Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2276: 2276

Chapter 2276: 2276

"Well, I admit that your name has more moral meaning . After the repair of Miss Sophie"s natural protective clothing, the restriction device and tracking signal on it have been removed . I think Miss Sophie will be surprised when she finds her armor again . . . "

As he said this, Regel looked at little Lori carefully . However, she had finished her chocolate and was lying on Zhang Xiaoqiang"s chest like a kitten, listening to her heart beating . It was heartbreaking to think of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s b.l.o.o.d.y killing in the research inst.i.tute like a kitten . It was a pity that such a strong force was only willing to follow Zhang Xiaoqiang, and his cold sweat came out again, Can surmount the evil little Lori is the biggest evil in itself?

"Since our first cooperation is so perfect, I believe our future cooperation will be more tacit . Mr . Qiang has the red algae we need, we have the technology and spare parts that Mr . Qiang needs, and because of geographical reasons, there is no conflict of interests between us, so I implore Mr . Qiang to give us military support . After all, in the face of Kluger"s counterattack, The original soldiers didn"t trust much . . . "

Regel finally said his purpose . The news of independence was brought back to the new era headquarters by the three theocracies three days ago . Before that, a.s.sad"s younger sister had been taken over by a.s.sad"s subordinates . a.s.sad didn"t know about this . It was all the idea of kesailer . Kesailer was the intelligence officer of the Asian region of the headquarters and had considerable energy in the headquarters, It"s not too difficult to do these things . They not only pick up a.s.sad"s sister, but also give Clegg signs of treason . It can be said that they kill two birds with one stone . While Regel and Kessel hide behind the scenes and release the smoke of being imprisoned by a.s.sad, which not only leaves a way for themselves, but also avoids exposing his hatred for Clegg too early, After all, no one believed that Kluger"s own son would rebel against his father .

Regor thinks that there is no side leak . In the new era, the headquarters should react at the first time, at least irritate Kluger to make a wrong response . Unexpectedly, the headquarters has endured for three days . Three days is enough for Kluger and the elders to calm down . The enemies who calm down are like volcanoes that will erupt at any time . The power of the eruption will be terrible, If they do get there, I"m afraid tier won"t be able to keep them, so we have to find new foreign aid . Genesis can"t count on it . They can"t wait for Australia and the new era to lose each other . Then the only foreign aid is China, which is far closer than Europe .

"Oh? Is that so? " Zhang Xiaoqiang sneered a little, then pondered . All kinds of ideas flashed through his mind . He wanted China to send troops in the new era, but Zhang Xiaoqiang would not be so stupid . Let alone disrupt the development plan of China"s rejuvenation . If he really fought against the new era, it would be hard to avoid casualties . He was unwilling to fight for others, but Australia was the springboard to attack China in the new era, If Australia is in the hands of the new era, China will be restless, so .

"Do you remember what I said last time?" As soon as Zhang Xiaoqiang"s topic turns around, he retreats to another place and makes Regel stunned . Regel is not a fool . He has contacted Zhang Xiaoqiang just a few times . When he thought about the request made by Zhang Xiaoqiang in the sea of j.a.pan, there are nearly a million Chinese in Australia . These people are not only needed by Australia, but also by China . Before, he was lying to others and wanted to bluff them, But now it"s not . Zhang Xiaoqiang is not so easy to get rid of, especially when they ask for help from him .

"It"s already being arranged . Last year, two satellite cities were conquered, and the survivors were all family members of the Chinese army . At present, more than 3000 people have been found and can be transferred to China at any time . "; Regel"s quick reaction made Zhang Xiaoqiang deeply meditate . Xiao Shan and Wei Feng never forget to kill Australia . What if they were told that there were more than 3000 survivors? These survivors should all belong to the military . The new era has a strong influence in Australia . It"s no problem to withdraw some of them . In this way, we can stabilize Xiaoshan"s semi independent team, and Yueyang in Sichuan, which controls the new era reorganized army . A large part of these troops are elite . If those families are sent to Sichuan, they will be able to survive, Isn"t it possible to completely stabilize the situation in Sichuan?

"What support do you want? As far as I know, it is impossible to airlift a large number of army troops in the new era . The only possibility is to use supernova bombs to smooth out all the new cities in Australia . In this way, your only way to survive is to separate and evacuate . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang finally let go this time . Although he didn"t agree, he showed signs of reaching an intention .

However, Regel has long been prepared to say: "we need a large number of UAVs to refit search radars to patrol the Australian waters . At least more than 100 and 50 airplanes are enough to form an early warning network . Only 24-hour round the clock early warning can we be on guard against the punitive forces in the new era at the first time . If our headquarters did not withdraw the satellite reconnaissance authority, We don"t have to be so afraid of that side . "

Even if Zhang Xiaoqiang"s family is demolished, one hundred drones can"t be taken out . Regel is calculated according to the production capacity of the new era, but he doesn"t know that Zhang Xiaoqiang"s development mode is millet plus rifle . Zhang Xiaoqiang is almost laughed at . Then he suddenly thought of a possibility, a possibility that he could help Australia with early warning without using drones .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach has news, brother c.o.c.kroach has news . . . We found brother c.o.c.kroach . . . " Huang Tingwei shouts and rushes into Zhuo Mingyue ", By this time, the whole frigate had already sounded faint cheers . When Huang Tingwei arrived at the bridge, Zhuo Mingyue was giving orders to him . The staff of each post were operating in an orderly way . The huge arrow body also produced a slight centrifugal force in the process of turning around quickly . Seeing Huang Tingwei, Fu Shanlin said strangely: "we have determined the position of brother c.o.c.kroach . After Nuwa"s locking, we can see that the c.o.c.kroach"s position has been determined, c.o.c.kroach is living in a new era city in eastern Australia . There are about 100000 people living in that city . There are more than 500 troops stationed in that city . The air defense weapons are unknown . "

"Why do you say so much? Just kill them directly . I can kill all the more than 500 garrisons by myself . Don"t be so fussy . " Zhuo Mingyue is not right at this time . Her eyes are full of anxiety and impatience . She seems to be irritable . Anyone standing beside her will be bounced away by the barrier two meters away from her body . Obviously, she can"t control her ability .

Seeing the appearance of Zhuo Mingyue, Huang Tingwei knows that it"s best to follow Zhuo Mingyue"s words at this time . Women who fall in love are blind, especially those who are suffering in waiting . At this time, Nuwa appears in front of Huang Tingwei and coldly says: "brother c.o.c.kroach wants to talk to you . . . "

The virtual image is changed into Zhang Xiaoqiang"s appearance . Zhang Xiaoqiang, who looks good, holds a delicate and lovely little Lori and looks at Huang Tingwei and Zhuo Mingyue with a smile . Without waiting for Huang Tingwei to speak, Zhuo Mingyue b.u.mps Huang Tingwei into the sky again and takes the lead in getting angry: "how long have you been out of here, killing thousands of swords, and even giving birth to your daughter?"

Regel stands beside Zhang Xiaoqiang with a strange face and looks at the image of the bright and gorgeous woman on the screen . He doesn"t cover up the image of Nu Wa . He has learned that there are similar smart hosts all over the world . After Nu Wa appeared, Zhang Xiaoqiang put away his previous helplessness, Holding Murphy, little Lori said to Nu Wa, "can you help Australian monitors monitor the surrounding air? If you can, I hope you can give a reminder and warning when the new era invades Australia . Australia is very important to China and a barrier for China to deal with the new era . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t know that Nu Wa belonged to him completely, because Nu Wa had opened the satellite communication and command system to him before, which made him think that Nu Wa was willing to compromise with him in the external environment . For this rigid computer, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t expect too much . He just wanted to persuade him with the relationship of interests . Unexpectedly, Nu Wa agreed immediately, And he took the initiative to contact the early warning system of Australia, which made Zhang Xiaoqiang a little suspicious . When Nu Wa agreed, she said to Zhang seriously:

"The elimination of sea people in the sea of j.a.pan has caused a chain reaction . Ninety eight red algae I monitored have a trend of accelerating growth, and new variations have appeared in the Pacific Hawaii area . "< br>