Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2056: 2056

Chapter 2056: 2056

PS may be to want a quick ending, all kinds of thoughts confused, let me some Calvin and tangled, I will adjust the state as soon as possible, sorry everyone .

Zhoushan Island is a treasure land . As a naval base and warship repair factory, there are too many materials and machinery that Zhang Xiaoqiang lacks in his next development . However, it is not a place to stay for a long time . The mutant beast on Zhoushan island can be solved very well . The type 4 zombies left around Shanghai by air can be solved, but Zhoushan Island is too close to Ningbo, Once the idea of urban mutant beast is aroused, it"s useless to bring over the million zombies of Xuefeng . We can only rush the most important things before the mutant beast does not respond .

Everyone was busy looking for materials to carry . Zhang Xiaoqiang took Zhuo Mingyue and xianghai"er to take the 022 missile boat and gallop in the sea . The catamaran seemed to be standing on the sea . Once it started, it could reduce the resistance at the bottom of the ship to the minimum, and the white water fountains stirred up in the stern, The high-speed hull is cut by the blade like sea breeze, and countless water splashes are flying . The hull plate can"t stand at all . Even the agile evolutionist with the best balance will be washed away by the strong wind and waves .

Even so, there are still countless waterlines around the high-speed ship . Many waterlines rush towards the ship like a sharp arrow, and they are about to hit the ship . A startling wave rolls away kilometers in front of the ship"s bow, revealing a black monster . This monster does not exceed the limit of level 3 mutant, However, it looks like a huge palm fan . On the outer edge of the oval shape, there are countless waving tentacles of black water plants . The black gray skin is glossy and glistening, and the pattern of vine like disorder looms . The monster has no eyes and no head, only a flat body and a huge tail like a fan handle behind it .

The missile boat with extremely high speed was driven to the monster by numerous trailing waterlines . The distance between them was not far . The six 30mm thick gun tubes on the front deck suddenly turned and spewed out more than 10m long blazing flames . Numerous thick sh.e.l.l sh.e.l.ls were scattered on the front deck like dandelions blown away by the wind, and then they were caught by the net pocket of the mechanism turret, Countless exploding water columns sprang up around the giant monster . The monster burst into a shower of blood in the water column . In the blink of an eye, the monster was torn to pieces by the mechanism gun with a firing speed of 4000 per minute, and scattered on the sea, dyed the boss"s blood color .

The dizzy blood, like dye, changes the color of the blue sea water . The sea is not calm when the sh.e.l.ls burst out . The high-speed warship rushes through the blood water like a bull, and rushes countless pieces of meat far away . At this time, the chasing water line rushes into the blood water one after another and stops, twisting countless spray and whirlpool on the sea, Occasionally you can see the shadow of black fins twisted in the water .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, the 30 second fire attack just now consumed 1200 30mm grenades . It"s just a medium attack . The grenades in the magazine can only store 1200 grenades at a time . That is to say, after 30 seconds, we have to spend 10 minutes to change ammunition and keep the barrel cool . This kind of short-range defense system can"t be used as an attack means, On the sea . . . I"m afraid there"s no other way but to run . "

The new captain of the 022 stealth missile boat was selected from the crew of the transport ship . Originally, he was an officer of the Yangtze River fleet . Although the fleet was a surface ship, Zhang Xiaoqiang insisted that the transport ship was no different from the surface ship . He just transferred many officers to the transport ship, and the transport ship was a two person post, It"s not too much trouble to set up the crew of this ship . It"s just that ten crew members are deployed to form combat effectiveness .

This new captain has not yet changed his ident.i.ty . He is restrained in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang . Unlike other crew members who curiously look at Xiang Hai"er, his attention is always on Zhang Xiaoqiang . The swaying ship is undulating on the sea . Not far from the observation window of the fully closed bridge is the previously torn sea area of monsters . Large areas of blood color are swayed outward by the surging water, After watching for a while, Zhang Xiaoqiang woke up .

"Have you recorded all the data just now?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang Ming didn"t comment on the captain"s topic . They made a profit by firing 1200 30mm grenades at a level 3 mutant beast . If the monster suddenly launched an attack underwater, the 022 could not resist at all . At that time, xianghai"er could only take the shot . This would not complete the original intention of the investigation .

"The record has been completed, but . . . I think the 022 missile boat has been able to run freely on the sea, and those mutant beasts did not catch up with us before . In addition, the 022 boat has little contact with the water surface, the bottom of the boat is not easy to be attacked, and its survivability can be guaranteed . I suggest . . . "

"It is recommended that . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t wait for the captain to finish . He interrupted him and made the captain"s face red . He didn"t know what to do next . Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the young and radical captain seriously and said with deep words:

"I know that when you get to the sea, you will never see the Yangtze River again . Men should cross the sea . . . But you are far from understanding the danger of the sea, Do you think the sea is really the bathtub you imagine

Speaking of this, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly remembered the huge shadow of the shadow in the sea, the sea beast hundreds of meters high in the urban area, and the flying fish on the water line that can catch up with the helicopter in speed . He felt a sense of suffocation . In Chinese history, he suffered a great loss from the sea more than once, including the Qing Dynasty, the Republic of China, and the Xisha campaign, This is the pain in China"s heart . They promised war but lost the ocean . Even if they catch up in the new century, they still can"t get back the lost benefits . Now they have to guard against mutant animals in the ocean . I really don"t know if future generations will be able to watch clouds and sunsets on the ocean . The captain felt much better after hearing Zhang Xiaoqiang"s explanation, but Zhuo Mingyue couldn"t help saying:

"Xianghai"er told me that we were chased by small creatures just now . The real giants are all in the deep sea, and each has its own territory . Once they break into their territory, they will be irritated, even if they are afraid of the machine gun, it is useless . . . "

Zhuo Mingyue has never paid attention to things that have nothing to do with her . This rare reminder, with the smell of obedience, makes the captain"s back burst into cold sweat . If the giant animals that were torn up before can only be called small, what kind of large? What does a giant look like?

"Is there a problem? It"s worse than you think . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang seldom asks Zhuo Mingyue in a soft voice . Zhuo Mingyue doesn"t show her face to Zhang Xiaoqiang . She turns her head and stares at Xiang Hai"er . When Xiang Hai"er"s eyes touch Zhuo Mingyue, she is at a loss . She seems to be motionless . After a while, Zhuo Mingyue takes her eyes back, and makes this young girl"s claya breathe quickly, The appearance of sweating is very distressing, but no one looks at her, looking at Zhuo Mingyue together .

"No problem . Although she needs a group to mobilize these mutants, she can still pa.s.s by without irritating the mutants . There can"t be too many boats . She can only affect about two kilometers, and after two kilometers she will lose control . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang is very happy . The distance of two kilometers makes the ships close enough to accommodate dozens of large ships . At that time, thousands of survivors will be able to carry away, not to mention a large amount of materials . You should know that a transport ship can only carry 400 tons of materials, but a large ship can carry at least three times the quant.i.ty, so the efficiency of transportation will be improved, Moreover, the role of these ships is more than that . When they enter the Yangtze River, they will have more fleets that can transport thousands of people and thousands of tons of goods, killing two birds with one stone .

"Go back, speed up the preparation as soon as possible, and leave the island ahead of time . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang gave a loud drink and gave a high spirited order . All of a sudden, he was busy . In the rolling blood water, the mutant beast greedily devoured the torn body of the giant beast . The water wave pulled by the ship again did not disturb these mutant beasts, until the ship returned to the dock area, where countless people were surging by the sea, Carry all kinds of materials to the warehouse of that huge ship .

When Zhang Xiaoqiang went out to sea for investigation, the preparation work of the military port terminal was almost finished . When the ships were organized and ready to leave here, I didn"t expect to hear Paul"s surprise report before they landed

"Ha! Boss, you don"t know what they found . . . I saw my old friend . . . "

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, we found the helicopter hangar . We found four truck 28, twelve transport straight nine, six transport straight eight, and six military straight ten . . . " It"s yuan Yong again . Now he"s a good news boy . I don"t know when he"ll give Zhang Xiaoqiang a surprise . Wu Zhishi doesn"t say it first, nor does Ka 28 anti submarine helicopter . He just says two transport helicopters . Zhang Xiaoqiang urgently needs to get through the transport means of Yinchuan and Hubei . With these 18 helicopters, at least for the time being, they can meet the material complementarity between the two places .

However, these things didn"t make Zhang Xiaoqiang as excited as before . With more and more materials and equipment being discovered, Zhang Xiaoqiang is no longer the fake otaku who has never seen the world . For him, these things are just icing on the cake . His goal is still j.a.pan, and now the preparatory work has been almost completed, It"s time to get ready to leave< br>