Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2084: 2084

Chapter 2084: 2084

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s outburst made Zuo Tianneng deeply afraid, and also made the starlight in the eyes of Mawei girl more brilliant . For Mawei girl, a cruel person can"t be a hero . Only the strong one who sympathizes with the weak is the real hero . Yesterday, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t stop Zuo Tian and others from venting their killing, which made her dissatisfied, Today, even as enemies, she doesn"t want these people to suffer too much . Unexpectedly, Zhang Xiaoqiang will stop Zuo Tian, and let her tall and perfect image gradually plump .

"a.s.shole, you are all a.s.sholes, garbage, parasites . Yesterday was like this, today is like this . Are you all abnormal? There is no humanity at all? You tell me, Zuo Tian, why do you do this? If the answer doesn"t satisfy me, you know the end . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang grabs a piece of plain white silk and wipes the bloodstain of his right hand . The flame in his eyes makes Zuo Tian feel as if he had been baked on a stove . His body has been soaked with sweat . At the moment, he and all the men are kneeling in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang, all of them are tense and dare not move, for fear of provoking Zhang Xiaoqiang"s anger .

For Zhang Xiaoqiang"s anger, Zuo Tian did not dare to hide anything . He raised his head and gazed at Zhang Xiaoqiang with his eyes that had become clear again

"They are all the evolutors of the Okamoto force . Although we are a vagrant tribe, we also have our own families and children . The Okamoto force wiped out our vagrant tribes, Men and women are captured by them, and children are still living and dying in the wild . We can"t find children, only bones gnawed by wild animals . In the process of being driven away again and again, we lost all our families . We don"t want to vent our anger, we just want to revenge . . . "

Zuo Tian"s story makes Zhang Xiaoqiang frown . Since those big forces don"t plan to win over the survivors and deepen their strength, why should they arrest them? Now that the survivors have been captured, why abandon the children? Everything was like a fog in his heart, but the root of the fog was in the second army of new era in Hokkaido . At that time, through the fragmentary information of the supply base, we learned that the situation of the second army and the Fallen Angel army in Hainan Island was not very good . I didn"t expect that even so, the second army of j.a.pan could still play such a strength?

"I don"t care if you want revenge, but I hope you can keep human nature . If you even have degenerated human nature, I don"t mind killing you, lest your distorted personality cause greater damage to others . . . "

Liu Manman"s j.a.panese is very fluent, and every word is very clear . All the j.a.panese on the scene heard Zhang Xiaoqiang"s manifesto very clearly . They didn"t dare to have any objection to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s manifesto . Everyone was absolutely obedient to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s manifesto . Seeing these people"s appearance, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s intention to kill gradually dissipated . It was in their delay that they lost their time, Some of the disabled evolutionists lost their breath . Seeing these dead guys, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly stepped forward and kicked Zuo Tian on the chest, turning his whole body upside down and flying back . Zuo Tian was unprepared to be kicked by Zhang Xiaoqiang, rolling in the air like a ball, then fell heavily on the ground and spewed out a mouthful of blood, He quickly got up and knelt down, waiting for Zhang Xiaoqiang to continue to punish him .

"You have forgotten my order just now . Now go and finish the task for me . If you don"t get the information, none of you will live . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang"s command was translated into j.a.panese, which hit the survivors hard . They all got up and rushed to all the living evolutioners, which made the anger in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes a little lower . They turned to the pale Liu Manman and said:

"You see that? j.a.panese are not good things . I hope your children don"t become them, otherwise . . . "

Liu Manman didn"t dare to have any doubts . He nodded and even didn"t dare to say anything superfluous . At this time, the remaining evolutioners from yesterday"s cleaning came to Zhang Xiaoqiang and bowed respectfully . A seemingly fierce guy at the head said respectfully to Zhang Xiaoqiang:

"Sir, we know something about Okamoto and axyama, This time, Okamoto"s evolvers are almost wiped out . They will certainly ask for help from ax mountain, or all of them will flee to the gathering place of ax mountain . If adults want to conquer Okamoto, we can lead the way and ensure that we can stop them before Okamoto asks for help . . . "

The four remaining evolutors have been completely convinced by Zhang Xiaoqiang, The killing is also very violent, but as a strong man, Zhang Xiaoqiang is a height they can"t look up to . In this case, they no longer have any rebellious heart . As long as Zhang Xiaoqiang is willing to accept their loyalty, they will always serve Zhang Xiaoqiang .

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t care too much about Okamoto and axyama . There are only tens of thousands of these forces, and he got more than 100000 people from Shanghai at one time . Not to mention that although his forces are divided into two parts, each of them is stronger than the strength of the whole j.a.pan . j.a.pan is a country with weak army, The total number of soldiers in j.a.pan"s land self defense force is less than 300000, and its weapons are even rarer . Ordinary people can get a small left wheel for the police at most . It"s a dream to find enough retired weapons like China .

The evolutionist"s intelligence let him know that 80% of Okamoto"s combat effectiveness was destroyed under his own hands, and he could not make any big waves any more . In this case, he no longer paid attention to Okamoto himself, but turned his attention to the high-power infinite contact device he had been looking for . Only with this device can he contact the inland troops . "If you want a radio, you have to go to the seaside to look for ships . Maybe there will be these things on the ships . There are few things on this island . Maybe there will be radio stations and airports, and there will be military bases . . . "

The evolutionist explained Zhang Xiaoqiang"s problem in detail . Liu Manman translated it . Zhang Xiaoqiang shook his head once, which made the evolutionist"s voice dry . Even his forehead began to sweat . At the end, he shook his heart and said aloud:

"And there will be axe mountain, They are in touch with the new emerging cloud j.a.pan reconstruction Committee in Hokkaido by radio . It"s just that axyama and Okamoto are different . They have more evolutors, and there are a lot of troops organized by ordinary people . Last time I was lucky enough to be sent to axyama base by the original pine tie to see their equipment and troops . I think if there were no troops with more than 10000 people, It"s going to be very difficult to break through their defense system . . . "

The topic of this evolutionist has been spared for a long time, and finally it comes to the influence of axan mountain . The influence of axan mountain is hidden in the safest forest area, where the terrain is complex, the gullies and hills are ups and downs, and the mountains are steep . It is a natural tourist destination for outdoor enthusiasts . Many ordinary people who are tired of urban life will drive to the forest for a few days during the holidays to relieve the pressure, Some powerful people will also buy barren land in the forest to build their own farms, which provides the best foundation for the establishment of the ax mountain forces . Zombies are greatly affected in the forest, so that the survivors living in the forest are protected, and it is easier to get food, which is better than risking their lives in the city to find moldy food, Most importantly, it"s easy for humans to survive in the forest as long as they can identify the poisonous plants .

In this way, the survivors of Osaka City and its Kyoto area have survived in the forest . They regard the forest as their new territory and begin to restore order . If the j.a.panese who first entered the forest were not afraid that the latter would compete with them for survival resources, maybe the whole j.a.panese survivors would be able to live in it safely, The biggest force in the forest is ax mountain, which can mobilize up to 1000 evolutionists .

The purpose of evolutionists" exaggeration about the defense of ax mountain is to prevent Zhang Xiaoqiang from challenging ax mountain . Although they believe that Zhang Xiaoqiang"s means are strong and his ability is strong, and it is impossible for the whole j.a.pan to find a rival, as loyal family ministers, they need to stop Zhang Xiaoqiang"s hot headed behavior . In their opinion, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s strong means and ability make it impossible for j.a.pan to find a rival, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s ability is enough for them to replace Okamoto and become a new big force in this area . As long as they can do this, they will have a chance to take a step further .

"My Lord may not have found that now j.a.pan has a trend of Warring States . The evolutors are samurai, the leaders of forces are the names of various regions, and all ordinary people are light enough . In the future, we have a chance to replace axan as a va.s.sal town of this area, as long as you can lead us to win one victory after another . . . "< br>