Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2208: 2208

Chapter 2208: 2208

Zhang Xiaoqiang can afford the loss of the five evolutioners, but the endless defensive power of the red algae makes him headache . The evolutioners on the motorboat vent their anger on the red algae . The cracking rays sweep around for free, and countless roots disappear in the rays . Their purpose is to find out why the red algae are formed . If they go on like this, I"m afraid they will get nothing, The motorboat running on the water also had an accident . More than a dozen water arrows rushed out of the roots, crashing two evolutors on the motorboat into the sea . The next moment, the two evolutors were drowned by more than a dozen sea people suddenly pouring out of the sea .

The appearance of Haizu surprised John Li and others . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes suddenly became cold . He knew the real reason for the formation of red algae . It must be Haizu"s mischief . Countless rays invaded the sea water, and each Haizu turned into ashes . At the next moment, countless Haizu came out of the water and launched a huge waterline to the surrounding motorboats . The waterline was like a sharp spear, In an instant, the sea area where the motorboat is located is covered, and thousands of waterlines are like raindrops, hitting countless waves in the sea, killing all the evolutors of the sea race .

At the moment of the appearance of the sea people, the water snake turned around and rushed out . It suffered a lot . These sea people have a strange way to deal with the mutant beast . They can not only suppress the strength of the mutant beast in the sea, but also have a strange way to catch it . The last time on the riverside of Shanghai, the water snake almost hit the road, but the sea people didn"t let it go because the water snake retreated, More sea people emerged from the water, naked and scaly, with a variety of animal features that have not yet fully evolved . They look twisted and crazy, just like a group of hungry beasts .

The speed of the water snake is not slow, and its body shape is flexible, but it still suffers from the attack of countless water lines . These water lines are as continuous as rain that can drip through the stone slab, leaving countless marks on the gorgeous scales of the water snake . Zhang Xiaoqiang is pa.s.sively carried away by the water snake, losing nearly 20 evolutors and getting nothing, which makes him unable to accept, On the sea, even water snakes have no way, and humans, as land creatures, have no way .

All of a sudden, two bright lights, thick and long as headlights, shot down from the belly of the frigate and rushed into the middle of the noisy sea people . At the next moment, these two beams of light refracted on the sea surface, as if throwing green dye into the water and dispersing . Layers of dark sea people were involved in this green light and turned into fly ash, and then the beams of light came one after another, In less than a minute, thousands of sea people lost three-quarters of their lives . There was a big gap between the sea people who had almost filled the sea before . The rest of the sea people were frightened and rushed into the roots together . These rolling roots did not hurt the sea people, and formed a tight umbrella in front of them .

However, the frigate was not prepared to let the Haizu go . The green light once again aimed at the red algae . Two green pillars of light covered the red algae without shielding . Countless roots and branches turned into fly ash under the green pillars of light . Each of these two pillars was more powerful than the combined power of a hundred rifling guns . We can see that the red algae was like white paper under a painting brush, Draw two dark cracks .

"Is this a cracker gun?" Zhang Xiaoqiang was surprised to see the powerful weapons on the escort boat . Suddenly, there was an unfathomable tangle in the new era . The endless emergence of weapons showed the strength of the new era . Can he defeat such a powerful enemy? The cracker gun repeatedly outlined the red algae . Compared with the area of nearly 100 square kilometers, the light column fired by the cracker gun is like a toothpick carved in a pond . It can not cause more damage to the red algae . It is only a small-scale bombardment, but it has avenged the blood feud for the evolutioners who died in the previous battle . At least more than 1000 square meters of red algae branches have turned into ashes, and the extended root tentacles have been wiped out, In addition, the sea people hiding in the root also suffered heavy casualties, so that other sea people did not dare to fight with frigates and fled into the root .

It"s a good thing for Zhang Xiaoqiang that the cracker cannons have made great achievements, but it"s not enough for him . The situation is getting out of control . The red algae are full of twists and turns, and all kinds of problems emerge in endlessly . Not to mention the red algae"s counterattack, the unknown number of sea people is enough to make people headache . It seems that the water people are vulnerable to the cracker cannons of frigates . In fact, the Shanghai people are not much worse than the evolutors, If the water snake is allowed to fight alone, it"s uncertain who will win or lose . At this moment, Nu Wa"s serious face appears on Zhang Xiaoqiang"s tablet computer . When he sees Nu Wa, he can"t help but feel strange . Every time Nu Wa appears, it"s no good . He always finds some reasons he has to obey to drive himself to appear at this headache moment, Let his originally depressed heart more dark .

"Sir, I have captured the communication channels of the new era and the third party forces . Do you want to communicate with them?" Nuwa"s first sentence surprised Zhang Xiaoqiang a little . You should know that Nuwa never had any honorific words for him . He always felt that Nuwa was superior in front of him . Then he thought about Nuwa"s intention in his heart . Why did Nuwa say this?

Nu Wa also saw Zhang Xiaoqiang"s frown and continued: "the problem of red algae is becoming more and more complicated . There are many unexpected changes . I don"t think we can solve it alone . The only way is to unite . For human beings, the danger of red algae should be put in the first place . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang understands Nu Wa"s meaning . She suggests that Zhang Xiaoqiang talk to the new era and other forces to solve the problem of red algae first . Otherwise, if he comes back, he may never have a chance to understand and stop the spread of red algae . But Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t believe in Nu Wa in his heart . He can remember that he hasn"t obtained Nu Wa"s authorization . Zhuo Mingyue has been watching coldly all the time, but meow is different . The loss of the evolutionist makes her very angry . The evolutionist is Zhang Xiaoqiang"s subordinate and a part of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s strength . Meow, who always cares about her family, won"t let these ugly things go unpunished and drive the rainbow carving around in the branches of red algae, They cut off the tops of the roots, drag them to the water snake and throw them down . They let the evolutionists gather these things together, and soon there are dozens of them, large and small, and many of them stretch out into the air like tentacles .

Meow meow"s harvest is also the only harvest at present . The motorcycles are completely destroyed, and the evolutionists dare not go down . Even Byron and tiezhongyuan have the ability not to get too close to each other . The shooting frequency of the bright light column in the sky is getting shorter and shorter . Although the damage to the red algae is huge, they can"t fight the storm, and they are in a deadlock, Who knows what"s waiting for them underwater?

"You mean I should put down all my hatred and make peace with the new era? Even if they have our blood feud? " After a long time, Zhang Xiaoqiang stares at Nu Wa on the screen and inquires deeply . In his words, he is not willing to be indignant . Those who achieve great things do not pay attention to small details . This is the quality of an excellent superior . But Zhang Xiaoqiang has never been such a person . If others hurt him, he will make him return . The new era"s repeated provocations come first and covetous China, There are also blood debts of hundreds of thousands of people in Hokkaido . Although it has nothing to do with him, it also makes him realize the essence of the new era . He deeply hates this kind of power that ignores hundreds of thousands of people"s lives for his own sake .

Nuwa is not a rigid electronic machine . She can clearly observe the changes of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s expression and calculate Zhang Xiaoqiang"s mood and thoughts through every subtle change . This spontaneous calculation makes Nuwa know that if she wants to persuade Zhang Xiaoqiang, she must use the benefits he can see . At this time, Nuwa is no longer the one she used to be, All the core procedures are guided by Zhang Xiaoqiang"s goal, that is to say, Nu Wa exists for Zhang Xiaoqiang, and once Zhang Xiaoqiang does not exist, her core will collapse .

"I"m sorry, sir . I don"t mean to offend you, but at present, the only feasible way is to unite the three parties . From a certain point of view, the goals of the three parties are the same . We . . . " Nuwa began to explain to Zhang Xiaoqiang, but the stubborn Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t listen to Nuwa"s explanation, and didn"t even notice that Nuwa apologized to him . He looked up at the 12 incendiary bombs with parachutes falling from the frigate . When he was in Okinawa, the incendiary bombs made great achievements, causing the collapse of the corpses . Here, Zhang Xiaoqiang also placed his hope .

Twelve flaming fireb.a.l.l.s detonated within a kilometer range . The expanding fireb.a.l.l.s formed a small mushroom cloud . Large fire waves spread out on the red algae, involving countless branches . The resistance of these branches to fire was infinitely close to zero, just like adding fuel to the fire, which made the blazing fire expand infinitely and made Zhang Xiaoqiang feel very happy .

"Are you going to burn these things?" I don"t know why, Zhuo Mingyue was reluctant to see the burning of large areas of red algae . Red algae had a certain attraction for her . If she hadn"t worried about Zhang Xiaoqiang"s impulse, she would have gone to the red algae and plundered it . Seeing that the fire had formed a sea of fire, it spread rapidly to the center of red algae . Suddenly, huge vortices appeared on the edge of red algae, and these vortices expanded rapidly, It"s frightening< br>