Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2355: 2355

Chapter 2355: 2355

Jianzhan and Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t work together . There was more than one red algae that could besiege one third of the eastern coastline at the same time . The three red algae meant that the eastern coastline was under three times the pressure of the northern region . If the eastern coastline were not densely populated areas, the sea people would have broken through the city and entered the inland . The previous defense was that there were Z-shaped zombies spontaneously organizing against the sea people, The zombies in several cities formed a whole, and scattered around the Hai people . They learned from the failure of the war in the northern region . The Hai people used artificial rainfall in the eastern region, and used a lot of rain to strengthen the combat effectiveness of the mutant creatures and the Hai people . Therefore, compared with the northern region, the fighting here was more fierce, if it was for human resistance, Maybe in three days we"ll get through the line .

A week"s stalemate has contributed a lot to Xuefeng"s success . If it goes on like this, the annihilation of the Hai people is just around the corner, but Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t want to wait . Even if there are countless stubbles left in the annihilation, the more the Hai people are, the more they can rely on the zombies to resist . What kind of resistance can they use after the zombies are dead? We must solve the battle ahead of time, so that the zombies controlled by Xuefeng can all evolve to type 3 or above . This is the trump card to fight against the Hai nationality .

Jianzhan and three puppet teams go to eliminate kelaya, who is left behind by red algae, and blow up the core of kelaya by the way . Zhang Xiaoqiang and Zhuo Mingyue go to the place where kelaya launches the tornado to seize the meteorite fragments . He believes that as long as high-level kelaya is solved, he can sweep the sea people on land, and the heavy rain perfectly hides the helicopter"s body, It"s flying fast over the city .

The heavy rain blocked the sight, and even the camera couldn"t see the city clearly . Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t have this problem . Countless raindrops were not continuous . Through the slowly falling raindrops, he could see everything below . Countless zombies formed a huge and loose encirclement to encircle the Haizu in the city . On the streets of the city, the narrow environment restricted the Haizu, Almost every street is full of sea people fighting with the zombies . The shining ice spears fall down on the zombies like raindrops . Almost none of them are lost, all of them are shot on the zombies .

The biggest characteristic of zombies is that they have a long life . As long as they don"t hit the skull, they won"t die . Many zombies are full of ice spears, and they are still rushing forward like hedgehogs . Every time they catch one of the sea people, they will bite and pounce . One zombie may not be the opponent of one of the sea people, but if ten or 100 zombies are caught and bitten, any sea people may be spared, In just a few minutes, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw hundreds of sea people being eaten by zombies, and thousands of zombies falling down by ice spear waterline .

There are also a large number of high-level species between the zombies and the sea people . Many buildings collapsed into debris under the impact of giant sea animals . A fast S4 zombie is like a fly staring at the feces . Once the giant beast is targeted, it will never have a chance to throw off . Those fast S4 zombies are not just as painless and itchy as flies, But he is the king of h.e.l.l who eats meat and drinks blood . His sharp claw blade grasps his head and feet . Once he finds the skin that can be cut by his claws, it"s like a mosquito that doesn"t let go of the blood . After smelling the blood, the zombies go crazy and expand the wound one after another .

For the giant"s body shape, even if the wounds are big enough to get into people, they are just small wounds, but these small wounds can kill the giant . One S4 zombie gets into the skin to eat meat and drink blood until their stomachs are swollen like pregnant women . More S3 zombies are attracted by the blood of high-level mutant animals, and hundreds of them go in, Just like countless maggots hollowing out the giant from the inside, in this case, even if the giant can trample thousands of zombies, it will have to fall down in the devouring of these small things .

Looking around, the huge corpses are all over the city . Even some S-shaped zombies have a strong taste . They only eat fresh mutant animals and ignore the dead . In addition to zombies, there are many high-rise buildings on the roof occupied by human beings, all of which are small troops sent to the roof by helicopter, including Chinese soldiers and Australian soldiers, These soldiers sent first-hand information back to the command center through various equipment to observe the battlefield . It was with their a.s.sistance that Xuefeng could appear when she needed it most, control the zombies and mend the leaks .

The following battle pa.s.ses in a flash, and the helicopter is on the sea . Zhang Xiaoqiang closes his eyes to nourish his spirit . The encirclement and suppression of the Hai people has entered the rhythm, and the whole situation is under control . When these Hai people collapse, the type 3 zombies in Xuefeng"s hands will at least be doubled . By that time, the Hai people will have to shed hundreds of tons more blood .

There are also many sea people on the sea . They are like ducks huddled in a pond . Among them, many bodies were killed by the extended range sh.e.l.ls of the artillery regiment . Life is the most precious and the cheapest in the end . Countless lives are dying off on the east coast . In the future, many lives will be destroyed in Australia .

Huge waterspouts line up on the sea surface tens of kilometers away . The waterspouts up to 1000 kilometers will roll hundreds of tons of sea water into the sky and dissipate . The dissipated sea water does not fall into the sea again . Instead, it turns into water molecules and melts into the thick dark clouds in the sky . Under the overcast clouds, the sky is dark, and the ocean is dark . There is a huge waterspout in the middle, I can"t tell which is the sky and which is the sea . Tens of kilometers away, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw countless sea people floating on the sea beside the huge whirlpool under the water tornado to worship . Each whirlpool has kraya, and the higher kraya is on the edge of the bigger whirlpool . There are three largest whirlpools, nearly 100 kilometers apart, each of which is as thick as a water wall for several kilometers . That is to say, you can only see them clearly in the distance . If you go near, you can see them clearly, I"m afraid I can"t find the head and tail like a blind man touching an elephant .

Seeing the three huge whirlpools, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes narrowed slightly, and his palms touched the serrated dagger . Seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang preparing for the battle, Xiao Feifei consciously got up and went to the back of the shark hunting helicopter . Soon, the three meter tall human beast with serrated dagger came to Zhang Xiaoqiang and sat down . Zhuo Mingyue lifted her hair and fastened her collar, Take out the leg bone Scepter inlaid with multi edge Ruby and hold it in her hand . Sitting beside her, Xiang Hai"er"s pocket skull hangs in the air, floating in her heart, just like a magic ball .

"Feifei, you don"t have to worry about anything in a moment . You can kill as much as you can . . . "

"Mingyue, you take xianghai"er into action . Xianghai"er is not afraid of the red light . Once xianghai"er is close to the Holy Spirit bone, you will clear the surrounding Hai people and try not to give other Hai people any chance to reinforce them . "

"Pilot lieutenant, I"ll be near the nearest big whirlpool in a moment and pour out all the firepower . Go out, use as much as you have, and retreat after firing ammunition . . . "

The speed of the helicopter is not slow . The speed of the helicopter is 150 kilometers per hour, and it will reach the vortex in 15 minutes . Zhang Xiaoqiang is ready for a tough battle and plans to go on . Unfortunately, the three vortices are too far away . They may attack any one together, but they can"t separate, And if they kill any higher kraya who has holy spirit bones, they will scare the snake . That"s why they split up with the sword choppers and blow up kraya"s nest . At least they can take the initiative .

"Gone . . . " At the moment when the engine room door was opened, countless raindrops of soybean size rushed into the engine room . Zhuo Mingyue drank, rolled up and three people fell down together .

At the same time, three underwater torpedo launchers fell into the sea at the same time, curling big waves . At the next moment, countless puppet soldiers jumped out of helicopters to strangle the surrounding sea people . There were not many sea people left around the boundless red algae . One sonic boom exploded tens of meters high water columns on the sea surface, and each water column startled hundreds of sea people floating on the sponge, When the three torpedo boats started, a long-range missile across the sky fell into the middle of the red algae . The red algae hundreds of kilometers apart burst into huge fireb.a.l.l.s and smoke at the same time . Patches of red trees burned and fell down . The frequency of missile launching increased with time .

Each of the surface to surface missiles is more than one ton . The blast wave is like the awesome storm that sweeps the red trees . Australia is not allowed to have more red algae . In order to destroy the nest of the sea, Australia has brought out all the treasure at the bottom of the barn . These missiles are much more powerful than the 155 millimeter sh.e.l.ls, and most of them are underwater explosions . In this way, the red alga suffered a huge blow . It had broken its roots and was pulled over . Now it began to split under the huge vibration of waves .

There was a lot of excitement on the sea, and it was not bad underwater . Three puppet teams surrounded by underwater torpedo launchers swept everything . On the way forward, they broke huge roots . There were puppet soldiers who were still fighting back to kraya even before they died, and underwater knife fish exploded around kraya, There were hundreds of blades flying through the net, and many claya were cut into pieces by breaking the protective cover under the impact of the blades .

The roots suspended under the sea are like floating islands, which are mixed with countless corpses, and countless bright floating blades . One after another, brilliant blue flames are burning under the water, which make the sea shine like ghosts . The fire light of the shuttle torpedo explosion appears and disappears, and countless red algae fragments roll in the water, and the shock wave shoots these fragments around like sh.e.l.ls, Finally, the high-level kraya who stayed in the core turned into nothingness in the light of the fire . Just at the moment of the final collapse of the defense, dozens of remaining puppet soldiers rushed to the core area one after another and placed the new time bomb in the backpack on the scaffolds of red algae . When countless sea people supported from all directions to encircle the core area again, The puppet soldiers and the sea people gathered together to turn into .

Under the sky, the three giant red algae ignited countless black smoke . The moment the missile stopped, the three red algae had a huge shock . From the core began to collapse and split, to the end, the whole red algae scattered into carpet like floating objects . The turbulent sea water scattered and aggregated these floating objects, and finally floated away with the ocean current .

The huge water tornado falls down like a collapsed chimney, and a hundred meter high wave is suspended in the sea . This huge wave is like a crazy beast, throwing countless sea people into the sky . The undulating waves destroy the surrounding water tornadoes, and more spray is aroused . Countless water waves are like the rotating spray in a drum washing machine, This water spray magnified by tens of millions of times has earth shaking power . Tens of thousands of sea people are rolled up into the air or pressed into the sea floor, and waves of waves stretch around in the past .

When the waves swept over the sea for tens of kilometers and finally hit the coastline, the huge docks and countless decadent containers were submerged by the tsunami, more sea people flew tens of meters away and heavily hit the concrete wall like a table tennis ball, and a huge sea rolling in the waves howled and crashed into the hard building, The collapsed power poles and lamp posts overturned and smashed the bones of countless sea people . Tens of millions of tons of sea water were involved in the city, which scattered countless sea people and swept away countless zombies . Previously, the battlefield where more than 100000 sea people and millions of zombies were all immersed in the sea water . Countless S-shaped zombies climbed on the buildings and left the surging sea water under them . Just at this time, a helicopter picked up the observers and climbed into the sky, Leaving behind a bunch of cameras to keep an eye on the city .

Zhuo Mingyue"s face turns pale and flies to the city . Under her, Feifei"s fierce human beast is carrying the unconscious Zhang Xiaoqiang on the wave . Xianghai"er floats on the tip of the wave with her pocket skull, driving waves to send her to the land . But this time, the spoils are held by Feifei, which is a Holy Ghost bone with three skulls< br>