Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2340: 2340

Chapter 2340: 2340

The battlefield will be submerged in the night, and the bonfires caused by explosions will spread all over the vast land . The hills like shadows will appear and disappear under the illumination of the bonfire . Occasionally, we can hear the low and long-term whine of the hills, which is the last struggle of the dying beast . The low engines of the off-road vehicles and armored vehicles reverberate on the ground outside the position, and the light column of the car lights shuttles back and forth, The black pieces are cut off . Only the previously busy positions are now in a quiet sleep . The soldiers and reinforcements who have been fighting for several days are sleeping here .

The sky is back in the hands of human beings . Frigates and reconnaissance airships swim silently in the haze of the night sky, smashing the moving smoke . Occasionally, bright stars appear . From time to time, the sound of clear dada guns rings in the distance . That"s when the patrol forces encounter the sea people who have escaped during the day . The night after the killing is full of anxiety and blood, In the most dense place of the corpse, there are three kinds of blood flowers, which emit a strange color under the electric light, and are carefully removed by a big hand wrapped in rubber gloves .

Hundreds of flashlights are like ghosts on the killing field in the daytime, harvesting the blood seeds planted in the evening . There is too much blood on the ground . Even after harvesting, the calf high blood seeds still produce new blood seeds at the speed visible to the naked eye . Maybe in the early morning, the second wave of blood seeds can be harvested .

In the far rear of the battlefield, hundreds of cooking trucks were busy . Thousands of women with different hair colors and skin colors were dressed in ill fitting military uniforms . With sharp knives, they cut the mutant animal meat from the battlefield into pieces . The cut meat was packed in white boxes and salted with various sauces, A half person high metal cylinder pot emits a curl of white air, sending out a delicious and attractive fragrance .

The women who are still busy in the middle of the night eat tomorrow"s food . The women with black hair make dough long, cut out small steamed buns and put them into the steamer . The women with gold or brown hair put the dough into the oven . When the cloudy sky becomes bright in the early morning, Piles of steamed bread, bread and barbecue soup, and various kinds of vegetables were sent to the barracks of the front line under the jolt of transport vehicles .

At night, soldiers on patrol wipe the smoke from their faces and wait for breakfast with lunch boxes . Countless soldiers come out of the tent and rush to the toilet of the camp to drain water in turn . When all the soldiers finish their breakfast, they begin to prepare for today"s fighting . a.s.sad, who arrives at the camp in the middle of the night, looks at the 15 craya who are pressed into the car with a smile, Every kraya is a vivid beauty . His plump body, slim waist, strong long legs and beautiful appearance make his heart scratch like cat"s paws . There is no man who is not l.u.s.tful, let alone this new race . As an artist who likes fantasy, he doesn"t mind having a taboo with exotic beauties .

In some other trucks, the wounded but not fatal monsters were tightly bound by countless steel ropes and howled bitterly and weakly . They were also the spoils of cleaning the battlefield . Their luck was neither bad nor good . At least they did not die on the battlefield like other monsters . However, their fate was doomed, To make an indelible contribution to human biological research, whether they are sliced or raised as pigs depends on their fertility and risk .

Wei Feng is Xiaoshan"s deputy and chief of staff of the independent commission . His growing power is reflected in him incisively and vividly . Even though a.s.sad spoke in front of him, he also lowered his voice . Compared with those beasts captured from the battlefield, a.s.sad valued kraya more and said in a flattering voice: "I think many people will be interested in kraya, As a creature similar to human women, any man is willing to give everything to get them . If possible, I hope Lieutenant Colonel Wei can collect this kind of creature as much as possible . Of course, we will not let you suffer . If you have any need, just say that we have reached 100% . . . "

Wei Feng looks at claya with a bitter smile . Claya is not only liked by Westerners, but also by Chinese people . Unfortunately, Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t speak, and no one dares to move . The two claya captured in Shanghai were all taken care of by doctors . Who knows if they were made into formalin? Kraya is not something that ordinary people can capture . Apart from Zhang Xiaoqiang, Jianzhan and other top evolutors, even ordinary evolutors are impossible .

"How many are disabled? An armored vehicle is equipped with 10 base ammunition . If you encounter a complete one in the future, you can get one in private . . . " Wei Feng just said it casually, but a.s.sad said with great joy: "yes, how much, how much . Of course, the delivery of armored vehicles and heavy equipment in the name of sc.r.a.p will not be the same as the new ones . Of course, the interior is absolutely new . . . "

Australia will not be stupid enough to equip the Chinese with armored vehicles, helicopters and tanks, and will not deliver artillery more than 75mm . All of them will be firmly controlled by the Australian Army, and China will not be able to airlift such weapons, which limits the combat effectiveness of the Chinese army to a certain extent . Now kraya has become a breakthrough, Wei Feng is also happy . With all kinds of heavy equipment, the combat effectiveness of the independent regiment may not be much worse than that of the first regiment . It seems that several disabled kraya found on the battlefield don"t need to draw blood to cultivate blood?The blood seeds fell from the fingers and fell into the thermostatic metal box under the body . It was full of blood seeds, full and crystal clear, just like large red pearls . From yesterday evening to this morning, the blood seeds were planted twice . As long as there was unlimited fresh blood supply, the blood seeds could ripen in the shortest time, It will take more time to harvest more than 10000 blood seeds . In addition, there are more than 30 mutated animals and more than 1000 sea people who have been stun and maimed by sh.e.l.ls .

After throwing the last blood seed into the box, Zhang Xiaoqiang tidied up his military uniform and went out of the door . On the wide playground, the a.s.sembled teams formed a tofu like formation . The uniform military posture and calm and brave expression represented that the soldiers had recovered their fighting capacity . Only Zhang Xiaoqiang"s command would make them go to the battlefield, farther away, The soldiers who opened their doors were also forming a huge square array . Nearly a thousand vehicles of various types spewed out a little smoke and were ready to start at any time . The sound of engine running formed a huge buzz, deep and long, like a beast ready to go .

Armored vehicles, tanks, ammunition supply vehicles, and self-propelled guns are all ready, waiting for Zhang Xiaoqiang"s orders . Xiaoshan and Zhao Deyi stand on both sides of Zhang Xiaoqiang, reviewing their respective troops . The commander of the Australian Army puts away the arrogance of the westerners, and stands behind them with other military officials, also waiting for Zhang Xiaoqiang"s orders . In the sky, the Australian army is in a state of calm, The huge frigates are suspended in silence, surrounded by five reconnaissance airships from front to back, from left to right in the center . A shark hunting helicopter with countless scars on its fuselage turns its propeller to form a three-dimensional formation in the sky . The rainbow Eagle also feels the atmosphere before the war . It chirps, spreads its wings and soars in the air . Meow is wearing special windshields, Like a fairy riding on the back of a bird .

Looking at the women who had been on the bus, Zhang Xiaoqiang pursed his mouth and said, "let"s go . . . "

The first regiment consists of 2000 people, the independent regiment 4500 people, the new Australian first regiment 5000 people, the Armored Regiment 3500 people, the self-propelled artillery battalion 500 people, the logistics supply convoy 1300 people, and the large-scale air force . More than 15000 troops are heading for Darwin harbor . When the ground forces launch an offensive, the sky forces are in the lead, First, it"s very close to Darwin .

This is the first time that mankind has attacked the sea people . The attention of the whole China and the whole Australia is focused on the team composed of the combined arms . Even Regel has put down all kinds of calculations and sat on the opposite side of the screen, watching silently with a red wine gla.s.s .

When the ground troops crossed the land with countless dead bodies and came to Darwin harbor, the northern port, the battle in the sky had officially started . The huge frigates were surrounded by ants like mutant seabirds like giants . The sea birds around them were burned by dazzling lasers . From time to time, the flaming seabirds turned into Firebirds and fell, The main laser gun breaks down and drags the red algae sea animal again and again, killing a huge sea animal . In the sea, countless ice crystal spears climb up to the sky . There are too many ice spears climbing up, which turns the distance between the sponge and the frigate into a crystal barrier . Thousands of ice Spears smash together in the air, forming a dense fog of ice crystals and refracting thousands of rainbows .

Shark hunting helicopter formation swam in the outer sky, firing rockets . The howl of giant animals sounded like thunder . A hundred meter long water wave surged into the sky, but the color of the water was dyed red . Thousands of sea people and mutant animals rushed to the land with wave after wave of sea tide . The sea water retreated, but the sea people and sea animals remained on the ground .

The next second, the sharp whistling broke through the air and hit the Haizu heavily . Each fire burst hundreds of Haizu into the sky . However, more Haizu were torn to pieces by the blast wave . Meow was like a proud princess in the sky . Every seabird approaching her would lose the dignity of flying and fall silently, With meow meow and rainbow eagle, the shark hunting helicopter, which is not superior to sea birds, is protected and helps the frigate to shoot giant sea animals .

In the belly of the frigate, a 120 mm refitted gun is used to spray fire regiments . One 120 mm armor piercing bullet is drilled into the huge bodies of sea animals, and the second blasting is carried out inside their bodies . The metal jet is formed, and the sea is turbid with blood . Hundreds of corpses and broken meat float in the sea, and rise and fall with the surging waves .

When the ground forces also launched an attack, the sea people near Darwin Bay ushered in the greatest tragedy in history . In order to carry out the anger of meteorites and launch a counterattack against mankind, countless sea people and cannon fodder died on the desert land, and the tribal forces were weakened to the limit . Yesterday"s retreat was expected to withdraw from the war and find a small island to devour and nourish themselves, But I didn"t expect that the human counterattack was so fierce that we found the key of the tribe and launched a fierce attack .

Only a few hundred sea birds were lost under the attack of air force and meow . The artillery battalion under Yang Ke"er"s command didn"t waste any sh.e.l.ls . They all hit the key points of the sea people . The water spray from the sh.e.l.ls crushed the sea people alive on the sea, and the main battle tanks tilted the high explosive sh.e.l.ls among the sea people who couldn"t advance or retreat on the land, Instead, the infantry became spectators . The battle between the sky and the sea is the main theme of the battlefield, but the battle on the land is just a ma.s.sacre . The whole dilapidated buildings of Darwin harbor have been razed to the ground . The blood of the sea people drenches the scorching land . When the battle on the ground comes to an end, 94 saber armers arrive unexpectedly, and the fierce saber armers like death sweep through any life they encounter like a storm, Both the living sea animals and the remaining sea people are smashed under their sharp swords, which can even split rocks, not to mention flesh and blood? In the end, the last bit of steel and cement left on the ground was flattened by the crazy knife arm worm .

When the sea people on the ground were exterminated, the scalpel armyworms spread their wings and rushed to the sky at the same time, shuttling through countless water lines and ice spears . The shameful and brave air brigade fought hard and rushed to the front position of the armored forces to command the scalpel armyworms . Their control range was only one kilometer . Once more than one kilometer, the scalpel armyworms could not find their owners and lost, Under the command of their constant approach, the battle situation in the sky suddenly became clear . The mutant sea bird couldn"t stop the naturally winged arm worm, and the sea bird fell apart in the air, spilling scarlet blood and internal organs .

The killing of sea animals is still going on . The dazzling laser main gun can easily shoot through the three-level mutant sea animals below . A large amount of sea water is evaporated by the laser, scattered with fog, and then scattered by the water wave of explosion . Just when a large number of sea animals can"t bear it and are ready to break off the red algae and escape or fight for their lives, Five waiting empty boats flew to the top of the monster"s head, throwing metal b.a.l.l.s one by one .

The metal spheres fall into the water one after another, making a roar like thunder . They spread on the land in a stuffy way . The water column stirs up the turbulent sea water, which is like overturning the river and the sea . Thousands of sea people hiding under the water turn up one after another and float on the sea . How can they fight with the sea people without sonic booms?

The battle in the sky stopped, and all the sea birds died . Layers of blood colored foam floated on the Red Sea, and the surging sea water washed almost several meters of blood foam onto the land, leaving piles of corpses and debris . In the gradually dissipated smoke, Darwin Harbor was resurfaced in the eyes of the public, under the magnifying effect of aiming, The soldiers couldn"t find anything symbolic, whether it was the remains of houses or the blackened trees, only the same bodies .

The smell of gunpowder in the air is far less intense than the smell of blood . Soldiers who had been used to this smell could not bear it at this time . A large number of sea people were slaughtered, and the smell of blood was enough to spread for tens of kilometers in an instant, forming a nightmare place . Not long ago, the troops set out again and headed for Darwin harbor, which was swept by the knife arm insects, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw the insect control team that had already arrived at the seaside . This insect control team of more than 90 people was sitting on the b.l.o.o.d.y corpse pile without any image, soaking their feet in the blood and internal organs . Around them, the scarred arm worm was born . When he opened his eyes, he saw that the human arm worm was not as wild as before, and it was lying next to its owner, Devouring the cyan.o.bacteria fed to them by their master .

There are thousands of corpses on the land, and the corpses in the sea almost cover the sea surface . Countless corpses float in the sea like water plants, among which there are mutant animals with hill like body shape . The mutant animals here are more fish like, suitable for swimming in the water, but not suitable for landing . Most of them are killed by giant guns, and there are no scars on their bodies, Only the nose and mouth shed scarlet blood .

As Zhang Xiaoqiang waited in silence, huge b.l.o.o.d.y bubbles rose up again under the water, and then little Lori"s fierce beast broke through the water and rushed out . The fierce beast like big guy was flying over the sea like a dragonfly . In a few blinks, he jumped to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s side, holding two high-level kraya with two meters in his hands, followed by Xiang Hai"er, Xiang Hai"er doesn"t have the habit of wearing clothes in the water . As soon as she rises, she buries her body in the water, raises her arm and throws something at Zhang Xiaoqiang< br>