Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 6

If panic was what had previously overcome the students, then it was fear that now reigned over their hearts. They shook in their boots and watched with chattering teeth as the crimson beetles rushed up the stairway.

In only a few moments, resounding knocks began to echo throughout the entire first storey and the heavy impacts felt like merciless hammering on their hearts.

"They.. They must"ve reached the first door!"

"The students on the first floor must"ve locked themselves behind the doors but..."

"The prowess of the insects is terrifying! How could the monsters be obstructed by a mere door?!"

"s.h.i.t! My girlfriend"s cla.s.sroom is located on the first storey! Who is going to save her?"

Students started kneeling over powerlessly as though they were puppets with severed strings...

"Let’s lock our doors as well! It"ll resist for some time, at least. Let’s block the entrance with the desks and chairs as well! We"re on the sixth storey, so the bugs would definitely be less of a threat here!"

Sun Weiwei had not been elected the Cla.s.s President for nothing. She handed out commands but the students did not take any immediate actions. They simply stared toward Li Jiayu as if he was apparently someone more reliable.

"Locking is unnecessary. Just arrange the desks and form a fan-shaped array to obstruct the enemies... I will slaughter every beetle that enters through the door..."

Li Jiayu remained motionless like an unmovable mountain. His long raven-black hair danced wildly in the wind and his eyes were piercingly cold.

Sun Weiwei watched Li Jiayu. Her eyes flickered with an oddity as Li Jiayu gave her the feeling he was a completely different person. Although the Li Jiayu of the past had exquisite features, his kind and meek personality had made others look upon him as a feminine sissy. However, the way he acted now formed a stark contrast. He was decisive, domineering and exuded an irresistible charm.

"Ha?! No way! That is such a terrible idea!"

Chen Zhongliang, who was on bad terms with Li Jiayu, bounced out of the crowd and vehemently objected, "You think you"re a war G.o.d? There are at least a hundred of those monsters below! We"re separated by two main buildings, so there should at least be fifty insects that"ll head our way! FIFTY! That"s the equivalent of fifty mini tanks! The chances of us dealing with one of them are closer to impossible and you want to slaughter every last one that enters that doorway? Even if you"re invulnerable, you"ll also be left half dead!"

The students who heard his rebuke could not help but hesitate. Sure, Li Jiayu"s prophecies were incredible but he was a student after all. His personality and mannerisms were known to all - he was merely a weakling and his strength could not be credited!

As they were deep in thought, thunderous bangs came from the first floor!

The iron gate of a particular cla.s.sroom had apparently been mowed down by the onslaught of insects!

Shortly thereafter, waves and waves of desolate cries came from both males and females. The shrill screams that were laced with terror made their eardrums sting!

Soon, shrill screams of terror-stricken girls could be heard!

"Don"t eat me! Please don"t eat me!"

"This must be an illusion... Definitely an illusion!... ARGH!"

"Yang Zhisheng! You b.a.s.t.a.r.d, I.. AHHHHH MY LEG!!!!"

"Who is going to save us?! I don"t want to die so young!"

Throughout the entire school building, from the first storey to the thirteenth, everyone turned paled with the exception of Li Jiayu. Although they were not witnesses to the ma.s.sacre, the screams alone made them shudder in fear.

Worse of all... The insects had completely surrounded and barricaded them in. Escape was simply a wishful thought!

On the second and third stories, several female students had preferred to escape by leaping from windows. Unfortunately, the fall inevitably led them to their demise, shattering their limbs and rendering them immobile on the ground!

Those who witnessed the gruesome outcome of the injured students who had leapt off the building decided not to follow, as two beetles emerged soon after, chewing them to their deaths!

The situation was extremely dire as everything on the first floor had been swept clean by the insects. The unlucky students situated on the first story had undoubtedly been ma.s.sacred!

Despite being separated by 5 whole stories, the rich scent of blood still managed to find its way towards Li Jiayu"s cla.s.sroom.

"I am definitely not a G.o.d of war but my fighting capabilities exceed most of yours. I have a total grasp over the insect"s weaknesses and as long as I play the cards right, I still stand a chance."

Li Jiayu was at least seventy percent confident due to his vast amount of experiences. His path was literally intertwined with these wretched insects and he was already numbed to their existence... Even if he did not possess the capabilities of his past life, his fighting senses were still just as sharp and his combat prowess could even rival the ace forces of top countries.

"Okay, Chen Zhongliang, just stop it... I"ll trust Li Jiayu." Sun Weiwei spoke.

"Based on what?! He is only bluffing his way through. You can"t expect us to head into h.e.l.l with him! He is someone who couldn"t even complete a 1-kilometer run! How do I trust someone like that? Rather than placing your trust in him, believe me! I am the strongest in the cla.s.s, so that axe should be given to me! Hurry and give it up!" Chen Zhongliang hollered.

Sun Weiwei stood in between Li Jiayu and Chen Zhongliang, separating the two while glaring at the latter, "Chen Zhongliang, please have some self-respect!"

"You! Hmph! **[email protected]#! I, laozi [1], have long since seen you as an eyesore! No wonder you cheapened yourself and became willing to be someone"s mistress, you s.l.u.t! Li Jiayu is only a little handsome, yet you"re already guarding him so tightly! Did you take a fancy to him? You want him to protect you and then sleep with you?!"

"Chen Zhongliang, shut your mouth! I, Sun Weiwei, am not a loose woman! No wonder you acted like a crazed man who swallowed gunpowder. It’s because you"re jealous of Li Jiayu, angry that he stole your limelight! Something is wrong with you! I chose to trust Li Jiayu and you take it out on him! Are you even a man?!" Sun Weiwei was thoroughly angered.

"Chen Zhongliang, get out... This cla.s.sroom does not welcome you. You are lucky that I"m in a good mood... Otherwise, you"d be the first one to taste this axe!"

Li Jiayu merely eyed Chen Zhongliang but within an instant, the latter felt as though he"d been stabbed by countless swords. His hair stood on their ends and he decided to not go against Li Jiayu’s words.

Casting a cursory glance to the surrounding cla.s.smates, he noticed they favored Li Jiayu as well. Hence, he backed away while leaving a hateful remark. "Fine! I"ll go. Is that fine?! I"ll hide on the 13th story while you can all die on the 6th story, hmph!"

After Chen Zhongliang’s departure, Li Jiayu"s ears perked up as he looked out the windows.

"What"s wrong?" Zhou Jiamin enquired.

"Scythe Beetles! They"ve arrived..."

"What?! The Scythe Beetles that will decapitate me? Those Scythe Beetles?!" Zhou Jiamin began to wet herself again.

"Yes but they shall be my first sacrifice!"

A cold sneer emerged on Li Jiayu"s face. Licking his chapped lips, he gripped his fire axe tightly. "Additionally, it shall also become my first life-preservation tool in the apocalypse!"

As they listened to the encroaching buzzing "meng meng" sounds, a cl.u.s.ter of unknown black creatures loomed in the horizon and approached the building rapidly. In less than two seconds, they entered the students’ lines of sight!

There were black-colored beetles. Every one of them was the size of an office chair and had countless razor blades protruding from their carapaces. The most horrifying part of these monsters was their mouth which measured one meter long and looked just like two terrifying sickles, used solely for harvesting lives!

Scythe Beetles!

Harvesters of human flesh!