
Chapter 123

"Hmm Morgana doesn"t seem to be on our house tables....." Helen and Grace said as we began recovering our dinner.

"Hmm maybe we should check the Kraken table..." Daisy suggested.

"Hey guys!!!" Ben waved at us from another table.

"Hey!!!" we shouted back waving.

Suddenly a ball of paper floated past me towards Ben. Turning around to find the source of the ball, Jay was holding out his wand pointed towards Ben. "Ohhh what"s on the paper??..." I asked curiously.

"Nothing just telling him that if he"s free meet us outside after dinner." Jay answered.

"Hmmmm....." Daisy hummed looking for Morgana.

"Don"t see her??...." I asked after waiting a few seconds.

"Hmm... don"t think so....." she replied.

"Isn"t there a way to..... Locate her magically??..." I questioned everyone.

"I would need to see her first sadly...."Grace chuckled.

"Yah same here....." Helen answered also.

"What I can do isn"t much help either... but I can give it a try." Daisy answered.

"What can you do?"I asked curiously.

"It"s a bit weird....but if I focus I can sense good and evil." Daisy answered closing her eye..... " expected too many pings..... I can"t tell which one is Morgana." Daisy answered Looking around.

"If I could see her, I could mark her ... but I"ll need to see her first." Grace chuckled.

".... lemme go search for her....." I said pushing away my plate and stood up.

"She"s probably gonna be at the Kraken table." Jay advised as I went to look for her.

Just by glancing at the tables there was a common demographic between the tables.... Dragons seem to be rich and aristocratic, judging by the way they dress and sit, and Kraken"s seem like rowdy ruffians.... and Phoenix just looked like normal everyday people.

"Ummm excuse me.... have you seen a girl.... her name is Morgana..... Black hair.... a little taller than me...." I said to the first student at the end of the table.

"Take a look...yourself" he said gesturing for me to look over the table and went back to his dinner.
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"Ummmm... okay thanks....." I said being kind to him despite his rudeness, taking a quick glance I decided to walk back to the other.

"I don"t think she"s here...." I replied to everyone.

"Hmmmm..... I wonder what she"s up to..." Daisy wondered.

"I wonder if we really hurt her feelings earlier...." Helen questioned.

"Yeah let"s be sure to have a good apology next time we see her." Jay said.

"Agreed." We all agreed with Jay.

"I wonder if the school even has any matched catalogued…." Helen pondered.

"Yeah let"s make a move before all the rooms get taken." jay advised.

"Yeah that sounds like a good idea." Grace answered quickly standing up.

Together we all began making our way to the simulation room keeping an eye out for Morgana but to no avail. A part of me wondering what Paul was doing.... for some reason I hoped I"d see him around more, like when we used to go school together.

"Ohhhh we"re in luck looks like most students are still eating." Jay notified us as he used the console. "Okay.... second floor room 4." Jay said touching the screen.

"Let"s go!!!" Daisy grabbed me rushing up filled with excitement.

As we entered the room it felt extremely weird, the pristine white floor, walls and ceiling melded together perfectly making almost indistinguishable unable to size up the true scale and size of the room.

"Computer are there any Champions of Xoria matches stored?.." Jay yelled out asking the computer.

"Yes we have a complete catalogue of the last five years." The feminine computerised voices answered jay.

"Can we watch the most recent one???.." Jay asked.

"Affirmative... we have two stored memories open for public use.... Paul Phu and Scarlet." The computer answered causing us to all look at each other in shock but also excited, "Shall we?..." Jay asked.

"Sure!!!!!" we all answered.

"Paul please....." Jay requested.

"Affirmative." The computer answered as the room began shifting and that familiar feeling began creeping in.

"Seriously????... Even in memories as well...." Jay cursed as he took out his coin.

"What on earth is she...." grace said also reaching into her pocket. Similarly reaching for my coin also focusing to activate it, the feeling of dread and fear vanished.

Looking around we was in what I could best describe was a private viewing box with just Paul, Ashley and Scarlet on the side of the Colosseum giving us a perfect view of everything.

"Woah..... How rich are these guys???..." Jay said taking a seat.

"Wow these seats are reserved for important people normally...." Grace and Helen said. "Even our families won"t be able to book these.." they added.

"Woooooo" Daisy screamed getting pumped with the whole atmosphere of the Colosseum.

I couldn"t help myself but stare at Paul a little... the small scar near his eye brow he got as a kid, the ring and cufflinks I got him.... even the necklace his late mum got for him.... I couldn"t help but wonder what happened to him…..

"Hey Emilia you Okay??....." Jay yelled out over the crowd.

"Yeah all good." I answered him taking a seat with the others.

"This is gonna be great!!!" Grace yelled as hyped as Daisy.

"So how does this tournament work??!" I asked curiously.

"So this is the top 16 fighters... all year partic.i.p.ants attend different venues and duel other Contestants earning point. At the end of the Season the top 16 partic.i.p.ants with the highest scores duel one on one in a knock out tournament." Jay explained.

Fireworks and lights and sounds began erupting from the centre of the Colosseum and illusions began appearing in the air above us like large TVs. With a thunderous boom a well-dressed gentleman with goat horns on his head appeared dressed in every extravagant clothing and jewels, with dark redskin and purple eyes. "Welcome everyone to the annual champions of Xoria!!!" His voice boomed causing everyone to roar in excitement.

"Without further ado lets welcome our first two contestants, Rank7 all the way from the Bitter mountains in the north Yaksha the rage of the North!!!!!!" the Colosseum erupted in cheer as an oddly grey skinned female human with long wavy pitch black hair emerged from a magical blue door similar to a spell Jay used, walked out wearing a leathery brown skirt, boots and brackets lined with white fur and a simple clothes wrapped tightly around her chest. Her physique was extremely muscular reminding me of Abbraxoths extremely huge and daunting physique, but with tribal tattoos running down the sides of her neck all throughout her body. Wielding a large double sided axe on her back and a slightly smaller hammer on her side with a coiled metal chain attached to the handle.

"And her opponent from the far eastern isles Rank 5 Bo Master of the Seventh wind." The announcer introduced as an Asian female stepped out noticeably shorter than Yaksha. A part of me instantly wondered if she would even stand a chance..... She was noticeably shorter and obviously physically weaker..... Her body was more slender like the shape of a model with no visible weapon. All she wore was a simple crop top covering her chest with baggy leggings and bandages wrapped around her hands and feet.