Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2051: 2051

Chapter 2051: 2051

Even if Lou fanjun didn"t say it, Zhang Xiaoqiang also roughly guessed Lou fanjun"s mind . What else could make him who was a soldier never forget? There are nearly 100 corpses in the pool of blood where they live . These corpses are all for the protection of those children who died in battle . They can break down their humanity after the end of the world . Now, apart from the parents of these children, only soldiers are left .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, I hope you can give them a way to live . . . Give them a chance . . . "

Lou fanjun didn"t ask Zhang Xiaoqiang to stop the killing . Now that the casualties have been caused and the two sides have formed a feud, it"s unrealistic to rashly let Zhang Xiaoqiang be soft handed . He only hopes to give these navy soldiers a chance, at least some of them a chance to live . Zhang Xiaoqiang was silent for a while, Suppress the chagrin in the heart and nod heavily .

"I will exile them to Siberia . I don"t care how they develop, but I won"t deliberately make trouble for them . . . "

This is Zhang Xiaoqiang"s biggest bottom line . According to his previous personality, no matter who the other party is, as long as he offends himself, he will kill him except for children and women . But now . . . In order to make Lou fanjun walk more comfortable, Zhang Xiaoqiang makes his promise .

"Thanks . . . Thanks, follow brother c.o.c.kroach, I don"t want to . . . "

In his excitement, Lou fanjun vomited a lot of black blood without finishing a word . His eyes suddenly went out, and he stopped breathing silently . Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at Lou fanjun"s enlarged pupils in silence, and his heart was filled with strong sadness . In recent years, when he fought in the East and West, he lost many of his men, but few of them left an impression on him, Most of the 30 evolutionists he didn"t know, but the death of Lou fanjun, who was familiar with him, made him a little unacceptable . In his system, there were not many casualties among officers above the middle level, let alone his acquaintances?

Slowly putting Lou fanjun"s stiff body down, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly turns to see that after the gate, several children are trying to pick up the rifles dropped by their little friends . These children are a little smaller than the children just now . Their fear does not disappear, but there is a look of hatred in their faces . Most of them stop crying and look at the b.l.o.o.d.y defensive positions outside, Many of the bodies were named by them . Some girls held those little children to their chest, squatted on the ground and trembled . They did not dare to take a look at them .

"Hoo . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang heaved a heavy breath, got up and went to the gate . His combat boots rose and fell in the blood, splashing the blood with a clatter . One step after another made the children shrivel and cry . The children who were going to pick up their rifles retreated one by one, blocking their partners behind with their thin bodies, even if they were scared to death, They did not give up their hatred for Zhang Xiaoqiang .

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s height is not big, but in the eyes of these children, he is as terrible as a t.i.tan . Looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang, who is covered with mud and plasma, most of the children are scared to pee and cry more and more . The expressionless Zhang Xiaoqiang walks to the iron gate and finally glances at these children . He pulls up the iron gate and closes it heavily .

When all the children were cut off at the gate, Zhang Xiaoqiang stood in a pool of blood . He was in a trance . He knew what he had done . Just now, he killed those children with guns . . . And he cut them into two pieces . Although he hesitated in his heart, he didn"t hesitate in his hands . He looked at his hands full of blood, Zhang Xiaoqiang feels that he is so strange that he no longer knows himself, as if he is just a ghost bending over, and the owner of this body is a murderer who even kills children .

Children have always been a taboo in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s mind . He can kill anyone, but he can"t kill children, because he is also a father . Seeing the blood oozing slowly after the gate, Zhang Xiaoqiang hates himself so much . Why did he become like this? It shouldn"t be like this? Is he still alone? All kinds of questions filled his mind . A severe headache made him hold his head and kneel in the pool of blood, whining . His brain seemed to explode . The panic of those children before death and his son"s eyes, which were purer than black gems, flashed in front of his eyes . All kinds of illusions were combined in his mind, and finally became the scene of his hand cutting off his son"s head .


Zhang Xiaoqiang roared like a wild animal . He knelt in the pool of blood and howled . His whole body fell in the pool of blood and beat him in the blood again and again . The blood splashed on his head, and his cheek poured down his neck into his collar . Everyone insisted on the bottom line, which is also the bottom line of human nature, The boundary between man and beast is whether they can keep the bottom line . After the end of time, there are too many humanoid beasts . They don"t have any bottom line to enslave the same kind, kill, bully, rape, or even eat people . All these are the embodiment of the collapse of human nature . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s bottom line is that he can"t move children . Today, he personally destroyed the persistence and was tortured by his own demons, making him cry in pain .

Zhang Xiaoqiang doubted himself before, but now he broke his bottom line, making him unable to find the meaning of living . Just like Lou fanjun just now, he fell into infinite remorse and chagrin, and the whole person fell into madness . If he continued to do so, he would be driven crazy by his own heart . At this time, the sound of stepping on the steps resounded through the surrounding tunnels, The dense sound of footsteps like rain beating banana makes Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart suddenly certain, and the whole person wakes up from the illusion . Although he is still kneeling in the pool of blood, his right hand firmly holds the handle of Firebird"s scimitar . After the angry and horrified enemies appear around the complex tunnel, Zhang Xiaoqiang, who holds the scimitar with one hand, slowly stands up from the pool of blood . Drop by drop of blood flows down Zhang Xiaoqiang"s Lapel to the pool of blood at his feet, rippling layer by layer . The pool of blood with the corpse floating at his feet is so terrible . Coupled with Zhang Xiaoqiang"s invisible killing intention, even these armed men have a strong sense of honor and responsibility, and many people can"t hold guns, their legs tremble, Even if they surrounded Zhang Xiaoqiang, they didn"t feel any sense of security, just like a group of ants surrounded the ant eaters . The fear of meeting natural enemies tormented their hearts .

"Fire . . . " Extreme fear scares many people, but there are still some people who are not afraid of it . The pool of blood is full of the bodies of his comrades in arms . Except for the machine gunner who sits by the heavy machine gun is still intact, other comrades in arms can"t even keep the whole body . Piles of white bones and red meat are all counted on Zhang Xiaoqiang"s head . Even if Zhang Xiaoqiang is surrounded in the center and has no guns in his hands, they didn"t expect to capture him alive, I just want to kill and avenge my comrades in arms .

At the moment when the firing order was given, almost all the muzzles of the guns shot long tongues of fire at the same time . The dark s.p.a.ce was instantly illuminated by the flash of the gun flame into the day . Countless fluorescent lights were covered by the fire cloud suddenly appeared in the pool of blood without even flashing time . At the next moment, all the shining guns were extinguished at the same time, and a piece of steel barrel jingled on the ground, In an instant, the hair of most people"s whole body stood up, and then came Zhang Xiaoqiang"s cold and hoa.r.s.e voice

"Hold your head and kneel down on the ground, or you will die . "

Squeezing these words out of his teeth, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s gloomy face looks ferocious and twisted . Under his wild wild eyes, many soldiers with poor psychological quality can"t help swallowing their saliva and retreating, but they are blocked by those determined soldiers, and bursts of gun falling sound, Most of the soldiers gritted their teeth and pulled out the saber at their waist . They twisted their crazy cheeks with white teeth like cannibalism . Before they rushed on them and turned them into a part of b.l.o.o.d.y mud, there was a roar that shook the eardrum

"Step back . . . "< br>