mutated animals, and broken boulders could be seen everywhere . Even evolutors could not bear to walk among these boulders . Fortunately, the weather was good, and the sight was wide, so they could always avoid dangerous areas, Just as they were trying their best to climb, in the deepest vegetated area of the mountain, their cold eyes were silently watching the ant like evolutors below .

The speed of the rickety military vehicle is not fast, the road is full of broken bricks and tiles, and some buildings and buildings have collapsed into hills like tombs . Sitting on the military vehicle, Zhang Xiaoqiang looks like a tourist visiting everything around him, but he is asking himself why he is upset about Nu Wa"s suggestion? Although he can convince himself with insufficient preparation, he knows that it"s just an excuse .

I don"t know when it started . After holding power, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart became more and more lonely . All kinds of crises, pressures, and responsibilities were on him, which made him feel lonely again and again . He felt that he was always alone . This kind of loneliness has existed for a long time . I can"t remember when it came into being, Maybe it"s the first time he"s struggling for someone else"s life and death?

At the beginning, his ideal was to find a daughter-in-law or several daughters-in-law and spend his life safely in a safe corner with endless supplies . That"s why he was so greedy and h.o.a.rded supplies in various hidden places . At that time, he was very selfish and also lived a real life . Yang Ke"er"s coquettish and honest smile, Yuan Yi"s affectionate gaze, Shangguan Qiaoyun"s smiling white teeth, elves" strange meow, the Queen"s strong and lazy mupeipei, the exotic Belarusian beauty, and the crescent moon who questioned him about his killing all occupied a small corner in his heart .

Before the end of the world, maybe he would laugh when he meets any dream, but now he has it, but he can"t feel the so-called warmth and affection . Yang Ke"er has never seen it in the hospital when he needs him most . Yuan Yi has been sent to Wuhan by him, and Shangguan Qiaoyun has let him burst out with all his pa.s.sion, We can"t keep him around when we are pregnant, let alone mupeipei who lives alone in the base with Haoer, waiting to chat with him, and meow meow, meow meow is in the darkness of Vladivostok and mutant beast killing, but he has never worried about it . As for yueya"er and Eliza, they have long been forgotten .

Sometimes even Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t know himself . Why did he become like this? When did he start to become like this? One by one, the enemy fell at his feet, the control of the territory became bigger and bigger, but his heart became colder and colder . Although he would not kill tens of thousands of people as punishment, it did not mean that he had more human taste than before . Maybe after seeing all kinds of tragedies and human nature, even he was tired . Tired, he just wanted to escape without a breath .

His body was also b.u.mped and bullied by the shaking vehicles, just like his mood at this time . At this moment, the good mood of all kinds of harvest found in the administration building disappeared completely . An unprecedented chagrin came to his heart . All kinds of complicated thoughts made him want to hold his head and shout, because he felt so strange and hated, So it broke his heart .

For a long time, the tears didn"t flow down his cheeks and wet his sleeves . Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t wipe away the tears . He just opened his hand to cover up at the moment . Only at this moment did he find that he was still a man, not a c.o.c.kroach that everyone revered, nor the hero of Zhuo Mingyue"s heart . He never was, But when he was in power, he thought that he was, maybe he decided that all his descendants would not be allowed to be in power, because he didn"t want his descendants to live as tired as himself and bear the pressure that ordinary people would never imagine .

The last drop of tears dries in the wet palm, and a gap is opened between the hearts sealed by various protective sh.e.l.ls . Feeling the spiritual liberation at this moment, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly finds out why he is weak at this moment . Before, he was just like an ostrich burying his head in the sand under great pressure . He was afraid, Afraid of one bad news after another, he is strong in front of Xuefeng and fierce in front of Franklin, but it doesn"t mean that he is as fearless as others think . No matter in the new era or genesis, or even any other force, he can"t shake it, because no one around him can help him . He has always been fighting alone . Why he would do that to Nu Wa and why he would throw away his helmet is because he is afraid of facing those tough enemies himself . He has never been a wise man who has nothing to do, Every time he has to press on all his belongings and open up the big and small . One wrong step is to lose everything . He doesn"t know whether he will lose next time, and he"s afraid to know, because he can"t afford to lose< br>