Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2219: 2219

Chapter 2219: 2219

After ten kraya burst into the red light, there was no difference . Hudson then felt a mysterious idea coming back from kraya . Instead, he asked kraya to guard the core area, which made Hudson very happy . He quietly controlled the crowns of the five pointed teeth in the center of kraya"s guard . Just in case, he didn"t let kraya get close to the crowns, but close to those high-level kraya, Along with the tens of thousands of sea people formed a ring around the periphery, which is also the last sea people of the whole red algae .

Hudson is waiting for the opportunity, expecting Naga to attack again, but he doesn"t think that the opportunity is not brought by Naga . The fierce human beast released by Regel is like a torpedo pa.s.sing by . Retreating Naga slams into countless sea people . He doesn"t use his amazing ability, but just collides wildly, showing his agility and strength from beginning to end .

In front of the beast, tens of thousands of sea people suffered heavy casualties at the moment of contact . Countless sea people burst like an egg crushed by a stone mill under high-speed impact . It is particularly clear from the three-dimensional vision that the beast has never changed its angle from beginning to end, and there is no hesitation and hesitation . Ignoring the dense sea people, it launched a killing at the moment of impact .

It"s a killing art made up of pure strength and agility . The water pressure and resistance that have a huge impact on ordinary people don"t exist for him . Every time he waves his hands and feet, Haizu will collapse under the impact of a single point of great force, just like a 14 . 5 caliber bullet hitting the human body . There is no place where he can"t kill in the head, shoulder, back, elbow, knee, toe and finger, The parts that all of us have are the most powerful weapons in his body .

A layer of water filled with flesh and blood is surging open . The killing time of that man in less than ten seconds is more terrifying than a big mouthed golden machine gun . Countless Hai people are like fragile porcelain dolls when they are touched by him . The storm like attack runs through the whole Hai people"s defense line . The next second, the red light shines on him, which seems to melt him easily, Zhang Xiaoqiang, with his mouth wide open, looks at the guy beyond the edge of the red light . This guy even leaves a remnant image in the water where the bullets can"t even shoot far away . The red light is shining on the tip of his nose, and one more point will hurt him . It seems that he doesn"t know what life and death are . He still looks fearlessly at the countless sea people disappearing in the red light, one kilometer up and down, one kilometer around, The battlefield in the water determines the area of three-dimensional cubic meters . Within this huge cube, the only remaining Hai people disappear in the gorgeous red light .

The body more than three meters high is not bulky . There are not many equipment and decorations on the dark diving suit . It is simple and smooth, which is unforgettable . But what surprised Zhang Xiaoqiang most is that he has no auxiliary equipment . He can"t see the underwater thruster and oxygen bag all over his body, just as he is not in the water, but on the land, which makes Zhang Xiaoqiang suspicious, It is impossible for human beings to look like this . Either this is not a person, or he is covered with a sh.e.l.l like a mecha .

It"s impossible for the red light to keep on lighting up . It"s like the tide is fading away . The guy actually follows the red light and rushes to kraya, and Zhang Xiaoqiang starts it at the same time . This is the best chance . As soon as they rush up and down to kraya, the kraya controlled by Hudson turns back at the same time . Instead of starting the barrier, they turn around and hold the nearest kraya, These incarnation beast craya holding high-level craya broke away from the core area in the biting process, which made the defense line of high-level craya appear a huge gap . At the moment of this gap, the guy arrived and hit the dark red barrier fiercely . The barrier and the flesh eye began to deform, collapse inward, and then break .

The fierce human beast that b.u.mps into kraya is twisted by the Dragon whirlwind shaped multi prismatic sand, which makes him trapped for a moment . Countless crystal sand sandpapers polish his body, and the rotating crystal sand also limits his speed, making him unable to move . In the severe distortion, a Peng of crystal sand is scattered by him, splashing around, in the huge spindle vortex, The crystal sand splashed from the top to the bottom, but there are always new crystal sand, the sea water is endless, crystal sand is more than .

Naga and Sophia are swimming here at full speed . Unfortunately, they have lost their confidence and just want to leave far away . No one thought that this man could fight into the core area by himself . Of course, their efforts are just face saving . Both of them have a taboo about the powerful killing machine, With the talent of the body, they can achieve the goal that they can"t achieve . How can they think? So they just need to arrive before the man is killed by claya, but Hudson has become the biggest winner here . Ten lower claya have now become ice sculptures, and their whole body is full of ice flowers . Higher claya can"t be dealt with by lower claya . Once they react, any higher claya can easily kill the lower cla.s.s, It is the entanglement of these lower claya that gives him time to control ten powerful hitters .

When the humanoid killer was trapped, the most anxious thing was Regel . How could they not see Naga"s plan? Just as the humanoid killer was gradually worn out, a fiery red light was shining around the crystal sand, which made everyone feel frightened . They thought that claya was emitting red light again, but they didn"t think that what this red light brought was not vanishing, but large waves emerging, Where is the light? This is clearly fire . In a certain area of the sea, the cold water boils up instantly, and then the temperature is reduced by the surrounding water . All the people who swim there can feel the faint warmth in the water . One by one, the heads of kraya fly up . In the blink of an eye, the remaining 19 kraya are killed, seven of them are killed, and the rest are like frightened fish scattered in a crowd . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s sneak attack was successful at one stroke . He triggered the energy of Firebird"s scimitar at one time, instantly boiled the sea water and made kraya in a hurry . Not to mention that this unprecedented burning made them lose their mind . The sharpness of the Firebird"s scimitar was better than the rat King"s blade . After he took out his hand, the final core area of kraya finally collapsed, and the rotating crystal sand also collapsed .

Zhang Xiaoqiang has no intention of rescuing this humanoid creature . His goal is the crowns of the five horned teeth . When he gets closer, he can see them more carefully . This huge crowns of the five horned teeth are crystal clear as jade, with milk like whiteness . In addition to the five corners, even the base under the corner is the skull of a sea animal, with arched arc, I thought it was just a box of treasures, but when I got close, I felt the cells of my whole body cheering and cheering, which made him feel very happy .

This is more powerful than Xianwu silver tea . Zhang Xiaoqiang has used a lot of good things . Both Longya fruit and Xianwu silver tea can cause the most intuitive changes in the body . These changes are all good and can"t be better . Only when they are close to the crown of the Pentagon, Zhang Xiaoqiang can feel a series of changes in his body, Whether it"s 3D vision or long-distance ultra s.p.a.ce, it"s all upgraded out of thin air, making him more eager for pentagonal crowns .

At the moment when he put his left hand on the crown of the tooth, countless ice spikes were shooting at him . If he couldn"t avoid them, he would become a target, and another evolutor would not dodge, because the importance of this thing was too strong, but Zhang Xiaoqiang was an ordinary person . He used many good things, and he didn"t hesitate to turn his body, Zhang and the crowns of his Pentagon were separated by a tiny margin . Just ten meters away, all the promotion disappeared, and he was beaten back to his original shape . Only then did Zhang Xiaoqiang know that this thing was not permanent .

At the next moment, kraya"s final counterattack hit the crown of the Pentagon . The seemingly hard crown of the Pentagon suddenly fell apart . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes were about to crack, and suddenly rushed up to s.n.a.t.c.h it . However, a figure rushed in front of him . The figure was too fast, and the spray was really breathless, Zhang Xiaoqiang is immediately involved in the rotation of his feet on the current head, and then the electric light is great, but Naga also rushes over, and she also stares at the crowns of the pentagonal teeth . Before her, Sophia appears in front of a single horn out of thin air and takes it into her pocket .

All the forces are fighting for the crown of the Pentagon, while the split crown distracts all the forces . Sofia gets a share of the floating crown of the Pentagon, and later Wan Qiang gets a share . The humanoid killer grabs a share . Naga happens to find the only one who floats to her side, and Hudson gets a share, But Zhang Xiaoqiang was involved in the surge of asthma, dizzy, did not grab a share .

At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang scolded that guy"s ancestors for 18 generations . Before he could find his balance, all the one-man characters were divided up . Just at this time, a pebble like black stone hit his back and caught the stone . Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the people on their guard and wondered how the stone appeared in the middle of the sea? There are many tiny holes in the stone, as if it is full of needle holes, which have no effect on him, let alone the increase of his ability .

When he picked up the stone and threw it out, he saw that a stone was sinking very slowly, as if the hole in his whole body had buoyancy . When he saw the stone, Zhang Xiaoqiang moved in his heart and came down one place . How could he not go empty handed? After taking back the stone, Zhang Xiaoqiang pays attention to the people who get the one-way horn . The cracked one-way horn and the skull connected below are a bone helmet . All the people who get the helmet are happy . Obviously, they feel the benefits of this thing . Especially after Wan Qiang gets it, he often looks at Zhang Xiaoqiang and has an impulse to move< br>