Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2198: 2198

Chapter 2198: 2198

Naga, who has escaped death, is crazy . With a soft drink, she flashes to the front of the water snake and throws out a huge power grid like a fishing net to cover the head of the water snake . The water snake also knows that this crazy woman is not easy to be provoked . A breath of dark fog comes out of the mouth of the water snake . The speed of the fog is also extremely fast . In the blink of an eye, it collides with the power grid, and the power grid melts large areas of fog, The air also exudes a sweet smell . Although the fog seems to be surging and invisible, it has considerable tenacity . It just dissipates the power grid completely . One person and one snake are tied . The next second, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s sniper rifle fires again and again . The hot bullet causes the flash like current on Naga"s body, and then it disappears .

The electric current flashed through the air again and again, from the huge power grid at first to the long and slender electric sword at last . Zhang Xiaoqiang ignored the electric current that could easily evaporate metal bullets, and just shot the sniper bullets in his hands again and again . In the backpack under his feet, more than 10 bullet clips were placed in turn, and more than 50 12 . 7mm bullets were enough for him to squander, Every time he shoots, Naga"s ability will explode . Taking into account the attack from Naga, Naga actually consumes twice as much power as Zhang Xiaoqiang, because the venom of the water snake has blocked all the power . He also believes that even if the Tianfu Evolver gets a thousand times increase in the last life, his ability to acc.u.mulate in his body is not unlimited, Once Naga runs out of electricity, it"s time for this woman to be the first .

How does Naga not know Zhang Xiaoqiang"s plan? But she can"t get rid of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s unpredictable bullets . If she changes her opponent, even a regular company with all the machine guns will not be able to entangle her . Her fast speed makes many people disappear thousands of meters away when there is still a remnant image in their eyes . But Zhang Xiaoqiang can always find the place where she will appear next, and a bullet is just waiting in her eyebrow, The stabbing pain makes her eyebrows numb, but Zhang Xiaoqiang"s leisurely shooting makes her really unable to find a way out . She can only pray that Zhang Xiaoqiang"s bullet can be shot out earlier, and she still has to entangle the water snake . You know, the water snake can run . If it wasn"t for her continuous power to stop the water snake from moving forward, maybe Zhang Xiaoqiang would have been in front of her .

Naga, as a G.o.d"s seat, has more than that ability . She can easily kill countless opponents even close to her . But the water snake is different . She has no confidence to kill Zhang Xiaoqiang and escape the counterattack of the water snake . For a moment, the two sides are deadlocked . She has already left Zhuo Mingyue"s position and is gradually approaching the mirror square after the explosion .

Wan Qiang fell like a pile of rotten meat in the corner of the edge of the explosion center . His figure has returned to the size of an ordinary person . Although his height of 1 . 9 meters is still as high as that of ordinary people, it is far from before . Nearly half of his bones were broken, and 90% of his flesh and blood were evaporated . Even two of his four black eyes disappeared, Only the crimson eyes were left, the skin of the mouth and nose were gone, and two dark holes were exposed . A sharp, disorderly and crisscross mouth was exposed outside without the cover of the cheek . Gray bones could be seen from time to time on the charred muscles .

If you were a normal person, even Zhang Xiaoqiang, who has the same outstanding self-healing ability, would be dead or lifeless . However, Wan Qiang did not die . Instead, he recovered the wound of muscle cracking with the speed visible to the naked eye . His bones were wrapped by creeping meat and buds, and layers of charred substances were discharged from the bright red meat and buds, and there was muddy purple blood, These things seem to have an unusual magic power . After leaving Wanqiang"s body, they turn into small ashes and disappear, and Wanqiang"s recovery speed is also accelerated . Just as Zhang Xiaoqiang was fighting with Naga, more and more black substances separated from his body . Finally, Wanqiang became like a normal person from a pile of rotten meat, but it was only his body, and the things lost on his face did not compound, It"s very ugly .

Wan Qiang, who was weak, slowly stood up from the ground . His fear was like an air raid alarm . He saw the battle between Naga and Zhang Xiaoqiang . The first time he didn"t want to help Zhang Xiaoqiang, he wanted to turn around and run away . He didn"t think that he had already done so . As Zhang Xiaoqiang approached Naga, he turned around and ran in the opposite direction, The streets extending in all directions are like cobwebs . After running several streets, Wan Qiang can"t find the direction . He is hesitating . Suddenly, a new era soldier burst out of a store nearby . This soldier is an evolutionist . He is carrying a fire axe with blood dripping from the blade . Suddenly, he sees Wan Qiang in a daze, and then howls and pours at Wan Qiang .

After a long time, Wan Qiang put down the new era soldiers who had become mummies and took a deep breath of satisfaction . Then he went into the store and saw a stream of blood coming towards the door along the dusty floor tiles . In the store without goods, two bodies with silver background and gold border were cut off and their heads fell in a pool of blood . The two bodies died suddenly, Maybe they were not prepared for someone to attack them behind them . Wan Qiang was not a detective . He was not interested in guessing what happened here . Looking at the winding blood on the ground, Wan Qiang knelt down devoutly, lowered his head to the blood on the ground, smelled it as if enjoying it, with his teeth crisscrossed behind him, his sharp teeth opened, his tongue showed and licked it like a cat .

The quiet store was filled with the strange smell of death . Wan Qiang licked the blood on the ground like a wild animal . Soon he came to the two people . Because the time of death was not long, the blood gushing from their broken necks did not dry up . He held the two bodies, got close to the cervical fracture, and carefully caught every drop of blood with his mouth . The demons in my heart finally broke out after Wan Qiang was injured . The new era soldiers of the second Legion were not captured after the rout . They were doomed to be abandoned . For the most benefit, the senior management of the new era put the eyes of the vultures on them and sent the tulip troops directly under the Yuanlao society to capture these soldiers, Want to drain their blood to get the last drop of blood, but the second Legion has long been dissatisfied with the high-level, the conflict finally broke out in all parts of the city, and WAN Qiang joined in because of his thirst for the blood of the evolutionists .

No matter tulip or the new era, Wanqiang will not let it go . A corpse falls on the ground behind him, and gunfire and shouts of killing are heard everywhere in the city . The elite soldiers of the second corps and tulip are both evolutors . The evolutors draw the strength of both sides closer, and the defeated soldiers launch a desperate counterattack for their own lives, Although they are at an absolute disadvantage, they delay time, and Wanqiang is the G.o.d of death wandering in the city, hunting any visible evolutionist .

For a moment, tulips suffered heavy casualties, and they did not know who the enemy was causing heavy casualties . One by one, the life signals of their companions disappeared in the radar of personal terminal system . These tulips who had never been to the battlefield but would only clean up their dissidents began to panic, and the capture operation eventually turned into killing, Before in the hands of Wanqiang and Zhuo Mingyue, the number of soldiers of the second Legion who escaped the disaster decreased rapidly . The city was full of corpses, and tulips also decreased again, which finally attracted Regel"s attention .

Hundreds of tulips withdrew from various places, leaving the terrified soldiers of the second regiment to die in the city . However, they gathered in the highest building . Unexpectedly, their retreat attracted Wanqiang, who was extremely hungry for blood . After absorbing hundreds of people"s blood, Wanqiang"s body had completely recovered, and his lost nose and lips had grown back, But his black eyes disappeared forever, leaving only scarlet blood filling the entire eye socket, as if burning a burning flame in the skull .

The fight between Zhang Xiaoqiang and Naga has reached the hottest stage . Naga, who is flying all over the sky, attacks Zhang Xiaoqiang madly . He wants to kill Zhang Xiaoqiang by surprise with electric current . More than once, he appears in the position behind the water snake . At this time, the water snake falls to the disadvantage . The time for Naga to twist her neck is enough for her to do three rounds of tricks, If there is no Zhang Xiaoqiang who is sitting on the head of the water snake, I am afraid that Naga will not be equal to the water snake, but will fight against the water snake .

Naga is faster than the water snake, but not faster than Zhang Xiaoqiang . Every bullet shot by Zhang Xiaoqiang has never failed . Naga wants to leave several times, but is entangled by Zhang Xiaoqiang . However, she doesn"t know that the biggest beast has been released . On the top of the tallest building, regor and John Kress are happy . If Naga is suffering, they are happy to see it, Just under their feet, a tall man with the same color but low head was mixed into the tulip in the building . The man"s height of one meter nine confused most people . When he rushed into the building, in every corner of the building, a new b.l.o.o.d.y killing spread into the cloud of death with Wanqiang"s body shape .

In the end, Zhang Xiaoqiang shot out the bullet, and the water snake vomited out the poisonous fog, but Naga still had the power to protect herself, but Naga also had a hard time . Zhang Xiaoqiang and the water snake couldn"t chase her, and she didn"t have the strength to counterattack . Her last ability was her life-saving trump card, and she couldn"t use it until the critical moment of life and death, At this time, the most important airport in the new era also ushered in a number of unexpected guests< br>