Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2126: 2126

Chapter 2126: 2126

When the boundless yellow sand is swept by the strong wind and rolls down like a sandstorm, LV Xiaobu can"t stay any longer . Countless grains of sand stab his cheek like needles, and he becomes a sand man . When LV Xiaobu enters the car, he will see the display screen . The boundless sand will submerge the black earth like a torrent, At the moment when the black corpse tide collides with the dust, it is like the sand sculptures destroyed by the flood, and the slanting speed of the torrent is not reduced by the collapse of the zombies, just like a group of unreasonable mad cows trampling on the boundless ants, each step makes hundreds of zombies involved in the mud under their hooves .

In addition to LV Xiaobu"s pleasant and relaxed look, most of the officers did not shout . Such scenes are staged every day . In addition to the maintenance time of the tanks, more than two million zombies have been consumed by the tanks in this month, and the images taken by the camera lens of the UAV, The zombie sea is not as boundless as it was a month ago . More than 3 million zombies were strangled by tanks and flamethrowers, and they could not even eat corpses . Every time, the human mechanical forces gained the upper hand, making the Z2 zombies in the zombie sea almost fall into the Jedi . By now, zombies have already given up charging and fled to the zombie sea army at the foot of Yinshan Mountain, The elongated corpse sea is like a twisting snake . Under the crush of the armored b.u.mper car, its tail is cut off section by section .

"What"s the approximate number of zombies left? How long can the tank last? What"s more, hasn"t minister Shi decided to fight a decisive battle? "

The problem of Lu Xiaobu"s continuous flight did not make the officers fl.u.s.tered . They had been prepared for a long time . In today"s war with zombies, the military strength of Yinmeng is growing every day, and the quality of the officers is constantly improving . A young female officer of mixed blood between China and Russia instantly opened the blue folder in her hand, "Up to now, there are only 800000 zombies left in the sea . Hohhot was completely recovered yesterday . Tank fuel can last for two and a half hours . The attack must be stopped after an hour . To prevent accidents, minister Shi has no command for the time being, It"s said that the airship troops formally accepted the inspection yesterday . Thirty airships are ready to go . Maybe there was a small accident . "

"I hate accidents, I hate plans, I hate watching zombies do nothing . . . " LV Xiaobu is no longer the migrant construction worker who graduated from the University . After countless battles, he has grown to the momentum that a superior person should have . Every word and anger has upset the officers below . Other officers have focused on their work like ostriches, ignoring LV Xiaobu"s angry roar . The only one with blue eyes and black hair is LV Xiaobu, The good-looking female officer stares at LV Xiaobu fearlessly with her 36d chest girth inherited from her mother . The difference is that her blue eyes flash a little unhappy, which makes LV Xiaobu"s ugly words get stuck in her throat . She glances at the half breed . LV Xiaobu raises her hand to cover her mouth, pretends to cough, and says to other officers, "order Zhao Jiawei to speed up, I will only give him one hour, The attack must stop after an hour . "

After that, Lu Xiaobu"s heart flashed deeper resentment . Yinmeng was reorganized into the second army of the f.u.xing army, but its scale was not comparable to that of Hubei and Sichuan . The first division was originally the main force of Yinmeng . After the change, it was expanded into four brigades . Each brigade had tens of thousands of people, but it also left the former Armored Regiment in the first division, Fan Zhongfeng was also promoted to be the commander of the armored brigade, and the whole armored brigade also has hundreds of tanks and hundreds of armored vehicles, which are stronger than his so-called armored group . There are 18 type 96 tanks, 12 Type 98 tanks, 12 most advanced Type 99 tanks, and 60 type 88 tanks, all of which are the mainstream tanks in the army of previous generations, Every tank can produce lethal sh.e.l.ls, and all kinds of instruments and equipment are complete, which can"t be compared with those iron coffins in his hands .

These tanks were originally targeted by him, but they didn"t let go . They also said that they would give them to him when the troops were restructured . How could he not know that this was a delaying tactic of others? I"m afraid that they wanted him to be an armored group commander on an equal footing with ishiharano and others, just to rea.s.sure Zhang Xiaoqiang . In the final a.n.a.lysis, it was the mountain top doctrine, Even Zhao Jun and shiyuanye are not free from vulgarity .

So his armored group sounds very good . In fact, there are only more than ten old-fashioned tanks that can fire and 5000 troops . He has to guarantee at least two drivers for each tank . Otherwise, he doesn"t know what he"s doing here . Zhao Jiawei is one of the armored officers he brought from Hubei . He is his confidant, It is also with Zhao Jiawei that he can form the combat effectiveness of armored cl.u.s.ter in such a short time .

"Well, I told you to pit me . 80% of the zombies in this battle were solved by my team . You b.a.s.t.a.r.ds can see clearly for me . Uncle Lu is not so easy to bully . . . "

Thinking of the trouble, LV Xiaobu could not help but scold the other officers and asked them to lower their heads . At this moment, he suddenly heard ishiharano"s dry and hoa.r.s.e voice coming through the contact machine

"All units are ready . The plan of natural calamity has officially started . Please ask commander Lv to stop the attack . The air force is about to launch the attack . "The sudden order made LV Xiaobu burst into a big smile . He was overjoyed by the unprecedented comfort . He gave the female officer a hard squeeze on the b.u.t.tocks and said in a loud voice: "ha, finally we have to clean up those things, Anna Chen . When this war is over, we will have time to rest . I"m waiting for you to give me a son . c.o.c.kroach, honest man and Huang Quan have both, I don"t have it . I don"t have face to talk about it . "

All of these officers looked at each other with flying eyebrows . Even if they didn"t speak, they could see the teasing in each other"s eyes . Only the female officer, Anna Chen, blushed and said, "death . . . " In the process of drinking, he pinched LV Xiaobu"s arm severely, and his eyes turned white when he showed his teeth . At this time, another picture was displayed on the display screen . Thirty huge airships were slowly taking off, hundreds of security vehicles were flying under these airships on the gra.s.s tens of kilometers away, and countless supplies were piled up on the edge of each ap.r.o.n, There are tens of thousands of people running around the huge ap.r.o.n .

"Zhao Jiawei, stop the attack and get out of touch immediately . The iron box is ready to outflank . Let the fire rabbit block the zombies behind me, save fuel and prepare for the follow-up action . . . " When LV Xiaobu saw the launch of the airship, he immediately grabbed the contact device and personally gave orders to Zhao Jiawei . At this time, the front line had become a sea of sand . No matter zombies or tanks were covered by yellow sand, only countless tongues of fire loomed in the yellow sand . The flames ignited thick black smoke mixed with dust . With the rising hot air, the sky was covered, The boundless smoke instantly rises 100 meters, driving the UAV to a higher place . In the scene of the rapid pa.s.sing of the UAV, zombies, black smoke and yellow sand are mixed . Countless zombies are surging in the opposite direction after the fire . Zombie sea has lost the confidence of victory, and Z2 zombies are finally cowardly under the fierce impact of the armored forces .

The armored group was restarted, and the vast Yellow sand was divided into two parts . It bypa.s.sed the area of fire and smoke, forming a huge encirclement . However, the speed slowed down and gradually pushed forward at the speed of 30 kilometers per hour . The faster the tank moved forward, the more fuel it consumed . If it maintained the continuous impact force, the failure rate of the tank would increase geometrically, Otherwise, they would not attack for two days . One day of maintenance, many tank b.u.mpers suddenly broke down on the way of attack . At this time, with normal and moderate propulsion, the mechanical tension of the tank was relieved . At the same time, the time of using the tank was extended . They were always ready to give the zombie sea a final blow .

When 30 huge airships arrive at the sky above the corpse sea, even with the naked eye, you can see a dark cloud in the sky . The scene of 30 airships arranged together is shocking . The air bag of each airship is equivalent to a huge warship, The s.p.a.ce occupied by more than 30 airships casts shadows on the ground, which can cover the boundless sea of zombies .

When these airships slowly fly over the corpse sea, dozens of transparent UAVs cruise over the corpse sea like bees . Among them, there are three combat airships with the size of a small yacht and the shape of a shuttle . These small airships are three prototypes manufactured by the UAV Research Inst.i.tute, These three manned combat airships are the main air force for the next development of the Yinmeng military region . Although they are nothing compared with the fighters before the end of the world, they have exceeded countless in terms of firmness and endurance . As long as the pilots are willing, they can even drive this small airship around the earth .

These three small airships don"t cruise all the time like UAVs . On the contrary, they are like hot-air balloons floating silently over the corpse sea . The small airships are divided into three directions and cruise slowly in the air, as if they are looking for something . The 30 airships also stay in the sky quietly, as if they are waiting for something . Time goes by, The zombie sea seems to feel something . Countless zombies, like collapsing peaks, slowly spread around . As long as people familiar with zombies in Yinmeng know, the Z2 zombies in the zombie sea have lost control . Just like the Z2 zombies in Ordos, they are ready to throw the lower team to flee . At this time, one of the small airships suddenly found something, It"s like a shark smelling blood rushing to the back of the zombie, opening the engine room and dropping dozens of silver shining metal cans .

Metal pipes fall from the sky one after another . When they contact with the zombies, a fluffy and colorful pigment sprays out of the pot to dye thousands of zombies . These pots have no lethality . Their function is to color the zombies and dye the dark zombies into colorful colors . After the small flying stilts throw the pigment pot over the Zombie"s head, There is a colorful abstract picture in the sea of corpses . Of course, there is more than one scene . Almost every small airship will find a place worth throwing cans during its slow inspection . When a colorful zombie walks slowly, the airship in the sky finally moves .

Every airship is aimed at the dyed zombies . The airship slowly presses down to the sea of zombies like a murderer . Shadows block the sky of zombies and disperse the sunlight . Only the colorful zombies can"t feel the heavy shadow falling on them . When the airship lands only 100 meters above the ground, the cabin doors open immediately, Then, one by one, pottery jars, which looked like pickle jars, rolled down the stainless steel plate of the cabin door . One by one, these round jars fell into the sea of corpses and burst . At the moment of fragmentation, layers of thick green smoke filled the zombies, and then a sharp scream sounded from among them . Every zombie has its scream . Z-shaped zombies instinctively send out sound waves to protect themselves when threatened . In this harsh sound wave, countless zombies burst their heads like a broken light bulb, and then countless zombie imitated Buddhas on the periphery are invisibly summoned to surround the most central zombies, After these zombies rush into the thick green fog, they are like rushing into a black hole . The thick green fog is like the mouth of a giant beast waiting for the zombies to come to the door automatically to devour . When more and more zombies disappear in the thick fog, the expanding thick fog has devoured tens of thousands of zombies .

During the climbing process of the airship, the black Zombie sea blooms green flowers, curling around and spreading around, involving more zombies . Each blooming green fog will involve thousands of zombies, and tens of thousands of zombies . Soon, the scale of the zombie sea will be reduced by half, The dense fog has converged in several places, covering all the zombies in the middle . At this time, the zombie sea is completely out of control, and there is no previous density between the zombies . The zombies on the edge collapse spontaneously, and the dense zombie sea also appears Star green, slowly exposing the gra.s.s under their feet .

Two hours later, the previously dense sea of zombies has been divided into several pieces, and the thick green fog has been exhausted, exposing green pools like ponds . In the crevice between these pools, countless scattered zombies walk unconsciously . From time to time, zombies fall into pools of different sizes, and they never get up again, Just at this time, the formation of a faint encircling ring finally moved, and the clouds of dust rose again, forming a huge ring to rush to the center of the zombie . After that, countless variant horses and cross-country military vehicles also rushed out from behind the armored cl.u.s.ter to charge the zombie . More soldiers gathered from all directions like a dense group, farther away, On the side of the long wooden motorcade, countless civilians dressed in ordinary clothes prepared the gla.s.s bottles for carrying the corrosion source and corpse liquid< br>