Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2096: 2096

Chapter 2096: 2096

Zuo Tian"s words calmed down the irascible Jason instantly . Her scarlet eyes faded, and her blood color became cold . Elizabeth also forgot her embarra.s.sment with Jason . She looked at the yellow monkey bowing to 90 degrees in surprise . Before Jason asked, Zuo Tian continued:

"You should know that there are many communities on this island, each of which belongs to its own family, According to the actual strength, the most powerful force is tens of thousands of people and thousands of evolutors . Just in the forest around Osaka City, there is a large force, where there are 2000 evolutors and more than 30000 evolutors . I think they should be able to meet their requirements . "

Zuo Tian just said that he didn"t talk much here . He let them digest the news . The helicopter in the sky didn"t know why it began to climb again . Such an important problem was ignored by them because the news they received was too shocking . Zuo Tian glanced at Liu Manman, who fainted around him . He slowly lowered his head and didn"t dare to see more, but he had other plans in his heart, He had seen that the forces behind them were in urgent need of human blood, but he didn"t want to let them achieve the so-called goal of 3000 people so easily . Not to mention Okamoto"s power, just looking for a few small forces in the forest could gather so many people . Wouldn"t it be too cheap for them? That"s why he threw the axe mountain, which can make them lose their front teeth, so that they can"t eat it .

In addition, Zuo Tian has another plan in mind . If the forces behind them can eat ax mountain, he will take the initiative to cooperate with each other to leave and intercede with 30 evolutioners by the way . In this way, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s few evolutioners will be saved . At the same time, these foreigners and ax mountain will both be defeated . In this way, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s evolutioners will be saved, Zhang Xiaoqiang will be a lot easier to clean up ax mountain . He will find another chance to escape at that time . Maybe Zhang Xiaoqiang will make him an evolutor after he finds out the secret of ax mountain"s promotion .

Jason and Elizabeth are so arrogant that they call the j.a.panese yellow monkeys, and the j.a.panese have a very strong self-esteem, which naturally angers Zuo Tian . In addition, they are evolutionists who use sneak attacks to plot . Zuo Tian regards them as a path and thinks they are inferior to Zhang Xiaoqiang, their master . The most important thing is that they are cruel and ruthless, saying one thing and doing another, Zuo Tian doesn"t believe that the other party will benefit himself after getting the treasure of ax mountain, so he is willing to trust Zhang Xiaoqiang .

Jason and Elizabeth don"t know Zuo Tian"s mind . It takes a long time for them to digest this information . If the power of 30000 people and 2000 evolutionists all catch the blood that needs blood to blossom and bear fruit, can the blood seed bury them? If this information is reported to the general, they will become the strongest evolutors even if they only get one percent of the blood, and they will definitely have a seat in the house of Lords .

"Well, what"s your name? If you can lead us to find this gathering place, I will give you unimaginable benefits, whether it"s high-end luxury goods, the latest weapons and equipment, or even the most beautiful stars in j.a.pan . These things will be our reward to you . If you can lead us to find other gathering places, It"s not impossible to make you an evolutionist . . . "

Jason"s anger was calmed down by the coming feats . The whole person trembled with excitement and even spoke slightly . Zuo Tian"s intelligence value was too great, beyond his imagination . Elizabeth stared at Zuo Tian"s eyes, as if trying to find out whether he was lying from his eyes, However, Zuo Tian looked at the two climbing chinugan transport helicopters and asked strangely, "what"s the matter

"Excuse me, why did they fly up again?"

At the end of the speech, they both looked up at the sky and changed their colors . They waved their arms to get the helicopter down . Zuotan took time to look at the town and was surprised to find that the whole town was in a sea of fire . Countless zombies were tumbling in the sea of fire, and burning houses collapsed one after another . The sky was covered by the smoke, and he was relieved, In his opinion, Zhang Xiaoqiang at least did not die in the sea of zombies . As soon as he turned his head, he saw Jason staring at himself and quickly lowered his head to compliment him

"I"m Zuo Tian . I don"t dare to ask for too many things . As long as I can survive, I"ll always find a gathering place for you . Only j.a.panese people know j.a.panese habits best, Only the j.a.panese can find the hiding place of the j.a.panese . Even if all the survivors of this island are found out, I can take you to find the survivors of Shikoku and Kyushu . Please believe that . . . "

Zuoda"s att.i.tude of betraying the whole j.a.pan in order to survive made Jason appreciate it . He pointed to the landing Black Hawk helicopter and said:

"The situation has changed . We are leaving soon . There are not many people who can leave . I think you can take your woman with you . As for other people . . . "

Speaking of this, Jason looks at the evolutioners who all fall to the ground, showing a sense of killing . It seems that he can"t take them away and is not ready to let them live . Although Zuo Tian doesn"t know what happened, he knows that it must be related to Zhang Xiaoqiang . He bows and says:

"Please let them live . They are all my companions who have been with me for a long time, If they didn"t take care of me, I couldn"t survive . Please help me . Please . . . I will try my best to help them find survivors . Of course, I will only help them . . . "Zuo Tian is not like a brazen j.a.panese traitor at the moment . For the sake of the dozens of evolutionists around him, he keeps pleading with Jason and Elizabeth, showing a chivalrous look . However, he has a strong contrast with his previous brazenness, which makes Jason almost unable to react . He looks at Zuo Tian for three seconds, The desire to kill in his heart is greatly reduced because of this buffer . He thinks that if a large helicopter doesn"t come down, it must be dangerous here, so it doesn"t matter whether it"s killed or not . Zuo Tian has already told him that he will only help him find survivors in the future . In this way, he will continue to have meritorious deeds and more blood as rewards, Where can I find such a good thing?

"Well, let them go in your face . I hope your information is true and accurate, or I will tear down your bones one by one, and I promise to tear down only one bone every day . . . "

This guarantee is b.l.o.o.d.y and terrifying enough . Even Zuo Tian, a cruel man who is used to blood, turns pale . When he bows again and wants to a.s.sure Jason, the strong wind brought by the rotating propeller of the helicopter has come to their heads . If they let him exit, it will be blown away by the strong wind . Elizabeth and Jason look up at the helicopter landing and are ready to rush up, At this time, left field side suddenly more than a person, with them looking up at the Black Hawk helicopter .

Zuotan looks at Zhang Xiaoqiang, excited and speechless, trying to express his meaning . Liu Manman is in a coma, making him anxious like a hot pot ant . When other evolutionists see Zhang Xiaoqiang, they show their happy and aggrieved eyes together . Only Zhang Xiaoqiang is carrying the dark zombie Z2 like a macaque, and his face is not good .

Zhang Xiaoqiang, who had been roasted by fire in a small town, was already irritable . Now on his own territory, he sees all the evolutionists fall on the ground and can"t move . His irritability is like the fuse of detonating explosives, which explodes his anger and turns him into an impulse to kill . Liu Manman falls on the ground and doesn"t know his life or death, Let his whole body rush to the two westerners, looking up at the helicopter landing in front of them, and regard them as the culprits of all this . Although he doesn"t know their specific intention, Zhang Xiaoqiang has already regarded them as enemies . After all, all the forces coming to j.a.pan will be his compet.i.tors .

"Well, come here . . . "

As the helicopter is about to land, Jason turns his head and shouts to Zuo Tian, but two men stand there in his eyes, which makes him stunned . Zuo Tian smiles at him strangely . The anger in the eyes of the guy who smokes like a coal ball beside Zuo Tian makes him cold as an evolutionist who kills countless people . Suddenly, Zuo Tian"s master comes across in his mind, Immediately raise your left hand and yell at Zhang Xiaoqiang .

As soon as the roar came out, a dark thing was sucked by his ability to take air . As soon as his ability was effective, Jason was ready to crush the thing to death . He didn"t know that it wasn"t Zhang Xiaoqiang, his target, but the strange looking zombie . This zombie startled him, This kind of reflex fright disturbed his sense . Before his mind recovered, a bright red flash flashed by, and Jason"s vision began to roll .

Jason"s high flying head is just seen by Elizabeth who turns around and smiles . The smile that emerges for their joy of finding a large gathering place solidifies in his mouth, but his pupil suddenly enlarges . His blue eyes are full of disbelief . When Jason"s flying head turns to ashes, he will be able to fly, Elizabeth couldn"t help but scream, "no!"

Elizabeth"s scream can"t stop Jason from dying . In front of her eyes, Jason turns into a handful of fly ash . At this moment, her brain is blank, and there is nothing in her eyes except the dust flying in the air . Scenes can"t help but flash through her mind . After the end of the world, she is struggling to survive, and is raped and thrown into the stinky ditch, waiting for death in despair, The pair of dirty boots with a size of 45 parked by the ditch, the pair of blue eyes that examined her, and the hot soup that she will never forget in her life, ran in the rain together, had diarrhea together, became evolutionists, killed people together, enjoyed the stolen food together, indulged in the promise and waiting together from dawn to dark, All of them were broken after Jason turned into fly ash . Her mental trance made her whole heart break like broken gla.s.s .

A big hand that seemed to come from the abyss suddenly appeared in front of her eyes . When she was in a trance, she suddenly grabbed her cheek and made a sudden force . The huge force made Elizabeth fly backward like a delicate doll . Just at this moment, the helicopter landed, and the back of her head hit the sh.e.l.l of the fuselage, The whole person fell into darkness< br>