Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2194: 2194

Chapter 2194: 2194

The city of Hokkaido has been cleared of all the zombies for a long time . There is no garbage and filth in other places on the neat streets . There are signs of business in some stores . However, the prosperous city in the past has become deserted today . Only occasionally can we see a couple of armed men gathering hastily to a certain place, over the city, The powerful shark hunting helicopter keeps firing dense rockets . One by one, the Rockets rush to blow up smoke in a corner of the city . In the smoke, Wan Qiang, who is eight meters tall, roars angrily like King Kong in the movie . In the building beside him, countless small fire spots and rainstorm like corners are on him, in severe pain, Wanqiang broke out the most violent counterattack, and knocked down buildings . In the scream, armed men like black dots flew out of the collapsed buildings and fell into the ruins . They did not know whether they were alive or dead .

Wanqiang is not fighting alone . The burly Wanqiang is not the most troublesome object in the new era . In the surrounding floors, more fierce fighting is continuing . One by one, you Yinhua"s evolutionists in silver clothes are leaping like fleas on the top floor . In their center, there is always a cool and charming Oriental woman, who floats in the air and ignores gravity, With the strange strangulation of women, you Yinhua was cut into b.l.o.o.d.y corpses in the air by an invisible blade . Even so, you Yinhua still didn"t give up the siege . All kinds of strange abilities came out one after another and hit Zhuo Mingyue"s mental mask . From time to time, the arrows flying to automatic tracking startled, There are also large caliber sniper bombs flying from all corners of the city, which are like a swift and violent snake .

Zhuo Mingyue and WAN Qiang are at the end of the two battles, as if they may collapse at any time . But the new era of fighting against them knows that the desperate killing has been going on since 4 a . m . , and nearly a thousand people have been killed in the two hands . Even so, they can"t see the dawn of victory . They believe that they can persist until now, G.o.d has been waiting for the opportunity of the Lord will eventually move .

Soldiers in the front line as cannon fodder consume the physical strength and strength of Wanqiang and Zhuo Mingyue, while the real high-rise people are comfortable standing in the highest building overlooking the battlefield . The platform of the high-rise building is very different from that before the end of the world . The exquisite carpet occupies every inch of the ground, and all kinds of luxury and luxury furnishings are listed among them, Young women in kimonos, with their bare legs and all kinds of utensils, are waiting quietly for their errands as if they were palace maids traveling with the emperor . A hollowed out seat with gold and Phoenix painting is arranged in the center of the platform . Several well-dressed Westerners are sitting on it, drinking and talking with wine gla.s.ses . The war in the distance has no effect on them, On the flat table in front of them, a huge metal incubator was open, revealing the red blood inside .

These people drink red wine like blood, and greedily scan the boxes of at least thousands of blood species . Each box can be filled with more than 3000 blood species, and there are at least 300000 in 100 boxes . For the share of 300000 blood species, these well-dressed life and death tear off the mask of hypocrisy, and fight and quarrel with each other, It seems that the war in front of them is far more important than the invasion of the enemy .

Not far away from these people, several high-level officers in combat clothes did not get involved with those guys . They just used binoculars to carefully observe the fierce fighting area . The only handsome man without military uniform put down his binoculars from time to time and turned to look at the officer of shuangyueguizhi around him . His eyes flickered as if he were asking something, The officer of shuangyueguizhi shook his head slightly to make him calm down . This young man has the cynical temperament of a childe, as well as the momentum and demeanor of everyone"s children . Compared with the officers around him, he is a little immature . The officer is in his thirties, but he has a face as tough as a knife, and his eyes are deep, But it"s brilliant .

Next to them, several other new era officers had different details . Although they were all new era black uniforms, they had silver cross pendants on their necks, which were not c.u.mbersome at all . On the contrary, they made some high spirited publicity, which made them seem out of place with the previous two people . If you carefully observe them, you can see that they were not in the same position, There is even a subtle hostile atmosphere on both sides .

"Knight Schneider, Schneider looks mediocre, which is not surprising . The only unforgettable thing is his huge nose of distiller"s grains, which is not funny with his vulture"s eyes . The whole person is like a cold poisonous snake, emitting extremely dangerous ice cold . The young man"s words make his mouth slightly split, and I don"t know whether it"s a smile or a laugh, When he found that not only the young people with high sky and thick earth were looking at his nose, his eyes were even colder, but his mouth said lightly:

"Isn"t it true that Lord Ryder has seen the situation? The other side is not an ordinary evolutionist . If I guess correctly, they all have the strength of the zodiac, especially the ape like variant . His defense ability has surpa.s.sed that of the golden t.i.tan Lord Gordon . Although he is not as agile as Lord Gordon, he is enough to resist any known conventional weapons . I think you should understand what this means? "

Schneider"s words make the young man named Reidel blush . The zodiac is the trump force in the new era . Any zodiac is the G.o.d family they have been looking up to . If what the other side says is true, I"m afraid that the new era can only kill two people by flying kites and hawks to throw supernovae?"Can we speculate on the strength of the G.o.d seat? Maybe if you ask Lord Naga out, you can solve them easily? Master Naga"s ability is to destroy the power grid . I believe there should be no problem in cleaning up the two super evolutors . Besides, even if you can"t solve these two people, you have to ask Master Naga himself . Do you doubt that master Naga can"t even solve the two door-to-door evolutors? "

The young man"s backup, officer shuangyueguizhi, finally spoke up . He knew that he couldn"t get along with the American Expeditionary Forces in front of him . The rivalry between the upper echelons made the two sides of the same origin like enemies . Even if they were all powerful figures in the new era, they might not be much better than cannon fodder in the eyes of real big men . He didn"t want to partic.i.p.ate in the squabble between big men, The enemy in front of us is to be solved .

The second regiment has always been based in Hokkaido . It is the most powerful force in the Asian military region . After receiving all the equipment from the j.a.panese land self defense force, it has taken Hokkaido as its base . Unexpectedly, when the expeditionary army flew to j.a.pan from the United States, it asked all the survivors to be slaughtered, watered with blood, and sp.a.w.ned blood for the use of big people, These survivors have been integrated with the second legion, but under the suppression of the throne, they had to be b.l.o.o.d.y butchers and killed more than 300000 people, which made most of the officers and soldiers of the second Legion resent the new era headquarters . After all, most of the second Legion are j.a.panese natives, and the rest of the Westerners also find j.a.panese women in the local area, If these high-level officials had not moved their wives and children, perhaps the new era would have ushered in the biggest rebellion ever .

However, no matter for the new era or the expeditionary army signed genesis, the second Legion is not a pity for them, because they see signs of instability in the second Legion . So at the beginning, the killing of Wanqiang and Zhuo Mingyue didn"t let them go to defend the j.a.panese throne, and they always used the lives of the second Legion to consume the morale of Wanqiang and Zhuo Mingyue, Wan Qiang and Zhuo Mingyue are getting closer to them . That"s why young Randall asked to move G.o.d .

Shuangyueguizhi officer"s words were very coincidental, and he didn"t use the loss of the second Legion to say things . The implication was that the expeditionary army questioned the strength of the throne and used the name of the throne to suppress the arrogant Schneider . Schneider could not help but sneer after hearing the officer"s words, shook his head and said: "speaker Kruger wants to be an empire, If you want to be the emperor superior to all people, in the end, Lydia is the real master of the new era . The new era can be divided, but it can"t be destroyed . Lord Lydia asked us to restrain our anger and not kill each other . It doesn"t mean that we want to be the cannon fodder of that old dog, An old b.a.s.t.a.r.d who took away his niece"s property is not worth our precious life . . . As for you, Sir John Chris von sily, you have the family name of Juncker and the blood of n.o.bility . You should abandon Kruger and be loyal to your original master instead of . . . "

Schneider"s words made Regel"s eyes angry . He looked at Schneider fiercely and yelled: "enough, don"t you say my father . I admit we are sorry for Lydia, but Lydia"s father, my uncle, gave the whole new era to a 14-year-old girl . Don"t you think it"s ridiculous? No matter how wrong my father is, he is also a member of the Rhine family and one of the successors . As a wise elder, he is more capable of putting the new era on the right path . "< br>