Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2073: 2073

Chapter 2073: 2073

At the beginning of the morning glow, he was bathed in the morning glow and smelled the clear morning wind . Zhang Xiaoqiang felt refreshed . After a little movement, his muscles and bones made a crackling sound like firecrackers . The huge blade was inserted beside him . Only then did he have time to look at this new weapon . The giant blade is the tip of the monster"s eight long bamboo legs, The tortoise sh.e.l.l that can be easily chiseled into level 5 turtle is not heavy . At least Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t feel the weight of this huge blade and can easily carry it on his back .

It is more than 170 cm long . The slender and semi curved edge is similar to the claw tip of hairy crabs . When you tap on the dark and thick surface, it will produce a clear and melodious sound like a bell . The sharpest one is the edge, but the edge is not ambiguous . It is rough to look at, but when you look at it carefully, you can find that the semi curved edge is lined with numerous small barbs, which are not long, On the contrary, it is very thin and short, but it is very strong . If it is not for this huge shape, the whole giant blade looks very humble . The mottled surface looks like old rotten wood . From the tip to the tail, the whole giant blade starts to enlarge, and it is no longer within Zhang Xiaoqiang"s grasp at the joint . He needs to embrace it to kill the enemy, Before he started, others would laugh to death, so Zhang Xiaoqiang had to refit it .

The Firebird scimitar reflects a bright red glow in the glow, which makes Zhang Xiaoqiang"s cheek look like a ruby . The Firebird scimitar is integrated with Zhang Xiaoqiang"s four level colloid purification liquid . After Zhang Xiaoqiang eats the high-purity colloid, he accidentally gets the flame ability . If this ability is not a weapon to weigh hands, it will be a chicken rib ability, This ability can only be triggered by external objects . If he is unarmed, the only thing he can do is to lay a high temperature layer around him . It"s a good defense method, but it"s too wasteful . After all, this ability is only initially integrated with him, and it won"t last long . After using it once, he can"t use it any more . If he uses ordinary knives, he won"t wait for him to kill the enemy, The tool will melt first, and you have to use the Firebird cutla.s.s to use this ability easily .

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s speed is very fast . The Firebird machete is extremely sharp after his ability . Large pieces of leftover materials fall off from the huge blade, and these leftover materials are also sharp . The sharp angle of more than 20 cm long falls to the ground and is easily inserted into the concrete ground . The pure girl squatting in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang is looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang with her chin, Seeing these leftovers, many small stars flashed in my eyes . I was eager to see them .

There are more than ten small dots behind the girl . These children are no different from Chinese children . They have the same black hair, black eyes and thin face . The only difference is that they are very disciplined and obedient . While looking at the books in their hands, they look at the big pot of porridge with eager eyes . Of course, they only dare to look secretly, I"m afraid of the angry look in my aunt"s eyes .

Children are always forgetful . Yesterday, although Zhang Xiaoqiang scared them, they woke up and almost forgot . They only thought about breakfast . Although they were curious about Zhang Xiaoqiang and his sword, they couldn"t resist the temptation of breakfast . These women took good care of their children, not only let them live to the present, but also keep good study habits . If they can live on all the time, In a few years" time, it will become a fire for the revival of j.a.panese civilization . Of course, this is due to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s laissez faire .

Zhang Xiaoqiang quickly finished his work . The handle of the huge blade was cut out to be nearly 50 cm long, and then cut into thin skin with a piece of animal skin containing the spirit of heaven . After wrapping the handle layer by layer, it became a two handed chopping sabre . Although the shape of the big Sabre changed, it was still full of evil spirit, and the huge blade was like a door plank, Zhang Xiaoqiang danced a few times with one hand . As the blade turned over, the air stirred the blade and sent out a sharp howl like a ghost howl along the tiny gap of the blade, which made all the children sitting nearby pale .

Just when everyone was attracted by Zhang Xiaoqiang"s two handed saber, the women cheered . All the children threw down their books, picked up their bowls and swarmed around the women . Two junior high school boys with white towels on their heads waved their rice spoons and asked the children to line up to pick up the porridge one by one, The girl also appeared at the edge of the big pot, padded her toes and looked into the pot . She muttered something that Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t understand . Zhang Xiaoqiang ignored the excitement in front of her, waving a huge blade in her hand and thinking about the road behind .

Not every j.a.panese is interested in China . Like most Chinese, they are not interested in the languages of neighboring countries . None of the 18 people here, old and young, understands Chinese . After listening to the dead mimasan, Zhang Xiaoqiang thinks that these people can only speak dead mimasan . However, the girl"s angry baga makes him feel a little friendly, This is one of the few j.a.panese he knows, just as he knows Shetter in English .

"Itada"s horse died . . . "

One by one, they carelessly hold their rice bowls and sing out this familiar j.a.panese sentence in unison . Then they bow their heads and suck the hot porridge in the bowl without saying a word . A slight clatter makes Zhang feel a little energetic . That pretty girl, pure as a little sister next door, shakes her free and easy horsetail, Holding his head high, he came to Zhang Xiaoqiang step by step . He glanced at Zhang Xiaoqiang like a provocation, his eyes hummed coldly, and handed the bowl to Zhang Xiaoqiang . Zhang Xiaoqiang knew from the beginning what little beauty came to do, but he didn"t know how to communicate with each other, so he could only stand in the same place with a straight face and mutter in his heart . After seeing all 300 A . movies, he saw the j.a.panese dressed for the first time? The big bowl in the girl"s hand is not small, but the content is not much . In the half bowl of clear congee that can see people, there are only more than 100 pieces of boiled rice scattered at the bottom . In addition to the congee, there is a small dried fish with long fingers, and a little bit of natto that has no idea how many years of history .

Seeing this porridge, Zhang Xiaoqiang knows that it"s not the girls who deliberately make trouble for him, but the food for this group of people is really scarce . At least he can be sure that no one"s breakfast is richer than him except this one . After all, he is the most powerful one here, and Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t want to take it, However, he was relieved to see the girl"s reluctance in her eyes . After taking it, he waved his hand and poured the porridge on the ground . She was so surprised that she seemed to be a kitten who had been trampled on her tail . Suddenly, she jumped up and pointed to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s nose and scolded

"Baga . . . "

The girl"s scream also aroused other people"s ideas . When they saw the porridge sprinkled on the ground by Zhang Xiaoqiang, they turned pale and thought that Zhang Xiaoqiang was not satisfied with their tribute . The girl"s angry look also aggravated the women"s worry, and they all cried out, hoping that the girl would apologize to Zhang Xiaoqiang . At this moment, the girl didn"t listen as well as she did last night, Looking up at Zhang Xiaoqiang, she clenched her fists tightly again, but Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t care about the girl . She turned around and walked out of the door, making other people angry and tongue tied . She couldn"t understand Zhang Xiaoqiang"s meaning . After Zhang Xiaoqiang turned around and left, the girl stamped her feet angrily, squatted down, picked up the bowl thrown away by Zhang Xiaoqiang, and picked up the grain scattered on the ground one by one .

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t leave . He was unaccompanied here . It"s better to find survivors and mix together than to rush in the wild alone . After walking out of the gate, Zhang Xiaoqiang pauses a little and turns to the way he came yesterday . The gra.s.s in the daytime is silent again, as if the noise of last night was just an environment and walking on the road, Occasionally, Zhang Xiaoqiang can smell the faint smell of blood in the air . When he smelled the smell, the crystal core in his arms was still on the ground . Then he turned and walked 30 meters away, holding the Firebird machete and waiting .

He is hunting . In his arms, Zhang Xiaoqiang has a five level mutant beast crystal nucleus that can cause any mutant beast to go crazy . He dares not take it out at night . Night is the craziest time for the mutant beast . Even if he ignores the second level mutant beast, thousands of casualties of small mutant beasts will also kill him, only in the daytime, Only when most of the mutant animals are no longer active can Zhang Xiaoqiang dare to do so .

After waiting for a while, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly noticed that there was a small noise nearby . He immediately turned around and saw that the pure girl was standing more than 30 meters away, peering out at him . Looking at her vigilance, she was obviously prepared to watch him, so that Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t know whether to cry or laugh . He didn"t want to care about her, but considering that it would become the center of chaos, Zhang Xiaoqiang was kind enough to wave .

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s kindness attracted the girl"s white eyes . Without any action, he just stood by to peep . Zhang Xiaoqiang did not ask . He glanced at the two pieces of material with a length of more than 20 cm inserted between the girl"s waist . When her face turned red, he took back his eyes and continued to wait for the coming killing . Both of them calmed down, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s strange appearance all fell into the girl"s big black and white eyes . The girl didn"t know what Zhang Xiaoqiang was up to, but she was shy of herself . She held the leftover material with her hands unnaturally, and wanted to throw it away . She was reluctant to give up . It was so powerful that she could pierce the concrete wall as soon as she poked it, She can find more food for her brothers and sisters .

Just as the girl was struggling, a strange sound came from the gra.s.s, which made her hair stand up . As an evolutionist after the end of the world, she knew that the wild at night was the most dangerous . Countless mutant beasts hidden in the dark were the death G.o.ds . Even the army was in danger of being destroyed at night, I didn"t expect that there would be so many mutant animals in the safest morning . Under the pressure of the huge crisis, the girl just wanted to turn around and run back to the wall . At this time, countless strange looking mutant animals suddenly appeared on both sides of the road . At the same time, they cut off the way back for the girl and Zhang Xiaoqiang . The desperate girl looked at these mutant animals in front of her eyes, At last, it gave out a very sad scream< br>