Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2366: 2366

Chapter 2366: 2366

The whole Pacific Ocean lost its dawn the next day . When the nuclear weapon exploded in the air, the fireball touched the sea surface, the red algae, the sea people, and the sea water were all vaporized, and the mushroom cloud was brought to the sky . During the rising process of the fireball and smoke, the surrounding air was sucked to the explosion center, and the dust was further involved in the smoke cloud . The smoke cloud was blown away by the wind, Some larger dust gradually drops to the sea surface to radiate radiation, while those fine dust will float in the air for a long time . The light radiation will cause a fire in the red algal forest which has not yet vaporized . In the process of rising, the thick smoke generated by the fire will inevitably meet with the floating dust, so that it will rotate around the earth with the westerly belt, And continuously spread to the south, finally forming a diffuse in the whole s.p.a.ce of the shelter layer .

This shielding layer is the nuclear winter that everyone changed color before the end of the world . A large amount of dust after explosion injected into the atmosphere with the rising mushroom cloud, forming a stratosphere composed of countless dust, absorbing the light of the sun, making the temperature of the ground continue to drop . In this irreversible process, the whole world fell into darkness, and the Americans lost their calculation . According to the prediction before the end of the world, In order to form a long nuclear winter, it is necessary to detonate 5 billion equivalent nuclear bombs . According to their idea, the total amount detonated by more than 100 nuclear bombs is only a little more than 100 million equivalent, which may cause great damage to the natural environment, but it is far less than the standard of destroying the world . However, they forget that red algae itself is a plant containing high-energy substances, After the red algae were ignited, it was equivalent to burning billions of tons of oil?

After the nuclear explosion, there will be no more daytime . Both the United States and Australia are in boundless darkness . The other side of the earth is a little better and a little brighter, but it can only see less than 100 meters away . During this period, the whole world is silent . Satellite communication is also affected by the ubiquitous nuclear radiation, intermittent, On the contrary, Britain seized the opportunity to migrate to the Arctic crazily when the sea people were silent . In a month, it migrated 20000 people to the Arctic by various means . With the seeds of 20000 people, Britain did not have the crisis of extinction for the time being .

This month, liuya of the University of Australia is also changing . After Kluger"s double arrived in Australia, he showed his face for a short time and then disappeared forever . Regel also disappeared . However, various departments in Australia have ushered in the biggest clean-up in history . The Germans and Westerners who were left in various departments before have almost been cleaned up, Nominally, they support a.s.sad"s rebellion .

In the process of cleansing, the new era intentionally or unintentionally promoted the Chinese people . In name, it was a gesture of goodwill to China"s defense line . In fact, it was the completion of the handover of the Australian regime . Inadvertently, Australia had become an overseas colony of China"s rejuvenation . In the new era, Zhang Xiaoqiang did not intervene in the clean-up of Australia"s management system, He has never thought of accepting Liu Ya from Australia into China"s system . This is not only a matter of distance . China alone needs decades of Chinese Renaissance to clean up . There is also a free Russia . It can be said that as long as he wants, China"s territory can be tripled in an instant . In the new era, he is really making friends with Zhang Xiaoqiang under the guidance of Kluger, We hope to make up for the losses caused to China before . There are no absolute friends or enemies . In the face of interests, the country and prejudice are irrelevant .

Whether Zhang Xiaoqiang wants it or not, Australia is already his . In the new era, he took all the helicopters and kites, as well as the 20000 tons of red algae that will be delivered in the future, and returned to the European headquarters . As for the population and territory, China is responsible for all of them . At the same time, it also gives Zhang Xiaoqiang a headache, Because of the 1 . 3 million Chinese people in Australia and other ethnic groups, he will be responsible for more than 2 million people . The temperature of nuclear winter has become extremely abnormal . The average temperature has dropped by 15 degrees, while the temperature in the Pacific Ocean has dropped by more than 30 degrees . The food and clothing expenses of millions of people are like shackles that bind Zhang Xiaoqiang tightly, If there were not too many mutant carca.s.ses on the east coast that day, no one would know how long these millions of people would last .

After the arrival of the blood Phoenix, Australia, where millions of people live, has completely got rid of the threat of zombies, which is not good news for them . There is no day, the temperature is lower, the food is tight, and the political situation is changing, which makes most people panic . There are few human activities on the ground except for the transport motorcade, Before the harvest, the large-scale makers could not get the sunlight, and gradually withered and died .

In the past, the bustling new city fell into a silent dead night . Only when they went to work did the street lights light up . The survivors wore thick clothes and walked into the factory like ghosts under the dim street lights . Only in the factory could they feel the light and heat . The cold nuclear winter did not let the survivors stay at home waiting for relief, Zhang Xiaoqiang is not prepared to let them idle .

Whether it is Australia or China, it is still in the frenzied preparation for war . On the growth line, a steady stream of stereotyped thunderstorm rifles come down the production line to equip troops, smelting center, Australian high-grade ore is melted into steel and poured into the shape of sh.e.l.ls, and in the military factory, tens of millions of bullets and rockets are produced night after night . In the tallest building of the new city, Zhang Xiaoqiang and kesailer stand on the balcony and watch the pedestrians who wrap themselves in the street silent . Regel takes two virus sera with the two divinities to the headquarters of Europe, and gives the whole of Australia to Zhang Xiaoqiang, while Zhang Xiaoqiang gives it to kesailer . Kesailer can ensure the normal operation of Australia in the chaos .

"The satellite detected that the number of sky dancers over the Hawaiian sea area has not decreased, of course, it has not increased any more . The number has remained at about 10000, and there is no trend of proliferation around the Hawaiian sea area . If we are more careful, we should be able to bypa.s.s it, so that we can get through the air route to the United States . . . "

Seeing the survivors who are no longer alive in the past, Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t help but tell us the bad news . The Americans created a nuclear winter, but the red algae in the Hawaiian waters were not destroyed . The whole world calmed down in the dark, but it also caused great trouble to mankind . Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t know that under the nuclear winter, the red algae in the Hawaiian waters were not destroyed, What are the survivors going to do when they walk in the wild or underground .

"The Americans have news?" Kessler was stunned . Since he disappeared in the daytime, there has been no news from the Americans . I"m afraid the Americans themselves know that they are in big trouble and dare not show up again .

"No, I think they are also in a mess . Although the United States has a large amount of oil reserves, it can"t compete with red algae . If we didn"t have millions of tons of red algae to provide electricity, I"m afraid at least one tenth of millions of people would not be able to survive . Didn"t they promise to give us cannonball factories before? This time, it should be cashed in, right? "

Zhang Xiaoqiang is concerned about the family business of the Americans . The US military base in Singapore does not have much ammunition in reserve, most of which are oil and equipment accessories . Zhang Xiaoqiang does not need these things . Australia"s military industry system is so poor that the output of large caliber heavy artillery has not been increased . Almost all of the three million people are surrounded by the military industry system, and there are not many big guns off the production line, There is also the problem of ammunition . Australia does not lack the resources to manufacture sh.e.l.ls, but the equipment to process sh.e.l.ls .

"I don"t know how long this war will last . The British and the Russians are out . If Regel goes well, the new era will also be out . Only the United States, genesis and China are left . "

Kessler couldn"t help sighing . He felt a little gloomy . After the end of the world, his career was to serve the new era . At the beginning, the new era was just a loose organization . Under the leadership of Delia, it gradually grew into a giant dominating several continents . Then he watched the giant split, weak and destroyed, In the heart is not reconciled, can not reconcile again how? His name is a traitor in the new era . It"s a good thing that it doesn"t appear . Once it appears, it"s the time when he dies .

"Even if all the red algae are destroyed and all the sea people are killed, they may not win . The root is the meteorite . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang knows where the focus of the battle is, but it"s not easy to kill that meteorite? The sea has never been in the hands of human beings . Now the Pacific sky is also not in the hands of human beings . If you can"t even see it, you will be inundated by countless sea people . Pa.s.sive defense has always been a helpless move, but it"s even more difficult to win the battle .

"According to physicists, the nuclear winter is weakening, there are still two months left for the night to disappear, and we still have two months to prepare . . . " Kesailer didn"t know what to say . Thinking of the news he had received, he told Zhang Xiaoqiang, which was a good news in advance .

"It means that two months later, the d.a.m.ned meteorite is ready to launch the most crazy revenge . The last new era angered it, and the sea people besieged it . Now the Americans angered it, what will it be?" Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t think this is good news . Two months is not a long time . In the dark nuclear winter, human beings and Haizu are not the same starting line .

"By the way, Mr . Huang Quan and Mr . ishiharano have all sent messages . They need as much explosives as possible . Can the transport team transport them from China next time? All the explosives in Australia will be used to produce sh.e.l.ls . . . " Kesailer thought of something and proposed to Zhang Xiaoqiang . Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t deny it . Both huangquan and ishiharano are the talents of the top generals . Since they ask for this, he won"t ask why . As long as they can hold their own defense line and fight for time for the rear as much as possible, they will win< br>