Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2072: 2072

Chapter 2072: 2072

Looking up at the figure of the full moon, it seems to feel that outsiders are peeping . In a flash, Zhang Xiaoqiang disappears on the top of the building . Standing on the ground and looking up at the tall building, his mind suddenly moves . That figure is obviously an evolutionist . Any evolutionist, regardless of his ability, should be careful . He is not afraid of anyone when fighting head-on . He is not even worthy of an apprentice, Zhang Xiaoqiang raised his vigilance and walked cautiously to the other side .

The road is covered with withered gra.s.s and vines . Walking on it, it"s easy to make a brittle sound of broken branches . There are still many weeds around . Standing in the middle of the road, Zhang Xiaoqiang is easily covered by the surrounding gra.s.s and leaves . Walking between the withered gra.s.s and leaves, he seems to have become a wild cat . His light feet don"t touch anything that may make a strange sound, With Zhang Xiaoqiang approaching quietly, the outer wall of the nine storey building appeared in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang . The building is the main building of a factory, surrounded by a cement wall . The gate is not an iron door, but a high-strength plastic man-made electric retractable door . Beside the gate, there is a porter with a rusty air conditioner, From the broken gla.s.s on the outside, we can see the simple furnishings inside .

Zhang Xiaoqiang frowned at the rickety retractable door in the gale . At the first sight of the wall, he found that there were broken gla.s.s dregs all the way down the wall to the gate . Even the top agile evolutionists could not get close without making a sound . He didn"t want to be discovered and besieged, After all, when approaching anyone at night, they will not be regarded as doing good deeds . When they are in the daytime, they have no time to do so . The people in them are very cautious, and they can"t speak any language . It"s really difficult .

After thinking about it, Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn"t come up with a proper way to express his kindness . In a hurry, Zhang Xiaoqiang looked up at the silver full moon and asked himself, "can"t you show some kindness?"

The idea flashed by . Zhang Xiaoqiang was not willing to worry too much . He raised his hand and threw out the Firebird scimitar . With a sharp sound, the Firebird scimitar with high-speed rotation swept over the telescopic door . Then Zhang Xiaoqiang"s whole body catapulted out like a catapult . With a crash, the scimitar"s shredded extension and contraction door broke into countless pieces, Zhang Xiaoqiang smashes these pieces of plastic and rushes forward . Everything happens within a few seconds . Without any reaction from the people in the building, Zhang Xiaoqiang has rushed to the open s.p.a.ce in front of the building .

Just as he was about to continue to rush forward and enter the building, the scream came from not far away from him . Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly stopped, turned around and b.u.mped into the place where the scream sounded . The curved knife in his hand turned slightly and was ready to stop the screamer with a flat blade . As soon as he turned around, Zhang Xiaoqiang was stunned and couldn"t move .

Zhang Xiaoqiang originally thought that everyone would be in the building . Unexpectedly, behind the wall, a row of small beds were spread out along the foot of the wall . These beds were as neat as goods . They were lined with uniform cardboard and covered with small quilts . Four or five or seven or eight year olds were sleeping on these beds, and shoes were neatly placed beside the beds, Backpacks, lunch boxes, and books don"t look like the gathering place of the last days, but more like the lunch break dormitories in primary schools .

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s dullness is that he made up his mind to use the most fierce face and the most powerful posture to suppress the first j.a.panese he met, but he didn"t expect that . . . He broke into the kindergarten and screamed loudly, which made Zhang Xiaoqiang dizzy . Looking at these children in front of him, Zhang Xiaoqiang said: "shut up . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s drinking didn"t make these children stop at all . They still looked at him in horror and screamed . Then several adults who had a rest near the gate reacted and yelled at the children for j.a.panese that Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t understand . It wasn"t long . All the children were quiet and looked at him awkwardly with big frightened eyes, The children were scared to shiver by Zhang Xiaoqiang and the giant blade on his back, which was higher than ordinary people, as if a group of quails were watched by wild cats .

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the adults who came to him carefully without expression . Only two of them were men, and the others were women . The two men were young and looked like junior high school students . The moonlight might not be bright enough for ordinary people, but for Zhang Xiaoqiang, the difference between moonlight and sunlight was not big, and there was no escape under the super long sight, It seems that the three women know how to communicate better than the two junior high school students . Before they enter, they bow to Zhang Xiaoqiang like a chicken pecking rice . They carefully block the two big boys behind them . They are afraid that they will provoke Zhang Xiaoqiang and lead to death . Zhang Xiaoqiang looks at these women in wonder, and suddenly feels something . He turns back and sees a tall man, The pure girl with clear curve and horsetail is watching him warily .

Seeing this little girl, who is about 15 or 16 years old, Zhang Xiaoqiang is sure that she is the evolutionist who looked up to in the high building before . However, he is surprised why the girl did not start when she saw him? Even if he has the intention of killing, which can deter the evolutionists, the distance between them is still far away . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s intention of killing has not expanded to 50 meters away .

Just when he was puzzled, three adult women had come up to him . These women looked almost thirty or forty years old . Zhang Xiaoqiang knew that these women would never exceed thirty . In China, he saw too many women . There was no abundant food, no safe environment, let alone beautiful, Even if they want to maintain their true age appearance is difficult to do, many women are under great pressure before aging, women in their twenties look like not a few in their forties, and some directly gray hair, wrinkles . No matter what these women say, Zhang Xiaoqiang is cold faced, which is the only way he can do . As for j.a.panese, he is only limited to buying dishes and baga, and there is an instant wow . As for other things, I don"t know whether "eight road work" is j.a.panese?

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s serious and old-fashioned appearance doesn"t surprise women . It seems that in the hearts of these women, he is the most normal . At this moment, all the children stop crying and sit on the bed like a group of wooden people watching Zhang Xiaoqiang and the women, Two junior high school boys showed anger and despair after hearing what they said behind the woman . Of course, they only showed this kind of expression behind the woman, while the girl in the distance was staring at Zhang Xiaoqiang and the giant blade behind him tightly . Her eyes swept over the scattered parts of the retractable door from time to time . A pair of small hands held tightly, and the blue veins on the back of her hands jumped up, Let Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes narrow slightly to prepare for the girl"s trouble .

The girl"s porcelain white teeth almost broke her lips, but in the end, she didn"t do anything . She had no choice but to lower her head and tremble all over her body, as if she was enduring something . Zhang Xiaoqiang also got an unexpected harvest, two cloth bags with rice, a small bag of salted fish and wild vegetables packed in plastic bags, After these things were respectfully sent to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s feet, the three women untied their lapels at the same time, bared their b.r.e.a.s.t.s to Zhang Xiaoqiang and accepted his choice calmly .

All this happened in front of all the children . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s face was burning hot . He was still thinking about whether he was in j.a.pan . How could he be so open in China? So is the j.a.panese . How can such a young child receive this kind of education? Zhang Xiaoqiang understands that for the weak, if they want to live, the only thing they can do is smile at the strong . Even if the strong take away their food and trample on their dignity, they have to smile . As long as they can find a ray of life, they will continue to live .

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t despise these seemingly unruly women . Their ability to take care of these children, teach them lessons, and comfort these children before the great danger . All these show their greatness . Such a great woman Zhang Xiaoqiang has met before, Which kindergarten teacher was found in the gathering place of Hubei Province, engaging in the most humble business of skin and meat to support her students? Although she is now the Minister of Hubei early childhood education department, her previous experience has made the girl"s heart ache forever . The good and evil of human nature seem to show a trend of polarization at the end of this dog day . The greater the greatness, the greater the greatness, Despicable is extremely despicable .

Zhang Xiaoqiang looks at the food at his feet and shakes his head at the woman in front of him . He doesn"t come here for this . He just wants to take a chance to see if he can find a Chinese student or a j.a.panese who knows Chinese . However, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s action makes the women panic and kneel down together to beg, The children saw signs of crying again .

"Baga . . . " A crisp scream came out of the mouth of the girl evolutionist hiding in one side . Then the girl rushed to this side . Her red lips had been bitten, and a few drops of blood were flowing slowly along her shining chin . However, the women raised their heads in horror and yelled at the girl . The meaning of stopping was very obvious, Zhang Xiaoqiang is a little confused again .

"Shua . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang released the handle, glanced at the dull girl, and put the Firebird machete into the scabbard behind her back with his backhand

"Which of you can speak Chinese . . . "< br>