Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2209: 2209

Chapter 2209: 2209

Red algae is mysterious . What happens around it is also mysterious . Zhang Xiaoqiang sees a lot of huge vortices . It can be said that in the oceans all over the world, the vortices are everywhere, but the reason for their formation is always a secret . The vortices here are obviously the activities of the sea people . These vortices do not appear alone, The swirling sea water gradually climbs to the sky like a dragon absorbing water until it is more than 1000 meters above . Compared with those crazy growing roots, the water tornado with a diameter of more than 100 meters is nothing . However, after the appearance of tens of millions of water tornadoes, it presents an earth shaking magnificent scene .

The frigates in the sky are careful to avoid these waterspouts . Countless waterspouts scatter in the sky . The water spray layer upon layer forms snow-white clouds in the sky, and then falls with the wind, scattering countless raindrops, pouring down like a rainstorm . Tens of millions of water drops draw dense water lines in the sky, pouring into the flames, and soon you can see layers of black smoke rolling up in the flames, The rain curtain formed by sea water gradually extinguishes the sea of fire . Every minute, tons of sea water are thrown in the sky . At this moment, all previous achievements are wasted .

At this time, frigates dare not stay over the red algae . Tornadoes block the sea area around the red algae like fences . It won"t be long before frigates are also blocked . Fortunately, the frigates can climb much higher than the tornado . The wet frigates finally stand at 1500 meters . Looking at the spectacular sight of numerous waterspouts in the distance, everyone"s face is pale and his legs tremble . If they are also involved in it, I"m afraid they can"t even get the whole body . Under the power of nature, human beings can"t resist it, let alone the source of this natural disaster is the sea people .

At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang felt that he was at a disadvantage . He could not think of it any more . The only thing he could do was to go into the water in person and take great risks to see what was under the sea . However, in the face of a large number of sea people, Zhang Xiaoqiang had no bottom in his heart, because his biggest mace was not as smooth as that on the sea . The current stopped the speed of Firebird"s curved sword, And his biggest killer, fire, is useless in the water .

"Sir, we can consider a dialogue among the three parties . Our strength alone is not enough to capture the red algae . This is just a newborn red algae . In the world, there are more than 80 red algae spreading in the sea area . If we delay because of a moment"s anger, I"m afraid it will bring disastrous consequences . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang can see it, and Nu Wa can see it as well . She can see it more clearly than anyone else . Through satellite reconnaissance, huge amounts of data are deduced and summarized in her host computer, and the conclusion drawn is even shocking to her deep land . If we can"t stop the spread of red algae, the world will officially enter the countdown stage, Nuwa"s proposal made Zhang Xiaoqiang fall into an unprecedented tangle . Hatred doesn"t mean that he can put it down . Even if he rushes up, people are not idiots . They will consider his intention, or use it as a threat to put forward various conditions that he can"t bear, such as handing over the air frigate or extraditing Xuefeng who attacked the frigate manufacturing factory .

"What if they don"t want to negotiate with us? Compared with them, we have no advantage . If we make a request now, it will give the other party the illusion that we may make a request beyond our ability to accept . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t help but tell Nu Wa her doubts . Zhuo Mingyue disdains her . In her heart, the new era is just a group of local people . She doesn"t think the new era can help . If she is given another chance, she will never be hit by a supernova bomb again .

"Sir, we are just in preliminary contact . We don"t have to reach an agreement . We just need to tell them that we have no malice . We don"t need to plead . As long as we form a temporary alliance for the time being, I believe they also understand the harm of red algae . Our goal coincides with their goal . The first step is to find out the cause of the formation of red algae and control it, To control the risk within an acceptable range, the second step is to destroy the red algae and ease the diffusion speed of the red algae, so as to buy time for the land . "

Nu Wa used her actual interests to persuade Zhang Xiaoqiang, deliberately ignoring the hatred of the new era and China . Zhang Xiaoqiang was unwilling, but he was frustrated because he had nothing to do with red algae . She could not find a way to break the situation . She said: "then you should contact them first and see what they think . I only accept this action against red algae, No alliance of any other nature or exchange of interests shall be allowed . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang compromised and sent out so many personnel and materials to come here when the zombie front line was in the most urgent situation . His purpose was to help red algae . Although there was something to gain, the harvest could not reach the lowest expected value . Moreover, he lost so many people . The dead evolutionists were all regular soldiers with Miao Hong"s roots, Being brave and fearless on the battlefield is his most valuable a.s.set to become an evolutionist .

Nuwa was ordered by Zhang Xiaoqiang and disappeared on the screen . Drops of sea water scattered with the wind fell in front of and behind the water snake . Zhang Xiaoqiang and his party were also covered with sea water . The fishy sea water poured all the people except Zhang Xiaoqiang and Zhuo Mingyue . Only the blue barrier around Zhuo Mingyue covered them like a bubble, Countless drops of water hit the barrier, the silver bottle burst, and the rain spread all over the sky . When Nu Wa reappeared, there were two more people on the screen . One was Sophia, whom Zhang Xiaoqiang had met, and the other was a young Western man . Seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang, Sophia was first surprised and asked in a trembling voice: "what about Colonel Byron?"

Even if there is no translation, Nu Wa can translate it to Zhang Xiaoqiang with electronic synphonics . Sophia"s exclamation naturally makes Zhang Xiaoqiang understand . He doesn"t answer . Sophia represents the British, and all the British are under his control, so she doesn"t care about this cold-blooded woman, but only focuses on young Regel, Regel also knows Zhang Xiaoqiang, a man who can push back Naga with only one sniper rifle . When he sees the bad look in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes, he can"t help but smile bitterly and say h.e.l.lo to Zhang Xiaoqiang: "I didn"t expect that you are the leader of the Chinese people . If we had known earlier, we would try our best to keep you . As the enemy, you are really terrible . . . " Regor outspoken to say what he thought at this time, so that the crowd around him could not help but burst into anger, while Zhang Xiaoqiang"s serious appearance was touched by regor"s words, so he could not help but feel a little more good for regor, and let Zhang Xiaoqiang have a look at his forthright .

"Now that you know me, if we meet again in the future, we don"t have to keep our hands on each other . If we have any skills, we can use them . It"s not wrong for you to die in my hands, and it"s not wrong for me to die in your hands . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang just wants to do a one-off business . He strikes back at Regel"s frankness and embarra.s.ses him . He doesn"t have a brain . He just doesn"t have much experience and can"t help saying what he thinks .

"You"re joking . There"s an old Chinese saying that if you don"t fight, you don"t know each other . Now that you"ve known each other, I believe . . . " Regor also knew the current situation . After Nuwa captured their communication channel, she put forward her previous proposal, which attracted the affirmation of the whole new era . They encountered the same problem as Zhang Xiaoqiang . Red algae is a copper pea that can not be broken or chewed . It is impossible to complete the task by one family alone, and the trend of alliance can not be stopped, He doesn"t want to lose all his work because he has a good mouth .

"If we fight many times, in China, I"ve killed three new era legions, an air frigate and a transport ship, and in Okinawa, you"ve also killed a lot of kite hawks, but why don"t you learn a lesson in Hokkaido?" Zhang Xiaoqiang was angry in his heart and impolite in his mouth . As soon as he spoke, he could hardly see the extreme of Regel"s face and said angrily, "what do you want to do? Everybody continue to fight? "

Sophia has been watching the play . The contact between Regel and Zhang Xiaoqiang first made her feel a little worried . If Zhang Xiaoqiang reached a friendly agreement with the new era, the British would suffer first . She could not help saying: "Sir, if you are the enemy of the new era, Britain will be your most loyal ally . We are all countries invaded by the new era, There is a common hatred and enemy . . . "

Sophia doesn"t speak . It"s good that she calms down and opens her mouth to talk, but she is pulled behind by a woman . Naga"s ordinary but wild face appears in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang . Her green eyes are burning and crazy . Seeing Naga, Zhang Xiaoqiang calms down . This woman is very difficult to deal with and has the strength to talk with him on an equal footing, As for Sophia"s proposal? He didn"t really get dizzy . He knew that the key point at this time was red algae, and everything else didn"t matter .

"Did you contact us to declare war?" Naga"s words are sharp, and the first sentence has the nature of questioning . Zhang Xiaoqiang smiles, touches the back of his head and says, "it"s just waiting for you to show up . What"s a little hairy child to talk about? Only the strong can partic.i.p.ate in the dialogue with the strong, don"t you think? "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words make Naga"s resentment disappear completely . She and Regel never deal with it . Although Regel is an evolutionist, she is worthless in her eyes . She has been upset for a long time by Laozi who has a big speaker . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words are deep in her heart .

"Don"t worry about what happened before . You said it right before . The contradiction between us can"t be resolved, and the blood debt of G.o.d will not stop . But I want to know the purpose of your contact with us . As for the one next to you, please stop stirring up dissension for the time being . After all, the new era is much closer to Britain than China . . . "

Naga"s words impressed Zhang Xiaoqiang . Even as an enemy, Naga was above the standard . He was disgusted with the new era, but he didn"t like Sophia either . Originally, he abandoned Lieutenant Colonel Byron and his party, but now he came to inquire, but it was a two-sided question . In this way, the tripart.i.te talks officially started, For the first time, Zhang Xiaoqiang went into the top forces and made them realize their existence< br>