Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2104: 2104

Chapter 2104: 2104

"Who can speak Chinese? Yes, stand up for me . No, as far as you can go, as far as you can go . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang drinks a lot after cleaning up all S2 zombies . He needs someone to understand him . More and more zombies will catch up with him . He doesn"t want to be a nanny and take a group of people who don"t know how to speak . Even less than 100 zombies are scared to death . How can he expect these people to help him? After he yelled several times in succession, all the evolutioners looked at him silently . After Zhang Xiaoqiang lost his patience, a shorter, curvilinear evolutioner took the initiative to take off his headgear and gave Zhang Xiaoqiang a charming smile, as if to blind Zhang Xiaoqiang"s t.i.tanium dog eyes with her bright golden hair .

This woman has a delicate face, delicate skin, blue eyes as deep as the sea, pure eyes staring at Zhang Xiaoqiang, showing a trace of flattery, porcelain white teeth show outside the red lips, let people unnaturally attracted by the radian hanging from the corner of her mouth, as the saying goes, hands do not smile, The smiling woman tried her best to show her charm and express their kindness, but Zhang Xiaoqiang had no feeling for her . He scanned her eyes without any relaxation . It was as cold as before, as if this beautiful Western beauty was not much better than the ugly zombie in Ono"s arms . His indifference embarra.s.sed the beautiful woman, and the smile on her face became far fetched, He raised his right hand unnaturally and swayed

"Please forgive us . My name is Jemma, Jemma . Hixon We have no malice . We hope to cooperate with you . That"s what our officer means

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t understand a few sentences when she looked at the English spoken by a girl who was not more than 20 years old . At most, she only recognized what her name was . Jima was deeply impressed by the harmonious transliteration of her name in Chinese . If he changed her name to Charlotte or Christine, he would never remember it, However, he only remembered the woman"s name, and he still didn"t understand what she said . He didn"t understand it, and Ono understood it . At least his stern face softened slightly . It"s just that Jima"s English is British English, which is the same as that of Jason and others before, so he still didn"t have a good face .

Jima and others can only speak English, but Ono doesn"t understand Chinese . Besides Putonghua and his native dialect, Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t even understand the dialects of other parts of China, so he can"t communicate with Jima and others . He turns his head and makes a puzzled look at Ono . He ignores these people and yells at Ono

"Open circuit . . . " Ono doesn"t want to communicate with this group of people, pretending that he doesn"t know English . Taking retreat as his driving force, he turns and walks to the final destination . Looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang"s departure, Jima is very anxious . She pulls out the small and delicate communicator at the neckline and wants to call middle school Byron . She doesn"t know what to say, Does the other party refuse her request? Does the other party"s arrogance hurt her?

"We are not allowed to leave even if we keep up . We have no way out . Even if the other side belittles our self-esteem, we should not leave . If we leave, we will die . I hope you can make it a point that you can not fight back and scold us . "

The rest of the evolutionists didn"t say a word . Even if Gemma didn"t say it, they would do it . Human rights and other things don"t matter when they can"t hold their lives . Seeing that Zhang Xiaoqiang has gone far away, they suddenly feel a chill . They think of how many zombies are chasing in the jungle, One after another, they raised their feet to chase after Zhang Xiaoqiang and did not dare to take the next step .

Zhang Xiaoqiang took seven Englishmen, a j.a.panese, for the last ten kilometers and finally got close to the periphery of ax mountain . When they got to the periphery, some light and dark sentinels for investigation began to appear . For these hidden enemies, Jima"s team had more experience . In order to prove their own use, Before Zhang Xiaoqiang spoke, he sent the j.a.panese who were knocked unconscious to him . For these j.a.panese, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t mean to cross examine them . He asked them to stay where they were and lead the team to the highest place around Fushan .

Fushan is very cautious about the operation of their gathering place . Along the way, potential evolutionists are constantly found out . According to the Convention, they are all knocked out and abandoned on the ground . The British do not have any hesitation, and Ono does not have any unhappiness . It seems that they are still a little cheerful, The group slowly advanced to a mountain more than 200 meters high, five or six kilometers away from the camp . Although the mountain was only five or six kilometers away from the camp, Zhang Xiaoqiang and his group had to walk more than 20 kilometers to get around the outside of the camp . They were all evolutionists, and the British were all quick evolutionists, It took them less than two hours to get there . Even so, when they just arrived at the foot of the mountain, they heard all kinds of crisp metal percussion in the camp . Then there were all kinds of shouts in the jungle near the top of the mountain . It was obvious that the camp found their invasion .

Fortunately, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t plan to attack the camp . After the evolutionists near the top of the mountain ran out and yelled, they went up to the top of the mountain more easily . When Fushan found out that the invasion of foreign enemies was still an infiltration attack of secret operation . The vast camp immediately implemented the strategy of loosening the outside and tightening the inside, which made the top of the mountain where they were hiding ignored, Become a blind spot under axan"s eyes . Standing on the top of the mountain, the whole camp is captured clearly with the British military electronic radio frequency telescope . This military telescope is the most advanced telescope Zhang Xiaoqiang has ever come into contact with, and even surpa.s.ses the high-tech tactical helmet built-in telescope of the new era . Everything seems to be happening in front of his eyes . The built-in microcomputer telescope can continuously focus automatically, It shows the distance and height difference between the target and him . It can also quickly find the most threatening military weapons, mark all the armed objects with red marks, and arrange the priority targets for reference . To Zhang Xiaoqiang"s dismay, the radio antenna in the center of the camp has become the priority target .

Most of them are the evolutioners who are wandering all over the camp . The evolutioners wear all kinds of clothes from winter to summer . They look like a group of bandits before the liberation of China . Most of these evolutioners have no hot weapons, carrying all kinds of home-made weapons and looking for the corner of the camp fiercely, After Zhang Xiaoqiang roughly estimated the number of these evolutioners, he took a breath . He always thought that there were more than 2000 evolutioners in this gathering place . This was the information he had learned before . But he didn"t expect that the number of evolutioners in the camp was more than 4000 or 5000, and up to now, he hasn"t seen any armed men of ordinary people .

The means and skills of the evolutionists surpa.s.s Superman too much . In order to give psychological deterrence to others, the evolutionists of axan all dress themselves up like the demons in the night tour of ghosts with various bright colors . In addition to drawing patterns on their bodies with colors, others show their power with masks of various demons, There are even people wearing armor from the Warring States period, like moving statues, looking for enemies to vent their anger . Even though these evolutioners are primary evolutioners, if they don"t have elite regiments and all kinds of best weapons and equipment far away in China, I"m afraid they can"t take the camp here all their lives, Even if he can"t win it himself, although the Firebird machete is good, its ability to control fire doesn"t last long . If he kills dozens or hundreds of them, he needs to rest . However, the saber can only be used as a common weapon . In the face of thousands of people"s random attacks, even if he is comparable to the mutant beast, he has to flee .

At this time, the details of the gathering place are clear at a glance . The gathering place close to the mountain attaches great importance to fortification, relying on a river nearly 20 meters wide as protection . The river is artificially guided to become a moat wrapping the whole camp . The moat is like a noose to lock the camp for several kilometers, There is also a wall of 67 meters high on the riverside of the moat . The wall is lined up with giant trees surrounded by strong men, and the main body is not just logs . Zhang Xiaoqiang can see through the gap between the logs that it is filled with soil and stones . The thickness of the wall is also two or three meters, which can be used by many people standing on it, It is not known how many people died to build this wall alone . Besides the wall, many trenches and fortresses can be seen behind the wall . The trenches are like chess lanes, and the fortresses are like flags . The crisscross flags provide a second line of defense for the camp . In the most dense place of the fortress, Zhang Xiaoqiang also sees a piece of black land .

This black soil is different, like the scorched earth isolated on the edge of the cliff . This seemingly scorched ground is covered with bright red vines . Involuntarily, Zhang Xiaoqiang aims his telescope at the land, automatically focuses on the ground seven seconds after the telescope stops moving, and constantly zooms in on the ground, in a picture of constantly drawing closer, Zhang Xiaoqiang finally saw the bright red vine, this unprecedented variation of plants, each branch and leaf is suffused with dark red color, this color makes him feel depressed disgust, the feeling of not clear, is disgust, as if this thing from the first day of birth came to the world with evil stench .

There was a huge pit beside the plants, which almost covered the half blackened land . When his eyes were constantly clear with the gaze, he finally saw that the pit was looming, and most of it was covered by plants . It was countless bony bodies piled up in the pit hundreds of meters wide, and he could not see how deep the pit was, But when Zhang Xiaoqiang recalled the big houses full of corpses in the small gathering place, he knew that the corpses in the houses were only a small part of the survivors in the gathering place, and most of the rest probably came here, draining their blood and watering the dark red and gloomy vegetation .

All of a sudden, Zhang Xiaoqiang guessed what those plants were . Just as he used zombies as fertilizer to irrigate mutant plants, Fushan also used survivors" blood to irrigate these plants . Then he thought that at the beginning, Jason forced Zuo Tian to tell him about the gathering place, which would reveal j.a.pan"s biggest secret, He finally understood why the British didn"t look for the red algae, but they were looking for survivors all over the world . I"m afraid their plan is the same as that of ax mountain .

At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly realized that j.a.pan was over . Now that both Fushan and the British know about it, the new era and genesis, and even the Americans and Russians know that the new era is not the local power of j.a.pan, and they will not regard the j.a.panese as their own citizens . All the j.a.panese have only two ways, or they will be caught and bled, If you"re not wrong, the return of this evil plant is beyond imagination . What Zhang Xiaoqiang only knows is that apart from the fountain of youth that can improve human life, the most exciting thing in the end is to become an evolutioner and improve the ability of an evolutioner . Except for the first time, nothing is worth replacing with human life, Not to mention the future of mankind . There are more than twice as many survivors in Fushan . Along the way, the gathering place that should belong to the rule of Fushan has been plundered, and all the small and medium-sized forces like Okamoto have captured the survivors and sent them to Fushan . It is clear that all the evolutors who have been sent or captured have become the fertilizer of the blood colored plants and the new evolutors of Fushan . This is just the beginning, I"m afraid that in the near future, all the survivors of j.a.pan will become the prey of the strong or the powerful . After all the ordinary j.a.panese die, this disaster may spread to the whole world with the seeds and plants taken away by the outsiders . At that time, Zhang Xiaoqiang dare not think about it any more< br>