Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2315: 2315

Chapter 2315: 2315

The sea people finally landed . Compared with the airborne sea people floating in the sky, the sea people on the sea were much faster and more purposeful . The first place where the sea people appeared was the east coast of Australia, and then the United States, Europe, Britain, most of the islands were occupied . Countless coastal cities were occupied by the sea people . At this moment, people all over the world stopped fighting, Prepare for the arrival of Haizu .

In District 51, Nevada, frande was livid as he watched teams of veterans coming out of the incubator were accepted by the evolutioners sent by the top management . These pseudo evolutioners, who were implanted with control chips, quickly wore the latest evolutioner standard equipment developed by the United States, lined up in neat long lines to be reviewed by others, as the initiator and director of the veterans project, He watched his achievements plundered . His resentment was like a volcano about to erupt . The acc.u.mulated flames were eager to burn all the high-rise buildings to ashes . The beast warrior was his painstaking effort and the great cause he had been planning for these years . Unfortunately, the beast warrior"s failure in the Great Lakes made his reputation plummet, So it was completely suppressed by Congress .

"Dr . Flander, thank you for all you have done to the United States . Five million American citizens will not forget your contributions, and Congress will not forget your achievements . All of your achievements will be written into history . Before that, please give us the experimental data of soul shifting . After all, this is the wealth of the whole United States . . . "

Not to mention the grief and indignation on frand"s face, the officer standing beside him was a man in his early thirties with silver hair . The strong man had Nordic blood . His strong body tightened his military uniform like a tights . Frand, who had changed his body, was two meters tall, but almost as tall as this strong man, even though they were at least two meters apart, Fland could also feel the invisible force field around the strong man, just like being entangled by a boa constrictor .

The declaration that the officer seems to appreciate is his contempt for Flanders . As an evolutionist, Flanders can"t make contributions to men in the battlefield . In his heart, Flanders is undoubtedly a coward who is afraid of death .

"Major Jobson, please note that you can"t represent the will of five million American citizens, and Congress can"t either . I don"t hand over these things because I"m dedicated and reverent to the United States . It"s just that I don"t have enough strength, so don"t say these disgusting words to me . . . "

Frand was upset and had nothing to say about him . He shook his head with a smile . He was not angry . He just asked, "what"s the experimental data?"

"Here you are . . . " Flander takes out a small and delicate hard disk and delivers it to Jobson . He turns around and walks away . Looking at him, Jobson"s stiff face recovers calm and indifference . Flander"s back is bleak, but he can"t feel happy . He and Flander are the same people . Because of their ident.i.ty, they can only be suppressed by the legislators who manipulate the public opinion, But they don"t really represent the ordinary people . They just seek their own interests by means of politicians . For example, this time, on the pretext of Flander"s failure in the Great Lakes battlefield, they hold him responsible for wasting a lot of resources, but they take them back to their own use and ask for Flander"s core secret .

Even if fland loses, there is no need to veto or even take away everything from others, not to mention those fat councillors who are not even evolutionists . This makes most evolutionists feel miserable, including Jobson .

"Fland, the sea people are going to land . If the Council can"t stop them, it may be an opportunity for you . Take advantage of it . "

The hearty Jobson suddenly reminds frande to stop, slowly turns around and looks at Jobson, then quickly walks up to Jobson and asks, "do you want to be controlled by them all the time? We"re bleeding in the front . We"re fighting . They"re sitting in the back? Take everything away from us on the pretext of our mistakes? "

Frank"s questioning made Jobson speechless . He turned to the beast warrior who had already pedaled and whispered, "but what can I do? After all, the Americans believe in parliament, the military believes in parliament, but they don"t believe in us . "

"Yes, no one believes us . Evolutionists are alien in the eyes of citizens . They want them to agree with us unless they become evolutionists, but how is that possible?" At this time, a third person came in . As soon as this person appeared, frand and Jobson were on guard . He was wearing a gray robe, and his face was hidden in his hood, just like a medieval monk . Under the hood, there was pure darkness . Occasionally, he could find the look in his eyes, which had no emotion or fluctuation, just like two rigid gla.s.s beads, But it"s very bright . It"s like a moving light spot at night, which makes people feel cold from the bottom of their heart .

"The vampire komander?" Jordan stepped back abruptly, trying to keep a distance from this guy and not let him get close to him . Fland didn"t know much about the Native American evolutionists . He looked at him in disbelief, but heard him cry: "don"t get close to him . He"s a madman . He can manipulate anyone"s blood . Don"t let him get close to within five meters, Otherwise, even the throne will not live . ""Oh?" Frand looked at komander in surprise . He didn"t think that anyone would have this ability . As long as a creature has blood, blood is the source of life . If komander can extract human blood in a very short time, it"s really a killer . Compared with the fear and fear of Jobson, he"s not worried, In the underground base, there are three perfect spare bodies and enough blood species . As long as his soul does not die, even his own blood will be fine .

"What is your intention to come?" Frand asked calmly as he walked one meter away from him . He took a surprised look at Frand, pondered and said, "I want the experimental data of your immortal body and the research data of the beast warrior . Of course, if you are willing to come with me, it is the best, although you will lose your freedom, But I don"t want to look at the faces of those idiots anymore . "

The strength of komander made Jobson give an alarm . Hundreds of silver armor evolutors gathered from all directions, and more ordinary soldiers were driving chariots to guard the periphery, ready to capture komander . Seeing the big action of komander, frand was a little confused . He didn"t know who komander was, I don"t know why Jobson is so afraid of komander .

"Ha ha ha, it"s useless . If you don"t want to die here, stop it . . . " Komander laughed wildly, and then he collapsed to the ground as if he had lost his bone . When fland was stunned, the robe flew into the sky, and countless black beetles the size of flies sprang apart . The first one who was wrapped was the nearest Flanders, who was bitten in an instant, Then, in the wailing pain of the surrounding evolutioners, tiny cracks appeared on the silver armor of one evolutioner after another, and the crazy beetles bit any evolutioner and soldier they met .

Howls, screams, and gunshots were heard one after another . The bitten people all fell to the ground and writhed . One of them was Jobson, but frand didn"t feel the pain on his body . Standing in the same place, he ignored the swelling lump on his body and burst out of black blood . He just looked at the surrounding situation, and the evolutionists lost most of their lives, The rest fled to the periphery together with the fl.u.s.tered soldiers . A long flame spurted out from the flamethrowers in the hands of a few evolutionists, sweeping the swarm like a broom . More people desperately called for support .

Soon, the flame went out . Fortunately, the soldiers and the evolutioners in the car did not turn back and fled . The remaining black beetles were flying in the sky . The people on the ground were still alive, writhing and wailing in pain . Frande found a small communication device at the place where komander was standing before the change of the insect population . There is no doubt that, Komander, who stood in front of them before, was not a real person at all . He was just a puppet made up of insects . Even his eyes were just monitors embedded in insects .

"Ha ha ha, Frand, do you see that? By my means, you can never escape . There is still a way to survive, otherwise . . . " Komander"s crazy laughter came from the communicator, and the wriggling evolutioners around him had been in a coma . However, Jobson kept a little sober and roared in pain: "komander, you mad dog, don"t you know that human beings are on the verge of destruction . . . "

"What does that have to do with me? If human beings are destroyed, they will be destroyed . As long as I can become the top evolutor and have the power of myth, what does it matter if human beings are destroyed? Human beings are my food, and sea people are my food . As long as there is blood, I will not die . "

The cold voice came from behind frand . He turned around and saw a guy with blood like eyes and a woman like appearance coming towards him . This guy was followed by a group of evolutionists . One of the beautiful female evolutionists was being hugged by him, and a golden beetle was flying at the fingertips of the woman< br>