Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2046: 2046

Chapter 2046: 2046

All the sadness is temporary . Zhang Xiaoqiang clearly knows that he can"t afford to be hurt . Sometimes he knows that it"s a life and death road, but he still has to step on it . After all, he doesn"t just live for himself . It"s just like the life and death of 100000 people in the gathering place on that day, and the 180000 survivors in Shanghai who have been reduced to slaves and zombie toys . Even if he wants to give up, He thought about failure and tried to escape, but he stuck to it . It"s not his n.o.ble thought, it"s just that he didn"t want to . He gave him something and took away something . No wonder it"s said that loyalty and righteousness are difficult to achieve since ancient times .

"Boom . . . " The sudden roar wakes up Zhang Xiaoqiang, who is immersed in this strange thought . He suddenly looks up to the smoke of the distant mountain peak, only to see half of the hill looming in the dust, like a landslide . The next moment, Lou fanjun and the evolutionists shout from the vehicle communication device:

"Enemy attack . . . Enemy attack . . . Find a good place to hide . . . "

"Ah! Ah!! I"m hurt . d.a.m.n it, somebody help me . . . "

"Li Qiao died . . . Li Qiao was killed by the explosion . We want revenge . . . "

"Up there, up there, no good . . . They aim at us again, heavy machine guns . . . "

All kinds of shouts resounded through the channel, and Zhang Xiaoqiang"s face turned blue . When he went up the mountain, there were casualties . It was not in the hands of the mutant animals that the casualties were . Thinking about the disappeared food and rifles, as well as the machine guns of armored vehicles, Zhang Xiaoqiang immediately understood who the attackers were . At the same time, he hated the attackers on the mountain, and he did not dare to recover the town or deal with the mutant animals, But dare to attack the same kind .

"Their firepower is too strong, our cracking gun can"t reach . . . Request UAV support . . . "

"Hurry up, hurry up, put up the shield . . . Charge me, the shadow team will go up from the back, there will be no amnesty . . . "

"d.a.m.n, d.a.m.n, I"m shot, I"m shot . . . "

"No, there are mortars on it . Get out of the way . . . "

The sound of guns, shouts and orders mixed together . There was no tacit understanding between them . Zhang Xiaoqiang was upset . It"s no wonder that although these evolutionists had been trained and had experienced actual combat, it was the first time that they were attacked by human beings . For a moment, they were confused and all links were out of control, Zhang Xiaoqiang grabbed the walkie talkie and roared:

"Retreat, retreat for me, all of you, focus on rescuing the wounded . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t expect the Jedi to fight back and break the position at one stroke . With the general situation in hand and the support from heaven, there was no need to be like gamblers . Soon Lou fanjun responded:

"No way, brother c.o.c.kroach . Our back road was blown up . All the rear teams were destroyed . They intend to annihilate us all . . . "

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, the UAV has arrived at the scene of the accident . Please take the next step . . . " Paul"s voice also came in and reported their actions to Zhang Xiaoqiang . Zhang Xiaoqiang was worried about Lou fanjun"s team, gritting his teeth and yelling at Paul

"Ask for a fart, give me a call, no matter who the other party is, fight again . . . "

At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang had already seen more than ten UAVs gathering around the mountain like flies . The next second, each UAV would spray long tongues of fire to blow up the lush vegetation on the mountain, and the fireb.a.l.l.s of explosion would also line up on the stone wall . Just when Zhang Xiaoqiang was looking forward to a successful attack, Suddenly dozens of scarlet scattered light and rain were sprayed from below to cover the UAVs in the sky . These heavy firepower techniques were very sophisticated . Each UAV was controlled by more than three anti-aircraft machine guns . More than ten UAVs were covered by burst fireb.a.l.l.s at the same time . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart suddenly raised to his throat, and he did not breathe, More than ten missiles were seen flying into the sky one after another from the mountain forest and b.u.mping into the fireb.a.l.l.s that were blown up into a ball .

"f.u.c.k . . . f.u.c.k . . . f.u.c.k . . . " At the moment of the explosion of more than ten fireb.a.l.l.s, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s cheeks suddenly turned red to the root of his ears . The angry flame burned his brain, and a heart almost burst . In this degree of explosion, even if the UAV is generally complete, its internal parts will be broken . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s reliance on the UAV is its strong sh.e.l.l, plus its lightness and quickness, Even if he was. .h.i.t, he would be fine as long as he was careful, but he didn"t expect that the firepower on the top of the mountain was so powerful that he didn"t even have time for the operator to respond . It was like a snake attacking to death, one after another, which was obviously planned first . Even Zhang Xiaoqiang had to praise in his anger: "what a professional . . . "

What happened before and after was the same situation . The other side cut off Lou fanjun"s retreat and suppressed him on the hillside . They used a small amount of firepower to ask them to call for the support of UAVs . They also arranged a killing array on the top of the mountain to catch all the UAVs . I"m afraid they are ready to deal with the transport ships . Who knows if there are anti-aircraft missiles in it with radar locking?

Zhang Xiaoqiang understood the other party"s plan in a twinkling of an eye . At this time, the smoke of the sky also dissipated, but he saw a UAV scurrying in the sky . None of them crashed, but none of them fired again . Paul was still anxiously shouting:"Brother c.o.c.kroach, the drones are all out of control . The control center is working hard . Do you want me to . . . "

"From now on, no one is allowed to move rashly, transport ships are not allowed to take off, Lou fanjun, you take people to stick to it as much as possible, and the rest of the troops will be transferred up to me, gather at the foot of the mountain and wait for orders . . . "

Three Liang gave the order . Zhang Xiaoqiang pushed the door of the military vehicle open and yelled at the driver:

"Go and get all the heavy weapons we can find . . . "

Without waiting for the driver to turn his head, Zhang Xiaoqiang took out a g36 rifle from the weapon slot and rushed out . The top of the mountain in front of him still loomed in the smoke, but he couldn"t wait for the cross-country vehicle to drive by . He ran as fast as he could, jumped over all kinds of ruins, jumped on the top of buildings, and ran to the mountains without touching the ground, because it was a straight line, In less than ten minutes, they rushed to the foot of the mountain . The residential area at the foot of the mountain had been completely destroyed . Buildings were all scattered into building debris and trampled on by countless large tonnage mutants, including three or five meter high boulders .

Zhang Xiaoqiang could clearly hear the sound of guns and explosions . The sound of explosions seemed to shake his heart . He secretly prayed to Lou fanjun that they would not be completely annihilated . Otherwise, even if he succeeded in this operation, he would bear a heavy price, not to mention that he didn"t want his own people to be killed or injured again . At the same time, he was also struggling with another thing, From the other side"s skillful tactics and sophisticated means, we can see that the other side is definitely a professional soldier, and I"m afraid it"s still a remnant of the naval base . If we really face it, can he kill it?

Big stones are left behind by Zhang Xiaoqiang . Zhang Xiaoqiang jumps on them like a flea . These stones are everywhere from the foot of the mountain to the mountainside . When Zhang Xiaoqiang gets close to the mountainside, he finally understands what it means to cut off the back road . The whole ridge looks like bean rot that has been cut off . Let alone human beings, even apes can"t breathe, and the surroundings are all bare, There is no vegetation, almost 100 meters up and down . Even if he slides down from the top, it may be more or less dangerous . Looking at the stones and sand in front of him, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s face becomes extremely ugly .

Just as he was thinking about whether to go up from the other side of the road, his heart suddenly began to throb . The long lost danger prediction appeared again . Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t want to think about it . He rolled back, somersaulted and jumped behind the boulder behind him . Just after landing, a few tremors came from the other side of the boulder, and the dust covered the sky above his head, Scattered stones rained on him .

"Mortars? Is it a tunnel? "

Zhang Xiaoqiang heard the sound of mortar explosion . These sh.e.l.ls were very strange . There was neither the dull sound of firing nor the sharp sound of breaking air . Suddenly, they came to his head . Just as the idea flashed by, Zhang Xiaoqiang jumped up in the same place, kicked up on the edge of the boulder, dashed away the diffuse dust and fell to the place where the explosion had just happened, It was Zhang Xiaoqiang who predicted that the other party would not let go of the dead corner behind the boulder . Before the splashing dust covered him up again, Zhang Xiaoqiang rushed out . The two rat King blades whirled on the earth wall in front of him, and the fine sand sprayed like high-pressure water jets, and in the blink of an eye he pulled out a small hole the size of a washbasin, Then Zhang Xiaoqiang rushed into the small hole, and then the outside was filled with flames . Countless shrapnel and gravel formed waves of scattering turbulence and hit the vest and soil wall behind him . While he insisted, the shaking walls around him began to crumble . At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang was about to be buried, and all the roar disappeared, A wave of air with smoke rushed into the hole .

The smoke of gunpowder is Zhang Xiaoqiang"s best cover . Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t know how far the war is going . Instead, he calms down . No matter how anxious he is, he has to find out his opponent"s hiding place before he can enter the tunnel and disintegrate his opponent from the inside . The vibration of the previous explosion caused the second collapse of the mountain, where stones and sand fell, When Zhang Xiaoqiang was still thinking about how to find out his opponent, he pressed down on him like a debris flow to fill up the depression in front of the boulder heap . Without waiting for Zhang Xiaoqiang to get out of the sand, he let out a scream, and a figure fell out of the cracked tunnel of the mountain and fell heavily on the floating soil .

"Xiaohao . . . Xiaohao . . . "

A cry came from the tunnel . Several men with disheveled heads and dirty faces anxiously stretched out their heads and looked down . The man who fell on the soil raised his young cheek and wrinkled his ugly smile at them . He carefully carried his broken arm behind him and responded with great pain

"I"m fine . . . "

At the end of the speech, the boy named Xiaohao turned his head 180 degrees like an owl and looked at his back, which he would never see . The sudden change surprised everyone . In their dull moment, Xiaohao"s body slowly fell down, revealing Zhang Xiaoqiang like a clay figurine behind him . He could not see his expression clearly, only his eyes almost bulging with angry eyes, Zhang Kai"s lips are full of mud . Looking at the guys with their necks outstretched, Zhang Xiaoqiang said softly:

"I have something . . . " At the same time, the muzzle of the gun has been aimed at each other"s eyebrows, and the voice has just dropped . All the men have been shot in the eyebrows in the shortest time, and heavy bodies fall from the top one after another . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s cold eyes are shining with cruel l.u.s.ter . Now that he has made a decision, he has no need to regret< br>