Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2401: 2401

Chapter 2401: 2401

From the sky down, the towering red algal peak on the sea is like a giant standing in the shallow water . It is unspeakably majestic and shocking . Thousands of long whips flutter in the air, whistling in the air . The frigates throw incendiary bombs and erosion sources again and again, and dye the peak half green and half red . The hot fire raises the thick smoke of volcanic eruption, The sky will be full of clouds, it is like the last storm in the clouds, the frigate appears small and thin .

Hundreds of tons of corrosion sources melt thousands of tons of red algae, hundreds of incendiary bombs burn thousands of tons of red algae to ashes, and thousands of sea people cling to red algae die, forming an alternative stalemate between the two sides . It seems that red algae can"t fight back, but human ammunition is not unlimited . The effect of 100 tons of corrosion sources on red algae is just a corner of the pond, which doesn"t matter at all, Among the corrosion sources, a layer of blue crystal sand from inside to outside freezes the corrosion area, which is just the weakness of the corrosion source . Once it is blocked by ice, the corrosion ability of the corrosion source decreases rapidly .

The ice layer is not only effective for the erosion source, but also for the flame . The black smoke of the flame is thicker and thicker, but the open fire is less and less . I don"t know how many kilometers of red algae are converging here . The height of the huge peak is still rising, wrapping the red algae into a huge egg shape, which is more than 9000 meters higher than the Himalayas, At the same time, we can"t think of any way to blow up this super mountain?

"Nearly seven hours? If it"s on land, I think there should be no problem with the Chizao mountains, but there seems to be a problem above the sea? " In the landing module, a handsome man came out of the shadow of Zhang Xiaoqiang . In the eyes of EOS and Delia"s surprise, he sat down and kneaded his legs . The action that should have been launched five hours ago has not started until now . Even with the patience and patience of the a.s.sa.s.sin, she can"t bear the sword cutting . Who knows how many more hours?

"You really have no patience . I heard that snipers can stay still for three days in order to kill their targets . How many hours do you have?" Zhang Xiaoqiang also felt bored and couldn"t help sneering at Jianjian . Jianjian"s charming eyes glanced at Delia, who was shining in her eyes . She shrunk her mouth and turned to Zhang Xiaoqiang and said, "the sniper moves his fingers, I move my whole body . Can I compare it?" With that, Jianzhan found a seat to close his eyes, but felt Delia"s burning eyes staring at him, and couldn"t help getting angry .

"Little girl, I"m not c.o.c.kroach brother . I won"t be interested in any woman . At least I have to have a big chest and a big b.u.t.t to think about it, do you? Give up . . . " Sword cutting stinks, but seldom does it arouse EOS"s anger . He looks at sword cutting with appreciation . He hates the guy who lies on his face to cheat women . Unexpectedly, Delia is not angry, but asks strangely: "are you a couple with the guy behind? Are you under attack or under attack? "

Before Jianzhan understood it, Xuefeng slapped her on the head and groaned, "I"m shot when I"m lying down . It"s also a rotten girl, an incomprehensible creature . " Zhang Xiaoqiang moves his stiff neck and feels that his heart of dying is gradually lost with the pa.s.sage of time . Instead of fighting, he wants to find a place to eat and have a good sleep . Nearly eight hours of live broadcasting is very tiring . He envies that she has been squatting at her feet, The sh.e.l.ls of all kinds of snacks piled up on the ground, and the food in the huge dry food bag behind her seemed endless .

"Look, here we go . EOS, get the soda and chips . Big movies . . . " Delia is like a normal off-line girl . Her attention turns to other aspects in the next moment . Zhang Xiaoqiang, who is moving her neck, almost pulls her tendons . The red algae below has formed a huge mountain range . Layers of folds under the peaks have formed hundreds of kilometers of steep peaks . The red algae in the distance is no longer endless, showing the water sky line of the sea, Although the line of sight above the sky is very wide, the distance between the sea and the sky is at least 100 kilometers away, which is enough to explain the concentration of red algae .

In order to resist the buoyancy and repulsion of the water, the red algae under the sea pierced the earth"s crust and finally caused the activity of the plate, leading to the eruption of the volcano which had been suppressed for a long time,

Red algal peaks burst out black and white waves, and the huge peaks began to shake, The whole sea surface is boiling, and even the sea water more than 100 kilometers away also gushes out numerous bubbles, large and small . Soon the sea water is boiled by magma, and a large amount of water vapor is sprayed into the air . The bottom of the sea is the pressure cooker that has reached the limit, so the explosion is produced, and countless dark roots are sprayed into the air from the gap of the exploded mountains, The G.o.ddess of dawn sent high-definition photos of the surrounding waters to Aolong, and the intelligence officer on the bridge cheered with surprise as he looked at large pieces of mutated beasts and sea Knights burned to death on the sea .

And this is just the beginning . With the more and more violent eruption, the earth finally retaliated against the sea people . Countless air waves erupted on the red algae like fountains and dense forests .

At this time, Delia"s eyes fluctuated and inadvertently pressed the signal transmitting b.u.t.ton of her personal terminal . It was like a B2 bomber cruising over the Pacific suddenly broke into the battlefield, which made Gao Feng dumbfounded and at a loss . There were ten B2 bombers, each of which was more than 20 meters long and had a spread wing of more than 50 meters, These bombers are the last cards of the new era . They are given by the U . S . government . The unit price of each one is more than two billion US dollars . They can carry 45 tons of oil and 10 tons of bombs or cruise missiles . Red algae is not only a disaster for mankind, but also a good news for mankind . The bombers with modified fuel tanks and engines reduced the fuel load by 40 tons, but increased the dead time by three times . At the same time, they increased the bomb load by three times, and the combat effectiveness of each one increased several times . When these bombers entered the battlefield, they launched 30 cruise missiles one after another, She smashed into the rocking Chizao mountain range . Under Zhang Xiaoqiang"s side eyes, Delia raised her hair coquettishly and said casually: "people are not unprepared at all?"

As soon as the words were heard, thirty cruise missiles loaded with seismic bombs entered the water from the cracks erupted in the Chizao mountains . They smashed countless shattered root fragments, spewed out water dragon like tracks, and smashed into the gaps of countless bubbles on the seabed . When the combat Department of the missile started, the whole seabed turned over like a giant dragon, rolling up tens of millions of tons of rock fragments, All the roots that pierce into the sea bottom will be broken .

When this vibration gradually spread from the bottom of the sea to the surface of the sea, the mountains, which used to vibrate slightly, swayed violently, as if dancing wildly . But this was not the end . Before the increase of the bomb load, B2 bombers could deliver 16 cruise missiles, let alone now? Another 30 cruise missiles were launched at the root of a huge mountain range . Cruise missiles exploded one after another on that mountain peak . These seismic bombs can not only shatter the earth"s crust, but also break the internal structure of the peak . In the mountains stretching for more than 100 kilometers, it"s ridiculous to rely on the blasting of strong explosives, just like sandpaper grinding on a skysc.r.a.per, Even if Delia and Zhang Xiaoqiang did not expect the red algae to become a mountain peak, it does not mean that they will not be flexible .

The double-layer vibration under the sea and on the sea caused large areas of Chizao mountains to collapse . Although the mountain peak of nearly 10000 meters still stands, the foundation has begun to be unstable . At this time, the real killer of BS appeared . Ten B2 bombers dived over the mountain peak, opened the bomb chute, and a cone bomb the size of a single man air craft reconnaissance ship was thrown out, These bombs are blu-82 developed by the United States, the largest fuel air bombs in the world . Each one weighs six tons . If there is no red algae, it is difficult for B2 bombers to deliver this kind of bomb here . It is also 30 bombs . Because of the height, these bombs have no chance to open the speed reducer, just like hammering into the red algae .

The bomb"s own weight easily broke through the red algae tens of meters thick, forming 30 pinhole like holes on the red algae peak . For the red algae peak, which is as high as 10000 meters, each pinhole here is more than 10 meters wide . When these pinholes spew out a hundred meters long tongue of fire like a crater, A layer of bright red visible to the naked eye spreads from top to bottom on the dark red red algal peak .

The specific gravity of the gaseous cloud of the fuel air bomb is larger than that of the air, and it can flow to the low-lying areas . However, the interior of the red algae is not solid . The height and thickness of the support are woven by countless red algae, and there are a lot of channels and gaps in the middle, among which there are also a lot of sea people . The flame after explosion spreads along the channel like a long dragon, At each fork, a new fire dragon is formed . The material of the red algae itself is also combustible . The maximum temperature is over 5000 degrees . Even the cold air of crystal sand erupted inside the red algae mountain range can be blocked . On the contrary, huge explosions are generated at the moment of contact, which blow the red algae away from the mountain peak .

There was a raging fire on the mountain peak . Countless burning vines fell off the mountain peak . The sea below was like a drum washing machine . It seemed that it would collapse at the next moment . The scarlet fire flowed like magma . One ton of gbu-37 ground penetrating bombs. .h.i.t the red algal mountain peak with giant torches, exploding hundreds of meters of flame fountains, The blasts made the red algae fall off the mountain, and all kinds of joint guided attack weapons burst out in the flames . Although the flowing flame was like a burning incense head, which was not very eye-catching in the sky more than 10000 meters high, the hot flowing fire burned inside, melting the pillar of the red algae mountain which was already loose .

After Airdropping 30 tons of ammunition, the B2 bombers relaxed a lot and suddenly sped up to escape from here . However, the sky dancers who came from afar would not let them go . They crossed all kinds of complicated arcs in the air and rushed to the B2 bombers . Although Aolong abandoned its own defense and covered B2 with all its air defense firepower, However, the giant aircraft with a wing width of more than 50 meters is too heavy . When they dive and bomb, they are like a sword, but when they climb, they are as clumsy as an elephant . No matter 630 or 100 mm naval guns have reached the highest firing speed . Tens of millions of light and rain build a dense fire network between B2 and sky dancers . A sky dancer who is chasing closely tumbles and falls in the fire network, But the fire network can"t stop all the sky dancers . Two sky dancers break through and stab one of the B2 .

The seemingly majestic B2 is not as strong as the Aolong, just like a duck"s egg stabbed by chopsticks . Layers of fragments are splashed under the tail of the sky dancer . Then the huge B2 breaks away from the original track, rises black smoke and slides down . More and more sky dancers climb onto the plane, flick their tails again and again, throwing away countless sh.e.l.l fragments in the flashing fire, When the long tail of one of them stabbed into the engine and ignited the fuel, the disintegrated 2 and several sky dancers gathered around exploded into fireb.a.l.l.s .

A B2 bomber was blown into fireb.a.l.l.s, and the parachutes floating in the sky were torn to pieces by the sky dancers flying at high speed . They chased the remaining three B2 bombers fiercely until they exceeded the height limit of 15000 meters . When the asymmetric air battle ended, people"s eyes returned to the peak of red algae . They did not sigh for the pilots, Since the end of the world, too many sacrifices have made human beings accustomed to tragedy . Like an elegy for the B2 bomber and the No . 1 frigate, the peak of Chizao finally collapsed . The collapse was not a burning area . The peak was too thick, and it took at least dozens of hours to completely collapse . The fury of the lower crust caused the movement of the continental plate, and the fury of the sea . A wave of 100 meters high collided on the edge of Chizao, tearing the edge of Chizao again and again, Under the action of hundreds of billions of tons of sea water, countless sea people squeeze into French pancakes . Every second, hundreds of tons of red algae are torn up and turned into garbage floating objects rolling in the huge waves . More red algae are torn apart . The mountains that are infinitely stacked and gathered have been destroyed . Now they continue to collapse, and dominoes break from the foundation .

There are fewer and fewer mountains to support the huge peak, and akashia is still making subsequent efforts to gather akashia and continue to defend the cornerstone . But is the power of nature that human weapons can achieve? The destructive force produced by the movement of the earth"s crust is equivalent to that released by the explosion of thousands of nuclear bombs . The red algae floating in the sea is like a big ship b.u.mping on the sea, or a deformed ship with a huge mast . The deck of the ship decomposes rapidly under the impact of the rapid waves, and more red algae are involved in the flames . Tens of millions of tongues of fire are ejected from the countless small channels, The red algal peak turned into a flame cactus .

"Maybe we don"t have to go down . It"s good to watch it burn out like this . . . " Sword chop touched his chin and commented on the Flame Mountain below . EOS"s face showed a trace of joy, but it was not for himself . Instead, Delia didn"t have to take risks . Wan Qiang and Xuefeng looked at each other and saw the ferocity in each other"s eyes . If there were no foreign enemies, they would have a final battle .

"It"s impossible to force it out of the tortoise"s sh.e.l.l . We don"t have any cards . We don"t know any of them . It should be said that it was aperitif before and the dinner hasn"t been served yet . "

Delia is no longer innocent . She looks at the picture seriously and coldly . The flame reflected in her eyes ignites the pa.s.sion of fighting . Only at this moment, she takes off her disguise . As Zhang Xiaoqiang with serious expression thinks, the war has not really started yet . Jianzhan closes up . She is stroking the bone stabbing sword in her hand, and her eyes are shining, He felt unprecedented excitement, and for the first time he felt the heaviness represented by the expectation of millions of people .

"Well . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang looks at the picture and whispers . Delia nervously looks at the picture and can"t help holding her breath . Zhuo Mingyue"s thoughts drift to the small room where they are going to surprise Zhang Xiaoqiang . Wan Qiang and Xuefeng are silent and immersed in the final gravity . The Holy Son hiding in the puppet warrior"s temple is looking for Zhang Xiaoqiang"s Feifei and raising a smile, Sophia looks down at the photo in her hand . In the photo, she relies on the bright smiling face of the middle-aged couple with a little girl .

Eight hundred puppet soldiers are instructed to open the supernova bomb insurance on their backpacks and shuttle through the landing module with repressed breathing . Zhang Xiaoqiang clenches his fist tightly and rubs the Firebird machete on his thigh from time to time, only to feel a little bit of stability . Above the picture, the mountain finally collapses, and the burning debris above falls to the bottom, Countless giant bellows like red algae burst into pieces, and the turbulent sea rolled up hundreds of meters high waves and spewed out tens of millions of tons of red algae fragments . The foundation of red algae was completely cut off, and the slowly collapsing roots made the mountain tilt, and the tilt angle became larger and larger . Finally, it slowly fell downward, and the turbulent sea water fell down in the distance, Countless sea people and mutant sea animals are involved in the thousands of stirring and rotating waves . Under the rolling of the sea, they are like coffee beans stuffed into a coffee mill and turned into flour .

Finally, the mountain fell down, and the rough sea was like a beach trampled by giants, which fell down deeply . Then, a thousand meter high wave was stirred up, like a black iron curtain in the air, which turned into hundreds of millions of water columns and fell down again . The burning flames scattered water vapor under the beating of ten thousand tons of sea water, and countless burning red algae were dotted on the rough sea like stars, The huge mountain rose and fell slowly in the surging sea .

The frigate descended sharply, three bright lasers dotted the middle of the red algal peak like three colored silk threads, and a bunch of plasma sh.e.l.ls streamed down there . The 100 mm naval gun and 630 tilted the last ammunition there, and the exploding fire ma.s.ses piled up like bubbles of c.o.ke and disappeared quickly . When all the ammunition was poured out, the frigate went down, The frigate was 1000 meters above the sea .

Even if it falls down, the diameter of the mountain peak is as high as 1000 meters . Aolong floats on it like a fly on a pillar . The huge crater dug by countless ammunition is emitting thick smoke . From top to bottom, it looks like a volcano ejecting magma . The landing module slowly opens, and the huge landing cabin door can accommodate ten people at the same time . Ten cylindrical supports slowly protrude from the top of the head, There are countless handles hanging on it . At this time, each puppet soldier pulls on the handle . The next moment, the handle slides quickly and Shua Shua Shua . One by one, the puppet soldiers fly out of the cabin door, pull out metal ropes and fall down . Under the frigate, there are countless puppet soldiers coming from the sky . After they land quickly, they send the handle to jump down the huge gap .

After the first group of ten people jumped, the bright blue light shield wiped out the red algae in a kilometer radius . Three or five seconds later, a new puppet soldier detonated the supernova . In this time of detonation, the puppet soldier attacked downward with the fastest speed . The middle part of the huge mountain quickly melted in the puppet soldier"s self explosion, and soon it was about to reach the core, More puppet soldiers are descending rapidly . Just at this time, a mouthful of crystal sand suddenly erupts from the huge pit with a radius of 1000 meters, forming a blue fog to cover all the puppet soldiers . When the puppet soldiers were covered, they turned into ice sculptures . Two groups of dazzling electric b.a.l.l.s, electric light and flint smashed into a big pit and burst out tens of thousands of electric snakes, burning the red algae into a scorching place . The scorched area suddenly expanded and burst . A giant six armed Snake Girl with tens of meters tall swam out from below . With her long tail, the snake girl was at least 100 meters long, The Snake Girl howled bitterly at the high-alt.i.tude Aolong, waving a seven meter long bone battle inlaid with a huge head to point at the frigate . When people thought that the snake girl was just a provocation, a red light column pierced the frigate . Zhang Xiaoqiang was very familiar with the light column over five hundred meters . At a glance, he could see that it was the unique destructive light of the sea people, Then countless snake girls and kraya gushed out of the tunnel . These snake girls threw dense ice spears into the sky, making the ten puppet soldiers standing at the entrance of the landing module instantly shot into hedgehogs .

The sudden attack caught most of them by surprise . Only Zhang Xiaoqiang felt the danger contained in the creaking ice spear . Without waiting for warning, the ice spear burst together and stabbed the puppet soldiers in the first few rows into a sieve . At this time, the Aolong tilted and flew up slowly . The second red light flashed from the outside of the capsule and shot into the landing module, The seven or eight rows of puppet soldiers turned into ashes under the eyes of the public . The red light disappeared, leaving two holes in the opposite . A half body with only two legs was lying on the edge of another hole . The wind rolled a lot of papers everywhere . The cold wind made Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart sink straight . He turned to see that she had entered the human armor, Picked up the holy bone shield, and the others looked at him, could not help shouting: "go, there is only one chance . . . "

Aolong is turning slowly, and its hull has been pierced by four holes, three of which are emitting black smoke . The previous high-intensity war has brought Aolong"s ammunition to the bottom . Only thunderstorm guns and laser main guns can be launched . Three laser main guns suddenly burst out of the muzzle and shot at the area where the giant snake girl is located . A crystal shield with a radius of 10 meters dribbled in front of the Snake Girl, In the blink of an eye, a reflection shield is formed by innumerable prisms . One of the laser beams is shooting on the shield . When the light is moving, it is refracted . It just deviates a little radian and hits the middle and rear of the frigate . Layers of gla.s.s sh.e.l.ls melt in the laser, huge explosions erupt from the melting hole, and countless parts rain down .

Only two of the three lasers received results . The other one was eaten by Aolong itself, causing a fire . Countless crew members rushed to investigate in the sound of the alarm . Regardless of rescuing the wounded, they picked up the fire extinguisher and rushed into the sea of fire . The thick smoke gathered above the frigate, but Zhang Xiaoqiang had already ignored the frigate and jumped out with others .

Zhuo Mingyue floats in the mid air, rolls up Zhang Xiaoqiang and Feifei and falls down like meteors . Before they land, countless ice spears come up . Zhang Xiaoqiang pulls out the Firebird"s curved knife and splits it fiercely . A scarlet flame spreads out at the blade, forming a huge Firebird, melting all the ice spears, and then b.u.mps into hundreds of craya with wild power, This is the first time that Zhang Xiaoqiang has used the Firebird scimitar to increase his flame ability, and it is also his strongest means after strengthening< br>