Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2159: 2159

Chapter 2159: 2159

"But they still left me a little thin face, didn"t let me leave my pants, and the zombie squadron didn"t rob by fire, otherwise . . . " Thinking of this, Huang Tingwei felt that the wind around him was gathering, which made him shake off a lot of goose b.u.mps . This time, he lost a lot of money, lost hundreds of tons of military supplies and ammunition, and only gained thousands of corrosion source grenades and mortars that are said to be very useful, as well as three modified Gatling machine guns, This 25 mm machine gun is not the mainstream equipment in China . Thanks to the extended use of Pearl tears developed by Yinmeng, a new coating material is evenly coated on the inner wall of the barrel . This material can jump to improve the service life of the barrel . At the same time, the characteristics of Pearl tears make the barrel extremely resistant to high temperature and shoot tens of thousands of bullets at a time, Even a hundred thousand rounds of bullets are just for fun . It is said that after this kind of gun is produced, it will be isolated from corrosion forever . Every part, even the gap, is wrapped with a coating mixed with pearl tears . Not to mention peerless, but it can be counted as the front of the sky .

It"s a perfect match for such excellent weapons to be loaded on the frigate . You should know that the tonnage of the frigate is not small, the carrying capacity is outstanding, and it"s no different to load dozens of tons of ammunition . Any commander will be surprised that he has made a good business . He has exchanged three high firepower and high durability heavy machine guns with infantry weapons and equipment that are not needed by the air frigate, But Huang Quan didn"t think so, because if these weapons were really so good, they wouldn"t fall on him . When Zhang Xiaoqiang conquered the Inner Mongolia border corps, he found a lot of heavy guns, some of which were ready to be exported to other countries . These weapons were made according to European standard calibre . Originally, there were not many ammunition, so they were sent to the rear for development when the front-line heavy weapons were tight, The first experimental prototype guns were these NATO caliber machine guns, with only 3000 rounds of shrapnel in total . In other words, according to the firing rate of 3000 rounds per minute of this machine gun, the three machine guns would go out in 20 seconds after firing, becoming the useless waste of the three machine guns .

"I wipe it . Isn"t it a blockage for me? I"ll say where they have such kind-hearted equipment for me . It"s disgusting . No, I have to find brother c.o.c.kroach . I"ll tell you about it . " Huang tingweidun was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood . The guy in Yinmeng was so treacherous that he exchanged three chicken ribs weapons without ammunition for his good equipment . Isn"t that bullying?

When he was more annoyed, in the middle rest room of the frigate, Xi"er held her cheeks and looked at the white clouds outside the window . Beside her, the huge bone bow leaned on the seat . Thirty human high bone arrows made of four level variant animal teeth were installed in a half human high animal skin quiver, which was a unique work of art, The beautiful and peaceful Xi"er is contradictory and harmonious with the weapons around her, which makes her a vivid picture of the end of the world, which is unforgettable for a long time . Beside Xi"er is Zhuo Mingyue . In front of outsiders, Zhuo Mingyue looks like a queen . Her beautiful facial features are a little more soft . There is an unfinished embroidery on her knee, and a bright steel needle with red silk thread is clamped at her fingertips, But her eyes are not on the embroidery . She looks at the colorful sewing box on the tea table in front of her, as if she is missing something . Xianghai"er stands behind Zhuo Mingyue solemnly, and also looks at the blue water outside the window .

"He"s really not a safe guy . He"s either here or there all day . I don"t know what he"ll look like in his spare time? Worried about him all day long, he went to j.a.pan to be happy, alas . . . " Zhuo Mingyue flashed in her heart and finally saw Zhang Xiaoqiang"s appearance . She couldn"t help sighing . She looked up and saw that Xi"er was still looking out of the window and frowned . She said again: "this guy can find a beautiful woman no matter where he goes . Although Xi"er is young, she is not bad when she grows up, and the meow of Vladivostok is not clear with him . I heard that he has an outer room in Yinmeng, It"s not easy to hook up with a girl student . If you go to j.a.pan this time, you must keep an eye on him . Otherwise, I"ll see more women"s faces in the future . "

Thinking of this, Zhuo Mingyue suddenly has a sour taste in her heart . Her eyes are a little bit more bad when she looks at Xi"er . The steel needle in her hand doesn"t begin to deform until it turns into a ball like a twist . Xi"er seems to be aware of something . Looking back at Zhuo Mingyue, her eyes are all confused, which makes Zhuo Mingyue"s jealousy ease, Hatefully thought: "in the final a.n.a.lysis, it"s the evil that will hook up with people . I really want to castrate him to the root of right and wrong . . . "

Zhuo Mingyue curses in her heart, but she hears Huang Tingwei"s voice from the radio of the escort boat: "Madam Zhuo, please come to the cab . We have found the aircraft of unknown forces . Do you want to contact . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s proposal to blow up the mountain tops and bury the mother beetles can"t be denied . The plan looks perfect and will surely kill the mother beetles . However, Zhang Xiaoqiang thinks that the variable is too big . The one horned beetles that cause the air blockade are numerous . Okinawa is an island surrounded by the sea . Even without the control of the mother beetles, these beetles will not leave, Unless these beetles are put together to kill, it"s still a waste of effort to kill the mother .

In his mind, the most important thing now is that the new era is coming . The underground hangar is very safe for the time being, but the helicopters on the ground are not so safe . Only a hundred rockets can destroy most of the helicopters on the ground . At that time, he will really have to stay on the island as a savage . At the outpost, John Lee takes the Americans to look around, From time to time, he talked in a low voice with the soldiers of the Marine Corps . Although Zhang Xiaoqiang could not understand their language, he knew that John Lee was very interested in these 200 elite soldiers and was bewitching them to join the American evolutionists in the hangar . Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t pay attention to John Lee"s small moves . He knows that John Lee is now courting American evolutionists and seems to want to take the position of leader . Before killing Chris Brown, he was doomed to have nothing to do with the leader of the Americans . Not to say that the new government of the United States still exists, but to say that the American nature of yearning for democracy can"t be as eloquent as that of China, and the British, Although the British obey him on the surface, they don"t cooperate under Byron"s leadership . Just like before, he led the 18 warriors to complete the feat of exploring the airport, but in the second exploration mission, there are still only five British people following him . In the end, they still don"t agree with him .

Looking at the picture of the female worm on the screen, Zhang Xiaoqiang has a lot of ideas . He doesn"t know where to start . Simon"s plan is absolutely not feasible, but he can"t think of a new way for the time being . He is struggling . Simon walks in with a red face and says loudly, "we have recovered a grain depot, a super market storage depot, and a Marine Corps logistics depot, At least 18000 mutants have been eliminated . "

Simon"s excitement has long been familiar to Zhang Xiaoqiang . He frowned at Simon and said, "do you have any backup plans? You know, even if the mother insect dies, the unicorn beetle will not disperse, and there are ice beetles and knife arm beetles around the mother insect . It can be seen that these insects are not easy to kill . In case they run out, even if it"s just a small part of it, I"m afraid it will also cause a lot of losses . Now that I have fulfilled my promise, it"s your turn to complete it . "

Simon was silenced by Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words . He knew he could not hide Zhang Xiaoqiang, but he was unwilling to say so . At this time, John Li rushed to Simon and said, "I believe you don"t want to stay on Okinawa forever . The United States is not destroyed . I have talked with your soldiers . They are willing to return to the United States under the condition of ensuring safety, So, Colonel Simon, for the sake of the expectation of the soldiers, please cooperate with us . . . "

Simon was shocked by John Lee"s words . At this time, he found that the loyal soldier was looking at him with expectant eyes . For a moment, Simon was in a bit of a mess . He pulled open his neckline in a gaffe . His eyes were staring at the blank s.p.a.ce between the people . He took a deep breath . Seeing Simon"s appearance, Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn"t help sneering . Simon already had a sense of independence, Hard work in Okinawa has eroded his ambition . The collapse of Hawaii has made him lose his goal of going home . I"m afraid his real idea is to stay in Okinawa for the rest of his life?

"Colonel Simon, please look at these things . Maybe you will have an intuitive understanding of the current situation . . . " Simon is hesitating . John Lee beckons the American evolutionists around him to come up with a DV . This is something that the Americans photographed before they left j.a.pan, such as the explosion of Mount Fuji, the collapse of mountains, the destruction of forests, the cracks across the island and the collapse of the coastline .

Seeing these things, Simon and his soldiers were shocked again and looked at John Lee with a grim face in horror . John Lee gave Simon the DV and said in a deep voice, "maybe Okinawa will be the next j.a.pan . . . " It seems that in order to prove his words, the ground began to vibrate slightly, with little amplitude, just like standing on the full-automatic washing machine that is drying . For Zhang Xiaoqiang, compared with what they experienced in j.a.pan, it was like a joke . For Simon, it was earth shaking .

"We have been planning to deal with Unicorn beetles . In fact, you don"t find that Unicorn beetles have fatal weaknesses . They are very fast, but their wings are too thin to withstand the burning of flames . Just a little spark can burn their wings . Once they don"t have wings, these beetles are the best meat food . It"s not difficult to make flamethrowers, The materials we have collected have produced no less than 100 individual flamethrowers, but we can get very little oil . There are oil warehouses in the central part of Okinawa Island, where the oil is well preserved, but the warehouses are behind the city . Unless we go around by boat, we will have to attack . . . "

Unlike Zhang Xiaoqiang, an outsider, Simon is familiar with every plant in Okinawa . His research on beetles is far ahead of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s . Unicorn beetles are not a threat in his eyes . As long as he is careful, these beetles are their food . Beetles are rich in protein and muscle fiber, and they are an important food depot in the future . That"s why he conceals from Zhang Xiaoqiang, Hearing Simon"s plan, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s long depressed heart suddenly brightened . In this way, the threat of beetles is not as serious as he imagined . Despite Simon"s selfishness, he is indeed a good leader . If Zhang Xiaoqiang does not appear, they may not be able to eliminate the beetles in the whole island, develop and reproduce step by step, and finally grow to a certain extent .

"You don"t have to worry about the oil depot . I just want you to guarantee how long it will take to eliminate all the beetles, and if I provide you with enough materials and personnel, can you make a super large flame thrower for me?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t wait to open a deadlock . The aircraft of the new era will come back at any time . They have to eliminate the flying insects before the new era arrives . As long as they can leave, Zhang Xiaoqiang will fly directly to China with people, first to Yinmeng, and then rely on the basis of haishenwei to deal with the red algae in the sea of j.a.pan . At the beginning, he fell into a blind spot, I think that we have to go to j.a.pan to get rid of the red algae, but I didn"t expect that Vladivostok can also serve as a foothold< br>