Arachnids Don't Cry

Chapter 4

Obligatory Disclaimer : I do not own anything (except maybe OC characters) all characters, places, worlds, universes…etc mentioned here belong to their respective owners and/or companies.

This is purely a work of fiction. Not meant to offend or incite, but to entertain and maybe inspire.

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I silently crawled on the serene white, painted ceilings of the building. The Fisk tower, as the skysc.r.a.per was called was on the luxurious side of things. It seemed almost like a five-star hotel, instead of an office building.

I avoided the motion sensors of the security cams, counting each as I pa.s.sed. Making sure the numbers were consistent with what I knew.

The building was still occupied, mostly by the late night janitors and on the lower levels the thugs in suits that hung around the alcohol filled bars laughing and jeering in drunken abandon. And the scantily dressed women, with sensual bodies and seductive, inviting laughter, dancing –to the tunes blaring on a small speaker system– as if they had no bones. Office tables became a new dance floor for the erotic dancers much to the entertainment of said thugs. The smell of hard liquor, sweat and leather clouded the atmosphere.

I took account of their numbers, and their weapons. These were the low level thugs, the mere rabble, the disposable cannon fodder of the kingpin.

I crawled further. Pushing open a hard wooden door that led to the security room. The man behind the monitor, focused on one specific video feed of the dancing strippers. Too engrossed to notice me crawl up behind him. I placed two gloved fingers gently on his neck, like a doctor checking the pulse of his patient.

Frzz Yellow arcs of electricity jumped from my outstretched fingers and into his body, the point of contact being his neck.

He jumped up, startled "Ou--!" He fell back limply, unconscious and drooling.

His partner comes in with two mugs of black coffee. Tap "Jak--uk!" he falls to the floor from a focused finger tap –with the force of a punch– to the skull that would most likely leave him with a concussion and a very sore skull.

I caught both falling mugs and place them on the workstation. Taking out a flash drive from my utility belt, I plug it into the usb port and a interface appears on my hud. A download commences, all security cam videos and files stored on this and other computers connected to the server are being procured. It would take five minutes for it all to completely download. When it does, I"ll have everything and more on the kingpin I need to further nail him to the ground. And also a map of his empire and resources, and the people who he is in cooperation with.

I could go stealthily into his office and just shoot his head off. But I"m here to make a statement. A public one at that.

Five minutes pa.s.s in relative silence as quickly as time allows.

[Download complete] a notification alerted on my hud.

It"s time to get to work.


Black pellets roll across the marble tiled floor. Thick white smog expels from the pellets and begin to rapidly fill the room.

"Hey, who brought a fog machine?"

"Nice touch if you ask me hehe"

"Isn"t it a bit too much?"

"It is now"

The laughter and jeering stops. The music is still loud. The a tangible, palpable pressure becomes evident in the once free atmosphere.

It begins to register in their minds that something isn"t right.

Thwip! "Arghh!!" Thwip! "Shi--ggh!" The air cutting sound of web lines snagging foes is all they can hear next to screams. I navigate through the smoke, gracefully pouncing from one body to the next without even hitting the floor. My fists blurred from strikes, to palm chops, to slaps, bodies were hurled out the smoke smashing haphazardly against the walls and then glued to them by webshots.

"f.u.c.k!! It"s--urhk!"

"s.h.i.t just shoot the h.e.l.l--ugh!"

"W-what the hec--ahh!"

I headb.u.t.t the last off his feet. Disabling all remaining thugs on this level. With that done, I stare into the camera "I"m coming for you, Fisk"

I walked into the higher levels of the building.

My spidey sense rang. Brrzzzznn Groups of thugs with guns drawn all in wait for me.



A symphony of metal. I jumped and dived over hails of bullets. Ducking from pillar to pillar, avoiding those my superior physique enabled me to, and taking those I couldn"t in less fatal spots. I grit my teeth and then I struck, like a lightning bolt through paper. I broke a section of the pillar and tossed it, breaking up their group and severely injuring the ones impacted. A ma.s.sive web carpet snared them to the floor. Like rats caught on glue. Prey presented on a silver platter to a predator.

Electric arcs flashed and bodies convulsed, the sound of padded gloves against bare flesh resulted in the soft audible crunches of broken bones and crushed teeth. Like a well experienced conductor, my body moves in expert harmony—not wasting a single movement, I aim to deliver an unforgettable play.

"It"s not hum-!"

"Where is h--!"

"s.h.i.t! I don"t wanna di-!"

"Just shoot arg-!"

My point is sufficiently made.

I ascend the stairs, kicking the metal doors in.

Wrrbzz! I jumped to the left at the prompt of my spidey sense. Watching visible airwaves blow that section of the wall out.


"Heh, you"re not so scary." a man dressed in a purple jacket with dark pointed his silver arm mounted weapons at me. "Shocker"s the name. Know it, I"m the guy who"s gon kick your a.s.s" he sneered at me, I noticed the damp sweat drenched stench on him, it"s one of fear and nervousness.

Once again pointing his sonic gauntlets at me and firing an invisible wave of sound and pressure.

It was rattling. I had superior senses, I could hear it all very clearly. It was as nerve grating as metal roofing sheets together.

Vvmmmp! Vmmmp!

I dodged blasts and dashed at him, closing the distance between us.

Wrrbzzz my spidey sense rang! I leaped to the ceiling. Watching a neon blue arc of electricity cut through the walls and burn them. The smell of ozone and burnt wires now wafting through the hallway.

Crackle! Another man appeared, wrapped in blue electric arcs. His eyes without pupils, glowing a bright cyan blue. "This is going to hurt you real bad, ya wall crawling freak"

Vmmmp! I jumped to the side, avoiding another sonic attack and shot out a web line at electro, he sneered. "You think this is going to hurt me?"

"This will" I answered. Pushing my bioelectricity through the webs, yellow arcs of electricity ran over the length of the lines and then on electro. For a moment his sneer still remained "Tasers reall--Arrrghhh!!" he roared in pain as flashes of yellow danced around with his blue arc. His powers momentarily went out of control before burning out, leaving him with a lightning shaped scar on his forehead.

What I did was to overload his powers using my unique bioelectricity. I was prepared.

"Holy!" Shocker exclaimed, he increased the intensity of his attacks and expanded the area of effect, he"s scared so he"s aiming frantically, throwing all he has at me—his all isn"t enough.

Vmmmmmp! Vmmmmmmmpp! I jumped over the wide arcs of destructive air. Web lines shot out of my arms as I rolled in the air hitting the Shocker on the back. Using my momentum, I dragged the lines forward. Sending the Shocker slamming deep into the walls. He was out cold, I ran a scan over his weapons and liberated them from his unconscious body. I could improve on it and then add it to my own weapon a.r.s.enal.

A man comes bursting out of the last office door, leaving it a ma.s.s of splinters. He is like a jacked up version of Brock Lesnar, a gold chain hangs over his neck a glaring introduction of his moniker. The Ox.

Kingpin"s right hand man, and main muscle, has superior durability and strength. Estimated to lift about a ton.

He rushes to tackle me. On any normal occasion, I can easily lift 60 tons- and he isn"t that heavy.

Spider fact : I can activate my grip powers on biological matter as long as I have contact with it, the same way I do to walls and other surfaces.

I latch my hand over his face and whip him over -using his momentum against him- the floor caves in from the force, he is injured and disabled. I web him up just to restrain him.

I walk forward, splinters crushing beneath my feet as I step into the wide luxurious office. The sight of New York at night seen through the gla.s.s panes of the tall building is one to behold.

A large bear like man easily rises from his feet and takes off his coat. His glinting eyes trailed on my even though the helmet.

"Mr Fisk" I nod at him, like we weren"t even enemies.


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Zusammen bonjour! Mom amigos.

Konnichiwa, my people. Rain here. Just managing to push through another chapter. You guys had surprising reviews for me. I didn"t think you"d like this as much as the others, but alas I was mistaken.

Tell me your thoughts on the chapter, leave a comment and a review to let me gleam at your mind. Hit the favorite b.u.t.ton and the follow b.u.t.ton. It gives me energy!!

And vote, vote like you"ve never voted before. Vote for it, like you wanted boa Hanc.o.c.k and luffy to get together.

Obligatory rhyme, I"m not a king. I"m an emperor. I"ve got two dogs I suspect of being lions, they Roar instead of barking. I"m coming in from the back end, like a rejected bullet. I stun and then kill.

Booyah! Rain away!