Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2212: 2212

Chapter 2212: 2212

When tiezhongyuan felt that he was stronger than ever before, there were two huge waves coming again . At this time, they were less than three kilometers away from the center point . The wave suddenly made tiezhongyuan lose balance . In a strong syncope, the whole person released the underwater thruster and floated upward . Although Byron was. .h.i.t hard at the same time, he was much better than tiezhongyuan, Hurry to catch tiezhongyuan, this just saved his life, the sudden change let Zhang Xiaoqiang side heavy losses .

Tiezhongyuan and Byron both have bleeding facial features and cracked chest . Zhang Xiaoqiang and Zhuo Mingyue are a little better . They both have export-oriented defense barriers . However, most of the sea fish have turned over their stomachs and lost their lives in the fluctuation . The rest of them also hover in the water and are easily killed by the sea people who are not affected at all, The two sides in the killing continue to convert the sea water into blood water, and the previous fluctuation makes the giant sea fish swimming outside the crevice hurt a lot, not to mention scurrying into the small sea area of the crevice . In the blink of an eye, all the sea fish that can resist disappear, leaving only the sea people to kill unilaterally .

This short and fierce war ended with the Haizu"s overall victory . Zhang Xiaoqiang lost two people here . Tiezhongyuan and Byron had no strength to move on . There were all dead fish around, but several people escaped the Haizu"s attack . The rest of the Haizu began to wipe out the half dead fish . Although they were safe for the time being, Zhang Xiaoqiang was entangled . If they continued to move on, Tiezhongyuan and Byron can"t get through the sudden fluctuation, but if they give up, who knows if they will encounter danger on their way? Although neither tiezhongyuan nor Byron had a direct relationship with him, they just used each other to follow him, not to mention tiezhongyuan had been wary of him since he went into the water .

Even so, Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t want to see them die . His character is that people don"t live up to me and I don"t live up to others . As long as we fight side by side, we won"t give up easily . These two people have been treated as comrades in arms by him . Of course, Wanqiang is another thing . Wanqiang"s cannibalism has violated his bottom line, but tiezhongyuan and Byron have come to the task because of his request, So I don"t want to see them in danger .

But in this way, the exploration of the red algae center was delayed . He felt that this wave which could cause great damage was the barrier for the formation of red algae . Fifty people and a hundred people got off the ship, and only four people came here . If he was walking forward, maybe only he and Zhuo Mingyue were there . There were still some unknown sea people in front of him, but if he went back like this, all his previous achievements would be wasted, Maybe they are only the last step to victory, and there are the actions of the three parties discussed before . The three parties have no cooperation and command before, and they are still competing with each other when they are fighting separately . At the same time, they show strength to both sides . If they give up halfway, they may be looked down upon by the new era and Sophia .

The anxiety in his heart is like a raging fire . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes scan back and forth in the direction of tiezhongyuan and the way forward . Byron and Zhuo Mingyue also know Zhang Xiaoqiang"s tangle . They can"t talk in the water, and the four people are silent together . At this time, tiezhongyuan calms down . Seeing the anxiety on Zhang Xiaoqiang"s face, they also know that the problem lies in themselves . He has been suspicious of Zhang Xiaoqiang before, He knows better than anyone what Wanqiang"s disappearance means . Zhang Xiaoqiang quietly left Wanqiang, and he may not leave him in the future . However, when he saw Zhang Xiaoqiang"s appearance, he suddenly felt that he had some villains and had come here . If he gave up halfway, he was more anxious than Zhang Xiaoqiang, and knew what the spread of red algae meant . He was so confused that he suddenly made up his mind, Waving goodbye to Zhang Xiaoqiang, he is obviously ready to leave alone . At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang puts his eyes on Zhuo Mingyue . If Zhuo Mingyue escorts them to leave, maybe they will be safe . Zhang Xiaoqiang pretends not to see Zhuo Mingyue"s eyes . He just looks at the deep darkness, as if there is something attracting her .

Zhuo Mingyue"s lack of cooperation makes Zhang Xiaoqiang smile bitterly . However, Zhuo Mingyue"s insistence makes tiezhongyuan and Byron more determined . They see that Zhang Xiaoqiang is the most oppressed underwater . Once he loses Zhuo Mingyue"s cooperation, it may be more dangerous than them . Just when Zhang Xiaoqiang hesitates, they suddenly accelerate by sharing a propeller, As they went back, the thruster"s speed reached its maximum . In the blink of an eye, they pulled out a bubble behind them and rushed to the distance . When they went back, the whole thruster was bright and generous, just like a floating Kongming lamp, which attracted countless sea people to chase there . Dark shadows flashed past Zhang Xiaoqiang, letting the undercurrent wash him . Zhang Xiaoqiang felt a heavy depression, Looking at the faint light disappearing at the end of the darkness, I didn"t speak for a long time .

The departure of tiezhongyuan makes the Haizu around Zhang Xiaoqiang less than half . Zhuo Mingyue also slows down and starts the killing again during this period . Zhang Xiaoqiang has never moved . He reserves his physical strength to meet the final challenge . When they rush through the Haizu"s interception and finally reach the most central area, A brilliant blue flash flashed in the darkest place, and then Zhang Xiaoqiang saw the bubbles after the explosion of the supernova bomb break up in the water . This powerful light wave instantly dissipated the darkness within more than ten kilometers, making countless sea people hiding in the darkness appear, and also making Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes tighten, He saw the giant sea snake perched around the explosion site of the supernova bomb .

At the center, there are big sea snakes and countless sea people . These sea people turn into nothingness in the light of the light, but the sea snakes never move . It seems that they are healing . The explosion of the bomb spread it . With the naked eye, you can see layers of flesh and blood fall off from the sea snakes . When the light disappears, the sea snakes suddenly howl, The wailing formed a bell like sound, forming a huge wave around, which immediately made Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart ache and spewed out blood . This wave was continuous, and repeatedly collided with Zhang Xiaoqiang, which made him feel like he was about to explode . The mountain like roots around him also began to crack under the erosion of this wave, and the huge crack was like the collapse of a mountain . Zhuo Mingyue is better than Zhang Xiaoqiang . As soon as he pulls Zhang Xiaoqiang up, he rushes to the crack which is more than 30 meters long and four or five meters wide . When Zhang Xiaoqiang is sent into the crack, his beating heart becomes more stable . Although the fluctuation can be transmitted to Zhang Xiaoqiang through the crack, it can be alleviated by the effect of the root sh.e.l.l, and Zhang Xiaoqiang slowly recovers, Through the crack, we can see that the darkness outside is sometimes dispelled by the blue light, and waves of turbulence are involved in the crack from time to time, making the two bodies shake .

There is no doubt that the new era is working . The three parties" cooperation is only a superficial intention . There is no complete cooperation plan . The new era does not know what Zhang Xiaoqiang is going to do . Zhang Xiaoqiang also does not know what the new era is going to do . If there is a chance to kill each other, maybe the three parties will work . The new era"s use of supernovae is unexpected, but reasonable . Everything is in disorder, Outside, Zhang Xiaoqiang was at a loss and could not even go out . He had to hide in the cracks and wait for the final outcome . The feeling of losing control made Zhang Xiaoqiang feel weak for a while . From the beginning, his plan was not smooth . All kinds of underwater unknowns made him experience a helpless struggle . If it was not for Zhuo Mingyue, he would not even have the chance to get to the center, With the pa.s.sage of time, he wanted to rush out more than once to see clearly, but he knew that he was not qualified to abandon himself . The dead evolutionist and the uncertain Byron were still waiting for his news .

As they waited anxiously, waves of violent vibration came from their feet . The huge root they were in was still cracking . The crack of more than 30 meters had extended to more than 50 meters . Under the light of the fluorescent stick, layers of blood like red diffused from the torn fiber, and soon surrounded them, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s underwater camera captures the changes in the crack, while Zhuo Mingyue sticks out her finger to attract the red substances in the sea water to condense at her fingertips . Although Zhuo Mingyue attracts a lot of red substances, there are too many in the water . After a while, Zhuo Mingyue stops . In her palm is a red ball the size of a billiard ball, just like slock"s billiard ball .

As soon as this thing started, Zhuo Mingyue browed and turned to look at Zhang Xiaoqiang . He waved the red ball and threw it on Zhang Xiaoqiang"s face . Before Zhang Xiaoqiang could react, the ball smashed and turned into something like smoke, which touched his skin and disappeared in a short time, After Zhang Xiaoqiang touched these things, he felt a burst of warmth slowly infiltrating from his face, and then began to heat inside his body, which became hot with the pa.s.sage of time . It"s like drinking a whole bottle of chili oil . All I feel is that my throat is bursting with fire . Zhang Xiaoqiang stares at Zhuo Mingyue . I don"t know why she does this, but she finds that Zhuo Mingyue is also absorbing these things, and the amount Zhuo Mingyue absorbs is more than ten times his .

Seeing the appearance of Zhuo Mingyue, Zhang Xiaoqiang presses down the complaint in his heart . He knows that Zhuo Mingyue will not be aimless . Obviously, this thing is good for both of them . With the torment inside his body, Zhang Xiaoqiang temporarily forgets the battle outside . When he finally finds out that the heat turns into cool, and gradually wanders inside his body, The root suddenly vibrated, and he was. .h.i.t by the swirling water on the inner wall of the plant, which made him black in front of his eyes . Then the crack suddenly turned black, and a wall like shadow suddenly hit the root, which suddenly became fragile and turned into countless pieces, Holding the fluorescent wand tightly, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw a piece of covered scaly wall waving hundreds of tons of sea water and smashed it hard at him . Under the wall, Zhang Xiaoqiang was no bigger than ants . No matter facing any direction, he had nowhere to escape . He could only watch the wall smashing roots rolling towards him< br>