Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2109: 2109

Chapter 2109: 2109

"Sir, can"t you accommodate me? We have at least 4000 people, but you only give 500 places, which is not enough . You know, we don"t have to go . Those mutants can"t kill all of us . If we go back to the forest, we can always live . "

Fushan Tengtu is a rare burly j.a.panese man . He is 198cm tall with a big body . He is similar to the NBA basketball center . His dark cheek and inch long hair make him look energetic . If you only look at his appearance, no one will believe that this man with a sunny smile is actually a murderer, Suzanne"s small stature is like the kitten standing in front of the tiger . She looks weak and smart, but what she is afraid of is not the kitten, but the big tiger .

The corpses of the British calmed down the anger of the gathering place of ax mountain, and at the same time awed ax mountain and other people . These British people are all the same evolutionists, and their equipment is enough to show that they are strong . But I didn"t expect that the Americans could easily kill them all, so that ax mountain, which has more than 4000 evolutionists, didn"t dare to have any bad thoughts, The biggest feature of j.a.panese evolutionists is poverty . They don"t have machine guns, artillery and rockets, high-density alloy as shields, or even better weapons . There are some samurai swords, but these samurai swords are mostly used as decorations before the end of the world . Even ordinary people can"t cut down a tree, let alone those zombies who can"t be killed, All of them are not confident that they can kill 200 fully armed British evolutionists, and they are not confident that they will do anything wrong to the Americans . This is the reason why they dare not be disrespectful to Suzanne, who seems to be only a teenager .

They were surrounded by evolutioners in silver exoskeleton armor . Each evolutioner"s eyes were filled with disgust when he looked at Fushan Tengtu . More than one machine gun and at least ten new 14 . 5 caliber sniper guns aimed at Fushan, showing the unfriendliness of the Americans . It was this that made them more respectful, Because of j.a.pan"s national roots, they have the instinct to obey the strong . On the contrary, they think it is most normal for the Americans to be arrogant .

Fushan Tengtu"s meaning is very clear . He takes 4000 evolutionists as chips, and wants Americans to transport them all to Okinawa, a paradise after the end of the world . There are a lot of weapons and supplies on Okinawa . As long as he gets there, relying on 4000 evolutionists, he can at least earn a place for him, although Hokkaido has a new rising power, But it"s too far for Fushan, and the other party can"t help themselves when they lose their home . For today"s sake, they have to hold the American thighs firmly .

Suzanne knew what the fight was about . A pretty little face pulled down and her big eyes turned white . She said with disdain

"As I said, there are only 500 positions for you . If you don"t want to, we won"t cry for you to get on the plane . There"s only one chance . Don"t forget it . "

After that, the girl didn"t want to pay attention to AX mountain . She turned around and yelled at the evolutioners around her: "prepare to retreat and return to Okinawa . . . , and make a report of what this guy said . It"s not that we are neglecting our duty, but that people don"t want to go with us . . . " Girls play a very important role among the evolutionists . All the evolutionists around take orders at the same time . For a moment, all the evolutionists rush out to drive Fushan and others out of the camp . One unmanned machine gun automatically turns and aims at the j.a.panese . As long as the j.a.panese change a little, these machine guns will emit angry tongues . What scares Fushan and others most is that eight of them are more than two meters tall, Wrapped in silver armor, the power Evolver, like a robot, slowly came out from behind Susanna, carrying the modified 30mm machine gun, dragging a long bullet chain and burying heavy steps that made the ground tremble .

30 Millimeter gun is a big weapon that can kill D2 zombies in seconds . In j.a.pan, where weapons control is very strict, any force with this weapon, even if only one of them, can become the biggest force in the area . Maybe killing zombies may be reluctant, but killing is definitely one of the sharp weapons . Why is axan so respectful to the Americans, That is, the other side has so many automatic weapons that they are envious .

"Misunderstanding, it"s really a misunderstanding . As you can see, we are about to face disaster . When the disaster comes, how can I, as the leader, have the heart to abandon tens of thousands of survivors and escape alone? These people have been following me for several years . They always have feelings . I also know that they are embarra.s.sing you . In this way . . . "

After a lot of excuses, under the aim of the bating gun, Fushan swallowed a mouthful of saliva and took out a handful of peanuts from the clothing pocket made of animal skin . The seeds with l.u.s.trous l.u.s.ter, like blood beads, were sent to Susanna . In her huge palm, the red blood seeds made the eyes of the surrounding evolutors straight, Pretending to be carelessly alert to AX mountain, but staring at those blood species, these at least 30 blood species are enough for an evolutor to go further and become a semi top evolutor, so no one is not excited .

With a slow and bewitching tone, Fushan said quietly, looking at Susanna with her eyes twinkling

"A person for a blood seed, you let me take a thousand people, I will use a thousand blood seed and you exchange, as long as . . . ""As long as I agree to your terms, don"t I?" Suzanne suddenly smiles charmingly . She is as s.e.xy as before . She seems to have grown up from a little girl to a charming girl . For a moment, she is dazed by the little girl"s amorous feelings . She can"t figure out the situation . Hearing Suzanne"s question, he can"t help nodding .

"We all know what you have done and what you are doing . You should know that this is a great sin against humanity . If you put it in the past, even if you die 10000 times, it will not be enough to atone for it . Do you admit that?" Susannah talked about it with great difficulty . He knew what Susannah was talking about . Three thousand people had been executed, and the black depression was watered with blood like a pool of blood . Under the action of the root of Hemerocallis, the plasma infected all the plants into black, and the full fruits were growing on the stems and leaves of the black plants, When all the fruits bloom, their blood seed will be harvested again .

As long as they can persist for more than three days, 30000 survivors in the whole camp will be engulfed by blood . At that time, they will have at least 30000 to 50000 blood species harvested, which can promote 4000 evolutors to a higher level . At that time, even if the Americans have various high-tech equipment or automatic weapons, they don"t have to be too afraid . If they are more ruthless, If you feed all the low-level or useless evolutioners to Haematoxylon, an evolutioner will be able to produce three blood species, or the top blood species . At that time, he may have the power of G.o.d .

"This . . . This is a misunderstanding . As you can see, we don"t have weapons and equipment, and even lack of iron . The forest is so dangerous that we have to sacrifice a small part to protect the majority of people . Only in this way can the Dahe nation not be cut off . . . " Under the little girl"s coercion, Fushan was sweating . He didn"t even dare to see her . He bowed his head to defend himself . However, he had a strong intention to kill the Americans . He was in charge of tens of thousands of people"s life and death . He had always been egotistical . Today, he was humiliated by this little girl, and his pride would burst . If it wasn"t for the Americans, he would be too strong, He must strip the little girl naked and press it under her . He"ll f.u.c.k her .

"Forget it, now there is no government and no UN human rights court . We can"t manage what you do . Blood is a good thing . We all know that people who have used it don"t think about how it came from . . . " Susanna"s words make Fushan"s heart feel better . In fact, he knows, At the beginning, xuefuhua came out of the clouds for the same reason as he had explained before . We all know what"s going on, but we don"t say it in our hearts . With more evolutionists, we have stronger power, more blood, and stronger personal ability . Under various excuses, countless survivors have become ghosts, but no one thinks of them, Just pale to defend themselves, even if they do not kill them, they will be eaten by zombies, starved to death, or killed, in a word, sacrifice the minority to make the majority .

"Now that we have said that, I don"t lie to you . It only takes us three hours to fly to Okinawa, seven hours to go back and forth . We can go back and forth three times a day, and it only takes us three days to transport all the evolutionists here . . . " After hearing this, Fushan was very happy and thought that the Americans had finally compromised . Unexpectedly, Susanna"s words made him fall into the ice .

"But we can"t . . . "“ Why . . . Why not . . . " Ax mountain is in a hurry . It"s very easy to fly back and forth several times . As long as the Americans transport his subordinates, even if they don"t transport women, with more than 4000 evolutionists in their hands, he can become a decisive force there .

"Because of the oil, the corrosion of rain makes most of the oil useless . Otherwise, we will not come here today . It thinks that it is not cost-effective to waste precious oil for some survivors and evolutioners . Unless it is the most powerful evolutioner, how can I let you choose the strongest evolutioner and refuse your women to get on the plane?" Susanna"s normal appearance can"t help but believe that he used to be a very ordinary noodle shop owner . He didn"t know anything about airplanes, and he didn"t know anything about weapons and equipment . Only a few submachine guns were used to support them . That"s why he was so taboo about American machine guns .

"This . . . What should we do . . . " In the end, Fushan was just a small man . He was at a loss when he heard this . He didn"t know what to do . The only thing he knew was that 4000 evolutionists could not be lost . This was all his capital . It was up to these people whether he could enjoy the rest of his life .

"Blood seed is an undisclosed settlement unit in Okinawa . With blood seed, you can have everything, weapons and ammunition, A . V . women . You can gather more subordinates, even become a member or minister of the new government, and even all kinds of rare luxury goods . The premise is that you have enough blood seed?"

It seems to think of something . The charming Susannah once again changes her style, becomes pure and lovely, appears childlike and innocent, and makes people not free to believe her words . But her words set off a storm in Fushan"s heart . She looks at Susannah suspiciously and asks incredulously, "isn"t there anyone . . . ""Don"t look at the present world from the perspective of the past . There are only evolutors on Okinawa . Ordinary people are not qualified to go up . There are not unlimited materials . If there are too many people, it"s not enough to divide . No matter what, you have to rely on yourself . If you don"t have strength, you are doomed to be eliminated . Just like you can be a leader, ordinary people can only become fertilizer . The reality is cruel, This is fair to everyone, don"t you think? "

Suzanne didn"t answer Fushan"s question directly . She told her so-called world outlook from the side . However, she made the whole people in Fushan feel refreshed . She bowed heavily to Suzanne, who was a lot younger than him, and said loudly, "thank you for reminding me . I understand what you mean . Don"t worry . I will take 20% of the blood as our ticket to Okinawa, Please pay more attention to it in the future . "

"We should take care of each other . We can only fly once, but tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will be the same . So I"d like to ask you for more help . You know, on Okinawa, a beautiful virgin only needs five blood species, and a new government member only needs 200 . If you can take out 1000 blood species, at least 500 evolutionists will follow you, With blood, what else can"t we get? "

When Susanna saw that Fushan had been talked about by him, the sinister smile hidden in the corner of her mouth flashed by . Then she stirred Fushan fiercely, making his ugly face show a knowing smile . However, her eyes swept to the armor and portable mechanism guns of the evolutors around her . Seeing Fushan"s greedy eyes, Susanna knew what Fushan was doing, Suddenly he said to the power evolutor:

"Take off your silver moon armor and weapons and give them to the leader of ax mountain . The blood in his hand is yours . . . " As soon as Susanna"s words came to an end, this evolutioner, who was a bit higher than axshan, took off the flowing armor like mercury and handed it to axshan together with the machine gun . However, he was naked and showed his amazing size bird without shame .

"Hi . . . " Fushan bowed heavily to the evolutioner, hurriedly took over the armor and weapon he had been eyeing for a long time, handed over the blood to the evolutioner, and then said happily, "how can this be funny? Well, I"d like to give you a set of 50 blood seeds . " Even though she got the armor, axyama was not satisfied and wanted more . Susanna shook her head and said:

"The cost of armor and weapons only needs 20 blood seeds, but I can"t sell them to you here . I need to give them to you in Okinawa . You should understand?"

Suzanne"s words made axyama blush . She hugged the armor tightly and bent down and said, "I made a mistake . Please forgive me . I"m going to harvest the blood now . Please wait for me . From now on, every hour you wait for me, all the evolutors here will have three blood seeds until we start . Of course, You and the officers will have another gift . . . "< br>