Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2403: 2403

Chapter 2403: 2403

Wan Qiang"s behavior makes everyone look silly . It"s no longer a human category . Zhang Xiaoqiang and Delia unconsciously come together and form a small circle with Zhuo Mingyue, Jianzhan, EOS and Feifei . They are scared by Wan Qiang"s means . Even Delia"s terrible claws can"t do it . Wan Qiang glances at Zhang Xiaoqiang contemptuously, On the one hand, it"s not good to kill Zhang Xiaoqiang . The whole meal is left to the end . On the other hand, he needs a lot of high-quality blood . The blood of the snake girl is just right for the taste .

Wanqiang"s ultimate killing finally started . The first king of zombies, the first level 6 corpse, and the first strong man who really stood at the top of the world, opened his sharpest fangs to the sea people, just like the S5 zombie . Wanqiang was completely dissolved in the wind, and could no longer see him clearly . Countless sea people fell silent, Blood gathered from the sea people"s bodies to the sky . With a few flicks, thousands of sea people fell under Wan Qiang"s paws . When he appeared again, the sea people finally went crazy .

Layers of crystal sand cover the vast s.p.a.ce, and everything is frozen . At this moment, the invisible vibration spreads in the crystal sand, and the air makes a thunderbolt like sound . All the crystal sand is shattered and falls on the red algae, forming a thick ice layer . One of the ice peaks condenses together, forming a sharp ice gun of tens of meters, And WAN Qiang is at the top of the gun .

Just when Wanqiang was most proud, an invisible spiritual wave came from the fracture and hit Wanqiang on the forehead . Wanqiang flew out with a scream and splashed countless ice fragments on the ice . Wanqiang fell on the ice and sent a huge shock at the huge fracture . A huge meteorite with a brilliant blue l.u.s.ter slowly rose from the fracture, Around the meteorite are the remaining ten giant snake girls .

The gorgeous and rugged meteorite is extremely ugly, but the ten giant snake girls around it are tightly entangled with their tails, which gives people the strange feeling of beauty and potatoes . But no one dares to despise it . This meteorite is the main culprit . Seeing the meteorite, Zhang Xiaoqiang is shocked . Thinking of the biggest negligence in the battle plan, he can"t help roaring, He has acc.u.mulated his greatest ability .

At this moment, Jianzhan suddenly flashed out of the shadow on the edge of the meteorite . Holding the puppet soldier backpack he picked up, he took a deep look at Zhang Xiaoqiang, started the backpack bomb, and wanted to go back to the shadow . However, his appearance at that moment made him be given by the strange mental wave of the meteorite . In the eyes of everyone, his whole body split into countless pieces, Whether it"s his people, clothes, or weapons, it"s like a fragmented jigsaw puzzle, the whole thing is broken .

There are also backpacks that are broken, but the moment the backpack is broken, the fluorescence suddenly disperses, covering the meteorite and the Snake Girl together . Zhang Xiaoqiang has no time to mourn for the death of the sword . With a loud roar, he disperses several dark fog to wrap all the people around him, and then they are submerged by endless red light . This destructive red light has unspeakable dignity and oppression, The frigate has risen to an alt.i.tude of more than 10000 meters, but in the surveillance picture, the sky and the earth, tens of thousands of meters around, are all within the scope of red light . You can"t see anything inside, only the endless red light .

In the past, the red light appeared only for a few seconds, but this time, it didn"t dissipate for half an hour . When the sky was dark, the whole world seemed to be left with the red light of Hawaii . In the new era headquarters, thousands of people put down their work and gathered on the big screen of the square to watch the red light of blood, in the cities of Chinese Renaissance, All the officers stood in the intelligence room and looked at the shining red light . In the quiet front-line command room in Australia, ishiharano, huangquan, kesailer and Zhao Deyi looked at the red light anxiously, in the temple of South America .

Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t know whether he is dead or not . He can"t feel his own existence or other people"s existence . The antimatter shield has long disappeared, but his thinking is still turning . Maybe that"s what people look like after death? At least they have souls left, but Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t like the surrounding environment . It"s red and gorgeous, as if exposed to the sun, which makes him want to have a quiet sleep . At the moment, I hope it can become pure darkness, at least not so dazzling?

"No, I"m not dead? Dead should be the darkness? "“ No, I heard that many people will see light when they are dying . Is this disgusting red light? What a nuisance . . . "“ He, dead also don"t let a person live peacefully, is that son of a b.i.t.c.h make out after all? Will you die if you turn off the light and sleep

All kinds of thoughts drift by, and finally the red light disappears, falling into the boundless darkness . Zhang Xiaoqiang yawns with satisfaction, and finally he can die at ease . Then he gets upset again, doesn"t he say that he will be very warm after death? Why does he feel like he"s dead in the ice?

The next moment, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes suddenly opened, and found that he was lying in his cold arms . There were two little people trembling slightly in his arms . The three-dimensional dynamic vision was activated, and the two people in his arms were clearly seen by him . One was Delia, who was put into his arms by EOS at the last moment, and the other was Feifei, But he remembered that it seemed that she held him in her arms . At that time, he wanted to pull the moon, but he didn"t hold it . Soon he remembered everything . The fierce beast in human form hugged him, while the fierce beast in human form had only two bare arms and a small chest . His back and the shield on his back that could resist the red light of destruction disappeared . There were EOS and Zhuo Mingyue . Not far away from him, a crystal core that was like a night Pearl was shining . It was a beautiful one, It"s like cutting the crystal nucleus of a diamond . Seeing that crystal nucleus, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes are covered with tears . He can"t help letting go of the two little girls, pounces on the hot red algae and climbs over there . When he holds the crystal nucleus in his hand, a faint figure pa.s.ses in his heart . The reason why he doesn"t hold Zhuo Mingyue is that Zhuo Mingyue dodges and spits out the crystal nucleus, By some indescribable means, he bestowed something on him . That"s why he survived, in the boundless red light .

Zhuo Mingyue died, Jianzhan died, Huang Tingwei died, EOS died, Sophia died, Shengzi died, Xuefeng died, and 800 puppet soldiers also died . As for WAN Qiang, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw a skeleton made of crystal wrapped around a giant snake girl and sucked her blood madly, In addition, the powerful meteorite was still suspended in the original place, but there were seven less snake girls surrounding the meteorite, and one third of the meteorite area was evaporated . The sword chop finally completed the task of a.s.sa.s.sin, and launched a fatal attack at the most appropriate time, but he could only do it to this extent .

Seeing that meteorite, Zhang Xiaoqiang was infuriated . It was because of it and its appearance that the world became like this . Billions of human beings became zombies . His relatives, friends, subordinates and lovers all left him . It was because of it that the place where human beings lived was threatened and countless people fell under the attack of the sea people .

Looking for the sea Mantis knife, Zhang Xiaoqiang slowly acc.u.mulates his strength . He wants to put the culprit under the knife . He wants to put an end to all the suffering of the world . He wants to make meteorites regret coming to the earth . Just then, layers of black spears grow out of the red algae and Pierce Wanqiang"s skeleton . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s face changes, Think of the sea of j.a.pan has appeared in the same scene, red algae in order to defend against foreign enemies, the growth of numerous black spears to form a protective layer .

At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang put down his heart . Meteorite is not omnipotent . The red light before should not be so easy to do . Looking at the three giant snake girls" dispirited appearance, it is obvious that they have suffered huge damage . Even the nuclear power plant may not be able to consume the red light for half an hour . Zhang Xiaoqiang simply threw away the mantis knife and ran around her like a peripheral, As soon as he raised his foot, he remembered the scene when EOS put Sophie in his arms . No matter what, they entrusted each other with their lives, and the reason why EOS died here was that he asked for help . Even though he was a bit confused with before the new era, at this moment, Zhang Xiaoqiang jumped on the red algae with two little girls in his arms, and more and more black spears grew up, It"s getting narrower and narrower .

In his anxiety, the sky stabbed three laser beams to the meteorite . Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn"t help looking back, but saw that each of the three snake girls condensed a refraction shield to reflect the laser . Two of them shot into the night sky, and the other one shot at Wanqiang, who was breaking free, instantly melted Wanqiang"s right arm bone . Seeing this, Zhang Xiaoqiang cursed in his heart, Even if the meteorite withers, it will still harm people . When Zhang Xiaoqiang is forced to the end, there is only one way left for him . He abandons Feifei and Delia and turns to challenge the meteorite . Only when he is single on the road, can he avoid these black guns with his enhanced five senses . If he rescues Wanqiang, his chances of success will be doubled .

This choice makes Zhang Xiaoqiang tangled . How can he give up Feifei if she can hold him in the most dangerous time? Unless he jumps off the red alga with two girls in his arms, he will die, but there is at least a glimmer of hope, but in this way, all previous achievements will be wasted? Is all the previous sacrifice in vain? But if not, what should he do?

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eagerness seemed to move G.o.d . Just when the last position was about to be occupied by the black spear, a fast flashing creature rushed onto the red alga and cut off countless black spears . Then more knife arm insects rushed onto the red alga and cleaned the black spear like a scavenger . Not only that, A huge head appears like a skysc.r.a.per in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang . The two huge bright vertical eyes are looking at the owner who is smaller than before . Seeing the water snake, Zhang Xiaoqiang is relieved . At least he doesn"t have to worry about it any more .

Without waiting for Zhang Xiaoqiang to give an order, the water snake skillfully rolled Zhang Xiaoqiang up with a smart snake letter, swam on the red algae, and rushed to the giant meteorite . It was not that it knew Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart, but that it salivated over the huge stone . Countless black spears were broken and smashed under the golden water snake scales . Without using the knife arm worm, the water snake could sweep everything .

A loud cry came from the sky, and the six winged bird slowly landed in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes were dim when he saw the long lost crescent moon . He knew how difficult it was for the girl to cross the sea with a group of saber arm worms, but now there was something more important for him to do . He raised his hand and threw kuaifei, and then picked up Delia, But Delia grabbed her arm .

"I"m with you . . . " Delia"s voice was firm and unquestionable, and her shining eyes were full of hatred and sadness . Zhang Xiaoqiang felt Delia"s claws seizing her great strength, and also felt the grief of losing EOS . Just like he lost Zhuo Mingyue, he nodded heavily and broke off Delia"s fingers one by one . Delia"s whole body trembled and convulsed, She couldn"t control herself . Tens of thousands of kraya and snake girls are scattered around the meteorite . The red light of destruction can"t hurt them . Before the explosion of Wanqiang, half of the Hai people were destroyed . Now there is still a long way to go . Eight hundred knife arm insects rush into the middle of the Hai people and hang with the last kraya . The black long gun that was imprisoned by Wanqiang was also cut off, and Wanqiang was released, Like ten thousand strong ghosts of crystal skeletons, they disappeared and rushed into the battlefield where countless knife arm insects and sea people were hanged .

All the injured kraya were bled by him to replenish themselves, and the snake girl who only threw ice spears and ice hockey into the air was often taken off her head by Wan Qiang in the protection room . Although it was the best taste to bite the Snake Girl"s neck and suck blood, Wan Qiang didn"t waste so much time, just like a gust of wind attacking the Snake Girl .

Wan Qiang regained his domineering power, but only he knew that if there was no big change, he would escape after he had sucked all the blood of the sea people here . Before that, he had to find a chance to kill Zhang Xiaoqiang . After suffering from the meteorite, he was not prepared to fight against the meteorite again . Of course, if Zhang Xiaoqiang was killed by the meteorite, he would prefer it from now on, The world will not have his kind . The sea people, human beings, mutant animals and zombies will be his food . He is the top of the whole food chain . Even if the land is swallowed by the sea people, he doesn"t care . He is as free as red algae .

Zhang Xiaoqiang, Delia and the water snake rushed to the meteorite together, acc.u.mulating their ability to kill with one strike . As soon as the two sides were about to collide with each other, Zhang Xiaoqiang used an antimatter shield to wrap the head of the water snake . But before they rushed up, crescent moon had already controlled dozens of saber arm insects to rush up . Zhang Xiaoqiang was surprised to find that, The head of each one is covered with a helmet made of Pearl tears . The attack way of the beetle is straight forward . The only shortcomings exposed are its head and wings . However, the amplitude of the wings is too high . Even heavy machine guns may not be able to shoot . Only its head may be pierced by tens of millions of ice spears . This is also the reason why Australia has suffered a heavy loss .

Countless ice spears shot at the insect . Most of them were dodged by the nimble insect . A few ice spears b.u.mped into the Pearl tears helmet, which only made the insect roll twice and then continue to rush up . When three bright red lights pierced the insect, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart was slightly tight . Two of them were pierced through the insect"s arm and abdomen and evaporated instantly, The other one was just shot in the head, and the amazing thing happened . The Pearl tears helmet refracted the red light, just like the giant snake girl refracted the laser gun before .

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s intestines are green . He knew that Pearl tears had this effect, so he didn"t need to wash the moon . But the next moment, the overwhelming red light of destruction came again, killing dozens of saber armyworms . Only the helmets of different sizes fell down . These pearl tears helmets were the bottom of the library provided by Yinmeng, Each one is the size of a bath basin . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes are about to crack . If he can choose, he is willing to use these pearl tears to make a set of armor for Fei Fei and himself, so that he can have a chance to kill the meteorite .

Then the red light rushed to the big water snake, and all the antimatter smoke around the snake"s head was swept away . Zhang Xiaoqiang only had time to look at Delia, and then he was covered by the red light . Originally, it was a decisive charge of death and lifelessness . He only hoped that the meteorite would stop after a long time of destruction . Unexpectedly, he would recover so soon . At this moment, There is no despair or reluctance in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart . He has reached the limit of what he can do . What does it matter if he fails? Everything has been arranged . Although there has been the change of Wanqiang, who can tell the future clearly?

Just when he and Delia were ready to meet the death, the red light extended backward along their side, making Delia curiously look at the slightly dim red mask in front of the water snake with wide eyes . At the moment of seeing the mask, Zhang Xiaoqiang laughed madly, tears came out, and murmured: "Yaluo, Yaluo, It turns out that this is Arroyo . It turns out that . . . "

He knew the true origin of yarouhe . As a natural enemy of the Hai people, yarouhe came from the same origin as the Hai people . They were all transformed by meteorite fragments and had the ability to use the red light to destroy . Destroying red light is the most powerful killing means of meteorites, which can destroy everything . No living creature can block this kind of light, The yarrowa on Sha Chau Island can only be regarded as the product of the failure of evolution . The antimatter barrier only absorbs the garbage ability after the meteorite . The real yarrowa doesn"t need these abilities . It"s just like a giant water snake . It can resist the meteorite by sending out the authentic destructive light .

"Yaluohe is a mutant beast that devours meteorite fragments . He is a natural enemy of the Hai clan . The mutant beast we stand on is also shaped like this . Unfortunately, the quant.i.ty it devours is too small . Maybe we will still die . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang shows an apologetic look at Delia . If there is no hope, they will not be lucky . But when they have hope and are taken away, it is the biggest despair . Delia is not as disappointed as Zhang Xiaoqiang imagined . She smiles brightly and says, "are you still here? It"s just a pity . Why don"t many handsome guys die with me? "

Zhang Xiaoqiang, speechless and expressionless, watched the water snake"s suppressed destruction mask, ready to meet death . "Ah . . . I have meteorite fragments, too . Oh, no, I"m staying in this department . . . " Delia exclaimed, but Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t speak . At first sight, she saw that there were two Holy Spirit bones under her feet . They were sacred implements of the red algae tribe, and the smallest one was the size of a fist . After three or two times, she took down the bone, picked up one and threw it out to the light shield, hoping that the water snake would notice . Unexpectedly, the water snake ignored it and just blocked the light of destruction, There are three red algae in China . The water snake came from China again . They must have met each other . The water snake devoured one of the Holy Spirit bones, and the remaining two cannot be digested for the time being .

As soon as Delia"s eyes brightened, she grabbed another lizard and put it on her finger . The lizard compared with the meteorite fragments, just like tadpoles and frogs . However, she saw that the lizard"s small mouth expanded dozens of times in an instant, swallowed up the meteorite fragments dozens of times larger than it, and did not see how big a bag its belly bulged out . It was still as slim as before .

Zhang Xiaoqiang has always suspected that Delia has another power . Now the mystery has finally been solved . Unexpectedly, the little lizard has the power of a giant dragon, let alone can lend this power to Delia . Delia itself is equivalent to a giant dragon . They stare at the little lizard, only to see that the lizard burps and squints to take a nap, Delia angrily shakes her little tail . The lizard refuses to move . Her last hope is shattered . Delia cries to the lizard: "you killed me . . . "

Speaking German, Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn"t understand . He thought Delia was afraid . He held her behind him and squinted at the red light that broke through the water snake"s destruction barrier .

At this time, countless black shadows rushed to the water snake and piled up, soon forming a huge wall . The red light was also blocked behind the wall, forming a dark area . Zhang Xiaoqiang saw that the black shadows were all the bodies of kraya, and thought that the red light had no effect on kraya . He couldn"t help sighing . Why didn"t he think of it? Then he wondered, who threw these bodies?

The intelligence quotient of the water snake is not low . No matter how small the brain capacity is, there will be no shortage of such a big man . Seeing that kraya"s corpse can block the red light of destruction, he opened his mouth and inhaled large pieces of corpses . When the corpses were stacked one after another, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw that the crescent moon was beating fast in the red light and threw one corpse over, It was she who was wearing the armor of Pearl tears, but I didn"t know if she had been hurt by other people when I saw her body shaking .

Zhang Xiaoqiang had an idea . With a loud drink, he drove the water snake forward . Suddenly, the water snake dashed away and smashed away the corpse pile in front of him . Countless corpses blocked the red light line, leaving large shadows . Then Zhang Xiaoqiang held the mantis knife arm tightly and was ready to make the last blow . Unexpectedly, a mental arrow came from the red light, Let Zhang Xiaoqiang and Delia scream, this is a kind of unknown way of attack, the body did not suffer any damage, but the brain is going to explode, water snake is not easy, whine, shaking his head, crescent moon is flying up, falling to the distance, it can be seen that the previous attack on her is the spirit wave of meteorite .

The spiritual attack of the meteorite is like the water of a river . At a moment when people can"t bear it, more than ten sonic booms come down from the sky, thundering at the edge of the red light . The next moment, the spiritual storm is interrupted, and Zhang Xiaoqiang and Delia take a breath . At the same time, the red light disappears . After Zhang Xiaoqiang sees everything around him from the fading red light, It was discovered that the spirit storm was an undifferentiated attack . Except for the three giant snake girls perched on the meteorite, all the other sea people fell to the ground and tumbled . When the mountain bags piled up by countless sea people burst open, Wan Qiang also climbed out of it weakly .

Wan Qiang, who has been moistened by the blood of countless Hai people, has almost recovered, but he has suffered a lot of damage in the spiritual storm . His facial features are bleeding, and he looks very miserable . All the saber arm insects have disappeared, leaving only the Pearl tear helmets on the ground . Seeing that Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes are splitting, he knows that the Hai people are gone, and only meteorites are left, However, meteorites have weird spiritual impact and a full range of red light of destruction, which is almost a means of no solution . It"s a pity to give up at this stage .

In his anxiety, the water snake suddenly stirred up, and the air in front of him twisted invisibly, like an invisible black hole hovering around him, rushing towards them . The next moment, the water snake let out a cry, and its head more than 30 meters high suddenly rose up, spurting blood like a water dragon and leaning to one side . Standing on the head of the water snake, Zhang Xiaoqiang and Delia stood unsteadily and fell down one after another .

The meteorite launched the most violent mental attack on the water snake, causing the water snake to be hit hard in an instant . Zhang Xiaoqiang held Delia and jumped from the head of the water snake . Delia was desperate and closed her eyes and hugged Zhang Xiaoqiang tightly . When they landed together, Zhang Xiaoqiang pushed Delia away and cried: "throw me with her claws . . . "

With that, He picked up the tortoise sh.e.l.l pearl tears helmet, Delia is silly, but Zhang Xiaoqiang put the Pearl tears basket on her body, twisted her cheek, yelled with the most crazy roar: "throw me quickly . . . "

When Zhang Xiaoqiang picks up a pearl tear helmet, Delia suddenly understands it . She starts the dragon"s claw, grabs Zhang Xiaoqiang and throws it to the meteorite . With a helmet in one hand and a mantis knife in the other hand, Zhang Xiaoqiang quickly falls to the meteorite, and the meteorite launches a powerful spiritual shock wave to hit the water snake"s head again, Let the water snake tumble down into the sea below and start the huge waves . At this time, the three snake girls raised their scepters together and sent a red light of destruction to Zhang Xiaoqiang . Zhang Xiaoqiang huddled his body together as much as possible and met him with a helmet . The red light of destruction refracted on the helmet . However, the red light of destruction of meteorites also started to spread all over the place, covering a radius of kilometers . At this time, a strange spiritual shock wave hit the helmet, Let Zhang Xiaoqiang fly backward with his helmet in syncope .

The distance between the two sides became infinitely far away . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s facial features were bleeding, and he looked vaguely at the shrinking meteorite shadow . His strong unwillingness made him roar bitterly . The roar got Wan Qiang"s response, and WAN Qiang also roared violently . He raised his pearl tearful helmet to block the red light and rushed to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s only way, A volley kicked Zhang Xiaoqiang hard on the back, which made Zhang Xiaoqiang spew out a lot of blood . The whole person shot like a sh.e.l.l . The shockwave came again, and WAN Qiang spewed blood and retreated . Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t fly this time . Wan Qiang"s strength was too strong, which exceeded the anti shock of the spiritual shockwave . In the blink of an eye, Zhang Xiaoqiang arrived in front of the meteorite, Twelve huge bone weapons were chopped down to Zhang Xiaoqiang one after another . There were jaw bones with countless sharp teeth, claws with sharper sharpness than the mantis knife, and bone battles like pillars . All kinds of bones were smashed at him, which could not be avoided . There was boundless red light outside .

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s thoughts have been blurred . He has only experienced the intuition of the battlefield for a long time . He gives up his helmet and uses his super perception and three-dimensional vision to shuttle through more than ten bone weapons . He uses the last antimatter shield to protect himself . He rubs three giant snake girls and uses a little spiritual light in his heart to cut them to a point on the edge of the meteorite, This point is the only triangle symbol of the meteorite and the only weakness .

When this knife was cut, Zhang Xiaoqiang was thrown out by the huge anti seismic force, and the red light of the meteorite disappeared in an instant . It was like a volcanic eruption, spewing out an unprecedented spiritual shock wave . This was the last shock wave of the meteorite . It turned out to be a real meteorite virtual image in the air, and hit Zhang Xiaoqiang fiercely . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s thinking had been confused for a long time, In the great danger like Taishan, draw out the fire, and use the machete to mobilize the final ability to send out the flame .

The huge Firebird was scattered by the spirit wave, the Sharp Machete was torn by the shock wave, and Zhang Xiaoqiang"s arms in front of him were also broken . Just when the shock wave was about to hit Zhang Xiaoqiang"s chest, a huge dragon shadow appeared in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s arms and suddenly pushed him away . Zhang Xiaoqiang was thrown away at the last moment, but the Dragon shadow fell apart at the next moment .

Zhang Xiaoqiang fell heavily on countless kraya"s corpses, like a ball rolling and jumping, and finally fell into a pile of corpse mountain . The lizard on Delia"s finger whined and fell off her fingertips, and the huge meteorite stood there intact . But at the same time, all the sea people rushing to Hawaii felt spiritual collapse, The meteorite that lost contact with them all the time, could not help but send out a cry from the depth of DNA .

"Kaka kaka . . . " With the speed of cracking faster and faster, three dispirited giant snake girls roared wildly and rushed to the direction of Zhang Xiaoqiang . At the moment when Delia couldn"t bear to close her eyes and the main laser gun of the frigate acc.u.mulated energy, three beautiful heads flew into the sky . Finally, only wan Qiang"s crazy laughter remained . In his laughter, The whole collapse of the meteorite exposed a round, multi faceted, prismatic blue crystal the size of a fist in the center, emitting strong radiation all around .

Wan Qiang gently waved, and the blue crystal fell into his hands . Holding the crystal suspended in his hands, Wan Qiang slowly walked to Zhang Xiaoqiang . When he looked down on Zhang Xiaoqiang, Delia rushed to block Zhang Xiaoqiang behind him . She stubbornly bit her mouth and glared at Wan Qiang . Zhang Xiaoqiang was so angry that her facial features were covered with blood, Only one pair of eyes glowed< br>