Arabic Authors

Chapter 16

"O bear with you my bones where the camel bears his load, And bury me before you, if buried I must be; And let me not be buried "neath the burden of the vine, But high upon the hill whence your sight I ever see!

As you pa.s.s along my grave cry aloud, and name your names, The crying of your names shall revive the bones of me, I have fasted through my life with my friends, and in my death I will feast when we meet on that day of joy and glee."

The French poet, Alfred de Musset"s, gentle verses in his elegy to Lucie, and which have been engraved on his tomb in Paris, at Pere-Lachaise, run as follows:

"When I shall die, dear friends, aslant My silent grave a willow plant; I love its foliage weeping near, To me its colour"s sweet and dear; Its shadow gray will lightly fall Upon my tomb--a mourning pall, And will likewise do the keeping Of the ground where I am sleeping."



_Published under the patronage of the Old Oriental Translation Fund_.

=From the Persian=.

1. Memoirs of the Emperor Jehanghir.

2. History of the Afghans.

3. The Adventures of Hatim Tai.

4. The Life of Sheikh Muhammad Ali Hazin.

5. Autobiographical Memoirs of the Moghul Emperor Timur.

6. The Life of Hafiz ul Mulk Hafiz Rehmut Khan.

7. The Geographical Works of Sadik Isfahani.

8. Firdusi"s Shah Nameh.

9. Private Memoirs of the Moghul Emperor Humayun.

10. History of the Mahomedan Power in India during the Last Century.

11. Customs and Manners of the Women of Persia.

12. Mirkhond"s History of the Early Kings of Persia.

13. The Political and Statistical History of Guzerat.

14. Chronique d"Abou Djafar Muhammad Tabari.

15. Laili and Majnun.

16. Practical Philosophy of the Mahomedan People.

17. Specimens of the Popular Poetry of Persia.

18. History of Hyder Naik, otherwise called Nuwab Hyder Ali.

19. The Dabistan, or School of Manners.

20. History of the Reign of Tipu Sultan.

21. Historical Memoirs of Early Conquerors of Hindustan, and Founders of the Ghaznavide Dynasty.

=From the Arabic=.

1. The Travels of Ibn Batuta.

2. Travels of Marcarius, Patriarch of Antioch.

3. The Algebra of Muhammad Ben Musa.

4. History of the First Settlement of the Mahomedans in Malabar.

5. Alfiyya, ou la Quintessence de la Grammaire Arabe.

6. Haji Khalfae Lexicon Encyclopaedic.u.m et Bibliographic.u.m.

7. The History of the Temple of Jerusalem.

8. Histoire des Sultans Mamelouks de l"egypte.

9. The History of the Mahomedan Dynasties in Spain.

10. El-Mas"udi"s Historical Encyclopaedia, ent.i.tled "Meadows of Gold and Mines of Gems."

11. Ibn Khallikan"s Biographical Dictionary.

12. Makamat, or Rhetorical Anecdotes of Abul Kasem al Hariri of Basra.

13. The Chronology of Ancient Nations, by Albiruni.

=From the Sanscrit=.

1. Kalidasae Raghuvansa Carmen.

2. Harivansa, ou Histoire de Famille de Hari.

3. The Sankhya Karika, or Memorial Verses on the Sankhya Philosophy.

4. Rig Yeda Sanhita.

5. k.u.mara Sambhava.

6. The Vishnu Purana, a System of Hindu Mythology and Tradition.

7. Sama Veda.

8. Kalidasa, the Birth of the War G.o.d.

=From the Chinese=.

1. Han Koong Tsew, or the Sorrows of Hen--a Tragedy.

2. The Fortunate Union--A Romance.

3. Hoe Lan Ki--A Drama.

4. Le Livre des Recompenses et des Peines.

5. Memoires sur les Contrees occidentales.

=From The j.a.ponais-Chinois=.

1. San Kokf Tsou Ban To Sets; ou, Apercu general des trois Royaumes.

2. Annales des Empereurs du j.a.pon.

=From the Turkish=.

1. History of the War in Bosnia during 1837-38-39.

2. History of the Maritime Wars of the Turks.

3. Annals of the Turkish Empire, A.D. 1591 to 1659.

4. Narratives of Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa.

=From the Armenian=.

1. The History of Vartan, and of the Battle of the Armenians.

2. Chronique de Matthieu d"Edesse.