Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2074: 2074

Chapter 2074: 2074

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s departure gives those nervous women a long breath . As a small vagrant force, sheltering these children has made them pay an unimaginable price . For Zhang Xiaoqiang, the j.a.panese do better than the Chinese in some aspects, but for the j.a.panese, they are not better than the survivors of other countries in the end, Food shortage, the collapse of human nature, the oppression of the strong, the tyranny of those in power, and all kinds of possible crises all make them struggle in the life and death line . No one knows whether they can see the sun tomorrow, but they have to persist and look for the possible hope .

"Will he come back? It seems very powerful . Maybe with him, we don"t have to beg any more . "

Two junior high school boys with more than ten small things are sitting in the open s.p.a.ce reading textbooks . Three women are around to wash the dishes, pots and bowls . The youngest looking woman is struggling to wipe the aluminum cauldron and muttering in a low voice . This woman makes the leading woman stop her work slightly and look at the open door, He raised his hand to capture the drooping hair and whispered in a dry and hoa.r.s.e voice:

"He won"t stay, we can"t support him, and we can"t understand what he said, we won"t have sympathy for us, even the native people hate us, let alone a foreigner . . . "

"Is he Korean? I don"t think so . Korean people all look the same . "

The third woman moved the basin full of water to one side, raised her sleeve, wiped her sweat and began to gossip . The first woman spoke with an expression of disgust and said:

"It can"t be Korean . If it were Korean, we would all die last night . They are all abnormal, It"s said that there is a Korean in Kobe who specializes in eating women"s heart

Speaking of this Korean, all women can"t help shivering . j.a.pan"s infrastructure is very developed . Even in the countryside, there are many expressways pa.s.sing through it, so the survivors are closely related to each other . Even so, the survivors scattered in the wild can"t find much supplies to support themselves, because most of the supplies are concentrated in cities, j.a.pan does not attach as much importance to food preparation as China does, so it is difficult to build large-scale gathering places like China . Just like the j.a.panese tsunami on that day, after counties and towns were destroyed by sea water, they still need to mobilize food supplies from big cities, otherwise all the survivors would have to suffer from hunger and cold .

As an evolutionist, he is also a foreign evolutionist who is hostile to the j.a.panese . After the end of the world, he madly retaliated against the ordinary people who survived in this country . The j.a.panese are not a united country . They are as disciplined as the Germans, However, they don"t care about irrelevant people . They seem extremely selfish . They always have only themselves in mind . So don"t expect them to form a team to encircle and kill the Korean, and the big forces don"t care about the Korean"s trouble at all . This has created the Korean"s reputation .

"He is Chinese . . . " The oldest woman is not as ignorant as others . Although there are some differences between Chinese, j.a.panese and Korean, they are not as obvious as those in Southeast Asian countries . Zhang Xiaoqiang did not kill them, so she is obviously not Korean . So it"s natural to see clearly the specific ident.i.ty of Zhang Xiaoqiang, The two women in liangwai were very relieved and said:

"That"s great . I heard that the Chinese are very friendly . Maybe he can help us . . . "

The two women knew at a glance that what they learned in school was a history of tampering . They didn"t know that the hatred between China and j.a.pan was no less than that between South Korea and j.a.pan . Hearing this, the oldest woman gave a wry smile and didn"t continue to speak . She just said in her heart, "I hope he"s not from Nanjing . . . "

"We have no rice . . . "

After the end of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s topic, the food problem was talked about by the youngest woman . Two women stopped their work completely . The leading woman felt a strong sense of powerlessness and slowly looked up at the blue sky and said:

"If you don"t have rice, eat wild vegetables . They won"t give us any more rice, All the things that can be exchanged will be exchanged . The girl of Jingzi will not agree to exchange her body for rice . Our body is not appreciated by others . "

Jingzi is a little girl who follows Zhang Xiaoqiang . If Zhang Xiaoqiang is here and can understand j.a.panese, he will be surprised . In j.a.pan, where s.e.x is extremely open, there will be such a strange girl . It"s incredible . But in several women"s hearts, this is the heaviest topic . The youngest woman suddenly gets upset, He raised the pot in his hand and threw it in a low voice

"You don"t know that Ono and Takeuchi are so dead . Yecai is no longer a yecai we know . It will kill people . . . "

"We don"t necessarily die if we eat . If we don"t eat, we all die . "

With these words, the leading woman couldn"t help looking at the children who were reciting the text seriously . The clear sound of reading was melodious in the quiet sky, but it was so weak . Suddenly, an impulse that had never been felt in the woman"s heart . Maybe it was the greatest relief to take these children to die together? Then you don"t have to be so tired . . . Death is also very simple . Make those poisonous plants and all the rice into porridge, let everyone have a full meal, and die at the happiest time . Maybe it will be very warm?This idea is like a poisonous snake in the heart of a woman . It seems to cheer for her genius like idea . Looking at those ignorant children, the more women think about it, the more they feel right . It"s better to let them suffer in the last life than to let them end this tragic fate early . Anyway, they are all abandoned children, It"s impossible to have the care and care of parents any more, just die .

The other two women didn"t know that a huge crisis was hanging over them . When all the study in the morning was finished, the children returned to their lively nature and played around in the open s.p.a.ce, the good news came that they were so surprised that they could have lunch even if they had only two meals in the morning and evening, or a lunch that promised to be full, This makes them happy and almost crazy . These children have long forgotten when they were last full . Their thin bodies don"t even have much strength to walk, and their straw like arms can hardly even lift their books . If they can eat enough, they will feel warm and comfortable again . The most normal feeling is their most luxurious gift .

"Bayonet, Yina . . . , hangsa mu, dainei . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang was brainwashed again by the j.a.panese language he didn"t understand . The girl Jingzi kept repeating these messy nouns around him . He didn"t know what the words meant . However, from the little stars in the girl"s eyes, at least he didn"t say bad things about him . Maybe the meaning of worship was more . Both of them were carrying the bodies of mutant animals, Drops of blood extended along the road they pa.s.sed . The girl had no less back than Zhang Xiaoqiang . She was very like an ant who could lift more than her own weight . However, compared with Zhang Xiaoqiang"s ease, the girl had been bent down . Two mutant carca.s.ses of more than 100 kg resisted her shoulder, almost blocking her cheek . The only thing that showed was her bright eyes .

Zhang Xiaoqiang is also carrying two bigger mutants, which add up to nearly three or four hundred pounds, which makes his walking a bit heavy . Zhang Xiaoqiang, who is carrying the mutants, has already thought about it in his heart . He will leave when he returns to the child where he puts down the mutants . However, when he leaves, he has to take a person who can drive . The survivors here don"t know Chinese, Then he will find a survivor who knows Chinese, and then he will find a radio station or a military communication station . As long as he can get these things, he will have the opportunity to contact backup . In this way, j.a.pan can grasp the task more .

While listening to the girl"s crisp and sweet compliments, thinking about his next journey, the two men walked into the gate . As soon as they entered, the girl screamed . The two b.l.o.o.d.y mutant carca.s.ses were thrown on the ground by the girl, and her whole body shape rushed to the center of the field . There were children and adults lying upside down, and many children were still rolling on the ground, And three adults and two junior high school boys have twisted into a ball, no movement .

The girl was speechless . She rushed to the children and caught a cute little girl . She just shook and screamed, but there was no way . Zhang Xiaoqiang also rushed to the girl and looked at the children all over the floor in horror . Almost all of them were the same, with white foam in their mouths and empty eyes, Two nosebleeds flow out of the nostrils like meandering earthworms< br>