Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2146: 2146

Chapter 2146: 2146

Zhang Xiaoqiang sighed bitterly . He felt sorry for Elson and felt guilty for his previous malicious speculation . He thought Elson had a plan for himself . But he didn"t expect that this 16-year-old child really worked hard to continue the lofty ideal of human population as he said . A 16-year-old child was captured and struggled tirelessly for his ideal under the pressure of making most people collapse, Compared with him, Zhang Xiaoqiang feels a little ashamed . He is the only one who knows what he is . He is not the Savior of Elson, let alone the hero who leads mankind to the light . He is just an ignorant pseudo Houseman . He can"t believe it in his spare time . Generally speaking, he doesn"t know how he has come to today, It"s not a historical mission or a halo of destiny that can support him to this day . It"s just that he wants to live a better life . Everything is forced out, first the zombie, then the golden wolf flag, then the new era, and now the d.a.m.ned sea creatures, just like the death cycle, which makes him uneasy for a moment, What bothers him most is that Yang Ke"er is still lying in the hospital . He doesn"t even dare to think about it . He is afraid that he will scare himself if he thinks too much .

"Please . . . My brother . . . " A weak question came from behind . Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn"t understand English . He turned to see that she was Susanna . Susanna would have been a child pursued by countless people before the end of the world . But Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t have any interest in her . To be exact, he was extremely disgusted with her . Because of him, Elson"s foreign life in the new era was so damaged, You know what a good a.s.sistant this is?

"Ha, brother c.o.c.kroach, you don"t understand English? Ha ha ha, I finally have a second thing better than you . I didn"t expect that . . . " Wan Qiang is not the clumsy man he used to be . Seeing something from Zhang Xiaoqiang"s confused eyes, he suddenly sweeps away his previous fear and decadence and becomes elated . The slippery sweat on Cheng Liang"s forehead seems to shine because of his master"s happiness . Zhang Xiaoqiang looks at Wan Qiang, who is No . 1 in everything, and knows what he means, This guy cut off his pants last time, exposing his amazing younger brother . I believe most normal people don"t have a small gun barrel that can be used as a pillar . Now with all kinds of foreign languages, isn"t it different? Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t want to talk to Wan Qiang at all, let alone the poor fake girl behind her . But she is Elson"s sister after all, and beckons John Li to come over .

John Lee is wearing mercury exoskeleton armor and carrying a large caliber sniper rifle on his back . Obviously, he has been replenished from the American plane . At the moment, he looks very bad . He is a kind of lost dog and is at a loss for the future . However, compared with other Americans, he still has the ident.i.ty of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s compatriot and has a better relationship with Zhang Xiaoqiang, Even if there is no way out to follow the Americans, it"s good to be a translator for Zhang Xiaoqiang .

"Tell her that Elson is dead . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang was very direct . When John Li translated, he did not blink his eyes at Susannah . He wanted to see if she had any guilt for Elson"s death . Unexpectedly, Susannah"s eyes dimmed and then returned to normal . It seemed that she had already made this preparation . Zhang Xiaoqiang was very angry and wanted to slap her to death . Elson was still fighting for her future, But she didn"t treat Elson as a relative at all .

"What"s the matter with Dr . Flanders . . . " Suzanne is in a trance . She doesn"t notice Zhang Xiaoqiang"s every move . Instead, she looks at Zhang Xiaoqiang with a twinkling look of begging . It"s just like her new wife is worried about her husband . She has to fight and kill frande before, but now she is worried about frande"s life and death, I"m afraid that even if fland didn"t subdue Susanna before, Susanna would not really hurt that guy . Is it true that men are not bad and women don"t love him? Zhang Xiaoqiang stares at Susannah in a daze . His concentrated expression is just like the strange flowers on Susannah"s face . For a long time, the anger in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes turns into indifference . He shakes his head and smiles in silence . His smile is exaggerated . With a gloomy cold, he makes Wan Qiang around him move . He can"t help looking at Susannah in front of him with sympathetic eyes, Everyone present had the deepest contact with Zhang Xiaoqiang, and roughly guessed some of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s characters . At the moment, Zhang Xiaoqiang is absolutely abnormal, just like a submarine volcano that is about to erupt . On the surface of calmness, it is as strong as a nuclear explosion .

"How do you like frand?" Zhang Xiaoqiang asked sarcastically . Her voice was deep, hoa.r.s.e and hypnotic, which made Susanna blush and nod“ Then you will listen to him, too? " Zhang Xiaoqiang continues to ask questions . Susanna still nods her head . She doesn"t see that Zhang Xiaoqiang"s cold eyes are full of demonic l.u.s.ter“ Very good, very good . What a good boy . The purpose of Flanders giving you to me is to give you to the British people and calm their anger . Originally, I didn"t want to kill you, but you chose to . . . "

Susannah suddenly wakes up with her heartless words . When she looks up, she sees the ice mark and indifference in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes . She can"t help but want to open her mouth to explain, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s bus slaps her face again . Suzanne"s pet.i.te body flies out horizontally . Before landing, Zhang Xiaoqiang, who rushes to her side, grabs her hair, tugs her to change direction, and drags her on the ground to the area surrounded by British people . Wan Qiang shakes his head behind her . He has seen stupid people and never seen such stupid people . Even he feels speechless, They are no longer interested in flying insects that have surrounded several ground buildings . Many American evolutionists who landed in the distance did not rush to the entrance of the hangar before the flying insects fell, and were eaten by countless flying insects . John Li walks next to Zhang Xiaoqiang with a straight face . He doesn"t plead for Susanna . To be exact, apart from Chris Brown, a group of people who are loyal to frande, not many evolutioners will be loyal to frande . Naturally, they won"t have any preference for one of frande"s dog legs . The sound of stepping on the ground is not obvious in the noise of the hangar, Zhang Xiaoqiang dragged Suzanne, who was screaming, to be seen clearly by everyone . No one came up to stop her . Most people were still in shock . Even some British people with a full sense of justice didn"t come up . Jima"s original anger turned into indifference and looked at Suzanne with a sneer . Beside her, members of the hunter team showed Byron some of their pictures, The picture is the body of 200 British people and Suzanne standing beside the body smiling with ax mountain .

Slowly approaching the British, Zhang Xiaoqiang heard Elson"s last farewell in his mind . He could not help slowing down, and then slowed down until she stopped . Once Susanna was handed over to the British, there would only be one end . The British used all kinds of evidence to prove her crime, and then gave her a trial . Finally, she was killed, but the hypocritical procedure left people speechless, But is that right for Elson? Elson hated his sister, which he did not hide, but even so, Elson was angry because Susanna was betrayed by Flanders . This is Elson"s kindness . The woman in her hand is Elson"s only lover and the only close relative with the same blood .

Thinking of this, the chill in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes dissipated a lot, but he still went to the British people . When he saw the undisguised disgust in Byron and Gemma"s eyes, he smiled, raised his hand, threw the screamed Susanna in front of the British people, and said in a deep voice: "she is the murderer who ordered to kill 200 British people . . . "

"Sir, you are . . . " Colonel Byron hesitated to ask Zhang Xiaoqiang . Seeing Suzanne from a distance, she felt embarra.s.sed . But looking closer, she found that she was just a girl of thirteen or fourteen years old . Although she was well developed, she could not be hated as an adult . Her murderous feelings turned into disgust, but she didn"t know what Zhang Xiaoqiang was doing to send her here .

"I know your intention . You want to get a just treatment and reestablish order . I agree with you very much . Civilization is order and justice . The premise of justice and order is law . Only by implementing the law from beginning to end can everyone live with dignity and will not easily hurt others, They will not be afraid of being hurt by others . Americans have made scientific and technological equipment that can control the evolutionists, but I don"t need it . I hope you can use the law to restrain your behavior . Don"t think you are superior to others . Don"t break the order just because you have power . So, I will bring her to you for trial . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words moved Byron, made Gemma grateful, and made John Lee blush . Compared with Flanders and American leaders, Zhang Xiaoqiang is really a tolerant leader and deserves his sincere respect . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words constantly rea.s.sured the restless British people and made them begin to really respect Zhang Xiaoqiang, not because of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s strength, But Zhang Xiaoqiang"s respect for order and justice .

"However, before trying her, I must tell you that her brother, in order to cover you and most of the people, directed the death squadron to die with insect cloud, and won landing time for the helicopter carrying survivors and soldiers, including the British . He is a real hero . Please remember, Elson Quinn . . . " Byron didn"t understand the meaning of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words at first . Then he saw Zhang Xiaoqiang"s depressed eyes . He suddenly understood that Zhang Xiaoqiang wanted the British to return home, but he didn"t want Susannah to be killed . He wanted him to perform this scene with Zhang Xiaoqiang . He didn"t feel angry when he thought about it . The British had been reduced to captives, and Zhang Xiaoqiang thought highly of them, In that case, why not cooperate? The dead can never be resurrected, but the rest have to live .

"Sir, I object to her trial . . . " Byron said something that surprised Zhang Xiaoqiang . Looking at the serious Byron, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t know what nerve Byron had? Then Byron said, "the law binds everyone, but it can"t bind minors . This girl is less than 15 years old and can"t be responsible for her own behavior . I think we can only punish her, but we can"t convict her . . . " Byron"s words made most of the British nod . Since they reestablished law and justice, they also began to find all kinds of habits in their previous lives . They first positioned themselves as the weak, and then tolerated Susannah, who also seemed to be the weak .

"No, you don"t understand . I brought her here for trial, not punishment . She is an adult . Her appearance is the result of the transformation of the American laboratory . What I said before was to tell you that his brother died for everyone, and his only hope is that his sister can live, I hope you will adopt this as the standard of sentencing . . . "

Byron fully understood this time . Looking at Suzanne sitting on the floor crying with her legs in her arms, her eyes were full of danger, but she didn"t mean to kill her . Gemma had already begun to discuss with the British people behind her . Gradually, the court, defense lawyers and the jury, not counting the last Elizabeth"s trial, this was probably their first formal trial .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, if I guess correctly, Susanna may be sentenced to life imprisonment, but . . . Do you think it is necessary? We are already trapped here, and the materials can"t support 5000 people to survive for a long time . "Walking beside Zhang Xiaoqiang, John Li obviously has no hope for the future . He asks suspiciously . Zhang Xiaoqiang lowers his head and walks in the channel where the j.a.panese are in awe . He doesn"t answer John Li"s words . He seems to be thinking about something . John Li opens his mouth and stops when he sees that the survivors and the evolutionists are looking at them . He is a smart man, When they came to the entrance of the hangar, they saw that hundreds of Americans were divided into two groups . One of the leaders was Chris Brown, who was knocked unconscious by Zhang Xiaoqiang . Wan Qiang and tie Zhongyuan, with nearly a thousand Russian men, were watching the excitement . The air seemed to be full of danger, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s pace suddenly speeds up, while John Li"s face turns pale . If the Americans make any more trouble at this time, it will be a b.l.o.o.d.y suppression< br>