Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 29

When they arrived at the 12th story, the sight of Fan Haiqiang"s corpse, that had been gnawed beyond recognition, caused the corners of his lips to curl up into a chilling smile.

Not only was Fan Haiqiang’s neck broken, his entire face had rotted completely. His nose, mouth and so on had all been digested by the spider. All that remained were gaping holes in his face that oozed with black blood. Not far away, there laid an eyeball.

With the exception of Li Jiayu and LZB, no one else had any idea the body belonged to the previous Vice Princ.i.p.al of Xijiang who had held great authority!


Looking at the gruesome spectacle at close-proximity, Shapeshifter Lan Xiaoyue could endure no more. She keeled over and puked after seeing the vividly colored intestines and organs that were scattered haphazardly across the ground. It was to the extent that she felt as though she was going to wet herself once more.


After the boys had noticed the Venomous Spider that feasted on Fan Haiqiang"s corpse, their bodies inevitably tensed up as their breaths turned hurried. According to Li Jiayu, Venomous Spiders were extremely quick on their feet and their mouthparts were located on the lower part of their heads. All it would take was a moment of carelessness to fall prey to their poisonous mandibles and within breaths, one would definitely die!

"When dealing with these creatures, raise your focus to 120%! Otherwise, even having 10 lives will be of no use!"

“These creatures are nimble, so you should be a beat quicker when dealing with them!”

Li Jiayu"s figure flashed and moved forward! The Venomous Spider seemed to have sensed danger and immediately turned around to dodge!

However, Li Jiayu was quicker!

Before the spider could even emit a screech, Li Jiayu had already brandished Frost Moon.


A streak of white light flickered.

Shortly afterward, the spider was turned into two clean halves of an ice sculpture in which one could vaguely make out the undigested human flesh sitting in the spider’s stomach!

“Did you see that? It’s just that simple. Be sharp-sighted and deft. Never allow your opponent any opportunity to react. Take the initiative to strike and they"ll turn into a herd of sheep waiting to be slaughtered!"

Li Jiayu poked at the spider’s carca.s.s with Frost Moon, wading through its brain paste with his blade. He had spoken casually after making sure there was no Essence Core in the spider.

“Yes, we saw it… Your movements are fast. There was not the slightest hint of sloppiness. Also, do you not think before drawing your sword?”

Ran Hongxia and the other fifteen axe-wielding people of the backup force watched Li Jiayu with an admiring gaze. They felt that his swordplay was smooth like flowing water and had a matchless speed that resembled a fleeting meteor. His combat awareness and skill in the sword was definitely something they looked up towards.

As they swept their glances about, everyone soon became stupefied!

There was a frozen carca.s.s of a Crimson Crowned Beetle!

Nevertheless, the Crimson Crowned Beetle still appeared exceptionally frightening even after its death!

That tapered longhorn and the sinister and grotesque-looking head... Its entirety exuded a terrifying aura that seemed to belong to a demon that had crawled out from the depths of the abyss!

Needless to say, everyone knew inwardly that this "Red Devil" had been done in by Li Jiayu!


"Only he could kill a Crimson Crowned Beetle!"

“There is no need for hesitation. You"ll get used to it over time after cutting enough people and nurturing a habit of uniting your body and mind. Remember, you"ll gradually understand what it means to "take action, then consider later"."

In fact, Li Jiayu’s sword did not seem all that fast. The only reason why he was able to achieve that was because of the total lack of hesitation in his sword. He had allowed his instinct to take over; his conditioned reflexes had calculated the angle and trajectory in which the blade should travel, while his eyes and hands" response coordinated extremely well.

So much so that it had already antic.i.p.ated the insect’s reactions!

Even without the indestructible Frost Moon, Li Jiayu could do it just as easily with an ax. Faced with trash-like insects such as the Venomous Spider, it did not a.s.sert any pressure on him. Even if he could not finish it in one blow, during a one on one battle, he could resolve it easily with three hacks of his ax.

“Why are you people still idling? Rest a.s.sured, you’ll have an opportunity to confront against them later… Be smarter! I’ll not be able to pay you guys much attention. So, if anyone dies, they only have themselves to blame…”

Li Jiayu took the lead and strode towards the 12 story"s corridor. Without turning back, he said,

“Even I, myself, do not have a complete grasp of escaping with my life intact… After all, there are over a hundred Venomous Spider roaming throughout the entire university and only G.o.d knows how many are in this building. If 10 rushes to me at once, I can only flee. In the case that four Crimson Crowned Beetles besiege us… our team of 20 may very possibly be annihilated completely.”

Li Jiayu"s words had rendered everyone utterly speechless.  At that moment, no one knew what to say either.

"Should we leave some last words lest we die in vain?"

After all, in comparison, the six Awakened had more of a chance at surviving, but the 15 axe-wielders would definitely suffer casualties. It was tough to say if half of them would emerge with their lives intact after this.

Hsiao Wanqing and Ran Hongxia who followed after Li Jiayu silently suddenly came to a realization! 

They had noticed that the corpse with a gaping throat wound, they had encountered earlier, wore a familiar western-styled suit. It was the signature outfit that a certain leader-figure of the school had always worn.

Something about it was incomprehensible. In the groin region of the corpse, there had been a large hole layered in white frost. 

Needless to ask, it was most likely that this person was wounded by Li Jiayu right before his death,

Looking at the situation…  Li Jiayu was not someone to be trifled with either...

However, now wasn"t the time to question him. The matter at hand took more priority and the pair hurriedly followed Li Jiayu to sweep up the insects,

The corridor on the 12th floor had originally been paved with marble and had usually been spotless. 

However, that had been before the insects ravaged it. At the moment, the pungent stench of blood permeated the air. It was so strong that it literally tested a person’s endurance. Everything in sight was caked in residues of flesh and blood. Who knew how many lives had been lost here...

The long corridor stretched 100m long and a murky light seeped in, illuminating the area.

The walls on both sides were splattered with a bone-chilling sight of congealed blood which had frozen over time.

The ground was strewn with scattered and smashed body parts: brain paste; intestines; bowels; and even entire limbs, like the thighs and arms.

Even the strongest of men would collapse with a single glance at this scene. Anyone who had been targeted by the Crimson Crowned Beetle would not have an intact corpse. The only remnants were probably sc.r.a.pped pieces of clothing and skulls that could not be digested.

The fishy, b.l.o.o.d.y scent which lingered in the air probably came from these body parts.

Meanwhile, the long hallway occasionally resounded with bitter cries. No one knew which cla.s.s the crying came from, perhaps the utility room or the toilet. One way or another, it was a scream that sent chills down one"s spine.

The faces of the squad paled. Despite steeling their hearts, their conviction could not help but shake as they began turning into nervous wrecks. Shapeshifter Lan Xiaoyue"s face paled as well and vomited incessantly. If Hsiao Wanqing had not been supporting her, she might have long since fallen limply to the ground.

Smelling a thick scent of blood, Li Jiayu shook his head helplessly,

“Depending on the situation… the Venomous Spiders on the 12th story will number at least 10. Never should they be underestimated… Take action! There may still be survivors still clinging onto life in the cla.s.srooms."

While they were having a conversation, Li Jiayu opened the first door cautiously. This room supposedly belonged to the "Supernatural Research Club". In there were people who fancied investigating any unscientific phenomena.

It was unfortunate that the club members could no longer hold any interest in researching the paranormal from now onwards.

Hsiao Wanqing, Ran Hongxia, and the remaining girls retreated after the door opened, evidently apprehensive of the scene that entered everyone"s sights. The strong stench of blood crashed over them like a billowing wave.

Inside the room, several tens of dismembered corpses laid in disorder with puddles of pus. 

Clearly, the people in this cla.s.sroom had already been ma.s.sacred by the insects! When the insects’ hunger and murderous cravings had been satisfied, they had probably left to another room.

Li Jiayu creased his brows and his eyes shone with a chilling light as he scoffed,

“All dead? Alright, let’s move onto the next room!”

Ran Hongxia heaved out a deep breath as she gradually adapted to the horrifying atmosphere. Her nervousness did not pale in comparison to Lan Xiaoyue’s. Her soft white hand was grasped onto the fire axe as though it was a straw of hope, so much so that her palm oozed with sweat.

The others held their breaths with stiffened bodies, their gazes congregating on LYX as if they were afraid a swarm of spiders would rush out after the door opened.

The second room was the “Buddhism Study Club”. When the door cracked open, the hiss of a spider suddenly resounded!

There was a total of 5 bodies!

There were still 2 Venomous Spiders!

At present, they were gnawing away at the stomach of a pregnant woman! In the stomach was...

“Teacher Jiang Lihua…”

Hsiao Wanqing’s beautiful face was instantly drained of color as her blood ran cold.

From that pregnant woman"s intact head, Hsiao Wanqing managed to recognize who she was!

It was a familiar face!

Xijiang University’s well-known English Professor whose popularity had spread through the southern province. It was said that she even acted as a translator for the provincial leader!

Near the age of 40, she had planned to start a family while working peacefully as an idle professor at Xijiang University. After getting married last year, she was now nine months pregnant. Who could"ve predicted that she would suffer such a fate just when she was near birth...

Li Jiayu’s expression changed. He would not feel a trace of pity even if he came across a dead body. However, a pregnant woman’s horrible death made Li Jiayu feel a little perturbed and he found it hard to maintain his cool.

“Darned it!” Emitting a low groan, Li Jiayu’s figure shifted forward. 

Sensing the change in atmosphere, the Venomous Spiders suddenly turned around and their beady scarlet red eyes stared straight at Li Jiayu who was lunging towards them. Their mandibles parted and emitted an unpleasant-sounding screech as though they were cheering after discovering a new and fresher prey.

Li Jiayu reappeared near the spider in a blink of an eye and lashed out fiercely with Frost Moon!


The reflected light of the frigid blade weaved back and forth and as Li Jiayu sliced the spider that launched at him, another seized the opportunity and bit toward his thigh!

“Get lost!”

Li Jiayu had worn a pair of thickened sports shoes. Due to the overwhelming force behind his kick, the Venomous Spider was sent flying several meters away with an injury to its head!

In the next moment, Dark Octopus rushed out from the back. Bellowing, Dark Octopus’s nine tentacles danced wildly as they dexterously hurled three fire axes, two chairs, and a subwoofer!

After being hit by so many “lethal weapons”, the Venomous Spider was riddled with injuries! Two b.l.o.o.d.y axes lodged themselves into its body and three of its appendages were weighed down by the subwoofer, so it could not run even if it wished to. It struggled helplessly to move those three legs, but they did not seem to have moved a dime.

“It seems… we need to increase our efficiency.”

Li Jiayu stepped forward and with his frigid blade lowered, he stabbed mercilessly into the Venomous Spider’s eyes, pierced its brains and gave it a couple of twists! When the sword was retracted, it brought with it the Essence Core of the spider!

Ran Hongxia watched on as Li Jiayu used a rag to pick up the Essence Core. Her eyes exposed a few points of tension and fear as she asked while trembling,

“How do we speed up?”

“There are probably over 20 rooms on the 12th floor… and if we included the utility room, washroom and so on, the numbers will probably increase, so we shall split into 3 teams!”

Li Jiayu placed the Essence Core into his pocket, b.u.t.toned the pocket up, then said solemnly,

“I’ll form a team with Hsiao Wanqing! Dark Octopus with 7 axe-wielders! You five Awakened and 8 axe-wielders with Draconian Chuxiang as the leader! 

"Using this three-p.r.o.nged attack, our safety may decline, but the 12th floor has only a few roaming spiders. Practice a little bit of caution and it should be fine! Let’s cut the nonsense and get into action! There should be quite a few survivors on the 12th story!”

Having said that, Li Jiayu was already tugging onto Hsiao Wanqing’s wrist and leaping out the door, like a gust of wind, toward another room.

The remaining few people with Dark Octopus stared at each other, then nodded, tacitly dividing into teams and moving as planned.