Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2342: 2342

Chapter 2342: 2342

The first expeditionary team of the Hai people was completely annihilated on the northern coast . The stench of decaying corpses stretched for hundreds of miles . In the process of countless people cutting down the red algae forest day and night, there was only a huge floating platform left . Then it was burned by incendiary bombs . The flames burned continuously for more than a week, burning up more than 100 kilometers of red algae with their roots, When the floating ashes such as volcanic ash shrouded half of the northern region, the sea offensive around the world had a new change .

As an island country, Britain was faced with the same situation as Australia . Originally, it survived under the attack of the new era . In order to consolidate its power, the house of Lords drove Sophia away, resulting in the division of the main force . Although the upper Council cheated the people at the bottom, they could not hide their soldiers . When Sophia, who had always been famous in the army, left, he took away half of his followers, We also reached an understanding with Lieutenant Colonel Byron that the fortress of gibraltarian, far away from Britain, has long lost its glory, leaving only the name of gibraltarian . However, after hundreds of years of operation in Britain, the fortress is not just a simple fortification, but a whole mountain and a 16 km tunnel in the mountain . You should know that the coastline of gibraltarian is only 12 km, The average area is 6 . 5km .

That is to say, the whole rock mountain of gibraltarian is a fortress . Although the British troops withdrew, the ownership was not returned to Spain . The equipment and materials inside were just sealed up . Sophia, who has the highest authority in Britain, knew what was inside and how to enter . When she took nearly a thousand evolutionists to garrison in gibraltarian and began to eliminate tens of thousands of zombies there, Britain fell .

The cities recaptured by the British were occupied by countless sea people . As before, the survivors hid in the mountains and relied on underground bases to survive . The hard-working gathering places were destroyed, and the food producing areas were also conquered by the sea people . The British did not even have the right to breathe fresh air on the ground . At this time, the authority of the house of Lords was overthrown by angry civilians, And the first response is their confidants .

The last pride of the British collapsed under the attack of the sea people . No one can defeat the sea people"s mutant sea animals . All the evolutionists Miss Sophia . Only strong people like Sophia can guard them and build a pure land . Compared with Britain, the new era is much better . The focus of the new era is not on the elimination of zombies, Instead, we should start from the overall situation, lay chess pieces all over the world, create a big environment, and finally find the fatal point of zombies and fight back .

There is nothing wrong with the new era"s approach . In the big environment, they are the first to seize the initiative, gather the evolutionists, revive the scientific and technological civilization, and rely on the power of the whole world to clean up the zombies . However, their luck is not very good . In addition to the headquarters of the new era, the power of other regions has been exhausted, which has also seriously weakened the strength of the new era, but they have a rich foundation, At least they didn"t suffer too much when they were plundering .

In the new era without too much loss, there was no big action . The speaker of Parliament Kluger gave an order to close up the defense line . He abandoned all the coastal areas and contracted them near the Alps, and built a defense system with this as the center . He stood in the mountains of Europe, started from the Mediterranean coast near nice in the southeast of France in the west, and extended in an arc to the north and East, It pa.s.ses through northern Italy, southern Switzerland, Lichtenstein, southwest Germany and ends in Vienna basin of Austria in the East . The total area is about 220000 square kilometers, about 1200 kilometers long, 120-200 kilometers wide, wide in the East and narrow in the west, with an average alt.i.tude of about 3000 meters .

Complex terrain, steep mountains, and many surrounding countries and cities are the best hiding places . Under the construction of human beings regardless of cost, settlements and factories of 220000 square kilometers of the Alps have been carefully constructed, including new frigate factories, various types of UAV factories, and the original kite Eagle frigate factories, Because of this, the pressure of the new era is not serious . The giant lotus leaves that occasionally float in the sky are smashed under the bombardment of supernova bombs . Compared with other countries, the Alps have become a pure land . Here, they hibernate silently, acc.u.mulate strength, and wait for a fatal blow to the sea people who come ash.o.r.e .

But no one knows that Kluger"s mind is not on the Hai nationality, but on the blood research project of allogeneic variants . Allogeneic variants are the key to human longevity gene . As long as he can become a allogeneic variant, he may not only have a life span of hundreds of years, but also get the power of allogeneic variants, which makes him immersed in the illusion of immortality .

In this case, the former ambitious new era converged and gradually faded out of the front line of the battle between human beings and the sea people .

At the same time, genesis and the United States reached a strategic alliance after the war and took the initiative to eliminate the giant lotus leaf . At last, the United States recovered the most mysterious air base and obtained the highest level of confidentiality before the end of the world, the "dawn G.o.ddess" hypersonic strategic reconnaissance aircraft . The dawn G.o.ddess is the highest flying and fastest atmospheric aircraft in human history, The maximum speed is six times the factor, and the climbing limit is nearly 40000 meters, which is equivalent to flying at an alt.i.tude of 40 kilometers above the ground . No air defense missile or aircraft can shoot down . It is also the trump aircraft of the United States to collect intelligence .

With the dawn G.o.ddess and the military satellite, the Americans have a panoramic view of the giant lotus leaves and red algae scattered all over the world . Within a week, hundreds of giant lotus leaves were shot down by the Americans and genesis . At this time, the American cards were also exposed to the world, and the most elite air force finally appeared, Different from the continuous development of variant materials in the new era and China, Americans always focus on their former wealth . Many first-line fighters are waiting for decay in the hangar, which is a shameful waste for the United States with huge investment . However, both F22 Raptor and F35 need the services of professional pilots and experienced aircrew . Just like the F22, it takes 30 hours of maintenance to fly an hour . Before the end of the world, the air force is in a mess, let alone after the end of the world? A large number of experienced pilots and aircrew have become zombies because of their age . Most of the survivors are young people who don"t know anything . If they want to form combat effectiveness, they must be cultivated . The reason why they have been deadlocked with genesis over the years is that Americans believe that only the air force can expand its wings again can we win the final victory .

With the aircraft, Flander"s beast soldiers are no longer valued . The beast soldiers need to be modulated by human beings . No matter how many human beings there are, they can"t match the Shanghai people . Moreover, the modulation costs a lot of human and material resources . In this case, Flander is marginalized and forgotten in the research inst.i.tute with the 302 half dead sea people he found .

Compared with Australia"s defensive counterattack, the Americans tried to take the initiative to sweep away the giant lotus leaves in North and South America, and began to attack the red algae close to America . For a time, there are two places in the world where the sea people are most concentrated, one is Australia in the South Pacific Ocean, and the other is the United States between the two oceans .

At this time, apart from sending a large number of transport troops to Australia to send food and water, China did not send reinforcements again . On the contrary, China started unprecedented construction . In addition to several food centers, China concentrated its population as much as possible to create a variety of plant planting bases and factories, pearl tears and sun bamboo, In addition, w.a.n.g Le"s a.r.s.enal and Yinmeng"s and Sichuan"s military enterprises have completed the preliminary integration to strengthen the military technology and mechanical equipment of the three parties and divide their respective priorities, Airship transport team plays an irreplaceable role .

Venus"s airship team has 72 giant airships . With the continuous improvement of technology and new materials, airships not only increase the carrying limit and transport speed, but also reduce the airship"s air bag . The previous generation airships were very large . Although they used expensive inert gas, they were still unsafe, Now we use the phytoplankton gas named aerospore, which has a third higher buoyancy than inert gas . We use multi-layer inner airbag to reduce the area and improve the use s.p.a.ce . We can transport 100 fully armed soldiers while transporting goods . Inside the huge airbag is the pa.s.senger"s seat .

The airship uses the hybrid propulsion device of oil and electricity, and uses the purified oil of Phyllostachys praec.o.x and red algae as fuel . This kind of high-efficiency fuel not only has unimaginable high efficiency, but also has the advantages of small volume and large energy, which reduces the weight shackles of the airship itself on the fuel, so as to improve the efficiency . This kind of improvement not only appears on the airship, but also on a few aircrafts of Huaxia Renaissance, The efficiency of the fuel with full fuel tank is ten times that of the previous fuel . If we don"t worry about the loss of the engine running for a long time, even if we go around the earth, there will be no problem . The dead time and combat radius will be doubled .

With a good foundation, China"s blowout development momentum has broken out, a large number of previously inaccessible areas have been cleared out, the combat effectiveness of the army has been fully released, and there is no need to worry about oil reserves . We have opened our hands and feet to clean up the towns along the highway, and the evolutors have also received a large number of protective clothing made of mutated animal leather, Weapons made of the claws and teeth of various sharp mutant animals . With these things, even higher zombies have the power of World War I .

Because raw material production areas have been recovered, the efficiency of the ordnance factory has also been improved like an explosion . 80% of the manpower and productivity of the whole Chinese Renaissance have been transformed into ordnance productivity . A steady stream of guns and ammunition have been taken off the a.s.sembly line . Armored vehicles and cross-country military vehicles have been delivered to the army, and even small reconnaissance helicopters have been manufactured in large quant.i.ties, The Chinese who got the engine technology of the new era imitated the samples in the shortest time and tried to produce the heart of the future air force . Before the production was formed, a large number of luxury sports car engines parked in the villa garage were dismantled . These high-performance engines with a speed of more than 20000 RPM were installed on the simple helicopter, but they complement each other, Almost every day, more than three crude helicopters are manufactured in Huaxia Renaissance . The bullet proof effect of this kind of small helicopter, which is made of iron wire rattan and coated with pearl tears coating, is almost comparable to that of armored vehicles .

A large number of parallel cargo pilots flew into the sky under the guidance of the pilots of the mourners" Helicopter Squadron . There was no air command information platform, no search radar, and no remote communication device . Only the super castrated helicopter modified with anti-aircraft machine gun and 200 rounds bullet chain became the main search force . While they were driving the plane, they were searching the ground with telescopes, To find out the survivors and factory warehouses hidden around .

With more than 100 helicopters, many of the information missed by the satellite reconnaissance system is gathered in the intelligence centers of the Renaissance army, so that they can know the surrounding zombies like the palm of their hands, and make great contributions to the general army"s efforts to eliminate the main force of zombies . As more and more survivors are found, more and more cities are recovered, A large number of survivors who like to fight alone join the hunter troops and find countless materials to exchange for revival coins and weapons and equipment from the army . These materials become the guarantee of the combat effectiveness of the army and the reward of the civilians in the rear . A new economic model is launched in the rear . The administrative units use the materials for the welfare of ordinary people, and ordinary people use these materials to trade with each other, People with flexible mind began to acc.u.mulate primitive, and the successful people exchanged f.u.xing coin for evolutionary matrix and expensive precious plants and mutated animal meat to improve their physique . Even if they didn"t need to be hunters, they could become evolutionists . In this case, the evolution of the whole nation started spontaneously . The evolutionists are no longer the existence that ordinary people look up to, but the goal they strive for . The Ministry of administration has also introduced reward measures for outstanding talents, and the promotion of safety to evolutionists has become one of the rewards . Although the conditions are very harsh, it also gives ordinary people hope . So when Zhang Xiaoqiang was fighting in Australia, At a time when the whole world was shaking in the shadow of the sea people, China finally changed from a conservative defense policy to an era of great development . In this era, countless people found opportunities, and countless people became mediocre from then on< br>