Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 2

"Oh, please. It"s already August, 2013! 2012 had already been proven to be a hoax. Who would believe in ridiculous news such as the doomsday prophecy now?"

"Li Jiayu, is your brain fine?"

"Spouting such low-level jokes isn"t interesting. Do you take us for three-year-olds?"

"To think you would even involve dimensions and parallel universes haha. Is your brain submerged in water or did you get your head jammed inbetween the door? Hahaha!"

The students chortled out loud, treating Li Jiayu"s words as a mere joke to tickle their funny bones and obviously not heeding a single warning.

Doomsday prophecies have existed since the ancient times. They were a dime a dozen, as numerous as the hairs on an oxen, however, they eventually receded as time pa.s.sed. Especially after the year 2013, people scoffed at these prophecies. Anyone who believed them were idiots. They had built an immunity toward these "prophecies".

"Take a glance at the outside, Li Jiayu. The boundless blue skies, the sunny weather... How could it be the end of the world?"

Sun Weiwei did not take his words to heart and giggled. Her little finger pointed towards the picture-perfect scenery: the boundless blue skies; tufts of fluffy clouds traversing the horizon; groups of chattering students strolling along the campus; and the pairs of lovebirds.

Li Jiayu strode over and sniffed the fresh air, greedily taking in the scenery laid before his eyes as if etching the image in his mind forever. Looking at the carefree students, an image of their gruesome deaths flashed past as he spoke solemnly.

"Watch closely my friends. What happens next is sure to make you p.i.s.s your pants and if you are to live, never forget this very moment!"

Indeed, if anyone were able to survive an apocalypse, they would undoubtedly carve that image deeply into their heads and do it accurately, to the smallest of details and seconds.

August 29, 2013, 4:33:49 PM

Li Jiayu recalled that the descent of the apocalypse would occur simultaneously all over the globe; unprecedented disasters such as the Earth"s crust"s turbulence resulting in a series of volcanic eruptions, mudslides, landslides, avalanches, storms, floods and tsunamis.

It is unknown as to how many cities and humans succ.u.mbed to the devastating disasters - it must have had reached an unprecedented high.

Li Jiayu could not resist thinking that maybe dying in the natural disasters was a fortune in itself.

After all, anyone who survived the initial crisis would be exposed to worse adversaries. Having to endure the wisps of despair and fear which loomed over them day in and out, it was a life worse than death itself.

A rough estimation of the death tolls in the aftermath of the insect invasion would not number less than a billion!

You would be tortured alive by a blood-sucking Insect as it buries itself into your veins, gnawing away at your blood vessels.

You would have your brain pried open then sucked dry by the Soul Devouring Beast.

You would be wrapped into a bun by the Corpse Spider then turned into a meat paste.

You would be decapitated by Scythe Beetles and your head would then be used as breeding ground for its larvae.

The horrifying legions of insects would stage a cruel slaughter fest on Earth.

It was said that the wars waged amongst humans were cruel. However, compared to the carnage of the insect invasion, it"s simply ludicrous, like an ant challenging an elephant.

Despite that, the insect civilization could be said to be one of the weakest forces in the invasion. There were still the monsters that crawled out from the Abyssal World such as vampires, zombies, skeletons, ghosts and many more lifeforms that science couldn’t explain.

The descent of the apocalypse also changed the direction for humanity"s technology...

"Now, quickly cover your ears as there will be a deafening thunder strike!"

"As if I"d take your word for it. Oh, the time is ticking! Five... Four... Three... Two... One... And sure enough, nothing happ-"

A cla.s.smate shook his phone and read the countdown out loud but before he could even finish his sentence, an intense thunderclap rang out!


It was so intense that the windows shook as if frightened, not to mention their hurting eardrums.


A female cla.s.smate shrieked out of fear and hurriedly covered her ears, the others just stood dumbfoundedly with pale visages while some yelled ear-piercingly!

"It happened... The thunder strike..."

Most of the male cla.s.smates gawked sluggishly at Li Jiayu but his expression remained unchanged throughout... How in the world did he guess?

This situation was like a blind cat discovering a dead mouse...

Was there such a coincidence in the world?

Thunder from a clear sky was rare. Not to mention, it was such a loud thunderclap. Yet, Li Jiayu was able to antic.i.p.ate it down to the seconds. It seemed mystical and made others look at him differently.

This strange event planted a small sprout of doubt in their hearts, the sense of foreboding growing.

"f.u.c.k! You brat! We didn"t know you knew Fengshui[1]! If that"s true, let me be your disciple!" A student let out "hehe" sounding laughter.

"There is no time for jokes... Continue watching, in two minutes, the bright skies you see now will completely darken... Or, you can try using your phones and see if there"s any signal..."

Li Jiayu dropped another piece of information and walked decisively out the door. Seeing that, Sun Weiwei panicked and shouted, "Where are you going? Fleeing the scene after bragging? Cla.s.s isn"t over yet..."

Li Jiayu did not bother turning back. His hands had balled up into fists. A flame of determination was burning fervently in him as he spoke, "I"m going to get weapons!"


"Fire axe!"

"Have you gone mad?! You"ll be punished for doing so!"

"I don"t care... We"ll talk after you"re able to take care of yourself..."

Watching his vanishing silhouette, Sun Weiwei wanted to chase after him but a surprised voice stopped her dead in her tracks. "It"s real! My cell phone has no signal!"

Shortly after, Jiang Linchuan"s voice followed up, "Mine too! The signal"s interrupted!"

One after another, the cla.s.s became restless as they took out their cellphones. Without an exception, all of their phones received no signals.

Sun Weiwei started to panic. The thunder could be written off as a coincidence but how did Li Jiayu predict the interruption of signals?. This proved that things were not as simple as they seemed.

"H-how did he know... He clearly said what he mentioned was not a joke..."

Not only Sun Weiwei but the rest of the female cla.s.smates started to feel their scalp tingle.

"Guys, don"t panic. Interrupted signals are considered normal occurrences, right? Don"t take Li Jiayu"s words to heart. He must have taken the wrong medicine today, do not accompany him in his madness..."

Someone who was not on good terms with Li Jiayu spoke up but he shut up just as quickly as he saw dark clouds gathering in the sky at an extremely rapid pace!

Rumble! Rumble!

Students crowded around the window with agape mouths and watched as the clouds condensed. What was initially thought to be a rare sighting of a thundercloud was quickly turned into a premonition of danger as the speed in which the dark clouds were gathering was simply too rapid. It was as though they had appeared from thin air!

In less than a minute, gregarious booms of thunder stirred, the sun was completely obscured, the air turned chilly and the thistly wind surged through the windows.

"This... How did the skies darken in a blink of an eye? Where did the clouds come from? ... Dear lord, it"s as Li Jiayu predicted. Two minutes...”

Looking at the spread of black clouds, everyone was stunned speechless and some of the timid girls started to tremble. At this moment of time, their doubts were completely swept away by the fear which gripped their hearts.

"It"s a-alright. Why are you guys so worried? Didn"t Li Jiayu mention that the world would first undergo a ma.s.s power outage and that all electrical appliances would be rendered unusable? As you can see, our teacher"s computer is still powered and our phones ar-"

As if on queue, before Sun Weiwei was able to rea.s.sure her cla.s.smates, the computer turned off with a "beep" sound, the ceiling fan stopped oscillating and the screen of their mobile phones turned black!

Sun Weiwei felt a cold energy sweeping across every inch of her body. The biting chill crept up her spine and seeped into her marrows. Her mind went blank, as though it got bombarded by artillery, and in that moment, she felt as though she had arrived at death"s door.

Fortunately for her, this bizarre sensation only lasted for a moment. Sun Weiwei jolted awake and found her back drenched in cold sweat with fatigue washing over her.

"Oh my G.o.d! What happened? It felt like I got shocked!"

"Huu.. Huu... I almost suffocated!"

In that instant, silence reigned over the cla.s.sroom. Everyone was simply gasping heavily for air like fish on land. Some of them keeled over, falling to the ground.

The noses of some physically frail students bled from that impact. They bled all over their mouths and dyed their uniforms red!

"Ah, my pants are wet... I was so scared and I couldn"t help it..."

There was a total of 13 girls in the cla.s.s. Five of them were scared into wetting themselves, soaking their white underwears as the urine slid along their smooth, pale thighs...

Wetting their skirts and stockings before the entire cla.s.s embarra.s.sed them to death. Compared to most of the boys who were unnaturally thick-skinned, the girls were more thin-skinned[2] and almost bawled out loud in shame.

To make things worse, the drenched panties clung onto their bare bottoms and it felt strange. If their legs had not gone limp, they would have long since run to the toilet and hid in there for all eternity, if possible.

However, everything made no difference at this point of time. The boys were more sensitive and an unspeakable omen budded in them.

One of the boys stared, fixated at the phone in his hands and exclaimed hoa.r.s.ely, "Cosmic storm!"

"It’s the cosmic storm Li Jiayu told us about! The sensation that swept through our bodies and interfered with the electrical appliances was the cosmic storm...."

"It’s over... Even the lights weren"t spared..."

"Everything Li Jiayu spoke of came true..."

Everyone exchanged glances, their hairs stood on ends and broke out in gooseb.u.mps. Terror was gradually setting in...

In the skies, gray clouds billowed like churning waves. Darkness loomed over everything, the winds howled and wept while dust drifted leisurely through the air. At a glance, the world had turned bleak, akin to a monochrome world.

Suddenly, lightning streaked across the skies, illuminating the distance in its grandeur.