Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2225: 2225

Chapter 2225: 2225

No one thought that the one horned crown thrown by Regel would cause an unexpected misunderstanding . The flying one horned crown attracted most of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s attention . He reached out to catch it, but he heard a scream . Regel was flapped by his own hands . The strength of his arm is more than a thousand pounds? Regel"s sternum is broken, spits out a long blood arrow, flies over the 40 meter long black shadow like a sh.e.l.l, and smashes into the sea heavily . The next moment when the fierce human beast pats and flies, Regel rushes in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang and grabs the crown of the one horned tooth just started .

More than three meters tall is like a mountain pressing against Zhang Xiaoqiang . His speed is faster than that of the top agile evolutionists . Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t respond . The feeling of improving his ability faded again, which made Zhang Xiaoqiang really angry . NIMA robbed him last time . This time, it"s unbearable . The red flame spread in Zhang Xiaoqiang, Suddenly, the man-made beast was involved in it . The guy didn"t roar, but grabbed Zhang Xiaoqiang"s neckline like a dragonfly, which made Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart turn . He had never been caught in a battle between the two sides . With a loud roar, he bowed his head and b.u.mped into the guy . Unexpectedly, the guy was three meters tall and twisting him was like twisting a chicken, His head almost cracked in the severe pain . The guy"s body was not elastic, just like a steel plate . His anti shock force made Zhang Xiaoqiang"s teeth almost loose . A mouthful of blood foam vomited on the other person"s chest . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes were staring at the dark body in front of him, But I can"t figure it out in my heart . Is this man so rigid and solid? Why are you so flexible? It"s not scientific?

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s counterattack didn"t cause any harm to the beast . Whether it was fire or impact, it was like a mosquito bite . When he wanted to draw out the Firebird machete to give him a fierce attack, he was caught by the guy under the ribs . The man"s arm was like a steel rope . Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn"t move, and his weight of 150 Jin was like a feather in the man"s hand, There was no sense of weight . Huge pieces of red algae flashed past in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes . The fierce humanoid beast caught Zhang Xiaoqiang and rushed to the edge of red algae without stopping . Its speed even stimulated Zhang Xiaoqiang"s dynamic vision, which was close to the limit . If it was a little faster, I"m afraid even the dynamic vision could not capture the current situation, That is to say, the speed of the humanoid beast is much faster than that of the bullet .

In one minute, Zhang Xiaoqiang and the human fierce beast crossed more than ten pieces of huge red algae fragments, among which the farthest pieces had a gap of more than 100 meters . However, the human fierce beast could jump freely, as if it could not feel the existence of gravity . The capture of Zhang Xiaoqiang also caused the panic of Huang Tingwei and Miaomiao . The rainbow carving flashed in the air with its beautiful and colorful posture to catch up with the human fierce beast, Twelve unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) shuttled quickly between the two heads, shooting bullets in front of the beast . Rows of water columns several meters high were set off on the sea, trying to stop the beast with blocking fire . The frigates and transport ships, let alone approaching the new era together, became tense again . Then Naga took her men to the plane and went away, It"s obvious that her goal has been achieved, leaving Regel to deal with the anger of the Chinese people . At least in her opinion, all the problems are caused by the new era . She doesn"t want to pay for the stupidity of the new era .

There were countless splashes in front of and behind them, but Zhang Xiaoqiang lamented that Huang Tingwei"s method had no effect except wasting ammunition . The man-shaped beast who held him hostage was a lunatic . At the beginning, this guy was only a line away from the red light of extinction . Ordinary people wanted to be as far away from the red light as possible, and only he wanted to be as close as possible, At the moment when the red light faded, he began to fight back . Even because he inadvertently rushed into kraya"s trap, he was almost wiped out by the crystal sand storm jointly launched by kraya . If Zhang Xiaoqiang hadn"t killed a lot of kraya, he would have died for his recklessness, but Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t expect this guy to thank him, Even his boss is slapped, will you treat him as irrelevant?

However, Zhang Xiaoqiang is not worried that he will be killed . If he doesn"t let go, it"s OK . Once he lets go, he can"t decide who will kill whom . At this moment, he sees Wan Qiang"s figure flash by in the distance, and his mind suddenly fluctuates . Wan Wanqiang takes the opportunity to get on the frigate . Without him and Zhuo Mingyue, no one will be able to control him . When he thinks about it, Only when he heard the noise in his ears, but when he was moving at a high speed, Huang Tingwei"s urgent inquiry was distorted .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, brother c.o.c.kroach . . . Please answer, please answer . . . " Huang Tingwei"s anxious inquiry was faster than that, and he hit Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eardrum like a drum . Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn"t help but hook his chin, put his mouth close to the headset on his collar, and roared: "don"t let Wan Qiang get on the ship, at least don"t let him get on the ship until Zhuo Mingyue comes back, and don"t conflict with Xinjiyuan . If I have an accident, Huaxia Renaissance will have huangquan and shiyuanye to set up the military and political department, The three-year term of office shall not be changed . Zhang Huai"an and Zhou Jie set up the Government Affairs Council with the same three-year term . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang made the worst plan this time . The human beast is the most terrifying opponent he has ever met . He also has a crown of one horned teeth in his hand . I believe that even Zhuo Mingyue may not be his opponent . Although I don"t know why this guy is holding himself, he doesn"t want to worry about China . Zhang Xiaoqiang is afraid of death, but when death comes, he is more indifferent than anyone else . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words were delivered to the bridge and echoed in the wide s.p.a.ce . All the crew stood up and looked at the flashing shadow on the display screen . This was the first time Zhang Xiaoqiang said such words, which cast a shadow on Huang Tingwei"s heart . They didn"t know what to do for a moment . They all looked at Huang Tingwei and wanted him to make a decision, Looking at the dark shadow, Huang Tingwei flashed through Zhang Xiaoqiang"s amazing deeds and yelled: "brother c.o.c.kroach can create miracles, and this time it will be no exception . If you frame brother c.o.c.kroach in the new era, you have to take revenge . Listen to my order, fire at the new era, and send out a combat airship to meet brother c.o.c.kroach . . . "

Huang Tingwei turns his attention to Zhang Xiaoqiang in the new era . He knows that if Zhang Xiaoqiang really dies in front of the public, it will be an inevitable trend for China"s rejuvenation to fall apart . Even if he does what Zhang Xiaoqiang says, it is impossible for everyone to be tied together . He can only set up a common enemy for China"s rejuvenation, Let this foreign enemy unite Huaxia rejuvenation . Some people questioned Huang Tingwei"s order . This man was Fu Shanlin, the first mate of the frigate . Fu Shanlin graduated from the military academy and was one of the first young men trained by Zhang Xiaoqiang . He was most loyal to Zhang Xiaoqiang . However, hearing Huang Tingwei"s disobeying Zhang Xiaoqiang"s order, he suddenly stood up and cried, "officer Huang, The order of c.o.c.kroach is not like this . . . "

Huang Tingwei didn"t go to see Fu Shanlin . He only saw the new era helicopter formation in the distance . He gave a loud order: "air to air missile launch . . . " Fu Shanlin was ignored by Huang Tingwei, while the other crew members were in a panic . With Huang Tingwei"s command, the subconscious manipulator equipment came out, and then on the electronic radar, one by one dots flew to the new era plane . At this time, Huang Tingwei said to Shanlin, "do as I say . . . "

Huang Tingwei won"t explain . He has his own difficulties . As a leader, Zhang Xiaoqiang is not as clear as his subordinates . Once Zhang Xiaoqiang leaves, it means that regional differences will increase . However, when Zhang Xiaoqiang appears, no matter Yinmeng, Sichuan or Guangxi will consciously unite with Zhang Xiaoqiang . The biggest hidden danger of China"s rejuvenation is mountaintop ism, This is also the most stubborn bad habit in China for thousands of years, which can not be changed by one person or one force .

In the blink of an eye, the missiles flew into the camp of the new era . One interceptor missile collided with another in the air . Bright flames flashed in the sky, and rolling smoke scattered in the air . The counterattack missile then came to the surrounding of the frigate and transport ship, and exploded into fireb.a.l.l.s in the laser protection . The scattered fragments collided around the huge ship body, and the ship interior, Countless electric flowers flashed around the lines and pipes, and the damage prevention team members with fire-fighting tools ran around one by one .

The two sides rekindled the flames of war in the air, and a triangle UAV rushed to the periphery of the frigate . These aircrafts skillfully let a snow-white missile and rocket to fire machine gun bullets at a huge ship . Obviously, the new era knows the weakness of the frigate, and countless streamers. .h.i.t hundreds of sparks in the hull of the ship, These vehicles were then torn to pieces by the short-range defense system six tube gun installed on the frigate .

The sky is fighting, and the red algae is also fighting . The evolutors of both sides fight on the red algae . Large caliber sniper rifles, a.s.sault rifles and split rifles shoot at each other . One by one, the fully armed puppet soldiers keep retreating under the siege of the Chinese Renaissance evolutors . Regor, surrounded by them, looks pale, just above his head, The huge body of a shark hunting helicopter was scattered in the fire, and the scattered parts fell around like flying girls . At the next moment, more than ten triangle UAVs collided with the Pearl tears UAV, which was flying much slower, and spread its wings for five meters . The UAV"s fuselage, which was more than two meters long, burst out big and small fireb.a.l.l.s, making it tumble rapidly in the air and fall to the water, Just as they were about to fall into the water of the new era, the dazzling laser came from the frigate of China"s revival, and suddenly hit their own UAV, breaking through its extremely strong sh.e.l.l . The next moment, in the water, the UAV sank deep into the sea in the bubbling water .

Seeing the disappearing laser, Regel immediately responded that the Chinese didn"t want to kill them all . The next moment, the two sides were still hanging in the air, but they never used laser cannons and other lethal weapons . Although the two sides were fighting noisily, they were actually quite restrained . Huang Tingwei just wanted to set up an enemy as China"s outlet, But he didn"t really want to disobey Zhang Xiaoqiang"s orders . Regel also saw some of them, so he was more restrained . After both sides stopped, in addition to Huaxia revival, only two shark hunting helicopters were lost in the new era . Finally, the retreat ended in the new era, while Zhang Xiaoqiang and meow disappeared in the vast sea< br>