Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2224: 2224

Chapter 2224: 2224

Regor didn"t have much opinion on regional division . This informal meeting can only reach an intentional agreement at most, and it can"t really count . The contact with Zhang Xiaoqiang is just to express the goodwill of the new era to China . Now China has been paid enough attention to by the new era . It can be said that this is based on the premise of heavy losses in the new era, If China does not show enough strength, the new era may not look up to Zhang Xiaoqiang . For the new era, there are only a few real threats in the world . There are tens of thousands of other forces, but they can not even solve the threat of zombies, let alone partic.i.p.ate in the disputes among the sea people .

Zhang Xiaoqiang said that the problem was only the first step . Seeing that Regel had no objection, he then said his real request: "the new era Corps in Hunan must be reorganized . I can send planes to send all officers and evolutors to Australia, but all Chinese soldiers and civilians can"t leave, and all equipment and materials can"t be damaged . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s proposal stunned Regel . It seems that the new era has forgotten all about the newly established reorganized army . This army is not an elite army set up in Australia, but belongs to the second-line reorganized forces . These forces have no westerners from top to bottom, and their incorporation is just the new era"s plan to encroach on China .

"No, every regiment we set up has spent a lot of materials and time . Now the strength of the Asian military region has declined seriously . We must . . . " Naturally, regor would not give it to Zhang Xiaoqiang like this . No matter whether the forgotten Legion is valuable or not, since Zhang Xiaoqiang needs it, he has to take it as a condition to obtain benefits . Regor talks about a lot of reasons . Zhang Xiaoqiang just doesn"t speak, seems to listen, his eyes are calm, and he can"t see any emotion . On the contrary, he makes regor feel guilty and stops talking, After regor stopped, Zhang Xiaoqiang said: "there is no reason to say that the legions you set up appear in my country . I don"t believe that you set up these troops to fight against floods and rescue . In Hubei, Hunan or Sichuan, the emergence of your troops is an invasion in any way . Please don"t try to provoke me . Once you do, you can"t provoke me, I"m going to Australia tomorrow in my frigate . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words made Regel dumb again . If he had plenty of time in another place, he could slowly test Zhang Xiaoqiang"s bottom line . But here, the most precious thing is time . Today"s contact will set a tone for future extensive contact . It"s war and peace . Today"s talk is very important, so he didn"t refute it . He acquiesced to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s request, Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded with satisfaction and continued:

"For the loss of personnel and materials caused to China in the new era . . . " As soon as Regel heard this, he was very upset . Zhang Xiaoqiang was ready for the lion to open his mouth . He waved his hand and said, "it"s all in the past . Red algae is not only threatening us, but also threatening you . Who"s right and who"s wrong? Let"s discuss it after the red algae problem is solved . Today"s time is limited . We"d better make a preliminary agreement, For future cooperation guidance . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang was not prepared to ask for compensation in the new era . He knew that the power of both sides was not overwhelming . After Regel made it clear, he did not continue to pester about compensation . Some agreed and nodded, but the topic shifted to another aspect and said, "since you want to cooperate with me, you have to return the Chinese people in Australia to us first, After all, they are an integral part of China . I don"t pry into the resources and land of Australia, but I don"t want people to take advantage of us . "

"It"s impossible . . . " Regel was in a hurry at that time . He let Zhang Xiaoqiang frown with a loud drink and roared: "how impossible . . . " At the same time, the backup of both sides spoke to both of them at the same time . Huang Tingwei said to Zhang Xiaoqiang, "brother c.o.c.kroach, it"s not realistic for millions of people to migrate, not to mention that we are not safe in the past . . . " John Chris said to Regel: "don"t irritate the Chinese . They have a strong concept of the same robe . They can stabilize them for the time being . Even if they agree, it doesn"t matter . The transfer of millions of people is not what they can accomplish now . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang and Regel almost calmed down at the same time . Zhang Xiaoqiang was uncomfortable in Australia for the sake of millions of compatriots, while Regel was reluctant to give up such a large population . Population means productivity and soldiers, and it means the foundation for the growth of the new era . When they really wake up, they feel that their previous differences are ridiculous, Before Zhang Xiaoqiang spoke, Regel first apologized to Zhang Xiaoqiang

"I"m sorry, sir . I didn"t make it clear just now . It"s human nature that you want to take back your compatriots . I believe that my compatriots will be in the same hurry when they are exiled . I don"t object to the millions of Chinese returning to their own land, but we don"t have enough transportation power, If you can solve it, then . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang shook his head and said: "for the time being, I don"t have the power to transport one million people, but I can transport a part of the population first . In my team, there are many soldiers whose families are still in Australia . If you can, I"d like to ask you to count out the families of the soldiers who sent the Chinese legion, and then you can hand them over first . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s remarks were polite and polite, and Regel was not good at opposing them . After a change of mind, he agreed . Although he was not willing to let those betraying soldiers not be punished, it didn"t matter . As soon as the topic turned, he turned to the issue of joint action: "this time, we will not only cease war with you, but also with the United States and Britain, So I"d like to invite brother c.o.c.kroach or your emissary to join us in lobbying other forces . I believe brother c.o.c.kroach has had in-depth contact with them . Here, we will provide you with a sum of necessary a.s.sistance as a gift of thanks . "Regor wants to take the opportunity to deal with all the forces, so as not to bargain with each other . Once this task is completed by him, its significance will not be inferior to breaking the red algae, and his position in the new era will also be stabilized and promoted . No one will talk about his relationship with Lao Tzu as the son of the speaker . Zhang Xiaoqiang is not dazzled by the so-called a.s.sistance, He knows that what the new era can bring out may be good, but it is not commensurate with the ident.i.ty he is going to bear . Whether it is Britain or the United States, the hatred against the new era is only much more than that of China . After all, China has never suffered a big loss in the hands of the new era .

"If you come up with something like this, I really have ties with Britain and the United States . In fact, not counting the new era, we can form a united front, whether the enemy is the sea people or you in the new era . " Zhang Xiaoqiang said casually that this time he didn"t make regor angry, because the fact that Zhang Xiaoqiang said, in fact, the possible alliance of the three parties is also one of the factors for them to consider reconciliation with Zhang Xiaoqiang . In the new era, they made the same mistake as Germany . They made too many enemies and lacked allies . However, Zhang Xiaoqiang has ties with Britain, the United States and Russia, In this way, the new era is almost at war with the world .

"We will supply you with more than 500 tons of war materials . " Regel"s att.i.tude is very high, as if 500 tons of combat materials is a great thing . In fact, he is waiting for Zhang Xiaoqiang to bargain . He knows that when the other side s.n.a.t.c.hed the frigate, more than 800 tons of combat materials were removed from the material supply warehouse, and Okinawa Island is also in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s hands, where there are tens of thousands of combat materials, which can only be regarded as throwing a brick to attract jade, Waiting for Zhang Xiaoqiang"s card .

"A complete set of frigate construction information and your new helicopter manufacturing technology . If China fails to meet the manufacturing conditions, you are responsible for providing 100 sets of key engine equipment . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang"s teeth were so deep that he even lost his temper . With a wry smile, he said, "brother c.o.c.kroach, let"s all show our sincerity . The so-called aid is built on the basis of our ability . Even before the end of the world, it will take more than three years to complete 100 sets of frigate and helicopter engines, which will concentrate hundreds of thousands of workers . "

Pretending not to see regor"s dilemma, Zhang Xiaoqiang looked up at the sky with a 45 degree angle and the standard posture of Xiao Si, and said casually, "it"s nothing for you to pay and get . Your research inst.i.tute can be said to be the most advanced research inst.i.tute in the world . Imagine, as long as you have enough time, Maybe we can establish a colony on Mars . Even if the earth is destroyed, you will be OK . "

"Shua . . . " The muzzle of the black hole gun points directly at Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyebrow, but Zhang Xiaoqiang always smiles, as if pointing to some dying flowers instead of the muzzle of the gun . Regel looks at Zhang Xiaoqiang in horror, with a look of disbelief . He can"t figure out why the biggest secret of the new era will be known . Is there someone defecting from the Security Department of the new era?

"Don"t be nervous . I happen to know that the predecessor of the new era, you are just a lucky force, not a country . There are so many incredible equipment and technologies . I don"t believe you have found the treasure of aliens . . . "

At this time, Regel relaxed and put down his pistol awkwardly, saying: "ha ha, c.o.c.kroach is joking . We just have a genius scientist . There is no scientific evolutionist . . . " With a smile, Zhang Xiaoqiang no longer entangled with the scientific evolutioner . The scientific evolutioner is indeed an endless treasure, but without the corresponding manufacturing technology and equipment, it"s also amazing to get it .

"Well, I use this as our sincerity . . . " He didn"t want to tangle with the scientific evolutionist any more . Regel took out his one horned crown and sent it to Zhang Xiaoqiang . Before he picked it up, Zhang Xiaoqiang felt that his ability was constantly rising . His eyes suddenly twinkled and looked at Regel"s blue eyes suspiciously, as if he wanted to see Regel"s real idea from his eyes .

Regel took out the one horned crown, and his heart was dripping with blood . It was extremely hot . He would not keep it in his hands when he took it back to the new era . There was only one crown, but there were so many divine warriors . No matter who he gave it to, he could offend the rest . It was better to give it to Zhang Xiaoqiang . At least he could get a lot of red algae with it .

Zhang Xiaoqiang looks at Regel with disbelief . He doesn"t know if it"s a trap . At this moment, the fierce humanoid beast standing next to Regel moves, but makes a provocative gesture in the face of Regel . He is obviously dissatisfied with Regel"s giving away his spoils . Regel yells at the fierce humanoid beast, At the same time, he held up a metal tube in his hand and tried to press it, which made the human fierce beast more and more irritable . Zhang Xiaoqiang stepped back and wanted to find out what was going on . When he saw Regel throwing the crown of his unicorn, he said: "brother c.o.c.kroach, this is our sincerity . . . . " < br > "