Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2097: 2097

Chapter 2097: 2097

The most exciting moment for Zhang Xiaoqiang is Zuo Tian and the evolutionists . Let"s not say how strange the monster Zhang Xiaoqiang packed in his hands is . Before, the arrogant Jason was killed by Zhang Xiaoqiang, and Elizabeth, who can turn people into rotten soil, became infinitely mentally r.e.t.a.r.ded in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang, and was even cleaned up without fighting back, However, Zhang Xiaoqiang was not satisfied with the fact that he had cleaned up the two evolutors, so he directly knocked down the attention from the helicopter .

The pilot of the helicopter didn"t see the fate of Jason and Elizabeth . After Elizabeth hit the cha.s.sis, the cabin door quickly opened, revealing several surprised white faces . They didn"t see the expected Jason and Elizabeth, only the sneer of Zhang Xiaoqiang magnified infinitely in their pupils, The smashed windows and the torn casings with the broken human organs flying away together . The huge fuselage is like being bitten by wild animals, with layers of gaps and entangled lines . The evolutors inside are all crushed into quick corpses by the sharp chopping saber, and the helicopter pilot is powerless to rush on the rudder to shed blood, Small blood ditches fell down to the ground along the floor of the engine room, mixed with scattered viscera and meat . Just three or five blinks, the magnificent Black Hawk helicopter was broken into pieces by the huge chopper . Countless sparks continued to spray in the broken circuit, and the air was full of the smell of blood and burning cables, This is not comfortable taste, but let Zuo Tian and others infatuated, as if there is no other taste in the world can smell better than this .

After Zhang Xiaoqiang took down the Black Hawk helicopter, he stood on the ground and looked up at the sky . The other two chinugan helicopters slowly calmed down the flames in his heart . Zuo Tian quickly ran to Zhang Xiaoqiang and said in a servile manner:

"My Lord, I"ve got some information from them . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang waved to stop Zuo Tian"s words, glared at zhinugan who was circling in the sky, turned to Liu Manman who was climbing up and yelled:

"Tell them to go back to Gangben gathering place and find someone to lead me to Fushan . It"s not safe here . . . "

In the huge s.p.a.ce of the chinugan helicopter, the silver haired officer in the royal navy uniform is seriously looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang"s angry and twisted face on the display screen . The officer"s face is thin, and he is in his thirties . His eyes are bright green and deep . The first impression is that the officer belongs to the type of gloomy and intelligent, It"s like a poisonous snake hidden in a corner . It can open its fangs at any time when the other party is most careless and give a fatal blow . Even if Zhang Xiaoqiang on the screen takes down the Black Hawk helicopter and turns over all the evolutioners, he doesn"t move at all, just like the previous indifference, as if the next battle is just a farce .

"Commander Byron, are we going to start a h.e.l.lfire to flatten the ground below?" The young officer standing in lieutenant colonel Byron"s face was white, and his pretty face looked a little childish . His dark red eyes flashed with angry sparks . But his proposal did not make Lieutenant Colonel Byron nod, and his heart was filled with disappointment .

"What is this?" Commander Byron, who has never made a sound, is attracted by the things around Zhang Xiaoqiang . This thing only occupies a very small position on the display screen . At first glance, it is not clear . The young officer is slightly stunned and can"t help staring at what the commander is pointing at . The commander raises his right hand and gently points it on the dark things . The huge display screen begins to zoom in locally and again, It was the Z2 zombie captured by Zhang Xiaoqiang that showed the real face of the thing . Seeing Byron"s eyes flashing hot, the young Legion gasped and said in a trembling voice:

"High level ghost face demon?" He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, turned his head and yelled at his officer: "Sir, give the order to attack immediately . It"s too dangerous . I"m afraid it will . . . "

"Can it hurt you?" Colonel Byron didn"t have any excitement, just like before . He fell into a strange state . He was obsessed with observing the zombie Z2, as if appreciating a treasure . The commander"s words made the officers suddenly wake up . This is not England . Even if this demon is crazy a thousand times, it can"t have any influence on them . He immediately pressed his heart beating violently, He took a deep breath and said

"Sir, I"d like to ask for an attack . The next Asian evolutionist can even catch the ghost face demon . I"m afraid he will be our biggest enemy . . . " The lieutenant commander could not deny the threat theory of the officers . He turned his attention to Zhang Xiaoqiang and observed carefully . However, he found that Zhang Xiaoqiang had begun to gather up his subordinates, and he did not know what means he used . He made the evolutors get up one by one from the ground and support each other to prepare to retreat, The fire in the small town has gradually formed a huge encirclement with the fire on the mountain top, which surrounds tens of thousands of zombies in the middle and burns violently .

"No, no, no . . . even if we do it, he won"t be able to do anything . It"s obviously related to the fire in the small town . He dares to go deep into the mutants and catch the demons in front of countless high-level mutants, which is enough to prove that he is a powerful opponent . I think even if our old opponent, the new era G.o.d warrior, can"t catch the demons, right? Can you promise to kill the zodiac warrior with h.e.l.lfire? "

Colonel Byron obviously looked up at Zhang Xiaoqiang and compared him with the new era G.o.d seat . This time, it was the turn of a young officer to be surprised . This officer was a generation who grew up after the end of the world . Naturally, his vision was not as rich as that of the commander . He was not as far-reaching about things as the commander . When the commander said that Zhang Xiaoqiang"s ability was comparable to the G.o.d seat, he didn"t believe it, Seeing the zombies struggling in the sea of fire in the whole town, I have to believe it . "What"s the commander going to do with the evolutionist? They killed Jason"s team and let us lose our valuable helicopter . I"m afraid that going back like this will make the general angry? " Officers don"t know what Byron thinks . Even if they can"t kill Zhang Xiaoqiang, can they kill the people around him? Anyway, Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t threaten them . If they do nothing, I"m afraid they will be quarantined and censored after they go back . At that time, even if they have 100 mouths, they can"t say clearly .

The young officer"s anxieties didn"t affect Lieutenant Colonel Byron . The green eyes of Lieutenant Colonel always stare at Zhang Xiaoqiang, who is commanding below, looking for clues on the evolutor . Zhang Xiaoqiang, who is reflected in his eyes, looks up at the sky from time to time, seems to be deeply alert to helicopters, and whispers to Liu Manman what he is talking about, Liu Manman translated it to Zuo Tian and all the evolutionists . After seeing this detail, Byron"s old-fashioned cheek became more vivid, and a smile came to the corner of his mouth . He turned to the young officer and ordered:

"Order the hunter troops to go down below, find their hiding place without disturbing them, and tell the executive officers of the hunter troops, Don"t have any contact and conflict with them . I just want their hiding place . Once the task is completed, I will reward each executive with a blood seed . . . "

When he heard the order, the officer thought that the commander was going to wait for them to return to their old nest before starting . He nodded and kept all kinds of orders in mind . Knowing what the commander thought, he held the officer who was about to turn around and ordered again in a serious tone

"Prepare a medical bag for me to parachute down . It"s our compensation to them, We hope to ease their hostility to us . . . " Commander Byron didn"t want to explain more . He waved the officer away and stared at Zhang Xiaoqiang, who was about to leave the mountain, He whispered to himself

"I should have known that China would also send people to come here . If China were brought in, would our chances be greater?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t know that he has been targeted . Even if he knows, he doesn"t care . If he doesn"t know how to fly a helicopter, it can"t be said that any Black Hawk helicopter will follow his surname . Thirty evolutionists have almost exhausted all his life-saving pills, which makes him extremely upset . He thinks that it"s these unexpected attackers who are looking for trouble that have caused him heavy losses, Although baomingdan had no effect on him, and his self-healing ability was ten times stronger than baomingdan, he was very upset to think that all these things were given to the j.a.panese, even if the j.a.panese called him the head of the family .

The helicopter in the sky is not regarded as a big threat by him . As Byron said, he can escape even if he is bombarded intensively . As for the j.a.panese around him, he doesn"t care whether they are alive or dead . At that time, he just needs to protect Liu Manman . Even zuotan is not in his eyes, and he moves on guard . Zhang Xiaoqiang is surprised to find out, The two huge helicopters did not leave, nor did they interrupt the open arms launchers . They just hovered over their heads and did not know what the purpose was .

"Come on, the adults have saved us . Let"s not drag the adults back . Anyone who dares to dally, just stay here . . . "

Ono"s strong spirit will only lead the evolutioners to drag their disabled legs and run backward . Everyone"s legs have been blown out of holes . Every step of running will gush out of the fountain like blood . "Be careful, it"s coming down . . . " All of a sudden, when Zuo Tian"s alarm was heard, everyone looked up at the sky at the same time . One of the huge chinugan helicopters suddenly turned around and dived downward . At this time, everyone was in a mess, looking for cover to avoid the ensuing attack . Unexpectedly, before the plane got close to the ground, it dropped a square metal box without any umbrella, It fell straight to the ground in the middle of the evolutionists and made a huge hole .

No one knows what"s in the box, but in their cognition, the possibility of bomb is greater than everything . Many evolutionists on the side of the box can"t help shouting in horror . Their legs, which were inconvenient to walk before, seem to be equipped with springs . They run away from the box without touching the ground, while Zhang Xiaoqiang has already taken Liu Manman to the front, Only the ordinary man who couldn"t run was left . Zuo Tian looked at the box in a daze< br>