Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2083: 2083

Chapter 2083: 2083

After Zhang Xiaoqiang cracked the ma.s.sive counterattack, it caused heavy losses to the evolutioners who gathered around him . The burst crystal powder fragments are similar to the ice h.e.l.l of level five mutant monsters . They are all things that can kill people if they touch them . The original team of more than 100 people was reduced by more than half again, leaving only dozens of panicked evolutioners . These evolutioners may be lucky, Let others stand in front of him to escape a disaster, or be far away from him . The rebound distance of ice crystal is not far . Although it covers a large area, it is exhausted when it reaches tens of meters away . When Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly struggles out of his joyful mood, his eyes look at the group of earth colored evolutioners, flashing cold light .

The ground has been frozen by the mysterious crystal powder for several centimeters of frost . The military boots trample on the frost, and the crisp sound of the ice slag cracking is beating on the heart of the evolutioners like a drum . Without command, these invincible evolutioners subconsciously turn back and run, and then the crisp sound of the slag ground suddenly disappears, One by one, the screams of their companions suddenly rang out behind them . Many evolutioners who thought they were fast turned to look behind them, but the pupils of their eyes suddenly expanded because of fear . Then they turned their heads and shook their arms harder, and rushed forward desperately with sucking strength . On the way behind them, more than ten evolutioners fell down along the way, These evolutionists were all cut off in their thighs and fell to the ground in pain, rolling and howling .

When the evolutionists ran away, the cheers of the survivors were higher and higher . Those evolutioners who were temporarily attached to Zhang Xiaoqiang had already forgotten the last point and waved their arms to Zhang Xiaoqiang, but they didn"t remember that just a few minutes ago, they were still thinking about taking the opportunity to plot against Zhang Xiaoqiang and surrender to Okamoto, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s fierce figure magnifies infinitely in their hearts . He can pick up hundreds of evolutioners between raising his hand, and turn defeat into victory under the various strange and powerful abilities of those evolutioners . Isn"t that what the legendary hero can do .

Horsetail girl is almost crazy . She keeps jumping around in place, cheering and waving her hands . The stars in her eyes are just like the bright sea of stars, while Liu Manman beside her holds her hands in her heart . Her eyes are full of incredible surprises . She didn"t expect that Zhang Xiaoqiang is so powerful . If so, can his previous promise be fulfilled?

The attackers around the mountain retreat one after another when the evolutor collapses . The evolutor Zhang Xiaoqiang pursues may not have outstanding combat effectiveness, but his ability to escape is still good . After he cuts off the legs of the 21st evolutor, the remaining more than 20 evolutors have disappeared in the camp, At the same time, the ordinary people who waved the flag to the evolutionists also ran away with the frightened evolutionists .

This sudden attack is like a farce . Zhang Xiaoqiang beat those guys with eyes on his head into a rout without any trouble . Not many of them actually died in his hands . Most of them were hurt by the evolutioners themselves without discipline . Looking at the evolutioners who ran without shadow, Zhang Xiaoqiang grew a breath of atmosphere, I"m not happy in my heart, but I"m glad enough, because he has just completed the breakthrough of his own murderous concussion, and finally mastered how to restrain his murderous concussion . Now his murderous concussion has finally formed a real strength, and has become another good defense means . Before he finished, huoyun exhausted all his strength and can only be used once, while his murderous concussion can be used countless times, The Supreme Court made a judgment .

Turning to the people in the camp who began to be quiet, Zhang Xiaoqiang glanced at Liu Manman and horsetail girl in turn . Then he looked at 21 evolutioners who had their legs cut off and had their legs shortened on the b.l.o.o.d.y ground . After being hurt, these evolutioners were no stronger than ordinary people, It seems that they do not dare to accept the fact that they have become disabled . Some people are in a coma in pain, with their eyes closed, and let the blood gush out of their thighs . Walking among these wailing evolutionists, Zhang Xiaoqiang has no sorrow or joy in his heart . These people have no status in his heart, even if the blood gushes out to dye his army shoes bright red, He didn"t think of these people as like .

Zuo Tian takes the lead in welcoming Zhang Xiaoqiang . Zhang Xiaoqiang bows and bows, showing the extreme inferiority of flattery . All the survivors dare not look directly at Zhang Xiaoqiang . They all bow 90 degrees and only stare at the instep . Liu Manman looks radiant and looks at those miserable evolutioners with burning eyes, It was these guys who brutally slaughtered all the Chinese people near Osaka, which left a shadow in her heart forever . Mawei girl was also excited . She did not expect that Zhang Xiaoqiang could achieve this level . In her heart, there was no concept of country and nation, and this national boundary and nation never gave her a real sense of security after the end of the world, So instead, Zhang Xiaoqiang became one of her closest friends .

"Ask where the power of qinggangben is . I don"t care what you do . I just want the answer . . . " After Zhang Xiaoqiang"s order was translated to Zuo Tian by Liu Manman, Zuo Tian"s face became rigid and rigorous . He turned to look at the howling evolutionists and flashed the fierce light of metamorphosis . The evolutionists" status in the hearts of ordinary people is infinitely high, so high that ordinary people can only look up to it all their lives . Yesterday, their madness was just a madness to ordinary people, The women of those evolutionists are absolutely afraid to move . Now 21 evolutionists fall to the ground like dead dogs and are at his disposal . This makes his heart surge with a tyrannical pleasure . When he is excited, he shouts at his surviving companions and rushes to the evolutionists crying in pain . What happened next made Zhang Xiaoqiang, who was used to blood, want to vomit . He saw a lot of tragic scenes after the end of the world . After the war, he saw many kinds of corpses, such as those with no head, those with split stomach, those with intestines, and those who were cut off by the waist and dragged their intestines around . He was numb to see them, and he once walked through a sea of corpses, He has crawled out of countless corpses, but zuota and his accomplice"s methods make Zhang Xiaoqiang secretly scold the j.a.panese for being abnormal .

Those extraordinary non mainstream evolutionists fell into their hands, and they all became inferior to pigs and dogs . A 20-year-old evolutionist was pulled open, and his bulging large intestine rolled up and squeezed out of the breach . Looking at the slowly flowing large intestine, the evolutionist was so scared that he could not even feel the pain on his leg, He just stared at his belly and screamed, and another one watched his companion"s beating heart being dug out little by little . When the j.a.panese who dug out the heart put the b.l.o.o.d.y heart into his mouth, he was scared to death .

There are also two women among the evolutionists . They are also cut off by Zhang Xiaoqiang and fall into the hands of Zuo Tian and others, but they are made into broken arms . More than a dozen men shamelessly strip themselves . Around these two female evolutionists and two men and women in uniform, they are doing heart beating activities . Seeing this, Zhang Xiaoqiang only feels the blue tendons on his forehead, Kill not overdo a bit ground, left field these guys do of really disgust, let him all surge to kill heart again .

What Zuo Tian and others have done has already exceeded the limit that normal people can imagine . Seeing these people, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly thought of the photos he had seen before . A group of j.a.panese soldiers crouched together and showed their honest smile . In front of them, the heads of Chinese people were closely lined up . . . A group of j.a.panese soldiers held their rifles high and cheered, standing on the slender bayonets of their rifles, A three-year-old Chinese child was challenged with a bayonet to wriggle and struggle . For a moment, Zhang Xiaoqiang could no longer tell whether these crazy guys were the survivors of the end of the world or the j.a.panese beasts in the Anti j.a.panese war . He rushed up and grabbed the head of a guy who was convulsing with a four legged evolutionist . His five fingers clasped tightly and let the guy who was enjoying utter a cry of pain, In everyone"s eyes, the man"s head was scratched like an egg by Zhang Xiaoqiang"s fingers, and the white brain splashed around like the egg yolk, and fell on Zhang Xiaoqiang and the desperate evolutionist"s face .

Blood color is the theme song that never changes in the end of life . Every evolutionist has experienced the second despair in his life . Life is worse than death in the hands of Zuo Tian and others . Zuo Tian and others, who were arrogant and happy before, are all scared to pee . The guy who was crushed and angry by Zhang Xiaoqiang is dead in front of them . They can feel Zhang Xiaoqiang"s previous anger, Everyone knelt down slowly in the direction of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s standing . The ground was soaked with blood yesterday, then dried by the fire . Today, it is filled with red blood again . Black and red weave a depressing and frightening color . The color of the ground is the color of their hearts at the moment . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heavy breathing is slightly inaudible, It"s beating the screams of all the evolutionists, crashing into their eardrums .

Zuo Tian and others drop their heads on the ground, eager to drill a hole in the ground . The fear in their hearts washes their hearts like a huge wave, as if they would be scared to death by the fear from the depths of their souls in the next moment . Zhang Xiaoqiang pinches the man"s head and looks down at the female evolutor with despair and emptiness in her eyes, At this moment, he saw that the girl who was not beautiful was not much older than the girl with horsetail, and her naked body was also covered with all kinds of scars . Like Liu Manman, she was also abused by j.a.panese men, with all kinds of tooth marks, scalds, and crooked tattoos, which devastated her immature body like a loofah without water .

The woman saw that the man who was holding herself in his arms was gone, her twisted and cruel eyes lost their l.u.s.tre, and the white slurry splashed all over her face . Suddenly, she stretched out her tongue and rolled the white brain splashed to her mouth . Her empty eyes suddenly turned into crazy and shining, and she even roared like a beast, One bite on the cheek of the dead man, tearing wildly .

Looking at the woman on the ground who is biting the corpse like a mad dog, Zhang Xiaoqiang has an indescribable sense of bitterness in his heart . What Zuo Tian has imposed on the evolutionist is what he hates the most . However, Zuo Tian has been ordered to do it by himself . All this has overturned his outlook on life, and gradually faded some things he used to stick to, A heart seems to tear in the meat grinder, let him more and more do not understand himself, in front of these are his dry out? Even if he is in the name of completing the task, even if he hates the j.a.panese< br>