Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2070: 2070

Chapter 2070: 2070

What as like as two peas, the half curved long beard is like a frozen stiff whip . The dark skin is wrapped tightly like the top insulation tape . The top of the top is oval shaped, which looks exactly the same as the material of the whole body . It doesn"t know what the purpose is . The long beard came first when Zhang Xiao"s teeth came up to the teeth, and Zhang Xiaoqiang just had his knife . It was a forced counterattack that Zhang Xiaoqiang cut the beard into three parts . He knew that Zhang Xiaoqiang had cut it to the point . The giant animal suddenly twisted his whole body in pain, and his big mouth also narrowed his teeth . He was determined to drill into the water .

Without the threat of sharp teeth, Zhang Xiaoqiang landed safely on the back of the strange fish and caught half of the long beard . As soon as the long beard started, Zhang Xiaoqiang felt different . It was full of toughness and heavy weight . The fracture surface was continuously sprayed with blue fluorescent liquid . Falling into the sea water was like covering a layer of chemical raw materials, making that piece of sea water fragrant, It also attracted the surrounding mutant animals to compete for the fluorescent liquid . Zhang Xiaoqiang immediately understood what this thing was for . It had the same function as lantern fish . It was used as bait and was specially designed for predation . Once a mutant sea animal was attracted by the fluorescent liquid, it would be swallowed .

The strange fish was extremely painful, and then began to roll on the water . Zhang Xiaoqiang had to run straight along the back of the mutant animals in the sea surrounded by the fluorescent liquid . Just halfway through the run, he heard a slap . Something was flying towards him at high speed . Zhang Xiaoqiang turned his head and looked at it . He was almost furious, I don"t know which mutant animal waved its tail and accidentally pulled out the crystal nucleus, and the falling point happened to be on Zhang Xiaoqiang"s side . I don"t know what bad luck happened to him, and this thing would cling to him . If it wasn"t for the turtle"s death, it had nothing to do with him, and he suspected that it was the turtle"s evil spirit that entangled him .

That thing falls straight in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang . Once it enters the sea, it will set off a great wave . Zhang Xiaoqiang is running on the back of the mutant beast . Who knows if he will be involved in it as an after dinner order? Zhang Xiaoqiang had no time to think about it . He suddenly lay back . An upside down gold hook stopped the flying crystal nucleus, caught it in his arms, and continued to run forward . This time, he ran over more than 20 mutant animals in a row until he came to a mutant animal with its back exposed on the edge . Just after jumping on the dark and slippery monster, Zhang Xiaoqiang threw down his huge blade machete, took out the crystal core and inlaid it on the long beard several meters long .

Zhang Xiaoqiang put out this special fishing rod and stood on the head of the mutant beast . The crystal nucleus gently clicked in front of the giant beast"s head, which instantly excited the mutant beast . His whole body soared forward . White waves were spurting behind the mutant beast, and the mutant beast swam forward with Zhang Xiaoqiang on its back, The outer shape is like two woodworking saws stacked together, it seems that the terrible big mouth is gnawing at the crystal core, but this crystal core is like a carrot hanging in front of the donkey"s head, which can never be seen .

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t know whether the mutant animal under him was a sailfish mutant . He felt that he was not sitting on the fish, but on a jet plane . The sea wind was so fierce that his eyes couldn"t open . His hair turned into a broom standing backward, and he was almost blown out by the wind several times . If it hadn"t been for his preparation, This strange mutant animal has more desire for crystal nucleus than anything else . Even with the improvement of its level, the intelligence of the mutant animal will increase, but once it meets the crystal nucleus, its intelligence will be infinitely close to zero . Just like now, the sailfish has been rushing at high speed for half an hour without finding the crystal nucleus on its mouth . It"s impossible to bite it, The high-intensity sprint also weakened the strength of the sailfish, even slowed down a lot, but it still didn"t give up and continued to rush . Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t know if it would kill the mutant beast if it continued .

Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn"t help it . It would have been a miracle if he could escape his birthday . If it hadn"t been for his inspiration, he would have been broken to pieces now . Anyway, he would have been very satisfied as long as he could get away from the banquet scene just now . Fortunately, the mutant beast"s physical ability was far higher than Zhang Xiaoqiang"s expectation . In order to eat this crystal nucleus, The mutant animal even uses its strength to feed . Although its strength is constantly consumed by continuous charging, fish are naturally swimming in the water . After three or five hours, the mutant animal is still alive, while Zhang Xiaoqiang has seen the shadow of the mainland framework from a distance .

In the past, the turtle took him to chase after him, and he could not figure out the direction for a long time . Now when he saw the huge coastline in the distance, Zhang Xiaoqiang did not know where he had fallen . If he had kept his tactical helmet and personal terminal before, he would not have lost his way even if he had traveled all over the world, but now he is lost, and the shadow of the mainland in front of him is more and more clear, Zhang Xiaoqiang has been able to see the green faintly . He can"t tell whether it"s land or island . After all, Zhoushan island before is no different from land if seen from the sea .

The mutant animal didn"t eat the crystal core until it died . Zhang Xiaoqiang hung it and rushed to the beach on the sh.o.r.e . Once this super fast mutant animal on the sea land, it was no different from ordinary fish . The image metaphor was like a torpedo hitting the sh.o.r.e, plowing the sand near the sh.o.r.e into an artificial ca.n.a.l nearly two meters deep and hundreds of meters long with great impact, Zhang Xiaoqiang jumped from the mutant beast at the moment when he hit the bank . The only damage was that when he rolled on the sand, a lot of sand came into the snake scale beetle . When the sand fell, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw the mutant beast, which was tens of meters long, rolling on the sand, and finally set foot on the land again, The rest is to find the radio device to mark his position, and then ask Huang Tingwei to send someone to pick him up . Then Zhang Xiaoqiang found out the difference here . Standing on the sand, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw that most of the vegetation here is well preserved, and each big tree is at least tens of meters high . Many forests have formed a jungle because of the dense trees . Each of these trees is tall and thick, and it is obvious that they are trees for many years, I don"t know how many kilometers of this forest is definitely left before the end of the world . If it is left after the end of the world, unless there is a battle to encircle and annihilate the zombies, the vegetation here will not grow so luxuriant .

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaoqiang is a little puzzled . Except for the primeval forest near Vladivostok, most coastal areas in China can"t have so many primeval trees, which have been swept away by economic development for a long time . Even the so-called parks can"t have so many trees on the seash.o.r.e . What"s more, there are small town like buildings near this jungle, The low buildings are well arranged, and most of them are bungalows . According to China"s practice, unless the villas in the rich areas and most of the small towns by the sea are developed into economic zones, it is impossible to have such comfortable houses . What"s more, there are wide roads between the houses . These roads are very standard and even beautiful, which can be seen in big cities, But in a small town, that"s a delusion .

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaoqiang felt something was wrong . Then he carefully searched for clues . There were many advertising signs in the remote town . However, under the erosion of the last rain, most of the signs were rusty . There were all large and small rust holes on them, and even a complete word could not be found, Not to mention that all the cars in the small town were rusted, leaving only the tire sites, and no handwriting was found on the car body .

In the end, Zhang Xiaoqiang found the evidence of where he was . There were many food bags buried in the sand . These bags might not rot even after a hundred years, and the handwriting on them was also very clear . At least the colorful and cute cartoon bags Zhang Xiaoqiang held in his hand could be distinguished by the words printed on them, Many of these words are in Chinese, but when they are combined, they don"t know much, because two-thirds of the words are in j.a.panese . Looking at the plastic bags in his hand, Zhang Xiaoqiang has a feeling that he can"t speak clearly .

"Am I really the one who turns the gears of fate? Why did you come to j.a.pan just by going out to sea? "

When he threw away the packing bag, Zhang Xiaoqiang was speechless . A few hundred meters away from him, the marine mutant animal was not dead for a while, and he struggled and rolled in the sand . It seemed that he wanted to go back to the sea . Looking at the mutant animal out of water, Zhang Xiaoqiang squatted down slowly, looked at the dry sand at his feet, grabbed one and released it slowly, Let the fine grains of sand fall from the palm of his hand, but he is thinking about the task given to him by Nu Wa to investigate the causes of the formation of red algae in the sea of j.a.pan . This time, he has to face not only the local zombies and survivors of j.a.pan, but also the second Legion of the new era, the mysterious forces of Russia, the spy of Genesis, and the residual forces of Britain, the United States and other countries, All this is beyond his imagination .

Originally, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t leave for j.a.pan, so he wanted to make a complete preparation . For example, he used purified colloid liquid to make the sword cut further . He took it as a big killing weapon, transformed the transport ship into an air firepower platform, and pasted all the sh.e.l.ls with pearl tears . In this way, he had cheaters that could attack and escape, as well as blood Phoenix and Zhuo Mingyue, Xuefeng can control zombies . Zombies are the most important thing in j.a.pan . Zhuo Mingyue is strong and can take the lives of high-level Z-type zombies from tens of millions of zombies, such as searching for things . All these are his preparations for his trip to j.a.pan . I didn"t expect that he took all his efforts and finally turned into nothing . It became a time for him to wander the world alone< br>