Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2246: 2246

Chapter 2246: 2246

The brushing of her teeth made Zhang Xiaoqiang"s relationship with little Lori even further . Little Lori almost bit off his finger, but it was kind of merciful . The mysterious and powerful little Lori could break a huge tree with a wave of her hand . That little tooth was a weapon that could even break the bones of a strange animal . After they were full, Zhang Xiaoqiang and her set off again . This time, they didn"t need Zhang Xiaoqiang to walk on their own, According to the progress of his relationship with little Lori, there is a shelf like basket behind the fierce beast . On the seat made of several pieces of wood and vines, Zhang Xiaoqiang just sits on it leisurely . The only thing to worry about is that he will be thrown out when he falls asleep . However, Zhang Xiaoqiang is not allowed to escape . He uses vines to trap himself on the seat, Rest a.s.sured to close your eyes to make up for these days lost sleep .

Little Lori manipulates fierce human beasts to run like flying, walking on the ground in the jungle and mountains . But somehow, she stops halfway through the walk . After thinking about it, she turns around and goes to the south coast . However, compared with the two directions of the frigate, Zhang Xiaoqiang, who needs a compa.s.s to locate her position, is naturally sensitive to direction, One hour later, she took Zhang Xiaoqiang on her back to the southernmost tip of sulasi Island, where there is a long and narrow island chain . She dashed forward one by one along the island chain and crossed the Flores sea . Finally, she arrived at East Nusa Tenggara, which is just a line away from Australia . This is Indonesia"s most marginal Province, and the island is also covered with dense forests, In the past, it was East Timor . It was not far from Darwin harbor, the largest city in northern Australia . Zhang Xiaoqiang knew nothing about it at this time .

"Mr . Regal, we will enter Australian airs.p.a.ce in another hour . The governor of Australia, his Excellency Kessler, wants to speak to you . . . " The sudden report interrupts Regel"s reverie . He suddenly opens his eyes and looks at the humble j.a.panese girl around him . The girl is one of the few women he takes away from Hokkaido . He doesn"t appreciate the beauty of Oriental women, but j.a.panese women have the care and compliments that Western women don"t have, so that he can feel imperial power, as long as he wants, You can order these women to dust his boots . Although he is not so abnormal, it"s really good to experience male chauvinism in these women .

The delicate face is full of fear and cowardice . The j.a.panese girl, who is only 17 years old at most, looks at her master"s face carefully . Her fluent German is no less than her native language . When her weak eyes touch the heat in Regel"s eyes, she blushes and lowers her head gently, exposing her slender and white neck in front of Regel"s eyes, Slightly trembling body has begun to gush out a bit of expectation and excitement . Just as she is waiting, the hands with strength and heat never touch her . She can"t help but open her eyes, only to find that Regel has already disappeared outside the door behind her .

Ren Jun, a j.a.panese girl, can"t arouse regor"s emotion in the slightest way . Kruger"s l.u.s.t is what he detests most, and his mother"s unfair treatment makes him hate Kruger to the bone . Therefore, he always suppresses his desire . Although he is extremely eager for women"s body, he always suppresses himself like a friar, Because his greatest desire is the ambition of power, only power can forge his sword of revenge, and personally seek justice from Kluger for his kind mother .

Through the video, the tired cheeks of the new governor of Australia and the former head of the European headquarters in Asia show in Regel"s eyes . Both of them are about the same age . Regel is in his early twenties, while keseler is less than twenty-five . Compared with the cautious wings in the European headquarters, the new governor in power is a bit more stable and dignified, When he saw Regel with a stiff face, he couldn"t help smiling a little . Then he nodded to Regel and said: "I see you again, Regel . It seems that you have experienced a lot of things and become mature during this period of time . . . "

Wave a few people out of the communication room, take out a zippo sized metal box from his pocket and open it . The flashing red light jammer makes the fresh picture jump and twist . Three or five seconds later, the distorted Kessler picture is fixed again . Seeing what Regel is holding, he can"t help shaking his head . Regel"s rigid expression is a little more gentle, Nodding to Kessler, he said, "my governor, I heard that Colleen has come to Australia in pursuit of you, and her husband tier has also come here . I didn"t expect that you are still alive?"

Tier and Colleen"s grudges are well known throughout the new era . Before the end of the world, they were a couple . After the end of the world, tier"s ice power increased infinitely and became one of the most powerful G.o.ds . However, he also lost the right to make love with women, and all the women he was involved with would turn into ice sculptures, This is the biggest curse for men . Because tier opposes her leaving herself, Colleen steals her words everywhere . Because of her resentment, tier vent her anger on Colleen"s lover . Any man who has an affair with Colleen will be turned into an ice sculpture by him . In the end, Colleen goes crazy and seduces any male creature she can see, no matter whether the other person wants to or not, She will be like a flower crazy, and in front of a naked beauty, most men can"t stand the temptation .

Kessler is such a bad luck guy . He refused Colin more than once, but he was haunted by resentment . Now his biggest headache is Colin . Tier takes him as a target to attract Colin . As long as Colin doesn"t shift his target, he doesn"t have to be on guard all day long, which can be regarded as an alternative support . That"s why he was promoted to governor of Australia, It"s just that this kind of support makes him particularly uncomfortable . "Come on, what are you doing here?" Kessler"s enthusiasm dissipated without a trace . Colin was the biggest pain in his heart . He didn"t want anyone to make a joke about it, including his best friend Regel . Kessler was angry, but Regel didn"t have any embarra.s.sment . He took out a headset from his ear and said with a smile: "it"s really safe now . Obviously, the monitor doesn"t dare to inquire about the embarra.s.sment of G.o.d . "

"You . . . " Kessler suddenly stood up and glared at Regel . Unexpectedly, Regel"s expression was serious again . The burning eyes let Kessler"s anger dissipate a lot“ Remember your promise? Your last promise to my mother, Mrs . Silas . . . " When Regel said this, Kessler looked at Regel in horror and disbelief, and said in a trembling voice, "someone wants to kill you? Who is . . . "

Regel did not return, his eyes misty, recalled: "you are an orphan, but I have always treated you as my brother, my mother also treated you as her own child, we can finally escape, is my mother in exchange for life, she let you protect me for life, you will not forget?" Regel"s words made Kessler"s brain flash a scene of virus outbreak . In a quiet and peaceful town, countless people were frantically biting their wives, children, husbands, friends and strangers . The variants devoured the flesh and blood of innocent people . He and Regel, 23 and 15, were so scared that they were about to be surrounded and eaten . It was Mrs . Silas who rushed out to save them, Mrs . Silas"s hoa.r.s.e cry when she was torn up was a nightmare that he would never forgive himself .

"Don"t say any more . . . , you say, let me do something . . . " Kessler knew that no one wanted to kill Regel, but Regel wanted to collect the money . This account may need his lifetime loyalty to pay off . Regel saw Kessler"s appearance, nodded with satisfaction and said, "it"s not what I want you to do, but what we are going to do . You are always my brother . I can"t exclude you, no matter what you do, Or in the face of anything, we are all one . After all, we all have the continuation of our mother"s life . "

"I know . This is not a place to talk . Let"s wait until you arrive . I know what you want, but I can"t guarantee that my subordinates will think the same way as me . " Kessler didn"t give a formal answer, but he satisfied Regel enough . He was only 18 years old, but what he experienced made him more mature than all his peers .

Regor"s kites didn"t meet the frigate . They flew directly to Melbourne, Victoria, the southernmost part of Australia . After arriving in Melbourne, regor didn"t get off the airship . His adjutant, a strong German man, found him and said seriously, "Mr . regor, dicas has arrived in East Timor, We shouldn"t stay in Australia, we should go directly to the arrest plan . . . "

This serious and rigid man in his thirties is very annoying to Regel . He said that he was an adjutant, but in fact he was a spy sent by the elder to spy on him . He couldn"t help saying, "here, I"m the officer . I have my own plan . Please watch it . I"ll tell you when I need you . Now . . . Please get out of the way . . . "

The adjutant who blocked regor"s way took a deep look at him, moved away in silence, and regor walked straight forward . When he came to the hatch, he could not help but stop . Craig"s gloomy cheek floated in his heart, and then the fear spread . After pondering for a while, he said: "dicas is a mutant, a alien species, if it really breaks out, No one can restrain her . The only way is to attract her with a mutant mother . Only Australia has the chance to catch her with a trap . I hope you can write this into the report . . . "

With that, Regel went out . Now that his wings are not hard and his feathers are not many, he can offend the Greedy b.a.s.t.a.r.ds of the Senate for the time being . So I"d like to explain . Looking at Regel who left, the adjutant"s rigid face changed slightly . Then he turned silently and went on to finish his work today . On the tarmac, Kessler looked at him with a smile, At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang did not know that the chapter of Australia was about to be staged< br>