Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2131: 2131

Chapter 2131: 2131

"In the gathering place, you are shouting to go north to find your daughter-in-law . Why? Did you find it? " Zhang Xiaoqiang pretends to use other topics to distract Wan Qiang"s attention . There are other people around them . He doesn"t want other people to know about the information about the destruction of the world . If these people lose hope, they will lose their final reason in despair . G.o.d knows what they will do . There are also Americans and Britons . After the catastrophe, they give up their previous hatred, For the time being, Jima and John Li became their leaders . For these people, Zhang Xiaoqiang would rather believe Wan Qiang, who came from his own province, than believe them .

"Well, c.o.c.kroach joked . " Wan Qiang is very embarra.s.sed . His four eyes are rolling around . It"s obvious that Zhang Xiaoqiang has said that it"s hard to say . Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t understand it at first . When he sees Wan Qiang grabbing a heavy stone at will and crushing it with a little force, he immediately understands what"s going on . Wan Qiang"s skin can"t even be cut off with a Firebird machete, This also means that Wan Qiang only has two results when he wants to find a woman . One result is that Wan Qiang can"t feel it when he wants to find a woman . He can"t even chop an axe . Can he have the sensitivity of a normal person? The other result is even worse . Maybe Wanqiang will wear the steel plate, and change it into a delicate and timid flesh and blood . . . That"s really a disaster .

"Don"t worry, the world is so big, science and technology are so advanced, your problems will be solved one day . " Zhang Xiaoqiang seldom comforts a person . He is still his subconscious enemy . But at this time, the earthquake happened again, and the evolutionists around him began to yell . However, Wan Qiang sat on the ground quietly . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s impulse to run was to sit on the ground with Wan Qiang in the violent shaking, Helicopters began to take off one after another, but the Russian pumas did not have any fear . They were curious and looked at the shaking of the ground . The night was quiet, but when the earthquake came, all kinds of noisy waves were magnified infinitely, so that any normal person could feel the unspeakable fear . Maybe Wanqiang felt more and more strong shock, He burst out laughing

"Shock, shock him to death . Lao Tzu has long been disgusted with the j.a.panese . In those days, my grandfather"s generation fought guerrillas with the j.a.panese . Now his grey grandson has to help him out of his bad temper when he comes to j.a.pan . Only when he goes underground can he have face to see his ancestors . . . "

The voice is not lost, Dozens of kilometers away, a mountain with a faint outline collapsed slowly in the violent shock, which made the evolvers cry out a little bit . Although the shaking of the earthquake made Zhang Xiaoqiang even unable to sit still, his mind was not affected . He could see that Wan Qiang had stabilized a lot, at least closer to human beings in his way of thinking, It"s just that all kinds of reasons make Wan Qiang feel at a loss about his position . It"s not human to say that he"s human, and he can"t do what human love to do . He has a strong identification with his clan . Tiezhongyuan can be reused by Wan Qiang because of the appearance of his Oriental nation .

"The earthquake in j.a.pan caused great losses to the j.a.panese . Many j.a.panese who survived may have no way to survive, which gives other forces opportunities . Although you represent Russia, I believe you never regard Russia as your motherland . Even if you die, you will not want to be buried there . Maybe we can cooperate . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang took the opportunity to make a proposal that he had long wanted to make . At present, he is single and has nothing . It"s unrealistic to want to seize opportunities with other forces . It happens that Wan Qiang is his acquaintance . Even if he had differences before, at least now Wan Qiang has become like a normal person, so Zhang Xiaoqiang is willing to cooperate with this guy .

When Zhang Xiaoqiang said this, the earthquake stopped again, as if cooperating with Zhang Xiaoqiang . Wan Qiang looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang with his head tilted, pondered for a while, shook his head and said, "I still have to consider your proposal . Although I"m not very good now, I have hundreds of planes and thousands of people working with you . I don"t see any interest in cooperating with you, If you can"t bring out the corresponding things, I"m afraid . . . "

Wanqiang"s refusal is reasonable . Zhang Xiaoqiang seems to be dest.i.tute . Although he has a huge influence in China, this is j.a.pan . There is no equivalent foundation . No one is a fool doing white work for others . Zhang Xiaoqiang is not bothered . He smiles and says casually, "what do you need me to come up with to cooperate?"

Wan Qiang put the leftover barbecue in the pot . After rubbing his greasy hands on his clothes, he took a box of beautifully printed cigar box from his hand behind him . Looking at the cigar box, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes suddenly brightened . He had not smoked for a long time . If he didn"t see it, he might be able to bear it, but he did, I can"t bear the urgency in my heart .

"I went to j.a.pan because Blizzard moss asked . Although she was just a machine, she helped me a lot . This time there were so many planes, she authorized me to open the Russian logistics equipment warehouse . I believe your purpose is the same as mine, but I don"t believe that it is good for me, I don"t object to you sharing the results with me, but you have to give me benefits . . . "

With a puff of cigar smoke, Wan Qiang"s look in his cigar is no different from that of those big business owners in previous lives . At this time, the light will be the real mature Wan Qiang . Stupid people can"t be the upper cla.s.s . Reinvigorated people like tiezhongyuan need wisdom and skill, not muscles and fists . Zhang Xiaoqiang takes a deep breath of cigar, It"s fiercer than cigarettes, and countless stimuli are rising in his throat . To tell the truth, he has not deceived this guy with his previous contempt for Wanqiang . However, Wanqiang doesn"t say anything, and it"s a surprise for him to show his naked interests and benefits first . But it"s nothing . It depends on what Wanqiang needs, as long as it needs, There is room for negotiation . "Red algae can be used as fuel . It seems that the whole world knows that c.o.c.kroach has a big family and a big business . It"s a must for this . It doesn"t matter to me . Russia is not bad for fuel, mechanical equipment and vehicles . You don"t see their warehouses . There are thousands of armored vehicles, hundreds of tanks, helicopters and fighters in any underground storage, No matter where I put it, it"s a lot of money, but it"s useless to me . I didn"t think that it would last for generations, and even whether the future generations can continue is unknown . The whole Russia is in my pocket, but I"m Chinese, and I don"t have a cent to do with the life and death of the Russian . So, if brother c.o.c.kroach can show me the benefits that will move me

"Like finding you a daughter-in-law? A woman who can stand your gallop? " Zhang Xiaoqiang"s bad smile is very annoying, but Zhang Xiaoqiang said this to Wan Qiang"s heart . He grabbed a bottle of vodka and gently broke the gla.s.s bottleneck with his thumb . He looked up and drank the whole bottle of liquor . Then he shook his head and said, "brother c.o.c.kroach, that"s what men do . When they have power and wealth, they have to enjoy it . I have a lot of women, No matter evolutionists or ordinary people can"t stand my body . Up to now, I"m still a virgin in a narrow sense . Do you think I"m still alive? "

Ten thousand strong said very frankly, but to his present status and status, these words are the truth, Russia in the last few years before the end of the last few years, the economy began to improve, but the foundation is too strong . The essence left by the Soviet Union is Russia"s eight tier, which is the eight tier that can compete with all the NATO countries . Russia is also a big country of resources, with vast territory and few people . It is the best refuge for survivors after the end of the world . Unlike China, which is full of people and zombies, it is more difficult to find a few armored vehicles than to dig for treasure .

Zhang Xiaoqiang understands what Wanqiang means . Wanqiang has a lot of money and equipment that can"t be spared . He won"t be interested in either akashiga or other Wanqiang . He doesn"t care how many evolutionists the Russians can produce . He only cares whether he can get benefits . If there are not enough benefits, The so-called national righteousness or China"s rejuvenation will not touch Wan Qiang in any way .

"That is to say, it"s not difficult for you to cooperate with me . What"s difficult is to bring out the benefits that make you excited? This benefit must also be personal to you? " Zhang Xiaoqiang had no choice, but when he thought of one thing, his heart suddenly calmed down . He slowly picked up the wine gla.s.s in front of him and shook the unknown top red wine inside .

"Yes, as long as you can give me benefits, you can do whatever you say? Don"t say to get red algae, even if you want to kill all the foreign forces, I will do it for you . . . " At this point, Wan Qiang"s Scarlet eyes are a little excited, but his black eyes are a little more cold . His eyes are staring at the giant saber beside Zhang Xiaoqiang without blinking . He has seen what is the most valuable thing around Zhang Xiaoqiang . Without this thing, he will no longer have to be afraid that Zhang Xiaoqiang can break his own defense, but he can"t take the initiative to say it, It may be a bad thing to say it .

"That"s settled . I"ll give you benefits . If you can"t get the similar benefits, you can help me solve the problem of red algae . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang"s showdown made Wan Qiang unable to respond . At the next moment, a crystal colloid as big as a shot shot attracted his attention . Zhang Xiaoqiang was also distressed to take out this colloid . He spent half a day in the sea on that day to get it . It was the size of a basketball, but he didn"t expect that this colloid shrank by nine tenths at room temperature, The material is no longer jelly like soft, and the crystal core has the same texture as crystal . If it can not feel slight elasticity, Zhang Xiaoqiang doubts whether it has changed .

"This . . . This is . . . " Wan Qiang hasn"t lost his control . He has eaten a lot of glia . He knows what it is at the first sight . But he didn"t expect Zhang Xiaoqiang to take out such a big one . According to his experience, the owner of this thing must be the kind of creature he has been looking forward to . At least he can"t kill level 4 mutant animals, let alone level 5 mutant animals, It"s beyond human limits .

"No matter what you do, I will promise you, but I can"t use it for the time being . You must . . . " Wan Qiang"s eyes turned around, and he immediately suppressed his greed and bargained with Zhang Xiaoqiang . In his opinion, if Zhang Xiaoqiang can take out a level five colloid, then there must be no problem with level Four, but who is Zhang Xiaoqiang? On cunning, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t miss him at all . He had seen Wan Qiang"s thoughts for a long time . He shook his head and said, "the value of this thing has exceeded what you will pay . If you don"t have to, I won"t take it out . But since it represents my sincerity, you should learn to stop it . In addition, we have to discuss the value of this thing, A supplementary agreement has been discussed . "< br>