Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 15

Realization suddenly dawned on Li Jiayu. He finally understood why everything had spiralled out of his calculations.

Everything originated from the killing of the Scythe Beetle Lord!

It must have been the sorrowful cry the Scythe Beetle Lord had emitted that attracted the Venomous Spiders and the vengeful Scythe Beetles that arrived shortly afterwards!

d.a.m.n... The Scythe Beetle Lord was truly tough to deal with, attracting so much trouble even after death!


Whistling wind swept past and three Scythe Beetles rushed over rapidly from the outside. Their speed was dreadfully fast and the three mortified boys dodged out of the way for dear life. However, their actions proved futile. The brutal, b.l.o.o.d.y storm was the only thing welcoming them at the end of the road.

One of them fell to the ground with a  "pu~!" sound. Blood spilled from a critical wound on his waist and nearly half of his abdomen was torn open by another Scythe Beetle beside him. His intertwining intestines, kidney and other unknown organs spilled out all over the ground!

That student glared with wide eyes and his mouth was like a fountain, continuously spewing blood. He stared incredulously at his own dilapidated state, then knelt on the ground before drawing his last breath.

Although the second student ended up fairly miserably, his luck was evidently better as only one of his arms was nibbled off. Despite that, before he could even cry and cover the stub remnant of an arm, a Venomous Spider pounced on him!

Its barbed appendages riddled his face with innumerable holes. As its b.l.o.o.d.y mandibles enclosed, it bit off his nose unexpectedly, leaving a gaping wound that revealed the skull underneath!

As for the third student, he was the axe-wielding Lin Zhibin. He was quick-witted and immediately did a barrel roll. Unexpectedly, he managed to escape the chomping jaws of the Scythe Beetle! However, it left a deep laceration, measuring half a meter long, along the arc of his back. Having retained his life at the very least, he should be thankful.

The first wave of a.s.saults by the three Scythe Beetles was quicker than the span of a single breath. Within a margin of two to three seconds, they had already caused two deaths and one injured person.

At present, within the cla.s.sroom, aside from Dark Octopus, there were no others capable of opposing them. Could the Dark Octopus possibly delay three Scythe Beetles and two Venomous Spiders?

Obviously not!

His Flower Kight t.i.tle wasn"t in vain. If it had been any other ordinary human facing five malevolent insect lifeforms, they would have already been frightened away. However, the Dark Octopus did not retreat because it had sworn to protect the good-looking ladies!

In its view, the ones with the best looks were human beauties!

Also, the four female students had gifted him four fun and fragrant stockings and panties which exuded a concentrated female scent that made him go crazy. In exchange for their kindness, he would repay them with mutual favor. The Dark Octopus was also a chivalrous spirit!

"If you... Have the ability... Come at me... Don"t... Don"t harm... The beautiful... Females!"

The Dark Octopus, which had the four females protected behind him, summoned its courage. Its eyes glowed with a beautiful scarlet glow and in one breath, it used all ten tentacles to grab onto a desk. Brandishing it with an imposing manner, unexpectedly, it managed to momentarily intimidate the three Scythe Beetles and two spiders!

However, the circ.u.mstances were ever-changing!

An additional three spiders made their way into the cla.s.sroom!

As a result, five Venomous Spiders and three Scythe Beetles were present in the cla.s.sroom. Thus, the enemy"s combat prowess increased astronomically and in an instant, their combined a.s.sault riddled Dark Octopus with innumerable injuries. 

Its suckers were broken and damaged and the spider venom invaded its body. At this moment, a Venomous Spider seized the opportunity to bypa.s.s the Dark Octopus"s defences and went straight into the crowd of girls!

The female student that was targeted was the one that had taken off her drenched undergarments to seduce Li Jiayu. Her name was Hua Xiaolu, an exceptionally daring beauty that always acted ambiguously with the male students. She was part of the cultural recreation committee, had great singing skills and held high popularity.

During the first year of university, she proclaimed her love for the weak and feeble Li Jiayu. She claimed he was her type and that she wanted to conquer him, going on the offensive for almost a month. She had even said, ‘Although I am not pure, if you are willing to accept me, I am willing to dedicate my back door"s first time to you.’  However, because Li Jiayu had fallen in love, he rejected her, but the two remained friends. Hua Xiaolu had even relentlessly asked Li Jiayu to be her friend with benefits.

However, there might not be another opportunity for her to conquer Li Jiayu because her lifespan was almost up - the Venomous Spider"s barbed hook had protruded her calf!

The Venomous Spider"s barbed hook contained a strong venom. Albeit it was less toxic than the venom from its mandibles, an ordinary human still would not last 30 seconds after the venom entered their bodies.

Hua Xiaolu was probably doomed!


Dark Octopus was riled up with a belly full of fury!

It watched as the beautiful female it was supposed to protect got harmed by the creature. How could it endure such shame, such chagrin!

Dark Octopus acted as though it had eaten gunpowder. Its body turned red throughout and it did not care about being poisoned. One of its tentacles suddenly coiled around that spider and ruthlessly exerted its strength, crushing the Venomous Spider that had injured Hua Xiaolu into grounded meat!

It was just like someone squeezing a balloon but in this instance, the Dark Octopus was squeezing the life out of the spider into fragmented slabs of flesh!

Unfortunately, there was a price to pay. The entirety of the spider"s toxins entered the tentacle the Dark Octopus had used. That tentacle was probably as good as abolished.

The moment Hua Xiaolu fell victim to the spider"s venom, Dark Octopus managed to exert two hundred percent of its power under immense pressure and stress. 

Its tentacles sliced the wind with its wild swings but it was unable to defeat the many enemies in the opposite party by itself and delayed them for only two seconds. Another Venomous Spider nimbly shuffled back and forth, winding around the octopus, and leaped onto the second girl"s neck!

"I"m finished!"

Han Xiaoqi"s pupils contracted, her face turning pale. She watched in terror as the spider encroached with each pa.s.sing moment. The only thing she could do was shut her eyes and await imminent death!


Han Xiaoqi did not die. However, she heard a sound that resembled a watermelon being smashed with a sickening thud. Then a chill enveloped her and it was so cold, it made her earlobes tingle!

"I"m not dead? How..."

Han Xiaoqi opened her eyes cautiously and saw a five feet long silver sword, shimmering with an exceptionally beautiful ice-blue, snow-white hue. In her eyes, it was a soul-stirring elegant aesthetic, like a meteor that shot across the night sky.

What a beautiful sword!

"You have waited for long!"

A unique, magnetic voice rang out, making the listeners feel comfortable. However, Han Xiaoqi felt an unrepressed wrath that was akin to a volcano erupting.

She turned back and saw a man standing behind her, armed with the beautiful sword!

Within the icy mist, the man had hair white as snow and soft as silk, akin to snow gently fluttering down in the dark of night. He also had a delicate, pretty face alongside a pair of icy blue gem-like eyes which appeared cold, yet burned as bright as flames!

Han Xiaoqi"s heart fibrillated and she hurriedly shifted her gaze away, fearing she would lose herself in those mesmerizing ice-blue eyes.

After looking away, she jolted with shock!

What was that on the ground!

Oh, my G.o.d! 

The ground was covered in a layer of frost and one of the spiders was frozen!

A Venomous Spider had died in one slice!

Wait a minute... Was this real?!

She found it incredibly hard to believe that one of the Venomous Spiders that had almost wiped them out was split into two with a slash. They were brutal, powerful spiders! Not melons!

How in the world... How much power was contained within that one slice to actually split apart that monstrous spider?!

Although the Venomous Spider"s carapace was not as nearly as tough as that of the Scythe Beetles, it was definitely not weak. Previously, several boys pummeled the spiders with desks and chairs and did not even leave an indent on its granite-hard carapace...

‘Also, in accordance with the theory of science: for an object to turn into ice, it requires a temperature two hundred degrees below zero. So, what was it that caused it to instantly freeze over?’

Then there was the weird thing... Where was Li Jiayu? Who was that man behind her? He couldn’t possibly be Li Jiayu, right? He had Li Jiayu’s clothing but his hair, his eyebrows… The color of his eyes had changed and even his face was beyond recognition…

"L-Li Jiayu? You are..."

Han Xiaoqi"s mind flashed with innumerable questions. At the same instant, the snow-haired guy"s silhouette flashed away and rushed toward the Scythe Beetles like a meteor, colliding with another Scythe Beetle!


Ice fragments burst and icy mist-shrouded over everything around him.

The ice energy was like flowing water and the aftermath caused Frost Moon to emit an intangible force. The boar-sized beetle was sliced in half and blood, organs, viscera and essentially every bit of its insides splattered outwards, turning into ice before landing on the ground!

In an instant, a Scythe Beetle was split into two like a melon!

Han Xiaoqi, Sun Weiwei and Zhou Jiamin watched on dumbfoundedly!

The half dead Lin Zhibin, who was not far away, opened his eyes wide as though he was looking at the most incredible weapon and his eyes were filled with fright!

"Isn"t that too powerful..."

This... Was this still the brutal and powerful Scythe Beetle?

The Scythe Beetle that had forced them into this predicament—how was it possible for them to become so vulnerable and akin to walking targets all of a sudden?

This... This was like slaughtering chickens... No... Not chickens, It was as simple as squashing bugs!

Yes, the Scythe Beetles were now the worms as they had been before, squashed like bugs underfoot!

If his memory served him right, when Li Jiayu was armed with the fire axe, he had struggled exhaustingly for a long time, taking dozens of slashes before taking a beetle down. Now, a single brandish of the sword was all it took to turn the Scythe Beetle into a spirit beneath his sword.

After killing one, his sword swerved and his eyes locked onto another beetle that was gnawing away at the Dark Octopus"s head. Before it could even react, Li Jiayu had already rushed out like a streak of lightning. Frost Moon"s icy blade fell and the mandibles that the beetles prided themselves in were sliced off like b.u.t.ter!


After its mandibles were sliced off, it seemed to have gotten extremely frightened. It tried to shriek in order to vent the pain it had incurred, but it found itself unable to emit any noise because its vocal cords had been frozen over!


Another stroke of the blade flashed out and the beetle was dismembered instantly into two! Including the broken mandibles, that would make it three parts.

All of this took only a mere five seconds!

Two Scythe Beetles and one Venomous Spider were not let off!

Death! Dismembered carca.s.ses strewn all over the ground!

Having done that, he, without the slightest pause, exerted force into his feet and leapt toward yet another spider...

Icy fog shrouded everything around him once more and a b.l.o.o.d.y tornado swept through the congested cla.s.sroom.

His figure seemed like a dragon crossing the river, in which the white blade flickered like streaks of lightning as it felled another one of the Venomous Spiders.

There was not an ounce of hesitation. Hesitation was not needed!

Contained within each sword was a dazzling snow-white glimmer as every strike of the sword stabbed towards these insects’ vital areas. Fresh blood froze in mid-air and the sounds of ear-splitting shrieks could be heard, but these miserable shrieks only served to add fuel to a certain someone"s wrath!


Every stab was accompanied by the miserable shriek of an insect before abruptly ceasing.


Every slice was followed by a dismembered body part that soon turned into freshly frozen samples of whatever specimen he had just delimbed.


He slashed out but realized that there was only one remaining Venomous Spider shuddering in fear!

The spider"s human-like eyes were filled with fear and its legs trembled as it struggled to escape. However, where could it possibly flee to?

Its midsection was pierced by Frost Moon and its body froze over rapidly. Then it finally died, turning it into an ice sculpture.

"Wouldn’t it be shameful of me if you had managed to escape?"

The person"s ice blue eyes flashed with a chilling light while his words were laced with an oppressive intent.

"What a frightening minute... Even I thought this would be my burial chamber, but then... We should at least recover something for the fallen cla.s.smates, right?!"