Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2275: 2275

Chapter 2275: 2275

Little Lori leans in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s arms and moves her body to find the most comfortable position to lean against . Her head rests on Zhang Xiaoqiang"s shoulder . Her head is covered by a waterfall of silky silver hair . Her hands are holding a large piece of chocolate and gnawing hard . The black chocolate darkens her lips . She looks lovely and funny, Two Ruby eyes only stare at Zhang Xiaoqiang"s face, and nothing else can attract her attention . Fortunately, Zhang Xiaoqiang only treats her as little Lori, and doesn"t treat her as a woman at all . Otherwise, it would be uncomfortable to be stared at like this .

While enjoying the scenery of the city, light footsteps came from behind . Turning around, I saw Yingying, an 18-year-old cheongsam girl, walking towards him . The girl was very beautiful, tall and well-balanced, with the unique charm of an oriental girl . Even if she didn"t speak, she could make people feel kind and comfortable, The girl in front of him is a maid selected by a.s.sad from hundreds of thousands of Chinese survivors to serve as interpreter, maid, cook, a.s.sistant and bed warming . Of course, Zhang Xiaoqiang has no plan to implement the last one .

"Mr . Qiang, Lord Regal and knight a.s.sad are waiting for you in the living room . . . " Shu Shuanger carefully lowered her head and whispered that she spoke Chinese, but it made her feel strange . All Chinese in Australia have to learn German or English . As a German Department of the Inst.i.tute of foreign languages, she has gradually forgotten her ancestral country after three years of life in Australia, and has begun to change like a native country . Because of the low status of Chinese in Australia, So her biggest dream is to wash away the imprint of the Chinese and formally integrate into the mainstream of Australia . Unexpectedly, now, she meets a Chinese who is respected by Australian officials . She only feels that things are changing .

Zhang Xiaoqiang is not prepared to have too many fetters with this delicate girl who looks like a Barbie doll . He nods and walks to the gate with loli in his arms . Looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang"s resolute side face, Shu Shuanger nibbles her lips and wants to ask Zhang Xiaoqiang about China . However, seeing the cold light in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes, she can"t help but close her mouth, It"s a turbulent time in Australia . Three days ago, I learned through radio that a.s.sad had taken over the defense of the whole of Australia and imprisoned the son of the governor and the speaker . Many survivors began to panic . However, under the pressure of the mythical power of Tira, no one dared to act rashly . But just because of this, many people moved to leave Australia, And she learned through the grapevine that Zhang Xiaoqiang is the new leader of China, so she was a little excited . Unfortunately, even if she came to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s mouth these days, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t want to eat her .

"My best friend, dear Mr . Qiang, thank you for saving my life . I will never forget your help . " Regel was not imprisoned as publicized by the outside world . At this time, he was in high spirits . From making a plan to the completion of the cleaning, he went through the life and death line, betrayal and refuge, and the three-day cleaning . He saw hundreds of people being shot with his own eyes . The bodies with their hands tied were lying on their knees, and the black blood stains were unforgettable, Compared with the tragic scene of scattered flesh and blood on the battlefield, the ma.s.sacre of a man without the ability to resist is more shocking . But just like this, his mood is more tenacious than before . He knows that if he wants Kluge to die, such a ma.s.sacre will be expanded ten times or a hundred times .

After seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang and little Lori, Regel could show his kindness . a.s.sad around him said h.e.l.lo to Zhang Xiaoqiang mechanically . a.s.sad didn"t know Chinese, so he didn"t have the possibility to communicate with Zhang Xiaoqiang . He was very afraid of the danger of this Chinese man, and ranked second only to tier .

Zhang Xiaoqiang holds little Lori to the sofa, teasing little Lori"s nose like a kitten, and casually says: "our relationship is not good enough . Saving you is because you are worse than living . You come to me today, but you think of another account to ask for . Is that one horned crown pulled out of my pocket?"

Tier"s one horned crown solved the biggest trouble in his life, and also made him an ally of Regel . As the G.o.d seat in front of him, with one horned crown, he can definitely compete with EOS, but it is based on depriving Zhang Xiaoqiang of his interests . Therefore, Zhang Xiaoqiang has the reason to put this matter on the table .

Regel was not embarra.s.sed . He had been ready for Zhang Xiaoqiang"s censure for a long time . He pretended to smile mysteriously, raised his hands and patted his hands . At Regel"s command, two evolutioners came in with a huge metal box and opened it in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang . Zhang Xiaoqiang recognized all kinds of scattered objects in the box, One of the boxes was a metal storm sniper rifle, which was just broken down . There were also some tablet computers and high storage mobile hard disks . In addition to these, there were ten bullet clips and related maintenance equipment in the box, but they were more comprehensive than what he had robbed .

"De-187a1 new type sniper rifle is the standard equipment of shooter type evolutor officially accepted at the end of last year . Here are a full set of design drawings and ammunition processing line manufacturing scheme . As long as you have these things, you can ma.s.s produce this kind of weapon in China . Of course, in addition to weapons, there are also new protective clothing and matching helmet drawings on your body, These are my apologies . . . "Then Regel pointed to another box and said, "this box is a complete set of drawings and technical parameters of the engine, which is divided into three schemes: simplified, standard and super standard . The cheapest simplified efficiency is more than 30% higher than the best engine before . In addition, there are also the experimental and manufacturing data of the built-in furnace extracted by akashia, These things are one of the absolute secrets of the new era, and they are also a part that you didn"t succeed in last time . I hope you can be satisfied with . . . "

Regel"s atmosphere makes Zhang Xiaoqiang a little suspicious . He knows the value of these things . Originally, his purpose of seizing 187a1 was to take back the Chinese imitation, but Regel first talked about this weapon . The engine should be the core of air equipment in the new era . The simplification should be the engine of shark hunting helicopter, and the standard must be harrier airship, As for the super standard, it"s frigates and transport ships . With these, it may not be possible to build them, but it points out a thoroughfare for Chinese researchers, which is heavy .

"Yes, I"m very satisfied with these things, but it"s just that the information is not good . We have to have ten samples and eight samples to have a reference . By the way, there are engineers . It"s different between being guided and not being guided . In order to deepen our friendship and cooperation, we have to have at least three or five hundred?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s big mouth didn"t frighten Regel . He knew some of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s characters . He nodded and said, "there"s no problem with the sample . A standard sample has been placed in the underground core area . As for the others, we will finish the rest of the samples for you after the Australian factory officially starts . Of course, This requires a certain amount of red algae as the material cost and labor cost . I believe you will not make us embarra.s.sed . By the way, there are engineers . These engineers are still preparing to build a new factory . If you take them away, I"m afraid the samples will not be completed . If they go to China and do not have the corresponding equipment and equipment, I"m afraid it will take more than ten years to make these things, I don"t think you can wait that long . . . "

Zhang Xiaofan has a big white eye . It"s strange that he can wait . In ten years, his son will tease beautiful women, but he doesn"t care . He just plays snake with stick . He can take advantage if he can . As for red algae, he doesn"t care at all . There are tens of thousands of tons of red algae floating in the sea in Vladivostok, so he will send some airships at that time, How much do you want?

"What do you want to do with me today?" Instead of caring about the crowns, Zhang Xiaoqiang starts talking . Regel is relieved . Zhang Xiaoqiang is moody . Every time he talks to him, he looks at the door with a stone hanging in his heart . At this time, a woman walks in from outside the door . The woman in our new youyinhua uniform is stunned at the first moment she sees Zhang Xiaoqiang . Then she turns to look at the people in the house, He lowered his head .

Zhang Xiaoqiang is happy . Isn"t this Han Bao? These days, for the sake of little Lori, he has forgotten all about this group of people . Unexpectedly, he was found by Regel . He has to admit that no matter what he does in Australia, he can"t get around the local forces . Regel doesn"t have much enthusiasm when he sees Zhang Xiaoqiang looking at Han Bao . He knows that he doesn"t take this female evolutionist seriously .

"Miss Han is one of Mr . Qiang"s people . She was brought here today to be her entourage in the future . Her chronic poison has been dealt with, and her companions have been well treated . In the past, Kruger needed a lot of young people as the material for b.l.o.o.d.y death . Now we have decided to abandon this cruel practice, so Mr . Qiang doesn"t have to worry about their arrangement, I"m willing to follow you . I"m willing to stay here and join the city defense force . "

Han Bao is another kindness thrown out by Regel . Zhang Xiaoqiang nods and says nothing . Han Bao is just a pa.s.ser-by on his journey and doesn"t want to do too much entanglement . If she is willing to go back to China, she will take it with her at that time . Regel goes on to say: "miss dicas"s . . . " When it comes to this name, Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t like it . Dicas is not a good name for a beautiful little Lori . The most important thing is that the guy who takes this name doesn"t have a good heart, so he shakes his head and says, "she doesn"t use the name dicas any more . She will be called Feifei in the future . . . "< br>