Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2105: 2105

Chapter 2105: 2105

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaoqiang felt disgusted . If he had not gone to j.a.pan, he would not have been aware of everything here . Once the blood colored plants spread to the world, ordinary people and survivors all over the world would be crazy . They would lose their last humanity . In order to become strong, they would have aimed their hunting at the same species and never helped each other again, There will be no more inheritance . They will only want to become stronger and stronger . They will catch all the survivors first . When the survivors are gone, they will catch the weaker evolutioners or be captured by the stronger evolutioners . Pandora"s magic box will be opened, the door of the earth will be closed to the last human beings, and the countdown of civilization will start for a few seconds .

What civilization, what technology, what history or humanity will disappear on the earth . Maybe the last thing left by mankind is a few top evolutionists who are dying and zombie mutants all over the world . In the end, because no one can stop the ocean from devouring, even the continent will be destroyed . Finally, red algae will grow unlimited and occupy all the oceans, All life on the earth has disappeared and degenerated into a barren planet .

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly surged with unprecedented anger . He was struggling for the rejuvenation of China, and even excluded the racial and cultural surprise . He accepted the foreigners he met into the protection circle . However, the outside forces always made trouble for him, constantly created problems that he hated, and even suppressed his forces again and again, This made him want to kill everyone except China . Anyway, he didn"t expect his offspring to be mixed up with foreign girls .

Taking back the telescope, Zhang Xiaoqiang turned to look at the British people who disgusted him very much . Sure enough, these British people also have electronic telescopes in their hands . They also found the b.l.o.o.d.y black land there . These people all looked at the land and pointed, their faces were full of excitement, and others carefully looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang and pretended to cover up, It seems that I don"t want Zhang Xiaoqiang to know the true image of that land .

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes suddenly flashed a boundless flame, and he almost burst out of his eyes to burn all these despicable guys to death . The restraint around him also burst out, making all the evolutioners around him, including Ono, feel the fear and chill that can frighten them to death . The danger prediction of all the evolutioners is triggered at the same time at this moment, making them all faceless, After that, Zhang Xiaoqiang finally remembered his purpose of becoming bigger before he started to kill them . He slowly dispersed his intention of killing them and finally controlled his intention of killing them . He grabbed Ono, who almost scared the s.h.i.t out, and put the telescope into his hand . He pointed to the black land to let him see clearly .

Obviously, Ono belongs to this land . When he saw it at first sight, he gritted his teeth and yelled: "baga . . . "

A burst of j.a.panese style abuse from Xiaoye"s mouth rushed out . Xiaoye"s face was red and almost split . His eyes were raised and gloomy . It was just like the evil villain who was possessed by evil spirits in the horror film . But all his anger was directed at the b.l.o.o.d.y land . Zhang Xiaoqiang had a clear idea . Why did Xiaoye lead him so actively? Why save him when he"s in danger? All the reasons are the strange black blood land . Ono is obviously the evolutor of ax mountain . Because he can"t stand ax mountain using human blood to irrigate crops, he left there . When Zhang Xiaoqiang appeared and Zuo Tian proposed to conquer ax mountain, he thought his chance had come . Only he was so familiar with the forest that he found three gathering places without error .

He took Zhang Xiaoqiang around to find these gathering places for a clear purpose . He wanted to give some warning to those gathering places, or even let Zhang Xiaoqiang incorporate all those people . Unfortunately, he did not expect that Fushan was no longer satisfied with the scattered wandering survivors, and he focused his greedy eyes on the subordinate forces who provided them with materials and protection, From the protection of the incarnation into the most ferocious robber, everything we see along the way shows how cruel and inhumane the former protector is .

Ono"s final efforts failed, and axyama"s final madness made them lose all the warning lines outside . They just wanted to strengthen their own strength, but they forgot that there would always be more powerful forces in the world than them . They were also targeted by the British when they madly captured the survivors, and they would never think of it, The British also have the blood flower that needs human blood to irrigate, this kind of devil flower that only blooms on the b.l.o.o.d.y bones .

Ono is a man who knows how to endure . Otherwise, he would not wait until the last moment to save Liu Manman and make a good impression on Zhang Xiaoqiang . Knowing that the destruction of ax mountain is in front of him, he did not rush down to die without thinking . He silently returned his telescope to Zhang Xiaoqiang and gazed into Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes for the first time, After a long time, the whole person suddenly knelt down in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang and s.n.a.t.c.hed the ground with his head . He quickly said a lot of j.a.panese that people didn"t know . When he looked up, he took out the hidden threat from his waist and solemnly raised it in front of him . The blade of shuiyunwen cut a deep cut in the palm of his right hand, and the blood gushed out along the edge of the knife, At the same time, he made a solemn promise to Zhang Xiaoqiang with unprecedented seriousness .

Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t know why Ono wants to injure himself . He doesn"t care about Ono"s self mutilation . He focuses his attention on the origin of the zombie . As time goes by, he knows that the Zombie"s vanguard troops may have arrived here . Once the zombie comes, he must take the Z2 zombie to move . Maybe when the zombie and the axe mountain forces have no time to take care of him, Is it a good idea to sneak into the ax mountain camp with zombies?S2 zombies were originally chasing Zhang Xiaoqiang and others, but they haven"t appeared yet . It"s not that they haven"t arrived yet . S zombies are generally cunning . Although the zombies above S2 are far less powerful than D zombies, they do far more harm to human beings than D2 zombies . The reason is that they always hide in the corner and launch raids when human beings are least prepared, It"s a bit of an a.s.sa.s.sin . Of course, this kind of raid is mainly carried out without the control of Z2 zombies . Once controlled by Z zombies, even the cunning s zombies can only be reduced to cannon fodder troops .

But this time, the S2 zombie who followed Zhang Xiaoqiang regained her cunning and quietly lurked in the jungle, waiting for the big troops in the rear . Zhang Xiaoqiang was also waiting . Just when he thought that today would pa.s.s like this, the sky suddenly rang with the roar of helicopters . Jima immediately stood up and looked in the direction of the British base, Then all the Englishmen were looking at each other with joy . In Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart, he flashed disdain and gave a wink to Xiao Ye, who was silent and respectful as if he were a wooden man . He was ready to leave at any time .

Helicopters are also seen by the evolutionists of axyama . They look at the low flying Apache and chinugan shouting, and some people even wave the American flag made of shirt or T-shirt . Obviously, they regard the British plane as American"s, while the Americans have military bases or supply centers all over j.a.pan, Let the j.a.panese think that their master has finally come back .

When they were shouting together, suddenly there was a huge roar in the forest, which made all the evolutioners lose their voice . Then, on the wall near the forest, all kinds of metals were rattled, and the alarm made the evolutioners in the whole gathering place confused again . When the constant evolutioners rushed up the ladder on the wall, Then I saw S2 zombies scattered across the moat . Obviously, the roar of helicopters in the air also made these zombies anxious .

When the zombies appeared, the whole gathering place began to be in chaos, countless warehouses were opened, all kinds of bows and arrows were sent to the wall, and bundles of guns and spears that two people could lift . In addition, almost all the men were rushed to gather in the open s.p.a.ce, and one evolutionist danced and yelled in front of these people, To mobilize them before the war, others will drive out the survivors who are h.o.a.rded in the shack area like sheep, and beat them to the b.l.o.o.d.y place . Where are the lines of power evolutioners with samurai swords ready .

"Baga, baga, bagayalu . . . " Ono cried and scolded while crying . His fists smashed into the soil around him again and again, making big holes on the solid surface of the mountain . Zhang Xiaoqiang also clenched his fists and stared at the bottom angrily .

At least more than 3000 survivors were driven there . These survivors were in a better mental state and seemed to have a lot of blood . They seemed to have accepted their fate for a long time . No one resisted . Even if there were no ropes to tie their hands or chains to tie their ankles, they would not escape, With the squirming brigade, Wu haodang came to the b.l.o.o.d.y land . Naturally, those people were clearly seen by Zhang Xiaoqiang . There were not many men in it . Most of the men were older, and the rest were all women and children . Women were so colorful, sallow and skinny that they were not plump and ugly .

As for the children, there are both men and women, but the proportion of boys is more than twice that of girls . Most girls are not over ten years old . Girls over ten have the same characteristic, that is, they are ugly and have no appearance at all . Seeing this, Zhang Xiaoqiang naturally knows what will happen to the missing girls, From the perspective of j.a.pan"s unique and childish abnormal tradition, I"m afraid that some girls have been tortured .

When Zhang Xiaoqiang thought about whether only beautiful young girls would be left behind in Fushan, the b.l.o.o.d.y killing in the b.l.o.o.d.y land started again . This time, 3000 people were killed, but there were only less than 100 butchers in the b.l.o.o.d.y land . These people were in a hurry, and they could not wait for the last cry of the survivors . They rushed out one after another, just like killing a chicken to pick a fat one, Pick out the survivors who look good to them, and then drag them into the b.l.o.o.d.y land without saying a word .

One by one, the heads fell to the ground, and the slender blood gushed from the neck of the dead bodies to irrigate the plants on the ground . The power evolutionist used a metal hook to hook the dead bodies like a roast duck, and dragged them to the edge of the ma.s.s grave, so that the blood flowed down the slope into the blood plant field, not to mention Ono, Even Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn"t make arrangements . He suddenly stood up and wanted to rush down to destroy it, but he was caught by two people< br>