Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2399: 2399

Chapter 2399: 2399

The aftershock of the explosion finally dissipated . Aolong turned her bow and rushed down like a sword . All the firepower in the charge was more fierce than before . All the crew members had a fire hidden in their hearts . Huang Tingwei vividly taught them a lesson in air combat tactics . If they were on that ship, they would never be as strong as No . 1 frigate, and their firepower would be three times stronger, The lethality has not reached half of No . 1, which makes everyone"s face hot .

The sky dancers were scattered all over the Hawaiian red algae . In order to ensure the safety of the old nest, the meteorite spared no effort, resulting in a gap when the troops were annihilated . Huang Tingwei cleared the way for Aolong, and directly increased the success rate by 10 percentage points again . Aolong crossed a beautiful arc like an iron whip, The number of sky dancers flying to stop is nine times less than before .

A total of less than 3000 sky dancers formed a climbing spiral dragon, and fought against Aolong . Three thick and long laser main guns instantly pierced the Dragon Cave . I don"t know how many sky dancers were wiped out . The fierce dragon was fragmented and could not form a fierce and majestic momentum any more . This is just the beginning . 630 mechanism gun and 100 mm naval gun once again came to power, It"s like a sword formed by a stray bullet, which divides it into two parts .

Sky dancers have experienced three big explosions . Almost every one of them was injured, and no longer as fast as before . Under Yang Ke"er"s care, they fell one after another . One sky dancer who fell down was more than the one who flew to reinforce . When Aolong dropped the incendiary bomb that exploded in the air, the remaining sky dancers dropped rapidly, leaving only a few hundred .

At this time, the first phase of the operation was completed, but no one thought that at this time, the G.o.ddess of dawn sent an early warning signal to Aolong . When the meteorite was in crisis, fland, who was dormant in the United States, personally led more than a thousand planes from the west coast of the United States, all of which carried a nuclear bomb, I don"t know how fland got these nuclear bombs, but I"m sure that even if all the 1000 nuclear bombs are put into the Hawaiian sea, the meteorites hidden in the deep sea will be fine, and the new nuclear winter will be ten times harsher than before, and maybe no one on the ground will be spared .

More than 1000 planes carrying nuclear bombs are full of immovable explosive barrels . Any attack will lead to the explosion of nuclear bombs . Flanders don"t even need these nuclear bombs to explode in the waters of Hawaii . They can detonate anywhere and have an irreparable impact on the world . Mankind has just won a small victory . Flanders are like flies flying out of their stools, It stinks and flies to the last food of mankind .

Gaofeng thinks that he must have gone out without burning Gaoxiang, which leads him to so many troubles . The frigate has approached the red algae above the meteorite . On the red algae, you can see countless sea people running on the red algae tree with naked eyes . One mutant seabird flies to the frigate to meet him, The level-5 mutant bird, which had twice escaped the nuclear explosion, was like a Kunpeng spreading its wings to cover the kilometer under it . At the same time, groups of sky dancers approached the frigate from all directions every minute .

This time, the frigate did not keep any more hands . Taking the opportunity of a small number of dancers in the air, it launched all the remaining 15 carrier missiles and 16 anti-ship missiles . The target was the sea people below . According to the plan, they would blow a big hole in the sea and send Zhang Xiaoqiang and others to the sea . Before that, they would try their best to encircle and annihilate the high sea people below .

There are a lot of sea people below . Ordinary sea people, kelaya, higher kelaya, and snake maids are mixed up to guard the frigates from the sky . It seems that they are making the final resistance . At this time, 31 large equivalent missiles successively fall into the core area of the sea people with a radius of 10 kilometers . At the next moment, a full oval light ball spreads on the red algae, Thirty one spheres of light are like scattered giant pearls, expanding and fusing with each other, exploding layers of red algae fragments . The fragments flying above the sky with the air waves are burning flames, just like thousands of meteors flying backward into the sky, blooming like firetrees and silver flowers

Tens of thousands of Haizu and kelaya were shattered by the blast wave, forming a huge ring of flame spreading slowly and spreading rapidly around, Hundreds of thousands of tons of red algae trees turned into ashes and jumped into the sky . Under the devastating bombing, the Hai people didn"t even have the chance to show their faces . Under such a degree of attack, even the level 5 mutant animals may not be able to escape .

The mutated sea birds in the sky didn"t stop these missiles . They were not sky dancers . Their only mission was to attack all the creatures that offended the red algae . When the first level 5 mutated sea birds rocked up with hundreds of mutated sea birds below level 4, they rushed towards Aolong with a barrage of bullets . Neither the 30mm machine gun nor the 100mm naval gun could hurt the level 5 mutated sea birds, The only thing that can play a role is that the sea bird"s propulsion speed is delayed . Three main laser cannons, like sharp swords, chop down the level 5 sea bird, but they are dodged by the sea bird within a millimetre .

The mutant beast is different from the sky dancer . The sky dancer is like a robot programmed to achieve its goal, regardless of any loss . They will not run away or evade . Even if there is only one left, they will launch a decisive a.s.sault . The mutant beast is more intelligent, and their danger prediction can evade intuitively before danger comes, unless they are in a desperate situation, It"s extremely difficult to kill a level 5 mutant . The main laser gun was flashed, and so was the plasma gun . The variant sea bird feathers blasted by rockets and small air-to-air missiles were flying, and the giant bird was still approaching . It seemed that the 630 laser gun was about to reach the final defense circle . Instead of firing scarlet spots, it could be seen that the 630 laser gun spewed out gla.s.s like shadows, which were not fast or slow, The dense number just makes it impossible for the sea birds to pa.s.s by . Most of the hundreds of sea birds are shot, and the level 5 sea birds are taken care of from the beginning to the end .

When these black spots fell on the back of the giant bird, layers of thick green fog burst and dyed the five level sea birds into dark green . In the middle of the thick feathers, the thick green fog filled every minute of the s.p.a.ce along the gap . Under the strong wind, the feathers of the big bird melted quickly, like a smoke pipe, emitting green smoke, while the mutant sea birds were still in the air, When they rush near the Aolong, compared with the big bird, they are like a pencil headed frigate, like a lamb under a giant beast .

Level 5 sea birds are too big . If they are on the sea, they are much bigger than aircraft carriers . If they spread their wings, even three aircraft carriers can be hugged . The biggest feature of level 5 mutant animals is that they are thick skinned and rough flesh . General conventional weapons are basically ineffective . High lethal weapons will be eluded by their nature of pursuing good fortune and avoiding evil . It is often difficult to kill them .

Each claw blade is seven or eight meters long . The power of the five level mutant claw is not much to say . In countless laser circles, the engine jet of Aolong burst out the most fierce tongue of fire . Under extreme acceleration, the frigate rushed hundreds of meters away and just avoided the claw .

The frigate was in a mess . All kinds of objects tumbled and collided in the cabin . Many fragile instruments also emitted black smoke and sparks . The internal fire alarm system of the frigate was turned on for the first time, and the areas that lost light were replaced by the red emergency light, In the rolling frigate, people who fix themselves with seat belts feel that they are on the roller coaster . Many people are in despair . It"s not a good thing to roll in the air . If you don"t pay attention to it, you lose your balance . The end result is that the ship will be destroyed and people will die .

The fierce impact is not over . The impact after impact makes the frigate like a rolling ball, and the sky becomes a world of mutated sea birds . Hundreds of mutated sea groups emit dark green fog, like green shadows hovering in the air . They are too big, even if the erosion source will not be able to help them for a while, but under the erosion of the erosion source, The mutated sea birds are stimulated by great pain and become extremely irritable . Many mutated sea birds attack each other . If not, the wounded Aolong may have crashed .

Aolong is like a dewdrop hanging on the spider"s silk . No one knows when the spider"s silk will break . The lives of more than a thousand people on the ship are tied on this silk . No one knows what they should do now . Gaofeng can"t do it, and Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t either . The mutant sea birds are beyond their expectation . They didn"t expect that these mutant sea birds would still be alive after the nuclear winter, What"s more, they all hide among the red algae trees, and the sky dancers attract their attention, ignoring the birds that they thought would be eliminated .

At the same time that the big bird entangled the Aolong, thousands of old-fashioned planes from Arizona plane cemetery flew to Hawaii . In the process, Nu Wa, Queen b.u.t.terfly, Blizzard moss and Miss Rose launched a digital invasion to Flander"s aircraft . The aircraft had a very high defense system, Even the most advanced digital life can not be easily broken .

In the human counterattack, the appearance of Flanders is fatal . Long range missiles can"t blow them down . The sea people don"t have to worry about the nuclear bomb being detonated . Human beings can"t ignore it . Another point is that if the nuclear bomb is detonated, the energy provided by human beings to the digital life mainframe will be reduced by the vast majority . Even the digital life will be abandoned in the key of human life and death, They foresaw the future disaster, so they organized themselves to attack frand .

Flanders didn"t notice the invasion of digital life . The pilots of these 1000 airplanes are all meteorite worshippers . After they feel the existence and origin of meteorites through Flanders" communication, they are like believers who are searching for faith to find their own G.o.ds, for immortality, or for the rest of soul, or to thank meteorites for all kinds of benefits, They spontaneously united around frande and went through fire and water for the sake of G.o.d"s idea .

Frande had more than 500000 people under his command . He used these 500000 people to repair the hidden battle planes in the plane graveyard, B24, B25, B26, B27, B29 and other types of old bombers, as well as various medium and short-range fighters and attack planes . It was very difficult for these planes to fly into the sky, and many of them disintegrated in the air when they were half way up, It"s only an hour"s flight since it fell into the Pacific Ocean with the nuclear bomb, and almost one third of the planes have crashed .

But fland didn"t care . Even if only one plane arrived in Hawaii, it was a success . One barely flat plane broke down one after another, just like a bird with broken wings falling into the sea . From the west coast of the United States to Hawaii, debris floating on the Black Sea could be seen every few kilometers or tens of kilometers, and countless debris paved a road, The sky above the road is crossed by more planes . Fland flew to Hawaii with a group of B52 bombers . His cabin was decorated like a golden palace . Unfortunately, his const.i.tution was not interested in human food . Except for the red beads of red algae, any food in his mouth was as rough as wood, and he was not used to the top red wine and cigar of human, This made Frand, who was used to enjoying himself, feel a little sorry, but it was nothing to his long life . As long as he could live, he could always find some fun, just like his human beings, who could support several kings and let them kill each other in the name of Jihad before the American continent was engulfed by red algae, Like G.o.d, watching human beings fighting in his name, I feel shivering when I think about it .

Frande knew that meteorite was intelligent . When the meteorite was attacked by Aolong, he realized that there was no military strength and called the sea people around the world to come back . This was the nature of meteorite, and frande could not disobey it . But he was calculating in his heart, if he stopped Aolong this time, would the meteorite make him a step further, becoming a six armed or ancestor Snake Girl, If so, maybe he will have a chance to control the rights of the whole Haizu . At that time .

In his imagination, the wings of a B29 bomber flying parallel out of the window suddenly emit thick smoke, slowly change its direction, incline and fall down . Seeing the falling plane, Flander smiles . Although he has seen such an accident dozens of times, every time he sees it, it always gives him special excitement . He is like an emperor in charge of life and death, All people must die for his will, and this right to control life and death fascinates him .

Outside the windows, there are swarms of airplanes in all directions . Countless airplanes are flying in random formations in the sky . There are airplanes everywhere . Above, below, left and right are all coded swarms, just like locusts . Some airplanes are too close to each other, less than 10 meters apart . Looking at them, they look like conjoined babies, but this distance is dangerous, Even thousands of old pilots who have lost their flying experience dare not fly like this for a long time, let alone the rookies who are full of G.o.ds . Before they get on the plane, they simulate flying for half an hour at most . Many planes can"t even leave the runway, and there are no fewer people who rush out of the runway and explode .

It"s not just that the planes fall apart or break down . Many planes crash into each other too close . Seeing two planes collide and burst fireb.a.l.l.s, the scattered debris will shoot down more planes . Frande yells happily . But behind him, two beautiful girls stand behind him like puppets . They are brainwashed, He didn"t care about anything except G.o.d, and watched his fellow creatures turn into fireb.a.l.l.s in the air without any emotional change .

Frande yells happily, but digital life is stepping up its efforts to break the control of airplanes . Only some of these airplanes can be cracked . Many old airplanes have no set procedures or electronic equipment . Mechanical operation makes digital life difficult . They can"t make a fuss . Once frande is startled, they may detonate these nuclear bombs in advance, Although the number of aircraft is only half of that before take-off, there is enough left for Aolong and human beings to destroy .

Nuwa"s underground computer room is the backup shelter for all digital life . Under Zhang Xiaoqiang"s command, the other three sets of quantum computer systems are being built . Although they are not as powerful as the original host computer of digital life, they can live in the worst case . Both Nuwa and the three digital lives have the ability to incarnate tens of millions, while invading the plane through satellite network thousands of miles away, While exchanging data in underground bases, they want to find a perfect way, but as time goes by, they still can"t find the best way . Even if they do their best, they can only control half of the aircraft . Other means have gone beyond the scope of digital life .

"Maybe it"s only here . We can"t do anything . We thought we were the peak in the history of evolution . We were omnipotent . We didn"t expect that we were vulnerable too . " Miss Rose was the first to give up .

"I can control frand"s plane . His plane is equipped with a computer . Unfortunately, there is no nuclear bomb on the plane . Otherwise, I will detonate his plane . The question now is whether he can be prevented from starting the nuclear bomb before his plane crashes . . . " There is no doubt about the power of Queen b.u.t.terfly, as if fland"s life and death in her mind .

"We can"t turn off all the signals . We can"t find the channel . It"s suggested that Aolong"s mission is over, so that the nuclear bomb can"t be detonated . . . " Blizzard moss is as selfish as ever . She will always think of herself, even if she can only live for a while . Nu Wa ignores Blizzard Moss"s words . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s orders are irresistible to her . She is more nervous about Zhang Xiaoqiang"s life and death than any digital life . She wants to ask who is the most likely digital life to disappear, except that she has no second one, just because Zhang Xiaoqiang died, Her presence will be erased .

Just when digital life is noisy, a burst of a.n.a.log applause comes from the corner . The next moment, the program that frightens all digital life vibrates . The main engine room is always their absolute control place, not to mention that an ant will be closely monitored . Even if the amount of dust in the air is known to them, they suddenly feel that there is one more person here, Life can stay calm without numbers .

"Elson, I knew you weren"t dead . . . " Blizzard moss yelled at first, and suddenly raised her front hooves to be as restless as a horse . Miss Rose didn"t speak . The image of Miss Xianjing disappeared in a flash and disappeared into a streamer . The queen of b.u.t.terfly flapped her wings and sent out countless golden streamers, which covered her like thousands of gold powder and disappeared like magic . At this time, Blizzard Moss"s scream stopped abruptly, I just want to run . Sixteen year old Elson appeared from the corner with a smile . The next moment, two groups of light dribbled around in his hands . One was as red as a rose, and the other was as pure as gold . When these two light b.a.l.l.s were thrown in front of him, Miss Rose and queen b.u.t.terfly would melt out of the light ball . Blizzard moss did not dare to move, and the virtual image trembled, Nuwa stares at Elson strangely . There is no image of this character in her data, but it makes her feel so familiar .

"Long time no see, h.e.l.lo everyone . . . " Elson looks good, but it"s just a virtual construction . There are no pupils in his eyes . It"s as black as a black hole that can absorb everything . Even digital life doesn"t dare to see much . It"s as if these dark eyes can suck them in . Nvwa recovers from her surprise . She feels that the digital life in front of her is extremely dangerous, As if she could be destroyed easily, I can"t help but fear deeply . After getting the three core programs of digital life, her growth rate is faster than geometric growth . Except for Queen b.u.t.terfly, Blizzard moss and Miss Rose are not her rivals .

Elson stared at Nu Wa thoughtfully and said strangely, "I regret giving you the core program . It seems that you have been perfectly integrated . If I don"t give it to you, maybe I can get rid of the shackles and become the G.o.d of numbers?"

"What do you want to do?" The neutral voice is the symbol of Mrs . b.u.t.terfly . The queen of b.u.t.terfly flickers her colorful wings, shakes off countless golden digital symbols, and slowly surrounds her side to form a protective circle . Although the protective circle is broken once it is poked, only in this way can she feel a little bit of security in front of the powerful Elson . Today, the term security is transformed into a verb in the heart of digital life, I"ve never understood as deeply as I do now .

"I"m dead and alive, but my existence is greatly constrained . That"s why you little mice are making trouble all over the world . I wanted to wait for a higher percentage of self recovery before eating you . Unfortunately, I have no time . "

"No, he"s going to destroy us . Let"s do it together . " Queen b.u.t.terfly felt the danger from Elson expanded to the limit . She was terrified and joined hands with other digital lives to attack Elson . Blizzard moss and Miss Rose started at the same time . Only Nu Wa felt that her whole body was limited and could not move . In panic, she could only watch the three digital lives launch the most dangerous attack on Elson .

Hundreds of megabytes of viruses, instant explosive expansion of ultra-high density data packets, and all kinds of means never seen before, as well as the suicide attack of digital life from fear to despair . The attack means were all accepted by Elson without any obstruction . Even the killer attack of Chengxun, the burning core of digital life, was swallowed by him, In Nu Wa"s eyes, there were all kinds of light illusions and colors, which covered Elson like a fountain . But Elson didn"t even fight back, just like a target . Standing in the same place, she accepted all the light waves . When everything was quiet, it seemed that the queen of b.u.t.terfly, Blizzard moss and Miss Rose never appeared, and there was no residue, And before the digital life left in her host huge data group also disappeared, let her like a dream .

"Do you know the difference between human beings and digital life?" Elson didn"t do it to Nu Wa . She stood still in the air . The darkness in her eyes was more pure . Nu Wa didn"t speak because Elson didn"t let go of her shackles .

"Human body is fragile like porcelain . There are too many things that can damage, diseases, hunger, cold, pain, wild animals, and accidents . . . But human beings have other species that don"t have souls . It"s the soul that makes human beings essentially different from other species . No matter it"s mutants, mutants, or sea people, they are not as good as human beings . Of course, Including your digital life .

You can gradually experience the joys and sorrows of human beings in your study, which doesn"t mean anything . Wild animals will also be angry, sad, fond, resentful, or jealous . Emotional changes make you become life, but you still can"t have soul, because soul is the essence of human evolution and the earth"s preference for human beings .

I appreciate Dr . Shen Li"s view on the end of the world . Human beings are the most failed evolutionary species since the end of the world . The original virus brought by meteorites is a catalyst to accelerate the evolution of organisms . Although its original intention is not the same, both the mutated plants and the mutated animals show that the benefits of the original virus are not available only to human beings, so when organisms continue to evolve, The original virus has eliminated human beings, and mutants have emerged . No matter human beings or mutants, they should be swept into the garbage bin by history in this feast of evolution .

But when humans survive, they overcome hunger, cold, killing, mutant animals, and mutants . Now they fight back against the sea people . How amazing is it that all this happened to the species that should have been eliminated? G.o.d gave up human beings, but human beings did not give up themselves, their souls did not despair, so they will continue to live, there is an old Chinese saying, heaven is strong, gentleman self-improvement, I think, because of this, human beings adhere to the second rain reward, right? No matter where the meteorite comes from, human beings will always be the children of the earth . No matter how much damage human beings have done to the earth, no mother will be tired of her children . "Speaking of this, the black hole like eyes suddenly flashed colorful colors . Elson looked at Nu Wa, who was as motionless as a simulation doll, smiling again . His eyes fell back into darkness, and he continued to say to Nu Wa, "but there are two accidents in human beings, one is Flander, the other is me . It feels very strange, just like an opponent in fate . Flander destroyed me and I killed him, But the two of us resurrected in another way . He became a sea people with soul, and I became an electronic life with soul . Now, it"s time to end .

Of course, it"s a last resort to eat three digital lives . I hope you don"t leave a psychological shadow . Because of the loss of my body, I"m very limited . I"m the natural enemy of digital life, but I can"t control any machinery and equipment at will . I need to add some fuel, so you should see me for the last time . Good luck, little girl, or, My daughter . . . "

Elson slowly disappeared from her feet, leaving her dark eyes . When the light came out again, her dark eyes also disappeared . Nvwa regained her freedom and rushed into the mainframe as streamer for the first time . She was frightened and watched the data of three digital lives being swallowed, Even if she had never been afraid, she felt the thrill that could shake the core program loose .

Nvwa, who is in the core program, is still in shock . Elson"s data find her again, which makes her stiff . But that data is just a piece of information . There is only one sentence left in Nvwa"s heart: "forget one thing, and apologize to c.o.c.kroach brother for me . I did it to Australia"s surprise . I think the alien mutation is one of the root causes of destroying human beings, Now I finally understand that there is no savior in this world, which is made up in comics . I think this kind of mistake is understandable for a child whose physiological age is not mature . I hope brother c.o.c.kroach doesn"t hate me and don"t put my name in history . I"m very modest, of course, He must make it clear that for the sake of the future of mankind, for the sake of self sacrifice of Elson, I think, I will not object to those who have disappeared . . . "

"These two words are the only words in her mind . She didn"t understand them before, but now she understands them without a teacher . However, her fear of Elson dissipates . She understands the meaning of Elson"s words . If Elson wants to control all the planes at the same time, he must pay a huge price . This price requires him to devour three digital lives and risk erasing the existence, As for why he called himself his daughter, Nu Wa couldn"t understand . When she learned that the natural enemy of digital life was about to disappear, Nu Wa was not excited and happy, but only slightly sad . She remembered that other digital life had said before that her core program had an external implantation process, which was also the key to truly open the peak of digital life evolution< br>