Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2110: 2110

Chapter 2110: 2110

Zhang Xiaoqiang has never moved . He, Jima and Ono have always stayed in the hidden hills . The sky is completely dark, and there are lights everywhere in the gathering place of Fushan . The evolutioners and survivors of Fushan thought that they would not be afraid of zombies if they had light . They set up countless bonfires in the open s.p.a.ce of the camp, and the whole camp was illuminated by a lot of bonfires, Before, 3000 b.l.o.o.d.y corpses were dragged to the open s.p.a.ce in the center of the camp and ignited . All the corpses were burned and curled in the fire . The hot air carried the black ashes on the corpses to the alt.i.tude of tens of meters and fell all around . Even Zhang Xiaoqiang fell like snow here .

When the corpses were still burning, the seeds of the blood flower had been harvested . The fire of the huge bonfire did not do any harm to the blood colored plants . The plants that had been removed from the blood seed turned red again . Then a group of 3000 people were pulled up . When the 3000 people were beheaded again and bled, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart suddenly twitched, What he didn"t want to see happened, and Ono beside him knelt down on the ground, buried his face on the ground, and made a great effort to linger, sending out a dull wail and cry .

At this moment, Zhang Xiaoqiang understands Ono . In other words, he can"t help calling the shots when he watches the Chinese people being killed . Jima and other members of the hunter team watch those people being killed as animals, shaking with fright . Their base is also planted with blood flowers, and they used the survivors" blood to water them, But they didn"t cut off thousands of people"s heads so savagely, just like killing pigs and dogs . In their camp, the survivors only took dozens to hundreds of milliliters of blood every day and slowly watered the flowers . Even if some people couldn"t bear to die, they wouldn"t die too ugly . Seeing the pieces of corpses, Every Englishman here can"t help but repent for the sin of sitting down . Even Gemma, whose sad companion was slaughtered by the Americans, was scared to a nervous breakdown by the b.l.o.o.d.y feast .

"Dog, what a bunch of animals . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn"t help but scold . Although he said it was the j.a.panese who died, he watched countless people being killed like this . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s hardened heart can"t help but get angry . He has always hated the j.a.panese, but he doesn"t want to kill them all . At least the A . V . of j.a.pan is indispensable spiritual food for him to spend the whole adolescence .

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eccentric and contradictory heart made him see that so many j.a.panese were killed by j.a.panese evolutionists, resulting in entanglement . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s scolding also made Jima a group of British people hate themselves even more . They may not be much better than the evolutionists below . Originally, they were just abusing like vent, but they didn"t expect to lead to unexpected response .

"Please don"t use the word" animal "to describe them . At least animals won"t do these dirty things . . . " This suddenly sounded hoa.r.s.e voice floating, like thin feathers floating in the wind, Zhang Xiaoqiang was shocked and said: "who are you? Chinese

While he is talking, Ono and Jima are looking at him with doubts . They don"t know why Zhang Xiaoqiang wants to talk to the air, but it has no effect on Zhang Xiaoqiang . He looks around and opens his eyes wide, trying to find the speaker . At the same time, he wonders why people around him think so about himself?

"Ha ha, it doesn"t matter who I am . The key is what I can help you, brother c.o.c.kroach . . . " The voice is still ethereal, I do not know the source, Zhang Xiaoqiang is like a cat who has been trampled on the tail, suddenly stood up and looked around, his heart set off a storm, his face more and more gloomy, almost with a low roar: "who are you in the end? How do you know about me? What is your purpose . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang stands up and looks left and right vividly on the display screen . Looking at Elson who is not blinking at the display screen, a mischievous smile appears at the corner of his mouth . His clear eyes are a bit playful, but he doesn"t speak . Zhang Xiaoqiang, who is about to run wild on the display screen, suddenly stops all his actions and squats back honestly .

"My purpose is your purpose . Unfortunately, I can"t live long . Otherwise, it won"t be you Zhang Xiaoqiang, but my bright Saint Elson . . . Now you continue to squat . Your companions have begun to suspect that you are crazy . Our previous conversation can"t be heard by others . This is one of my natural abilities . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang squatted back with a bad look, but his brain was spinning like a wheel . The name of Elson is absolutely strange . That person not only knows that he is c.o.c.kroach brother, but also knows his real name Zhang Xiaoqiang . You know, even his women may not know this, and maybe no one knows it, except the Nuwa which is not a human .

"Well, I know you are very wary of me . We are not enemies . Your goal is the same as mine . . . " At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang made it clear that Elson"s voice was not heard by his ears, but echoed in his mind . Looking at the dazed appearance of Ono and Jima, it was obvious that Elson was telling the truth, and their previous conversation could not be heard .

"You mean red algae?" Zhang Xiaoqiang sneered . I"m afraid this is not only Elson"s goal, but everyone"s goal, right?

"No, the cause of the formation of red algae is the target that all forces must obtain, but it"s not my goal . . . I don"t represent any force . . . " Elson"s answer confused Zhang Xiaoqiang . He was about to ask him a rhetorical question, but Elson didn"t give him a chance to speak . He continued: "I"m dying . Maybe you don"t believe me, but I"m dying . If it wasn"t for this reason, I wouldn"t find you and I wouldn"t put all my hopes on you . Maybe it"s because of the approaching of death that I want to use my ability, Do what you want to do . . . "Elson"s tone of voice is unprecedentedly dignified and Chen Kan, but it aggravates Zhang Xiaoqiang"s suspicion . Now they are in an unequal position . Elson knows him like the back of his hand . He knows nothing about Elson . People keep a close watch on him . He doesn"t even know where they are . The more this happens, the more calm Zhang Xiaoqiang is . He knows, Elson didn"t want to show off or make fun of him .

"You can also see the harm of blood flower . Blood flower is not the gospel of human beings, but the root of destroying the whole human world . Even saints will be lost by blood flower . I believe that you are the only one who does not need blood flower in this world, because you have mastered better technology than blood flower, Technology that can really enhance the evolution of the whole human world

"Who are you, if you don"t explain to me, I"ll . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang is really in a hurry . People have even figured out the plastids and the evolutionary matrix . In case of being spread out by this unknown Elson, will he not become a public enemy in the world?

"Since you really want to know, I can tell you, but don"t get excited . . . " Elson is helpless . He hears that Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t believe him . If he wants to dispel Zhang Xiaoqiang"s suspicions, he must be frank with him . However, being frank with him may also deepen each other"s suspicion and distrust .

"I"m Elson, deputy secretary of the Pacific investigation center of the United States . . . " On hearing this, Zhang Xiaoqiang did not get angry . Instead, he calmed down . If Elson said that he was from other countries or other forces, he would not believe it . But Elson said that Zhang Xiaoqiang of the United States believed it . It was the Americans who made the deal with Fushan, and it was the Americans who stopped at the airport . What the Americans did made him extremely disgusted, Elson said that he was an American and was more likely to make Zhang Xiaoqiang refuse to talk to him, but he still said so, which was a limited sincerity .

"Good abacus? You want to get the evolutionary matrix through me, right? " Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t help but sneer . He thinks that he has recognized Elson"s purpose . He thinks that Elson wants to coerce himself with the righteousness of eradicating xuejuhua and obtain the technology that can make the survivors of the whole world blush .

"As I said, I only represent myself, and I will not represent any forces . Even if your evolutionary matrix is published, it can"t eradicate hemophila . Hemophila"s blood species can promote the evolution of evolutors, but the evolutionary matrix can"t, so . . . "

Elson"s spare time is very patient, and his meticulous explanation also gives Zhang Xiaoqiang a new understanding of xuefuhua, The evolutionary matrix can make ordinary people become evolutors, so as to achieve the true national evolution . However, blood species have the evolutionary promotion power far beyond the evolutionary matrix . Although the glial body is good, it can not be obtained by ordinary evolutors . Therefore, for the moment, the blood flower is more attractive to the evolutors all over the world, which leads to the critical situation of the survivors .

"Maybe you don"t believe me . You"re not the only one who sincerely hopes to revive civilization . So am I . It"s a pity that I"m controlled by others, and I can"t live long . Otherwise, I"m not willing to let you become the protagonist . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang understands another meaning after hearing this . Elson is also an ambitious man, but he can"t realize his revenge for some reasons, so he is jealous . He is jealous of Zhang Xiaoqiang, and he is also jealous of Zhang Xiaoqiang . In this tangle, the tone of his speech is sour .

"What you said is wonderful, but I still don"t believe it . I don"t even believe in Chinese people, let alone a foreigner who doesn"t know the details . . . " in the end, Zhang Xiaoqiang decided not to cooperate with Elson . As he said, he couldn"t trust a family he had never met .

"I don"t need you to believe it, or I can"t believe it, but I"m still willing to cooperate with you and let you achieve any wish . As long as you have a request, I can help you do it, even some recent situations in China . . . " Elson gives Zhang Xiaoqiang another scare . He can grasp China"s intelligence at any time, even if the United States can"t do it in previous generations?

"You can rest a.s.sured that although I am in the power of the United States, they don"t know what I know, and you don"t have to worry about information leakage . I know not only China, the new era and genesis, but also none of these things . No one is qualified for me to tell him except the person I choose . " Elson saw Zhang Xiaoqiang"s horror and explained quickly, but his explanation could not eliminate Zhang Xiaoqiang"s concerns, so he had to be silent .

Zhang Xiaoqiang looks uncertain, and everything Elson said is shocking . If his means are so powerful, why do Americans have to stand off with genesis for so long? In his mind, a b.l.o.o.d.y corpse was thrown into the sea of fire one after another . A strong man wearing silver armor and carrying a portable machine gun aroused the cheers of the evolutionists . Then the cheers extended to the whole camp, making Zhang Xiaoqiang squint .

"That man is Fu Shan Tengtu, the leader of the gathering place . You don"t have to kill him . Soon he will be drained of blood and die . My sister has made a trap . The evolutors and survivors here will not come to a good end . . . "

Elson"s explanation made Zhang Xiaoqiang draw back his attention and ask suspiciously, "your sister? Doesn"t your sister know you"re in touch with me? And why are you killing so many people? ""Please don"t put me and Susannah together . If she wasn"t for my sister, I would have killed her . That"s why I envy you most . Sometimes it"s not easy to achieve some goals . There"s no limit . It"s really good . . . " Elson seems to find it difficult to find a speaker, full of words in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang opened the gate like pouring out .

Elson is only 16 years old this year, but his appearance is at least 80 years old . As a Native American evolutionist, Elson is quite capable . In line with the story of a savior that young people all have, he and his sister joined the American military alliance of the United States emergency prevention center, and have been fighting in the front line ever since, He fought with zombies and the American army in the new era . By chance, he and his sister became experimental a.s.sistants when they were favored by Dr . frande, who studies evolution . Unexpectedly, they became old people in a so-called experiment, while his sister was ten years younger . Although he had more powerful abilities, he lost his life span . When he woke up, Then he found something wrong . His sister and Dr . Flander got too close, and sometimes even hid something from him . The invisible pressure and coercion made his ultimate ability, which everyone didn"t understand, appear, so that he could know what Dr . Flander had done to him . . . . < br > in the end